In the world of spies.


Dusk showed the same look that had been bothering him all along.

Now he finally knew the so-called answer.

"It turns out that Ania only knew the answer to that crossword puzzle by cheating!".

After all, Dusk has always believed in her own vision.

I remembered how Ania had behaved unintelligently before.

He didn't look like a genius child at all.

Dusk can only comfort yourself with a very good possibility.

It's because Ania is too young.

So it's not obvious that it's smart.

Now dusk finally knows.

It's not obvious what kind of cleverness is here.

It's clear that Ania isn't smart at all.

Dusk remembered what it was like when she used to teach Ania to draw.

Ania painted something.

It can be said that he is a master of abstraction.

Picasso couldn't reproduce something.

Picasso if he had seen Ania after he had painted it.

I can't wait to open the coffin board and find Ania directly.

If you can't just paint, forget it.

In terms of music, it is even worse than anything else.

A good violin is like playing wood.

Ania not only broke the saltiness of the violin one by one.

And Ania still feels like she plays.

It was perfect.

A face full of compliments.

Dusk couldn't help but sigh slightly when she thought of this.

"I used to trust you so much, my daughter. "

Ania had a look on her face that she had done something wrong.

But just Ania thought. 、

I have now exposed the fact that I am a little waste.

Then his father must not be good with him anymore.

But right now.

Ania heard an inner voice from dusk.

"If such a daughter is really inexplicably cute, it would be nice if it was really my daughter, but it's a pity that I have to leave after the mission. "

At dusk, his brows were furrowed, and his expression was unusually deep.

This is the expression he makes when he is used to thinking.

If others saw it, they would definitely think that he was very angry and angry now.

But at this time, Ania had a happy smile on her face.

Because Dad was worried about himself.

Dad likes himself too.

Ania had a cheering look on her face.

Then it clinged to Dusk's body.


Ania clung to her father and beckoned her mother to come too.


At this moment, although they are in deep danger.

But inexplicably I feel that each other and each other's hearts are closer.

There is no way to take this little guy at dusk.

I had to rub her head gently.

"Since my spy identity has been revealed, we have to get out of the country quickly. "

Dusk looked at Mrs. Joel, who had an ugly face next to her.

He didn't know how to face the wife in front of him.

Although they are just pretending to be married for each other's purposes.

But after such a long time together, Twilight actually had a certain affection for Mrs. Joel.

After all, it's really hard to find a girl like Mrs. Joel in this world.

But since he is a spy, the other party is a killer, if not the same passerby.

Maybe one day they will draw their swords against each other or even fight each other.

"So let's stop there. "

Dusk uttered these words.

His heart gradually cooled.

Maybe after today's parting.

When they meet again, they will be rivals.

Wait until then to say some goodbye.

The atmosphere became a little heavy in an instant.


At this time, Mrs. Joel gently held the twilight.

"Husband, let's go together. "

Dusk doesn't know why.

At this moment, his heart should have been full of war.

I was relaxed.

There was even some euphoria.

He looked Mrs. Joel in the eye.

It becomes gradually soft and full of love.

Although it is very likely that Mrs. Joel followed her in order to take advantage of the opportunity to kill herself.

But so what.

There was a hint of a smile on Dusk's face.

Then he covered his face with a hat.

And instructed the two women to be cautious as well.

Try to observe if there are no stalkers around.

After doing all this, they sat in the car at dusk.

Conduct an orderly evacuation towards a safe location provided by the organization.


Those from a hostile intelligence organization in Twilight's organization.

It's already burned.

They looked at the video in the sky, and their faces were full of incredulity.

"That legendary spy, the guy with an almost 100% mission completion rate, is actually performing such a strange mission, what the hell is this guy going to do!".

Another spy quickly deduced from the clues.

What exactly does Twilight want.

That's going to that private school.

And the son of the successful approach to the goal.

In this way, they can have a short contact and communication with each other.

Therefore, the information from the other party's mouth is obtained.

In order to be able to get close to this goal.

Dusk has made a very, very big effort.

So in order to be able to accomplish this goal the first step.

It's about picking a smart and clever girl.

That's how you can get this information.

The intelligence officers gasped.

"The little guy is uncontrollable, Dusk, this guy is the top intelligence officer, is he crazy, how can he let the child cooperate with him to complete such a difficult thing, not to mention that it is ridiculous to want the child to carry out the spy mission, the child is the kind of extremely unstable, and it is very easy to expose the existence of the target!"

Just as they discussed.

The head of the intelligence agency.

With a gloomy look on his face.

He was straight to the point of view with the crowd in the discussion.

Tell Aniah's true identity.

It was an experiment from a research institute.

This girl has the ability to read minds.

No one's mind can escape Aniah's mind-reading.

So once Ania successfully approaches the goal.

You can easily get the so-called information.

This is an extremely fatal blow to the intelligence staff of any agency.

He couldn't help but sigh deeply.

I feel that life is impermanent, and the large intestine encloses the small intestine.

These intelligence officers are desperately trying to get information.

However, Ania only needs to stand in front of the target.

Let the other party think of something about intelligence.

This ability makes it easy to get the most accurate alerts.

It's like killing all the intelligence agents of the intelligence agencies in seconds.

He directly said that we should simply disband and forget !!

These intelligence officers were unconvinced.

"But even if Ania has the ability to read minds, if Ania wants to get information, he

must go to the target's side, and successfully cause the target to think about the so-called mission, if there is no way to complete such conditions, Ania will not be able to obtain information at all. "

The person in charge sneered slightly.

He said it bluntly.

There was also a dog in the same batch as Aniah.

And this dog's abilities are even more outrageous.

It is the ability to accurately predict what will happen in the future.

He directly asked these intelligence officers.

If the dog's abilities and Aniah's abilities are combined with each other.

What will happen !!!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This means that Ania doesn't need to do anything, just take the dog close to the target, and can easily know all the information by reading the future, it's really scary!!


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