Inventory Of The Characters In The Heavens, Starting With The Fate Of The Country

Chapter 37 Intercept Infinity Stones, Avengers Vs Thanos!

After the Titan Star Wars, only Tony and Nebula were saved by Captain Marvel.

And Thanos was beheaded by the Avengers after returning to the mountain forest, but the Infinity Stones had been destroyed by Thanos, unable to revive everyone.

Then, everyone thought of making a time-space shuttle, and with Tony's help, the time-space shuttle was finally made.

After gaining the support of Chili Pepper, Tony and everyone once again launched the feat of saving the world.

Time travel, in the Marvel world, each time travel will generate a parallel universe, which can also be called a parallel world.

The Avengers traveled from the main universe to parallel universes at different points in time to intercept the gems of that universe, and then brought the gems to the main universe, so as to use the intercepted gems to make a wishing snap again.

So the Avengers call this way of crossing time and space hijacking.

There are a total of six gems, but the Avengers only have ten now, so they have to take care of them in groups of two. Fortunately, Black Widow suddenly thought that in the 2012 City War, three Infinity Gems should be found.

In addition to the Mind Scepter and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Strange's sanctuary is also at New, so the team members who traveled there were adjusted to four people, and they intercepted three gems at the same time, and the other three groups were each with two Each brought back a jewel.

Next, their actions must be strict and seamless, because the few Pym particles left will only allow them to act once.

However, when Banner came to the parallel universe, he did not see Doctor Strange as expected in the city sanctuary in 2012, but met Gu Yi. Gu was not surprised by the arrival of Banner, but explained to Banner. Parallel universe.

When Banner said that Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone for Tony, Goo One understood. Finally, when Gu Yi handed over the time gem, he said something meaningful.

"We all depend on you!"

On the other hand, Tony and the captain had an accident when intercepting the gem.

All six gems are indispensable, so Tony has a plan, intending to use the last Pym particle with the captain to travel to another parallel universe, firstly to replenish the Pym particle, and secondly, they can also intercept the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

So, the two went to another parallel universe and obtained the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In the end, after sacrificing Black Widow, all the gems were successfully intercepted, but what everyone didn't know was that the nebula that was secretly returned was no longer the original nebula, but the nebula that was loyal to Thanos in the parallel universe.

Because everyone was in the tragic sacrifice of Black Widow, they had long ignored that the Nebula in front of them had already been dropped, and then everyone put all their energy on the research and development of gloves.

So the question is, who is going to snap the fingers?

Even Thanos snapped his fingers and almost died, fearing that a mortal body would not be able to withstand this divine power.

It seems that only Banner is the best candidate, because the Infinity Stones released mainly gamma rays, so the entire Avengers base switched to a defensive posture.

Banner made a wish to wear gloves, but as soon as he put on the gloves, the divine power of the Infinity Stone instantly eroded Banner's body.

This power is still beyond everyone's expectations. In the struggle against God, Banner used the power of life and successfully won a very short-lived control, endured huge pain, in exchange for the resurrection of thousands of lives.


Banner's body fell heavily to the ground.

This scene made everyone in the heavens and the world fall into a circle. Is there such an operation?

"I didn't expect to have such a hand, as expected of Iron Man, it's really amazing!" In the world of Hokage, Orochimaru's face was shocked.

Parallel universes are understandable, but how are time-space shuttles made?

"It can still be like this, I have learned a lot!" In the world of Dragon Ball, Bulma was amazed.

"Marvel world, it's an amazing world!" In the fantasy world, many great experts praised.

There is no unsatisfactory time in life, but they cannot change!

However, in such a world, you can rely on the power of the Infinity Stones to heal the regrets in your heart.


At the same time, an alien warship appeared outside the window.

Because just now, the undercover Nebula secretly activated the time-space shuttle, opening the door to war for the Thanos Legion in the parallel universe.

The Thanos Legion, which traveled from the parallel universe, launched a violent raid on the headquarters of the Avengers. In an instant, countless missiles blew the headquarters into ruins.

The Avengers were caught off guard, and the load fell into the passive before the war, which made the main universe once again in danger.

For the parallel universe Thanos, this is the fastest way to get the Infinity Stones.

Fortunately, Hawkeye noticed it and protected the Infinity Gloves and Infinity Stones.

However, Hawkeye was taken down by Nebula from the parallel universe and took away the Infinity Gauntlet.

Fortunately, Gamora from the parallel universe shot in time to kill Nebula.

On the other hand, Thanos in the parallel universe made it clear that he was the destiny through memory, and mocked the cowardice of himself in the main universe.

In his opinion, it is not enough to destroy half of life with just one snap of fingers. The remaining people will still remember these things and try their best to reverse the ending.

So, this time Thanos intends to destroy the universe and construct a grateful universe again.

As soon as the camera turned, the superheroes began to fight against Thanos.

"Hey Thor, give me this!"

An absorption device was deployed behind Iron Man, and he opened his mouth to Thor.


Thor didn't hesitate.

In the sky, a pillar of thunder that was several feet in size crashed down and merged into Thor's body. The dazzling thunder was surrounded by the battle axe and Thor's hammer in his hand.


The battle axe and the giant hammer collided.

A terrifying pillar of thunder blasted towards the absorption device behind Iron Man.

At the same time, Iron Man, who absorbed the lightning energy, blasted several lasers in an instant.

The terrifying laser penetrated through the void, causing the space to distort, and charged towards Thanos with unparalleled power.

Looking at this scene, Thanos' face changed and he turned the weapon in his hand to resist the laser.

Fortunately, Thanos' weapons are not ordinary things, and after adding Thanos' terrifying strength, he actually resisted Iron Man's laser lightly, and he was able to get closer to Iron Man's position step by step.

On the other side, Thor was not idle either. He threw the hammer in his hand and blasted out with an axe.

call out!

The terrifying force made the giant hammer fly out quickly, rushing towards Thanos with a violent sonic boom.

At the same time, Thanos had arrived in front of Iron Man, and blocked all the lasers on his body, and then grabbed Iron Man as a meat shield to block the rushing hammer.


The sound of a jingo clashing was deafening.

The terrifying giant hammer directly blasted Iron Man's body out, and after a few laps on the ground, he fell into a faint.

On the other side, the captain's body was facing him, and under a fierce fight, he was blasted out by Thanos.


The captain's body slammed into a hill, and the terrifying force turned the whole hill into dust.

Looking at Thor who was rushing towards him, the double-edged sword in Thanos hurled away suddenly.

With a single strike, the sliding shovel avoided the rotating double-edged knife, and the giant axe in Thor's hand smashed down towards Thanos' body with a terrifying thunder light.

call out!

The battle axe filled with lightning pierced the atmosphere, tore apart the space, and fell towards Thanos with unparalleled wealth.

At the same time, Thanos' double-edged sword returned to his hands at the same time, and without the slightest hesitation, Thanos blocked Thor's terrifying blow with his double-edged sword.

But even so, the power of terror still made Thanos' expression grim.

Before he could think about it, Thanos lifted his double-edged sword sharply, causing Thor's great strength to be cancelled instantly, but the double-edged sword in Thanos' hand also flew out.

Looking at the battle axe in Thor's hand, Thanos slammed into Thor's arm with a punch, smashing the battle axe out.

Thor, who lost his battle axe, was obviously not the opponent of Thanos, and was thrown to the ground by Thanos with one hand in the air.

boom! boom! boom!

Without the slightest hesitation, Thanos raised his left fist, and the terrifying giant force condensed into it, and then fell one punch after another.

The huge fist directly caused Thor to lose his mind for a short time, and was thrown into the ruins by Thanos.


The terrifying force directly caused the entire ruins to shake violently.

At the same time, the body of Thanos followed closely,


The terrifying double punches surpassed the speed of sound, falling at the speed of thousands of punches per second.

The incomparable force directly caused Thor's face to be completely disfigured, and blood flowed.

call out!

Thor in the ground came back to his senses, felt the intense pain in his body, and raised his left hand to summon the battle axe in the distance.

call out!

Summoning's battle axe quickly flew towards Thor.

Looking at the flying battle axe, Thanos grabbed it with both hands, swung the battle axe and smashed it towards Thor.

Fortunately, Thor responded in time, holding the handle of the axe with both hands, and the two fell into a wrestling.

Just when the axe was about to be inserted into Thor's chest by Thanos.

The Thor's Hammer in the distance seemed to sense the crisis of its master and began to levitate on its own.


Thor's Hammer pierced through the void, tearing apart the atmosphere and knocking Thanos' body into the air.

The Thor's Hammer did not stop at all, flew in the other direction, and fell into the captain's hands.

"I knew it!"

Thor, who was leaning on the boulder, looked at this scene, disregarding the blood in his mouth, and said with a laugh.

Standing up, Thanos kicked Thor's body into the ground.


The terrifying force directly turned the boulder into powder, and the ground with a radius of several hundred meters quickly cracked.

Looking at the captain of the giant finger hammer, Thanos showed a faint smile on his face, and walked towards the captain's position.

The captain waved the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and also rushed towards Thanos without the slightest fear.

In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two were instantly close to each other.


It was too late and then too fast, the giant hammer in the captain's hand slammed out, and the violent sonic boom instantly ripped apart the atmosphere, blasting the unexpected Thanos out with unparalleled resources.


The unparalleled strength directly made Thanos' body fly several kilometers.

Without the slightest hesitation, the captain blasted out his shield instantly, the circular shield cut through the atmosphere, and charged towards Thanos fiercely.

And Thanos is obviously impossible to be knocked down so easily.

The tyrant who stood up held a double-edged sword and blasted the shield away.

However, the captain blasted the hammer out of his hand again, and after colliding with the shield, he slammed into Thanos' body from behind.

The terrifying power directly caused Thanos to stumble and fall to his knees on the ground.

The captain's figure was like lightning, and he quickly approached Thanos' body. At the same time, the shield and Thor's hammer returned to the captain's hands again.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the fierce offensive of the captain, Thanos fell into a disadvantage for a time.

Noisy! Noisy! Noisy!

A terrifying thunder light emerged from the giant hammer in his hand, and the captain slammed it out without any hesitation.

Several feet of terrifying lightning ripped apart the space, cut through the atmosphere, and blasted Thanos again with lightning speed.

Raise the giant hammer in his hand, under the control of the captain's hammer of Thor.


In the sky, the endless black clouds began to emit thunder, and the thunder that resounded through the sky instantly spread across the entire land, and everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.



In the black cloud full of lightning, a terrifying thunder column with a size of several meters slammed down instantly.

The bright white light will instantly illuminate the entire earth.

what! ! ! !

The falling thunder smashed into Thanos' body without the slightest accident, and the terrifying lightning directly made Thanos wailed.

Seeing this, the captain jumped up.

A hammer blows out.

However, Thanos' body tumbled violently, dodging the captain's giant hammer and blasting the captain out with his backhand.

Picking up the double-edged sword on the ground, Thanos and the captain started a close combat. After a few rounds, the captain instantly fell into a disadvantage, and even the giant hammer in his hand was blown away, and he could only rely on the shield in his hand. stubbornly resist.

However, even though the shield in his hand was extremely hard, it was still smashed in half by Thanos' double-edged sword.

Raising the double-edged sword in his hand high, Thanos swung out the sword in the captain's constricted pupils, blasting the captain out.

"My conquest, tyranny, and slaughter for so many years have never been mixed with personal emotions!"

Glancing at the superheroes around, Thanos spoke.

"I'm going to let you know now how I'm going to deal with your stubborn, boring, ant-like planet. I'll enjoy this process, especially!"

The words fall.

A dazzling blue light fell in the sky, Thanos' army resisted the battlefield, and the dense army covered the whole land.

Standing up with difficulty, the captain was breathing continuously, without the slightest fear, the captain looked in the direction of the Thanos Legion and walked without fear.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Captain, can you hear me?"

Looking around in astonishment, the captain's expression was full of doubts.

"Captain, I'm Sam, can you hear me?"

The voice came out again.

The captain touched his ears, a little unbelievable.

"On your left!"

At the same time, a golden hole several feet in size appeared.

Turning around and looking at the figure walking out of the golden cave, the captain was stunned.

I saw the figures of Black Panther and others appear.

Immediately afterwards, countless golden holes appeared in the void, and Quill, Doctor Strange, Falcon, Spider-Man and others appeared from the holes.


Countless reinforcements arrived on the battlefield, and everyone shouted a slogan in unison.

On the other side, even Thor and Tony who had been knocked down stood up and looked at this scene with surprise.

"Avengers! Assemble!"

In the captain's roar, everyone launched an attack on the Thanos Legion.

A battle is imminent!


"I knew that the Avengers would definitely do it!" In the world of Conan, Sonoko looked excited.

"Yes, Tony and the others will definitely win!" Xiao Lan clenched her fists beside her.

"It's incredible!" Whitebeard looked shocked in the pirate world.

"Iron Man! Iron Man! Iron Man!" On the sea, Luffy and his group shouted excitedly, and even Chopper and the others couldn't help but dance.

"If you are in a desperate situation, you will not be able to experience life and death in ten directions!" In the king's world, Li Xin looked up at the sky forty-five degrees.

"A person can be destroyed, but he will never be defeated!" Guy on the side also whispered silently.

"Come on, Avengers, let's win your victory!" In the fairy tail world, Natsu and others looked excited.

in the Marvel universe.

"I see, I understand why Doctor Strange did this!"

Tony looked at this scene, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Obviously, he already understood everything about the cover of the previous video.

And now, they will also go to the major parallel universes to intercept the Infinity Stones.

"It now seems that all we need to do is to prevent Nebula from participating in this operation!" the captain on the side said.

"Yes, if Nebula goes, it is very likely that the mistakes in the video will be repeated!" Thor, the god of thunder, also agreed with his big belly.

"However, Thanos in the parallel world should also be able to see this scene, right?" Banner said.

On the other side, the tyrants of countless time periods also saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly.

Now, the location of the Infinity Stones, he already knew clearly through the video.


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