Inventory Of The Characters In The Heavens, Starting With The Fate Of The Country

Chapter 73 Blast the meteorite with one punch, the attention of the fantasy world!

Located in the depths of the universe, in a pitch-black battleship, Boros' face was also full of shock.

"Saitama, your strength is beyond my imagination!!!99

"I am afraid that even me, it is impossible to be your opponent, but even so, so what, if there is no me to defeat you, then will there be anyone in this world who will be your opponent?!!!

In the starship battleship, countless Boros's tens of thousands of subordinates all showed fear, and all of them remembered the prophecy, but the content of the prophecy was that their emperor Boros would meet an evenly matched opponent, but it was obvious. The strength of this Saitama is probably stronger than ~ Boros!

It's not that they haven't seen Boros shot with all his strength, but even Boros, who shot with all his strength, doesn't give them the feeling that Saitama is so terrifying.

In the Shinigami world, whether it is the captain of the thirteenth division or Espada in "Hueco Mundo", at this moment, the Reiatsu in their bodies almost stopped flowing, and they were instantly suppressed by the terrifying momentum on their fists.

In the pirate world, the four emperors were extremely terrified, and this punch gave them an unprecedented tremor, as if they would die under this punch in the next second.

In the Hokage world, even Da Tsutsuki Momoji and others who were far away from other planets were frightened by the terrifying power of this punch at this moment. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that there were actually people in the world. Such a terrifying human being.

"Hey, if this punch comes down, I'm afraid I won't even be able to survive the corpse!!!" In Douluo World, Tang San's face was full of shock when he saw this scene, and the little rabbit in his arms trembled with fright. .

The screen continues to play, the two return home, and Genos asks Saitama to let him live in his house.

"Can I live here?

Putting down the giant package like a hill, Genos said.

"Well, absolutely not!"

A drop of cold sweat left on Saitama's face, and his face was a little dazed.

next moment!


I saw that a thick 10,000 yen denomination was thrown on the table, and the thickness of it would probably be 10 million yen.

"I'll pay the rent!

Genos' voice came out faintly.

"Have you brought your toothbrush?"

Looking at the money on the table, Saitama stared at it for a moment, and then agreed instantly.

“Bring it!!!”

Looking at this scene, countless people in the world of the heavens laughed and screamed, and even some of the usual iceberg beauties were shaking with laughter at the moment, making the men around them feast for the eyes.

For a few days after that, Saitama, who became a hero, had nothing to do, and when Saitama was worried about losing his job, Sonic came to take revenge.

After learning that Saitama has become a hero, Sonic began to frantically destroy the city to force Saitama to do it, and even knocked down the C-level hero, the Vest Tiger!

Finally, Sonic got his wish and let Saitama shoot, but it was only a hand knife, and Sonic dropped the line.

On the other side, in Z City, the purgatory kelp monster came to attack, strong Da's strength, Ganglian's hairstyle, defeated two A-level heroes one after another, A-level twenty-nine golden balls and A-level thirty-three spring beards.

And Saitama happened to pass by here, so the weirdo launched a trick, and countless kelp hairs attacked Saitama.

"Oh, forgot to buy kelp!

Looking at the countless giant kelp, Saitama still had a dull expression on his face.

As soon as the camera turns, the kelp monster just now has become part of the kelp soup in the pot.

A few days later, Genos was selected by the Hero Association, along with Bangu, the third S-rank silver tusk.

It turned out that a meteorite with a dragon-level disaster level was about to hit City Z. There were four levels of disasters in descending order: god, dragon, ghost, and tiger.

And the disaster level of this meteorite can directly destroy Z City. After learning about it, the seventh metal knight of the S level also controlled the robot to come to test the weapon. The destructive power of the strong da even rendered the sky a dazzling red.

However, for the unparalleled meteorite, the metal knight's attack is like a scraping.

Just when Genos was in despair, a figure stood up and walked enchantingly, who was it if it wasn't Saitama?!!

"Who are you?"

Looking at Saitama's figure, Banggu's face was full of surprise.

"I'm a hero!

Hearing Banggu's question, Saitama spoke up.

Under Genos' shocked gaze, Saitama's knees bent slightly, showing a jumping posture.

next moment!


As soon as Saitama's footsteps stepped on, the terrifying force instantly caused the roof of the entire da building to collapse instantly, a spider web-like crack spread to the entire roof in an instant, and Saitama's body also flew into the sky like a thunder.


Looking at Saitama's figure, Genos widened his eyes, his face full of shock.

call out!

In the BGM full of jiqing, Saitama's body is like an arrow from the string, the terrifying speed instantly breaks through the speed of sound, the violent sonic boom explodes all over his body, and countless clouds pass by him quickly, only Seeing Saitama who was constantly rushing towards the meteorite in the air, he clenched his fist, and his right fist had already maintained the movement of his fist.

"Don't, fall in my city!"

As the sound fell, Saitama's right fist suddenly slammed, and the terrifying power made Saitama instantly penetrate into the entire meteorite of the giant da, and the endless terrifying power continued to spew out, comparable to the size of a city. Da's meteorite began to make a continuous cracking sound under the unparalleled power.

Bang bang bang bang!!!!

With the sound of countless shattering sounds, Saitama's body instantly pierced through the meteorite.

next moment!


A dazzling blue light instantly shone for hundreds of kilometers in a radius, the entire meteorite exploded like a giant bomb, and countless rubble spewed out instantly.

In the eyes of Banggu and the others, they saw the blue light shining on their faces instantly, and waves of terrifying ripples spread out from the center of the meteorite. The terrifying power enveloped the entire city, bursting like giant fireworks. Open, the endless hurricane swept out.

"Broken, unbelievable!!!!

The right hand covered the light in the sky, Banggu's eyes were wide and his face was full of disbelief, "But..."

The picture turned again, and in the shocking eyes of everyone in the world of the heavens, on the surface of the earth, only a small stone was seen bursting open.

Then it instantly changed to the perspective below the city, and I saw countless meteorites continuously falling down towards the entire city from all directions.

・・・・ Flowers ・・・

Boom boom boom boom!!!!!

One after another terrifying explosions exploded in the entire city in an instant, and the terrifying explosions resounded through the heavens and the earth, deafening.

This scene fell into the eyes of countless people in the world of the heavens. All the low martial arts worlds, as well as a few existences in the high martial arts world, were instantly stunned, the expressions on their faces were shocking beyond description, and their chins were about to fall to the ground. .

"This, is this really a mighty power that humans can reach? This is no longer a terrifying power that humans can achieve, this is a god!!!" In the world of pirates, Kaido, known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, collapsed on the ground. When he hit the ground, his whole body began to tremble involuntarily, and his heart was full of fear.

"What kind of the strongest man am I?!! It's worthless in front of Saitama!!!"

Whitebeard's face was full of shock. Even if this terrifying meteorite was capable of activating Shock Fruit with all his strength, it would probably only be able to break a few layers of meteorite skin on the surface.

"Good meteorite, if my gravitational fruit can make such a huge meteor fall, what a mere king of sidda, this old man can kill in an instant!!!! In Naval Headquarters, on Fujitora's face with his eyes closed, Horrified expressions flooded.

"It's too strong, this is not a force that humans can resist at all, even our entire Hokage village regenerator or even all regenerators in the entire regenerator may not be able to resist this meteorite, Saitama is too pervert. Well!!!"

In the Hokage world, in the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiruzen fell to the ground, and the hat on his head fell into the distance.

"I don't know how to describe this kind of combat power. I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you Saitama the strongest!!!" Located in the land of death, Uchiha Madara is already numb, this world is too crazy.

"Hehe, the strength is not bad, you can look forward to the next performance!!" In Dou Po World, Emperor Hun Tian looked at this scene with great interest.

"This kind of strength, I am afraid that it has reached the strength of Dou Zun level, or even above it!!!" Among the ancients, Gu Yuan raised his brows and his face was a little dignified.

Gu Yuan is still a little unclear about Saitama's strength, after all, Saitama has not really shown his full strength from the beginning to the present.

In the world of One Punch Man, everyone in the Hero Association stared roundly, and then turned their attention to Banggu.

"The meteorite incident some time ago was actually solved by Saitama, so why is the final credit attributed to Metal Knight and Genos?" Looking at Bangu, Venerable Vest asked in confusion.

"That's right, isn't Mr. Banggu present? Why didn't you tell the truth to the staff? You're a little disloyal!!!!" Samurai Yuanzi's face was a little displeased, if it wasn't for Banggu hiding Saitama It is very possible that they can easily be a lot easier. After all, many things can be easily solved as long as Saitama goes out.

"Hehe, I thought that Saitama was trying to keep a low profile and didn't want to show up in front of the public, so I didn't make a claim without telling the members of the association." Bang Gu's face smiled bitterly.

After all, he really thought that Saitama was trying to keep a low profile, but he never expected Saitama to be so realistic. If he had known it earlier, he would have said it!!!


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