Inventory Of The Characters In The Heavens, Starting With The Fate Of The Country

Chapter 34 The Role Of The Time Gem, An Lan Is Stunned!

To protect Banner, Doctor Strange teleports him to a safe place.

Iron Man's firepower was full, and he rushed straight to Ebony Maw, but was knocked out by the huge black dwarf star who was good at close-quarters combat.

After a fight, Iron Man's lasers were easily resisted by the black dwarf, and he fell into a predicament.

At this time, Spider-Man suddenly appeared and caught the enemy's weapon. Tony and Spider-Man joined forces to temporarily suppress Black Dwarf.

At the same time, Doctor Strange and Ebony Throat also launched a magical duel. Ebony Mow, experienced and experienced, used the surrounding buildings to successfully control Doctor Strange.

When Ebony Throat reached out to pick up the Eye of Agamotto, he burned his hand by the spell on it.

In a fit of rage, Ebony Throat manipulated the whip, stunned Doctor Strange, and prepared to bring Doctor Strange back to the spacecraft.

The Doctor's levitating cloak realized that its owner was in danger and hurriedly fled the scene with Doctor Strange.

At this time, Iron Man, who was entangled with the black dwarf, saw Doctor Strange and asked Spider-Man to quickly save the Doctor.

But Spider-Man was still a step too late. Unfortunately, the Doctor was sucked away by the enemy's teleportation light wave. Spider-Man shot out spider silk and tried to pull Doctor Strange back, but was sucked away by the teleportation light wave and gave it away for nothing.

On the other hand, Iron Man was not Black Dwarf's opponent and was knocked to the ground. In a critical moment, the Doctor's companion cast a teleportation spell and sent Black Dwarf to a cold place.

Iron Man, who got out of the predicament, immediately ramped up his horsepower and tried to catch up with the enemy's spaceship. Iron Man had Friday launch a new spider armor, ready to rescue Peter, who was almost unconscious due to lack of oxygen.

call out!

A red armor hit Peter who was falling, and a brand new spider armor appeared on Peter's body instantly, and Spider-Man was successfully rescued.

Iron Man did not allow Spider-Man to intervene in this matter, and asked Friday to send Spider-Man back to the ground, but Spider-Man secretly stuck the spaceship with spider silk and followed.

At this time, Pepper called Tony and begged Tony to go back and stop worrying about these things. Tony just said sorry, the signal was interrupted, and Tony had no way out now.

On the other hand, Banner picked up Tony's dropped cell phone on the street and called the captain.

In space, a spaceship flies between the planets. Quill enjoys the classic skewer and prepares to rush to the place where the distress signal received before. Since everyone does not know what danger is ahead, Quill asks everyone to pretend to be fierce. , in order to be able to take advantage of the fire.

"Gru is playing with that thing, hurry up! I don't want to say it a second time!"

Quill glanced at Groot behind him, and said with a fierce expression on his face.


"I'm Groot!"

Groot answered lightly with the game console in his hand.

"Oh, keep your mouth clean!"

Quinn's face was slightly displeased.

The raccoon has a big fire, saying that sooner or later he will smash Groot's game console.

At this time, the spacecraft stopped the interstellar jump and came to the signal launch site.

But the tragic scene in front of them surprised everyone. Suddenly, Thor hit the glass of the spaceship, and he seemed to have a breath.

Everyone called for Thor's help. The Destroyer looked at the unconscious man in front of him and was amazed. Gamora touched Thor's muscles and seemed to like it.

Quill is very unbalanced, and asks the mantis to wake Thor.

Soon after, Quill and the others learned what happened, and Gamora said that since he knew Thanos, he had only one purpose.

That is to maintain the balance of the universe by erasing half of the life in the universe.

The Destroyer's hometown was also destroyed by Thanos. If Thanos got six Infinity Stones, it only took a snap of his fingers to achieve his goal.

Thor understands that Gamora is the daughter of Thanos, and expresses some sympathy that the family has hard-to-read scriptures. He also has such a sister and can understand Gamora's pain very well.

Quill on the side was jealous and blocked between the two, saying that he had also experienced a lot of painful things, such as killing his own father himself, avenging his mother and so on.

Thor ignores Quill, saying he needs a new hammer.

Now that Thanos has got the two gems of space and power, the next goal is to go to the realm of knowledge and get the reality gem in the hands of the collector. The time gem and the mind gem are on the earth and are guarded by the avengers. Thor is very relieved .

As for the Soul Stone, no one knows where he is, so there's no need to worry about Thanos finding it.

Gamora's face was a little dignified, and he decided to immediately go to the realm of knowledge to stop Thanos.

But Thor wanted to go to the legendary land, Nidavi. Because only the dwarf king there can make a weapon to kill Thanos.

The raccoon knew that Nidavi had a manufacturing technology that the entire universe was afraid of, and expressed that he also wanted to experience it together.

So, everyone divided into two groups and began to act.


"This Thanos is too vicious! He actually wants to destroy ordinary creatures in the universe!" - Guo Jing.

"Iron Man, stop Thanos quickly, don't let him do whatever he wants!" - Tanjiro.

"This Infinity Stone is too scary!" - Marine Marshal Sengoku.

"Better than Dragon Ball!" - Kling.

"Why does the balance of the universe need to wipe out half of life?" - Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Infinity Stones, this king wants it!" - Hero King Gilgamesh.

"Time gem, could it be able to control time?" - Ye Hei.

"Almost, as long as the user of the time gem is strong enough, it can travel through time and space, and it can change both the past and the future!" - Doctor Strange.


As Doctor Strange's barrage came out, the heavens fell into a dead silence.

next second!


There was an uproar in the world of the heavens, and everyone stared at Doctor Strange's barrage in disbelief.

The time gem can actually travel through time and space and change the world? !

This is too buggy, right?

Even many people in the Gaowu world are stunned at this moment. Traveling through time and space is something that only superpowers can do.

Now it only takes a gem to do it! ! !

At this time, a barrage on the screen caught everyone's attention.

"Is it so difficult to travel through time and space? Doraemon's time machine can do it..." - Nobi Nobita.


As soon as this sentence came out, everyone felt that their minds fell like a thunder, and they were completely stunned.

Perfect. in the world.

An Lan stared blankly at this scene, the corners of his eyes began to jump wildly, and his mouth twitched fiercely.

? ? ?

When did it become so easy to change the past and future through time and space?


The screen continues to play, and Vision and Wanda have fallen in love since leaving Tony's side, but recently the Mind Stone has become unstable, and Vision decides to prepare to return to New York.

At this time, the two learned about what happened in the city on TV. Wanda realized that it was unusual and begged Vision not to go back. Vision was about to say something when a weapon pierced his body. Wanda was also knocked out by the enemy.

Facing the fierce attack of Thanos' subordinates, General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri, Scarlet Witch was completely unable to resist, and Vision's system was also destroyed by General Deathblade's special weapons, and could not exert its full strength for a while.

Scarlet Witch tried to escape from the air with a vision.

Unexpectedly, it was hit by the light waves of Proxima Centauri in the dark night and fell down.

Seeing that they were about to lose their way out, a familiar figure appeared.

call out!

Raising the spear in his hand, Proxima Dark Night threw the spear towards the figure fiercely.

However, it was easily caught with one hand.

Looking at the person coming from behind, there was a little expectation in the eyes of Vision and Scarlet Witch.

This is the man to look forward to, Captain!

The next moment!

General Deathblade was also kicked out by the falcon.

Black Widow also appeared, and several people started a melee.

In the end, Proxima Dark Night and the others started the spaceship teleportation and escaped.

As soon as the camera turned, on a certain planet, the Qi Ruita army was arresting the local aborigines. The young Gamora was separated from her mother and met Thanos.

Thanos felt that the child in front of him was a natural warrior and decided to take her in. The two walked to a building holding hands. Gamora put the dagger sent by Thanos on her fingertips, trying to keep her balance.

Behind her, about half of the aborigines were wiped out.

Gamora recalled the past, and she said to Quill, "I know something that Thanos doesn't know, and if he finds out, the whole universe will be in crisis, so I want you to promise me that if I Unfortunately, I was caught by Thanos, you must kill me."

Quill was taken aback, knowing that Gamora was serious this time. He swore in his mother's name and agreed.

The two looked at each other and kissed slowly.

At this time, they found the Destroyer who had been watching in the dark.

Soon after, Quill and the others arrived at the realm of knowledge and nothing, and found that Thanos had captured the collector and was asking about the whereabouts of the gems. Gamora did not obey Quill's arrangement and rushed up alone, but was broken by Thanos with his bare hands. arms.

Immediately afterwards, Gamora dodged, stabbed Thanos in the neck, took out his dagger, and put the last knife on Thanos' chest. It seemed that he had won the battle.

But Gamora was not happy because of this. She watched Thanos slowly fall and shed tears of sadness.

Suddenly, Thanos' voice came from the side: "Are you sad for me, daughter?"

It turned out that everything just now was an illusion created by the reality gem. The realm of knowledge has long been destroyed, and Thanos also got the third gem. Thanos easily controlled Gamora and used the reality gem. Break the Destroyer et al into solid pieces.

At this time, Quill pointed his gun at Thanos. He yelled to let him release Gamora, but Gamora reminded with tears: "Don't forget, if you want me to promise, you are not going to kill him."

Quill stared at Gamora's eyes with a heavy expression. He knew that he was not the opponent of Thanos. After saying "I love you", he pulled the trigger in pain.

But the gun actually turned into a bubble under the influence of the reality gem, and Thanos admired Quill's courage, he left everyone dead, and left with Gamora.

On the other hand, the captain and the others returned to the Avengers base, and Banner was also there. Since the captain and his party had already become internationally wanted criminals, they could not get the help of Guo Wuqing at all.

Right now, the Avengers are separated, Hawkeye is retired, and Ant-Man is under house arrest. The enemy may attack at any time. Vision knows that everyone's situation is very threatening, saying that only by completely destroying the gem can stop Thanos from getting it.

Of all the people present, only the Scarlet Witch who has similar abilities to the gem can do it. The Scarlet Witch understands the meaning of vision, but the price is too high, because destroying the gem means killing her lover, and the captain Nor will he allow his companions to sacrifice their lives.

When everyone was in a dilemma, Banna said that he might have a way to separate the thinking of vision and gems, but they lacked the relevant equipment and manpower.

So, the captain led everyone to Wakanda to seek the help of the Panthers, and Buggy also got a new arm.

On the spaceship, Ebony Throat trapped Doctor Strange and tried to torture Doctor Strange with spells to force him to hand over the Time Stone. Iron Man hid aside and observed the situation. This was Spider-Man appearing in front of him.

Tony was a little angry and accused Peter that he should not intervene, because this operation may have come and gone, but Peter can't go back now.

In desperation, the two began to discuss how to save Doctor Strange.

Peter looked at the surroundings and suddenly remembered the scene in Alien II.

So Iron Man appeared in front of Ebony Throat, and while he was not paying attention, he blasted a hole in the spaceship, killed Ebony Throat, and successfully rescued Doctor Strange.

Peter introduces himself to Doctor Strange.

"I'm Peter!"

"I'm Doctor Strange!" Doctor Strange said.

"Oh, are we going to use a nickname? Then my name is Spider-Man!"

Peter looked at Doctor Strange, nervous.

Doctor Strange didn't answer and walked to Tony's side.

Tony wanted to directly attack Thanos' lair according to the spaceship route and caught him by surprise. Doctor Strange agreed with Tony's plan, but if the situation was dangerous, the Doctor would decisively give up the two and give priority to protecting the gem.

After all, this gem is about the survival of the entire universe.

Tony understood what the Doctor meant, and after he approved Peter to join the Avengers, he set off towards Titan.

"What a bold idea!!!"

"How dare you? That guy Thanos is so powerful, you guys ran to give people away?"

"Come on Iron Man, Spider-Man is so cute!!!"

"I want to see the Avengers continue to rally together to fight!!!"

"This action will definitely take the head of Thanos!!!"

"The big bad guy Thanos must kill him, otherwise the universe will be in danger!!!"

"Daily confession Aizen is great!!!"

"Jiguoyuan is the eternal god!!!"

In the picture, countless barrages crossed, and some people are questioning whether Iron Man's action this time will be too risky. After all, they have seen the strength of Thanos.

And some people think that Iron Man must be able to destroy Thanos!


PS: Thanks for the reward from Emperor Fengmo, the four thousand-character chapter is presented to the boss! ! !

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