Inventory Of The 20 Most Injustices In Sailing, Starting With Akainu

Chapter 96: Kuzan Wanted To Play Lolita, But Was Cut Off By Luffy, Enies Lobby Declared War On The W

【Nico Robin: "Luffy, you should leave me alone, you will not be the opponent of the World government CP9 organization."】

【Monkey·D Luffy: "You are my companion, Robin! How could I just watch you die!"】

【Nico Robin: "Luffy.........."】

See Luffy's presentation.

Let Robin's heart feel a little warm.

At this time, it is impossible for her to say that Luffy's heart is not right!

Because Luffy was going to save him.

But it is tantamount to declaring war on the World Government!

Robin never thought about it.

One day, I will be so valued by others!!!

【Nami: "Wait for us, Robin, we will definitely rescue you!】

【Monkey·D Dorag: "The hateful World government CP9 organization, dare to hurt my daughter-in-law, I will let you go around!!!"】

【Marco: "The World government is really damned, it doesn't even let a girl go, as for killing them all like this?"】

【Sakazuki: "Nico Robin, is the remnant of Ohara, existence like this should be wiped out!!!"】

【Kaido of the Beasts: "Heck, are afraid of us pirates, and you will study the truth that has been blank for a hundred years, right? But the hidden history will be announced sooner or later."]

【Monkey·D Garp: "Although this old man is not interested in the truth that has been blank for a hundred years, Nico Robin is already my grandson's daughter-in-law. Even if someone from the government hurts her, she won't just sit back and let her go. of!"】

While everyone was discussing in the chat room.

The frozen picture also continued to play.

projection screen.

Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and others marched on the sea all the way.

Here comes the Enies Lobby.

They stand on a high platform.

Stare at Robin who sits under the government banner.

Looking at this group of companions who are desperately saving themselves.

Robin was lost in memory.

When Robin was a child, he lived carefree in Ohara.

In an accident, she met Saul who was killed on the shore.

The two also became good friends.

But it didn't take long.

People from World Government are here.

They were here to execute Ohara's group of scholars who studied the text of history.

Even, in order to completely wipe out Ohara.

Over there, jerked Buster Call.

In the process of fleeing, Robin met his mother Olbia.

At the same time Saul also appeared.

Olbia entrusts Robin to Saul's care.

He accepts the end of his own death calmly.

When Saul ran away with Robin.

I met Kuzan who was blocking the way.

Although Kuzan and Saul are good friends.

But in order to carry out the order to kill Ohara scholars.

He can only shoot against Saul who is protecting Robin.

on screen.

at this time.

Suddenly there was shelling on the sea.

Ohara's refuge ship was also attacked and crashed.

Seeing this scene, Kuzan broke out in a cold sweat: "Just kidding" 々!"

The order he received today was only to kill Ohara's scholars.

But I didn’t receive an order to kill the refugees as well!

Saul asked Kuzan angrily: "Is this what he did? Can you feel at ease seeing this?"

Kuzan frowned while dodging the attack, and replied: "I didn't want to be as awesome as Sakazuki."

After Saul hits Kuzan with a round, he tries to escape with Robin.

But Kuzan chased after him, and even released a big frozen capsule on Saul.

Freezing Saul in place.

Saul, lying on the ground, yelled to Robin: "Go Robin."

"But, Saul, your injury." Robin said with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I can't escape, you run away from Robin." Saul warned.

"I don't want it. I don't know anyone in Dahai." Robin cried.

"Listen up, Robin."

"Although you are alone now, you will find a companion one day!" Saul said earnestly.

"Companion?" Robin was taken aback.

"That's right, the sea is very vast. One day, there will be a companion who can protect you. In this world, you will never be alone all the time!!!"

After finishing speaking, Saul caught a glimpse of Kuzan approaching him and continued: "Go Robin, don't look back. y

Hearing Saul's words, Robin fled here with sadness and tears.

When Robin fled to the shore.

Seeing that Kuzan was sitting on the stake, he glanced at Robin and said in a deep voice, "Rough justice can sometimes turn people into murder weapons. I decided to let you leave this island. I want to see the seed Saul guarded with his life. What will it look like!"

"You have the freedom to hate everyone, but you also have to be thankful for saving your life."

The words fell.

Aokiji froze the shore.

And left a small boat on the shore for Luo to escape.

Accompanied by this video playback.

Countless barrages emerged.

'The gentlest man eats the coldest fruit.

'The coldest person eats the hottest fruit, this is the gap. '

'It's a good thing Robin met Aokiji, otherwise it would be over.

‘So that’s how Robin was saved. '

I feel that Aokiji wants to be a lolita, but this lolita will become Luffy.

'Hiss...Thinking about it is terrifying!

'It seems to be quite reasonable.

‘Poor Aokiji, the loli who has been raised for so many years was cut off by Luffy. '

【Sakazuki: "Good guy! I said how did this remnant of Ohara escape, and you let go of your feelings Kuzan? Is it possible that you bastard is really like what the barrage said, and you want to play with loli?"】

【Kuzan: "Ah la la... You misunderstood me, Sakazuki, I'm not interested in raising lolita."】

【Sakazuki: "That's not what I'm asking you! What I'm asking you is, why did you let Robin go!"】

【Kuzan: "I'm a little sleepy, let's get some sleep..."】

【Sakazuki: "You kid is pretending to be dead!!!"】

【Monkey·D Garp: "Hahaha......... As expected of my big apprentice, Kuzan, I did not train you for nothing, but let you save my granddaughter-in-law!!!"】

【Kuzan: "Too much credit to Mr. Garp."】

【Sakazuki: "Aren't you sleeping, kid?"】

【Kuzan: "Take another look before going to bed."】

【Monkey·D Dorag: "I said Aokiji, do you want to join our revolutionary army? I don't think you really want to stay in Marine, right. You just happen to be my daughter-in-law's savior

If you come to the Revolutionary Army, I will give you a good position. ”]

【Buddha Sengoku: "Shut up the dragon! You actually want to poach our Marines!"】

【Kuzan: "Ah la la... Join the Revolutionary Army? It seems to be quite interesting!"】

【Sakazuki: "Kuzan you bastard!"】

【Sabo: "You Marine people are really cruel enough to bombard refugees! Those people are obviously not scholars at all, they are innocent!"】

【Sakazuki: "What do you know? What if there are scholars on that refugee ship?"】

【Portgas D Ace: "Couldn't you Marines go on board the refugee boat and have a good look? As for involving all those innocent people?"】

[Buddhist Sengoku: "Should I say it or not, you did go too far in this matter, Sakazuki, but if you send someone on the refugee ship to investigate carefully, even if there are hidden scholars who are killed, it will be fine if innocent people are involved. This is not to anger the justice concept that belongs to our Marine!"]

[Smile: "As Kuzan Admiral said, thorough justice will turn people into a murder weapon. I don't agree with this kind of justice. It belongs to Marine justice!"]

【Sakazuki: "You guys......!"】

【Nami: "So Robin, do you have such a tragic past? I don't even know."】

【Monkey·D Luffy: "Sorry Robin, I didn't know you shouldered so much."】

[Nico Robin: "No need to apologize, this is all in the past, now I have you guys as my companions, I am already very happy, even if you failed to save me in the end, I am satisfied."]

【Monkey·D Luffy: "No! I will save you, Robin! Absolutely!"】

【Nico Robin: "Luffy.........."】

While everyone was discussing in the chat room.

The originally frozen scene also continued to play.

on video.

The entire Straw Hat Pirates stood on the high platform.

(Is it?) Luffy glanced at the flag representing the World government hanging on the top of the building, and ordered Usopp beside him: "Sniper king, because you shoot that flag."


Usopp stretches his slingshot and fires a flamingo.

Directly shot through the government flag hanging on the top of the building.

"Are you out of your mind? Isn't this the enemy of the whole world? None of you can survive?" Spandam exclaimed.

"Just what I want!!!" Luffy roared.

After saying that, Luffy put his eyes on Robin and shouted: "Robin, I haven't heard you say it yourself, tell us that you want to live!!!"

Hear what Luffy said.

The tears in the corners of Robin's eyes couldn't stop.

It came back in her mind.

What countless people have said to her over the years.

'You can't live in this world, Robin!'

'Your very existence is a crime, Robin!!

I thought I couldn't ask for extravagance, and no one allowed me to live.

If..... really allow me to make a wish.



"Take me to the sea with you!" Robin cried bitterly.

Hear Robin's answer.

Luffy and the others also had smiles on their faces.

"FAR!!!" Luffy ordered. .

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