Inventory Of The Characters In The Heavens, Starting With The Fate Of The Country

Chapter 622 He transformed himself into a great law to show his power and end the strange ancestor!

"Huang, Ye, do you regret embarking on such a path?"

The screen continued to play, and in the eyes of many viewers who could not wait to slash them, one of the ancestors of the strange clan spoke with a very cold tone.

In this regard, many audiences couldn't help but get angry, wishing to give the ancestor a few big mouths.

You must know that Huang Tiandi and Ye Tiandi were forced to take this road.

If they hadn't been invading the Great Thousand Worlds, why would they have to take this road?

Now he actually asks in turn, does the Emperor Huangye regret taking this road?

It seems that if they don't go this way, you will let each other go. If you don't fight to the death, then the whole world will be reduced to being sacrificed, and there will be no two emperors in the world. , but there are two more terrifying and strange ancestors!!!

"Huang, Ye, you said not long ago that everything is over on "May 13", no longer tempt me to wait, no longer give future generations exploration experience, that's just who lied to me, in order to force out our last The means, you still endure the grief in your heart, just for the latecomers to explore our weaknesses!!!

Looking at Shi Hao and Ye Tiandi who were disdainful to answer, another ancestor spoke up, understanding the purpose of Shi Hao and Ye Tiandi.

"If there is a latecomer, witness what I have heard and what I have seen, our last experience is hung on everything in the universe, engraved on the mountains, rivers and stars, lingering on the endless ruins, there are chapters everywhere, and they will endure forever, as you can see!! !

After being revealed by the first ancestor, Shi Hao and Ye Tiandi spoke together, their voices agitated the Great Thousand Worlds and appeared in the worlds.

And as their voices fell, their bodies began to become crystal clear and bright, and their vigorous blood surged up, covering the vast and boundless ancient chaotic land!!!

On the heads of Shi Hao and Emperor Ye Tian, ​​at this moment, thunder light roared, and the mother energy of all things boiled, and the two walked forward together, as if carrying a buried great world together!!!

Behind them, there are countless figures, they have existed, some are familiar, some are unfamiliar, there are outstanding people who died in ancient times, and there are old people who just died in battle. At this moment, they are in groups. Emerge!!!

And those eras that disappeared, the eras that were buried, are all presented at this moment, and move forward with them!!!

"This is the last fight. If they can win, they can open up a new world and a way of life for future generations, but if they lose, I am afraid that the whole world will be destroyed!!!"

"Alas... a great world is about to be buried like this. Those eras that once disappeared and the eras that were buried are all revealed. This is the final glory of this great world!!!" "

"I saw a lot of unfamiliar figures, those are outstanding people who died in ancient times, and I think they are also strong people who have fought against strange clans!!!

"Damn... I'm not reconciled, obviously the two emperors of Huangye are invincible in the world, why can't they end that strange clan, is that damn plateau really so pervert???"

"This is something that can't be helped. That mysterious and unpredictable plateau is really terrifying. It seems that it has transcended the field of sacrifice and reached a brand new field. But it’s hard to compete with that plateau!!!”

Among the heavens and the world, looking at this scene in the picture, countless audiences couldn't help but sigh with emotion, some felt regretful, some felt unwilling, and some felt sigh...

But most people can see that this is probably the last fight of the two emperors of the wild leaves. After today, there should be no more two emperors of the wild leaves in the world!!!

"Everything has been buried long ago, and today will be the funeral for both of you!!!"

In the picture, along with the roar of the ancestors, they also erupted. The terrifying aura overwhelmed the time and space of the ages, and in an instant, the world was disturbed, and the shadows behind Shi Hao and Ye Tiandi dimmed, and one after another bloodshed appeared. world!!!

"Boom!!!" "Rumble!!!"

Facing the outbreak of the first ancestor, Shi Hao and Emperor Ye Tian did not flinch in the slightest. They strode forward together, and the immeasurable might burst out. The dazzling sword light soared into the sky, arbitrarily ruling the ages, and the cauldron was also there. Roaring, revealing the world!!!

At the same time, countless heroic spirits began to emerge, and infinite energy particles flew around, illuminating the darkness like boundless fireflies, accompanied by the two heavenly emperors!!!

"He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity!!!"

At this moment, along with Shi Hao's loud roar, his loose black hair fluttered around, his eyes were like cold electricity, and the past, present and future were completely broken, and his figure appeared everywhere.

He transformed himself into Dafa, this is the only strongest unique skill left by Shi Hao after burning the Dao in the Dao Dao Domain, and it is also the foundation of Shi Hao's true invincibility in the past, present and future!!!

And along with the fragmentation of the past, present and future, under every piece of history, in every era, in every era of Heavenly Emperor, Shi Hao's figure has emerged, whether it is in the past, the present, or the future, His dazzling figure is everywhere!!!

He can transform into freedom, he can transform all things, he can transform his enemies, he can transform himself, he can transform eternity, and he can transform everything in the world!!!


In an instant, along with the endless time and space, the ubiquitous Huangtian Emperor attacked with all his strength, the unparalleled attack power was all superimposed together, and the most terrifying sword light and fist light roared out together!!!

This kind of terrifying power has surpassed the scope of sacrifice, and it is even more terrifying than the ultimate ancestor whose ten ancestors were merged into one!!!

In just an instant, the first ancestor at the front was directly smashed by Shi Hao's sword light, and destroyed by his fist light. Even the ancestor at the back was disintegrating at this moment, constantly exploding!! !

When the first ancestor who was the first to be smashed wanted to use the power of the plateau, he was horrified to find that although he had been reproduced, he was isolated from the plateau and could only be used by the barren sky of endless time and space. The emperor keeps smashing!!!


In the end, along with the despairing roar of the ancestor, he was completely destroyed by Shi Hao's transformation, and even Gao Yuan couldn't revive him. Even if other ancestors helped him at the moment of his fall, he could not be saved. his life!!!


With the explosion of the last light of 2.5, the ancestor was completely wiped out, the dust rose up in the sky, and his ancient coffin also exploded, and he disappeared completely...

At this moment, looking at the dead silent plateau behind, the other ancestors involuntarily retreated, trembling from top to bottom, their hearts throbbing, but also felt unprecedented fear and shock!!!

He transformed himself into Dafa, cut down all his opponents, and was invincible in ancient and modern times!!!

This kind of invincible means is really terrifying, and it actually makes the mysterious plateau lose its due effect!!!

How can such terrifying means not make them fear, how can they not panic, and how can they not retreat!!!

PS: I didn't change anything yesterday, I'll make up for it later.

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