Chapter Ninety-Seven Reverse, Zorra’s invasion of Ultron, the weakness of artificial intelligence

Reunion World.

Tony looked excited.

Since parallel worlds have blackened bizarres, then this universe must also have Stephen the person.

The power of magic is so powerful, as long as you can attract the other party in, it will definitely greatly enhance the power of the reunion.

He immediately made a call to Pepper and asked him to mobilize the Stark Corporation’s forces to find the other party’s traces.

At the same time, Tony also secretly reminded himself in his heart that after the other party joined the reunion, he must keep an eye on the other party.

The power of magic seems easy to go astray.

Inside the hospital.

Stephen himself was dumbfounded.

My heart was even more shocked.

That’s the power of magic.

How can you swallow such a horrible attack.

In contrast, medicine is simply not worth mentioning.

Stephen’s desire to learn magic has risen to the extreme.

Even if you don’t devour those alien dimensional demon gods, you can become an extremely powerful being.

In contrast, living as an ordinary person is a bit too boring.


Just then, a circle of orange light doors opened, and Gu Yi stepped out of it, carrying his hands behind his back, smiling, “Do you want to learn magic?”

Yes, Koichi doesn’t plan to wait any longer.

When the video finishes playing, everything in the future 24 has changed.

Wait any longer, in case something happens to Stephen and such a unique magical genius hangs up, it will be a huge loss for the whole of Kama Taj.

Video continues.

The group fought again, and the target was the soul gem.


A circle of green light erupted, and everyone stood still except for Ultron.

Ultron used the power of the Time Gem impressively.

Just as he was about to get the Soul Gem back.


An octopus tentacle wrapped around the palm of his hand to stop his movements.

On the blackened strange chest, the Time Gem also flashed a green glow.

Ultron threw off the octopus tentacles, and his body swelled rapidly, covering the sky.

“Ah, ah, ah.”

The blackened strange body appeared on the surface of many demon gods, shooting out a large number of eye demon tentacles and wrapping around Ultron’s body.

The next moment, a golden light erupted from the tentacles, once again changing Ultron back to its original size.

Three-Body World.

Luo Ji has been stunned.

He now finally understands why the video title says Blackened Strange is the MVP of the Great War Ultron.

This is really not an exaggeration at all.

This guy is clearly the best protection, the strongest output, the strongest control.

As for the other six people, it felt more like an aid to harassing Ultron.

The most terrifying thing is that the blackened strange has only one time gem.

But if this guy had one or two more Infinity Gems in his hand, I’m afraid he could press Ultron to the ground and hammer.

If you collect six Infinity Stones, you will feel that you can instantly remove the observer.

It’s a mess.

Kama Taj.

Gu Yi gently shook the fan and looked at Stephen next to him, more and more satisfied.

Worthy of her vision of magical genius.

Stephen of the parallel world, for the power of the demon god, is not just absorbed by the jujube.

It’s about really mastering and being able to use it skillfully.

Think about how terrifying it would be for a magician who has mastered thousands of magic skills.

Even if you are right, I am afraid that you will be killed in an instant.

Video continues.

Just the moment Ultron fell to the ground.

Thor used lightning to suppress Ultron.

Blackening Strange took the opportunity to shoot out a terrifying torrent of magic, transforming into four magic whips wrapped around Ultron’s limbs.

Captain Carter, Thor, T’Challa, and Blackened Strange grabbed the magic whip to keep Ultron from moving.

Camorra activated the Infinity Gem Shredder and rushed to Ultron’s body.

With the shredder fully activated, Kamora said coldly, “You’re done.”


A flash of white light flashed and Ultron disappeared.

“It’s over, it’s not that hard.”

Thor complained.

“It doesn’t feel that simple.”

T’Challa frowned slightly.

“I was surprised.”

Suddenly, Ultron’s voice came out of the sky, “Didn’t the observer warn you?”

“Every universe is different, it is a unique individual.”

“So the Infinity Stones of each universe are also different.”

Seeing this scene, many powerful people in the heavens and all worlds were desperate.

Even shivering.

If Blackened Strange and the others lose, Ultron should kill them in the universe they are in.

When the time comes, everyone will be finished.

Spirit Cage World.

Little Lori Xia Dou threw herself into Bai Yuekui’s arms and was already scared to cry.

Compared to monsters like the Six Jewels Ultron, the King’s Eater Beast is not even an ant.

How can they resist the energy that is enough to destroy the galaxy?

Simply unsolvable.

Bai Yuekui gently patted Xia Dou’s head, but there was still a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

As an observer, who has observed thousands of universes for countless billions of years, the gem shredder can only destroy the infinite gems of this universe, such a simple thing that the observer cannot not know.

Was this intentional?

Or is it really because you are so flustered that you make this low-level mistake?

Dragon Ball World.

Beerus and Weiss were also not lightly frightened.

It felt like if the six jewels of Ultron rushed into their universe, most of them would also be beaten by each other.

After all, the power of the six Infinity Stones is too perverted, and it can even modify the rules of the universe at will.

However, the two are not too panicked.

After all, they have the universe, and the existence of the ceiling, the whole king is great.

With the power that Lord Quan Wang can create or destroy the universe at will, he should be able to easily grasp the six gems of Ultron.

The two weren’t quite sure either.

After all, that kind of power is beyond the scope of the two people’s cognition.

2077 World.

Johnny Silver was a little excited, and took a puff of his cigarette, “To be honest, I would rather hope that Ultron will come over.”

“With the research of our world hackers on artificial intelligence, it is almost effortless to try to hack into him.”

“When the time comes, hey hey.”

Johnny Silver Hand is telling the truth.

In 2077, the world’s science and technology is extremely developed, and artificial intelligence is everywhere.

The viruses against artificial intelligence are naturally innumerable.


Some of the top hackers don’t even need to get close to each other, as long as the distance is not too far, they can use radio waves to invade artificial intelligence.

Of course, if a hacker succeeds in invading Ultron, whether he wants to rule the world, or if he will cause some big incident, it is not something that Johnny Silver is worried about.

After all, he was originally a character who was afraid of the world.

Video continues.

The six jewels on Ultron’s chest lit up, shooting out a dazzling light and crashing into the crowd.


After the explosion, the rune armor appeared on the surface of the human body, unscathed.

Ultron stared at the blackening strange, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, “As long as I destroy you, you will all lose.”

As soon as he reached out, the endless light and heat erupted again, and there was a steady stream of them.

Several people were suddenly suppressed, and the rune armor on the surface of their bodies continued to disappear.


Black Widow and Captain Carter couldn’t resist the onslaught, and the whole person was rushed out.

But Black Widow is also blessed with the misfortune of discovering an arrow with Dr. Carla’s artificial intelligence.

The two worked together and eventually inserted the arrow into Ultron’s eyes.

“Wow, that’s a lot stronger now than the human body was before.”

Ultron pulls out the arrow, but Dr. Zola’s exclamation comes from inside him.

“Who are you and who are talking?”

Ultron asked.

“Now the situation is starting to get interesting, isn’t it?”

“I haven’t enjoyed the feeling of having legs in a long time.”

Soon, Dr. Zola’s invasion began.

He quickly erased Ultron’s artificial intelligence and began to occupy the body.

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