Gintama World.


Sakata Gintoki laughed heartily and laughed at that called an extremely rampant.

"The big bird !!




"Ash, where the are you!!



Shinpachi looked at him with a broken face.

"It's over, it's over, it's over. "

"Ah Yin is stupid. "

"The house of all things is disbanded like this!!".


The next day.

Ski slopes.

Sakata Gintoki is a general who is wearing a ski suit and stepping naked.

"Anyway, you and I should be careful. "

The people next to him were stupid.

"Wait a minute!!That's the general!!


I saw Sakata Gintoki stepping on the general all the way down.

The people of the True Selection Group are crazy about chasing the director.

"Director, stop!!".

"Damn, it's too fast to catch up!!".

Sakata Gintoki stepped on the general and rushed directly past them.

Just when they were about to ask Sakata Gintoki to help, they found out.

Sakata Gintoki stepped on the general's !!

The deputy chief in order to be able to catch up with Gintoki Sakata.

So he stepped directly on the director's body.

The two of them chased each other while skiing.

But at the moment when they were about to fall off the cliff.

Sakata Gintoki accidentally found out.

As long as you pull the general's underwear, the speed can be reduced a little.

What the.

He unexpectedly found a human skis that his underwear could control.

Could this be the legendary prostate brake!!!!

"But there seems to be something strange, why is there a very strange ditch!!


Sakata Gintoki said indifferently.

"It could be brake marks. "

The deputy chief is numb.


Which part of the human body has a brake?

Sakata Gintoki shouted loudly directly.

Prostate brake !!!!


brake !! that stimulates the prostate gland by pulling on the underwear


Right now.

The two of them noticed that something seemed to be wrong.

There was a pool of red blood in the white snow.


It's two stalls !!!

"Oops, the brakes are broken!!!


The two of them rushed straight to the bottom of the cliff!

The moment you crawl out of the snow.

Sakata Gintoki looked at the video in the sky and said with heartfelt emotion.

"Why don't I meow Ba Da Die!!!


The deputy chief looked at the half-dead appearance of the director and the general.

He covered his eyes and burst into tears.

"General!!! Director !!!!


He threw up his head and shouted.

Please let the general and the bureau chief be reincarnated as Dabi Eagle !!!!

in the future


In the world of Honkai Impact III.


"Compared to the mark of these people. "

"How can a momentary success or failure be used as a proof of hero!!".

"How can a momentary success or failure mean that they will not be able to overcome their own !! in the end."

"You can't deny them !!."

"You can't deny anyone's !!."


"I'll definitely find your !! with Kiana".

However, just as she was pretending.

A voice rang out!

"Krishna !!!! hardened !!!!".

"Kill him !!".


In the world of Journey to the West.


Tang Seng rode a white horse.

Sun Wukong carries his own golden hoop stick.

At this time, Tang Seng looked at the sky thoughtfully.

said to Sun Wukong suddenly.

"Wukong, how do you say you should evolve into a fiery monkey. "

Sun Wukong turned his head to look at his master.

He stared at Tang Seng's eyes very seriously.

The dog's eyes seemed to say.

If you push it again.

I don't necessarily have to be a hot monkey.

But I can definitely turn you into a centaur warrior !!

The next day.

Sun Wukong said to Tang Seng that he was going to the village next to him to make a fortune.

So he made a circle for Tang Seng.

"Bald donkey... No... Master... You stay in this circle, as long as you don't get out, the monster can't take you. "

Tang Seng was expressionless.

"But last time..."

Tang Seng recalled that the last time Sun Wukong also used the same trick.

Let yourself sit in that circle.


Sun Wukong went for a day and didn't come back overnight.

Those monsters were all around Tang Seng's side.

Crazy sucking oxygen next to Tang Seng.

tried to suffocate Tang Seng to death.

Thinking of that experience, Tang Seng still had palpitations.

"Wukong, otherwise you can draw this circle a little bigger, and it will be more convenient for you to be a teacher at that time. "

Sun Wukong plucked his ears and was a little impatient.

"You want convenience, don't you?"

I saw him pull out a night pot.

"Here you go, use this convenience for convenience. "

Tang Seng was silent.

"Wukong, being a teacher

is not Ash, and being a teacher is not a scumbag, why does Wukong want to be so good as a teacher. "

Sun Wukong was really annoyed by Tang Seng's endless ramblings.

"Okay, good, good, I'll let you go wherever you want this time!!


When Sun Wukong left, Tang Seng stayed in place.

Sun Wukong also left him a circle as usual.

Tang Seng also stayed in the circle obediently.

But under that circle, it seems... It's a robot vacuum cleaner!!!!

Tang Seng waited for Sun Wukong to look at the sky after walking away.

There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"It's really hard for us to be Pokémon summoners. "


The video from heaven continues to play.


Ash's long-tailed hand is also mischievous at first.

Likes to snatch Ash's hat.

And as a female Pokémon's long-tailed monster hand.

I like Ash very much.

However, there was one time when the Longtail Hand was playful.

Steal a crown to use to bring it on.

However, after wearing the crown, he could not take it off because of it.

In the end, it was successfully removed by relying on the effect of super sour fruit.

Otherwise, the Longtail will become the queen of the entire village.

Accompanied by the constant mischief of the long-tailed monster hand.

This made Ash decide to subdue the long-tailed monster hand and cultivate it well in the future.

The Longtail is certainly willing to take risks with Ash.

And later accompanied Ash to another region to continue the fulfillment.

However, compared to the gym race.

The Long-Tailed Monster is actually more yearning for the Gorgeous Tournament.

Because of this, Ash changed the long-tailed monster hand to Xiaoguang.

After evolving into a twin-tailed monster.

The long-tailed monster hand has been exposed to the sport of Pokémon Ping Pong.

The Longtail has finally found a new purpose of his own.

In the end, I decided to work out at the table tennis training center.

Aim to become a Pokémon table tennis player and work hard.

That's it.

The Long-Tailed Monster Hand officially said goodbye to Ash.


Ash was left with a Radha who had been in his team for the shortest time.

At the time, a trainer expressed admiration for Ash's Ba Da Die.

I want to exchange it with a Lada.

So Ash agreed to the exchange in a daze.

Briefly owned the Lada.

However, because he was reluctant to give up Ba Da Die.

In the end, the exchange came back.

When traveling in Orange Island.

Ash encounters some guys who are bullying a young Laplace.

Laplace at that time was very distrustful of humans.

But under Ash's many times of rescue and care.

Laplace was voluntarily subdued by Ash.

However, Laplace spends most of his time being used by Ash as a mount for ocean travel.

The rest of the time was largely forgotten by Ash.

However, Laplace's combat effectiveness is still quite strong.

In the end, Ash still puts Laplace back with his companion.

After all, Pikachu is true love!

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