The video continues to play.


In order to do experiments.

He found a very, very ambitious guy.

That's Danzo.

Although it is said that this guy is evil.

A lot of thoughts.

But there is not much conflict of interest with Orochimaru.

The two worked very happily together.

Orochimaru is responsible for studying intercolumnar cells.

Danzo is responsible for providing the funds.

There are also materials that will be used in the experiment.

In a short period of time.

They've done hundreds of cell transplant experiments.

But alas.

The results of these experiments were all failures.

What they are using is a living baby.

And none of these children survived.

The cruelty of this experiment is simply outrageous.

Orochimaru got a statistic out of these failed experiments.

That is, it is completely unreliable to use intercolumnar cells for immortality.

So he gave up on continuing the experiment.

It's just that Orochimaru doesn't know about the intercolumnar cell transplantation case.

Although all the data points to failure.

But one test subject survived.

It became a successful experiment!


Orochimaru stole all of Konoha's forbidden ninjutsu.

He looked at those who were powerful.

But it was a sealed ninjutsu.

Suddenly, a very mysterious thought appeared in my heart.

That is, he felt that this ninjutsu path was so vast.

He was a man who had no way to live forever.

There's no way to learn all the ninjutsu in this life.

If there is eternal life.

Then you can realize this pursuit.

After secretly learning these ninjutsu.

A greater desire for eternal life arose in his heart.

He wanted to live longer.

Allow yourself to learn more about the mysteries of ninjas!

After this.

Orochimaru continues to stay in Konoha Village.

And although there are no experiments on intercolumnar cells.

But he is secretly conducting experiments that allow him to live forever.

He is secretly studying ninjutsu based on what he has learned.

Unexpectedly, the matter of doing human experiments by himself was discovered by his teacher, the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

In fact, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash were quite supportive of Orochimaru's experiments at the beginning.

Because he also wanted to know if his apprentice could take a different path.

But what he never expected was.

This apprentice of his own has begun to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

He's just too rational.

He had no mercy for the living.

A lot of human experiments have been conducted.

The moment this matter was revealed, it meant that Orochimaru had no way to stay in the village.

The three generations of Hokage apes Fei Hiza personally led the team to Orochimaru's laboratory.

And the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash when facing this apprentice of his past.

He obviously has a chance to kill him here.

But he hesitated.

In his heart, he still remembered the old master-apprentice relationship.


It's this short period of distraction.

Just let Orochimaru seize the opportunity and turn around and run.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash even if they want to catch up again.

There's no way to find Orochimaru.

No one knows whether it was the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash who deliberately let go of Orochimaru or unintentionally?

After leaving Konoha.

That's really the so-called high mountains and wide seas, allowing fish and birds to fly.

Ape Fei Sun Slash did this.

In fact, it is a great thing for Orochimaru.

Although Orochimaru has no way to use Konoha's resources for experimental research.

But he had more subjects to experiment with.

And don't worry that in Konoha you will be found by Sarutobi and others anytime and anywhere, and then interrupt your research!

He found himself a very, very promising experimental partner.

Medicine Bag.

Yakushidou is an orphan.

Adopted by Tuan Zang since childhood.

Joined the root organization of the group.

Secretly groomed to become a double agent.

Wander through the villages and know a lot of secrets.

But because there are so many secrets to know.

Therefore, he will be destroyed by Tuanzang.

That is, in this case.

Orochimaru suddenly found him.

In fact, the two have met once before.

On the battlefield of the ninjutsu war.

When the pharmacist is bandaging the wounded.

Orochimaru once praised him.

It is precisely because he was praised by Orochimaru, one of the three ninja legends.

Yakushidou has a very, very high affection for this Sannin-sama in his heart.

Now the other party is not only willing to accept themselves and help them.

And Orochimaru is also willing to treat him as his own son and brother.

This made Yakushidou begin to follow the Great Snake Pill with all his heart.

Help Orochimaru get the experimental materials and various information he wants.

To say that this pharmacist is actually a very powerful existence.

Although on weekdays he doesn't seem to be at all inconspicuous.

But actually.

He is a double agent cultivated by the group.

In just a few years, he was arranged to infiltrate various villages.

to gather all kinds of intelligence.

It can be said that most of the secrets of the entire ninja world have been known by him.

That's why.

That's why Danzang wanted to get rid of him.

However, this guy had no idea that his plan would not only be successful.

and was stabbed in the back by his old partner Orochimaru.

The elite talents that Tuanzang has cultivated for many years have been included in his bag in this way.

And he learned from the mouth of the medicine man.


is even an organization in this world called the Akatsuki Organization.

This Xiao organization is incredible.

All of them are talented.

It sounds good.

It's not a human thing to do.

There are those who engage in the worship of evil gods.

There are people who kill people every day to make money.

There are paper-cuts every day that waste money there.

There are also those who engage in explosions and art there.

In short, there are too many talents here.

Orochimaru didn't even think that he was a pervert in that organization.

And so.

Orochimaru found the leader of the other party very smoothly.

And immediately said that he wanted to join it.

The leader of the Xiao organization took a look.


I'm looking for talent everywhere to grow their organization.

I didn't expect it to be delivered to my door.

This is one of the three ninjas of the dignified Konoha .

The name is very big.

So he was taken in as a matter of course.

During the period when Akatsuki organized this organization.

Orochimaru's experiment was a waste of money.

His research focuses on reincarnation.

There is also a variant ninjutsu of filthy earth reincarnation.

If it weren't for the Xiao organization, there was a little money-making expert in this organization.

There is also a rich woman who is particularly rich.

I'm afraid Orochimaru won't be able to study the ninjutsu of reincarnation of the dirty earth so thoroughly so quickly.

And it's really amazing ninjutsu - no corpse reincarnation.

This rebirth is amazing.

Even if the person is dead.

Souls can also be transferred to another person's body through a spell seal.

Perform a rebirth.


As long as the spell is not removed.

Then he can live forever.

This is an alternative method of immortality.

The current Orochimaru can basically be regarded as the entire ninja world.

As long as you don't die.

It will definitely not die.

But sometimes people are cheap.

Even if it's an extremely rational scientific madman like Orochimaru.

He was also a slut sometimes.

When his gaze saw the Uchiha Itachi, who had newly joined the Akatsuki organization.

This is the time when you have the role of Sharingan.

He knew what he wanted had come to his door.

He's going to do something to this guy Itachi Uchiha!


In the world of letting bullets fly.


The master looked at the video in the sky and slammed the table!

"He's a bitch!!".

"He is greedy for !! of his body".

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