In the world of Detective Conan.


Conan looked at the video in the sky in disbelief.

And then.

Turning his head to the right, he looked at Kogoro Maori, who was yawning.

He couldn't have imagined it.

Mori Kogoro turned out to be such a person.

His face was full of confusion.

In the end, this confused detective is the real Maori Kogoro Uncle.

Or is it that the brave and resourceful person mentioned in the video in the sky is the real face.

However, just as Conan pondered the matter.

But they simply ignored it.

There was also an angry woman beside him.

Because the most hated thing for a woman.

It's the man he loves.

I deceive myself very deeply.

Not to mention.

Kudo Shinichi didn't tell himself the secret that he was Conan for the first time.

Instead, he used the fake name of Edogawa Conan to deceive himself.

Like this dog man who actively cheats.

Maolilan really wanted to kick him out of his house.

Seeing his daughter angry.

Mori Kogoro sighed helplessly.

Picking up a beer bottle from the table, he took a few sips.


breathed a sigh of relief.

He then pinched Conan's head and turned to his daughter.

It was only at this time that Conan noticed that something was wrong with Maolilan's mood.

Instead, he asked, confused.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you. "

Maolilan laughed angrily at the dog man.

"What's the matter, should I call you Conan or Shinichi Kudo?".

That's when Conan realized a problem.

My vest was blown up.

Oh, my God.

Moriran knew she was Shinichi Kudo.

That's too bad.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched slightly.

Keep backing up.

"Xiaolan, listen to me, I wanted to tell you about this just now, but I was stopped all the time, so I didn't..."

Maolilan was already in a state of extreme anger at this time.

Where can I listen to Kudo Shinichi's quibble!


Yuan Zi looked at the video in the sky at this moment, and was extremely angry.

Clenched the little iron fist.

Dragged Kyogoku Shin to the side.

At this time, Kyogoku really followed the garden with a blank face.

I don't know where the garden is going.

As a straight man of steel.

The kind that is more steel than steel bar.

Even if his girlfriend is going to rob a bank now.

He's going to have to help.

So Kyogoku Shin followed Sonoko and got into the car.


didn't have time to ask when I was on the road.

"Where are we going?"

Yuan Zi said indignantly.

"We're going to kill that dog man for Xiaolan!".

Kyogoku real people are stupid.

He doesn't know anything.

After all, he was the one who devoted all his thoughts to the garden.

Where is the mind to pay attention to other things.

Even if Maolilan is the best friend of the garden.

He didn't care at all.

I don't even know about the stories that happened between Maoliran and Kudo Shinichi.

Sonoko said angrily to Kyogoku.

"When you see that little guy Conan, you will give him a beating up for me, this guy dares to deceive my sister, I will let him spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair!".

When Kyogoku heard this, he patted his chest on the spot and said.

"I'll leave this matter to me, as long as it's what you want to do in the garden, I'll do it. "

Kyogoku really took everything that the garden said seriously.

After all, this is a fierce man who can appear instantly when the garden is in danger.

It is also the existence of being able to easily catch bullets with bare hands.

It doesn't matter if you close your eyes and face a dozen guns.

You can kick a broken stone pillar with a single kick.

It was ten big and a stone pillar that might not be able to hold around together.

In order to catch Kidd the Monster Thief.

He kicked one off.

One kicked a dozen in a row.

If only he did kick Conan.

I'm afraid it's not that Conan will really spend the rest of his life in the inpatient department.

Sonoko coughed lightly as she thought of this question.

"Don't do it for the time being, wait for my signal. "

Yuan Zi is really afraid of this boyfriend of his own.

It really knocked Conan flying!


Kidd the Monster Thief looked at the video in the sky, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Conan, that guy didn't let himself do what Kudo Shinichi did to deceive Xiaolan.

He had told Conan a long time ago.

It simply won't work.

Mao Lilan, this little girl, although she looks dull and stupid.

But once it comes to Kudo Shinichi, it becomes sharp in an instant.

Seamless camouflage technique on their own.

I couldn't fool Maorilan.

Every time she cheats herself, Xiaolan can always detect that something is wrong.

After all, Kudo Shinichi has been with Maolilan's childhood sweetheart for so many years.

Kidd the Strange Thief hummed a ditty at this time.

Originally, I was going to steal something tonight to continue my professional behavior as a thief Kidd.

But now he has changed his mind.

He wanted to go to Shinichi Kudo.

Let's take a look at what is called Hell Shura Field.

I guess that place must be very, very interesting.


In the midst of the winery.

Vodka and Gin two people sit there watching the video in the sky.

Vodka asked suddenly.

"Big brother, do you think Maori Kogoro will be the most senior member of our black-clad organization?"

Gin was confused by this question.

Because Gin never thought of such a thing.

Gin was silent for a moment, and no matter how he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong.

He looked at the vodka with suspicion on his face.

I thought that this guy vodka would follow him loyally.

How did you suddenly say something like this.

He's not usually interested in the things in the organization.

But why do we know so much now?

In an instant.

Gin wants to knife this guy.

Then he was identified.

However, he silently stared at the vodka, which brought great oppression to the vodka.

Vodka smiled wryly.

took out his phone and said to Gin.

"I just checked on the Internet, in the ancient country of the East, there are a lot of wine, the name of Maori Kogoro, all of them are composed of wine, Mao is Moutai, Li is liqueur, Xiao is a little confused god, five is Wuliangye, Lang is Lang wine, the names of the members of our organization are all replaced by wine, so Maori Kogoro is not the most senior member of our organization, it is really worthy of being a senior member of our organization, even the disguise of the name is so seamless. "

Vodka said this with a vibrating voice.

Gin was almost laughed at.

God his meow Maotai and the little foolish god.

Wuliangye is even more excessive.

Senior members or something.

No way, absolutely impossible.

Gin put his mind at ease.

Vodka is still as stupid as it used to be.

Never mind.

The stupider it is, the better it is for him.

After all, all he needed was a partner who could help him with other things.

There are a lot of traitors in the organization these days.

Gin sighed slightly.

"Vodka, what do you think of our organization now? "

Vodka touched his head.

"I think it's good. "

Gin smiled slightly wryly.

"I think that in addition to the traitors in our organization, the

boss and we are our own people, and in the huge black-clothed organization, I think 99% are traitors and undercover agents!".

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