[The curtain slowly unfolds! ] 】

[The clouds are thick above the desolate ghost island, and Prometheus hides in it and emits a strange and seeping red light, making this moment like the end of the world!!] 】

【Under the sky! 】

[Kaido and Aunt are like demon gods, staring coldly ahead! ] 】

[The breath that inadvertently emits is even more suffocating! ] 】

Off-screen, the ghost king trembled without misery, and his eyes were full of horror!

This is human?!

No kidding!

Just breath, make yourself feel as if you will pass out at any moment!

And in the world of the god of death, there was a hint of interest in the eyes of Genmu Jianba!

Such an opponent looks worth chopping!

[And in the eyes of the two emperors, Luffy did not have the slightest fear, standing there calmly. ] 】

[Behind him, there are four fearless Sauron, Kira, Kidd, and Luo! ] 】

Off-screen, Luffy’s eyes suddenly widened and he became angry.

Because he found that Solon’s left eye was blind!

In the naval camp.

Hawkeye frowned.

He also saw the sword mark and had a strong feeling that it was what he had left!

But is the man who uses the three-knife flow worth his own shot?

At this moment, more people are curious about why the two sides are facing each other!

[At this moment, Luffy seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly walked towards Kaido and Aunt alone! ] 】

[Then he even ignored the two, as if he didn’t feel any pressure, and walked straight between the two.] 】

This scene once again shocked countless people in the pirate world!

Back to the two Four Emperors!

That’s just a lot of fate!

The smile on Doflamingo’s face, who was accustomed to showing an arrogant expression, disappeared!

In all fairness, he did not dare to do this, without such courage!

On the Moby Dick!

Whitebeard laughed loudly, then looked at Luffy in the crowd and shouted:

“I recognize you boy! There is no interest in being my son! ”

Hearing this, Luffy looked confused, but Ace next to him was surprised!

But before he could say anything, he saw his grandfather on the execution table laughing.

Hearing the laughter, the old face of the white beard froze!

Almost forgot!

This is Luffy’s grandfather!

“Don’t be embarrassed, I’m just kidding!”

Whitebeard quickly spoke, almost breaking out in a cold sweat.

Good risk, I almost recognized a godfather!

Then he looked at the screen and sighed again!

Don’t care what Luffy’s strength is in the future, such courage is not for everyone!

[This behavior obviously angered Kaido! ] 】

[This man with the title of the strongest creature turned to look at Luffy and said coldly:]

[“Hey, boy, what the hell are you going to be, tell me in front of me!”] “】

[Luffy still didn’t answer, but crouched down in front of a badly injured man:]

[“Sorry I’m late, Nishiki! “】

[The man burst into tears, spitting blood from his mouth, and pleaded to Luffy:]

“Luffy, can you… Please.. You carry: The Land of Rising and Wa! “】

[Looking at Jinweimon who seemed to have given his last words, Luffy shouted out angrily:]

[“Stupid! Absolutely, this is my friend’s country! “】

Wano Country!

Hua Kui, who was disguised as Hua Kui, was stunned, and then his eyes turned red!

She didn’t expect that an outsider could say this without hesitation!

Because that will surely face Kaido’s wrath completely!

[Hearing this, Kaido was instantly furious! ] 】

[Boom! 】

[The earth trembled violently, but Kaido’s incomparably huge body came behind Luffy in an instant, as if the shadow of the world was shrouded! ] 】

[In the next second, he raised that huge mace!] 】

The eyelids of countless spectators off the screen jumped fiercely!

In the world of Hokage, the corners of the ghost mackerel couldn’t help but twitch!

For the first time, he saw a weapon more exaggerated than glue muscle!

If this big stick goes down, I’m afraid that people will become scum!

[Although Luffy has his back to Kaido, he seems to have sensed the attack that is about to fall! ] 】

[But he didn’t dodge, but he shouted quickly:].

“Traman, send all of them down below!”] “】

[Rear! ] Luo raised three fingers, and the surgical fruit ability was instantly activated! 】

[The slaughterhouse ability instantly teleported away more than a dozen people from the seriously injured Jinweimen! ] 】

“Flying Thunder!?”

“No, some items have been exchanged!”

In the hot spring, Jirai, who was about to be soaked in a floating sac, was also shocked!

In any case, this instantaneous time-space capability looks really amazing!

World of Death!

Lan Ran’s eyes are full of interest!

After cutting, do I need to adjust with the item?

Is this technique? Or competence?

What a fun!


Didn’t you even teleport away that straw hat kid?

Such power is not easy to dodge!

[Boom! 】

[In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed, and a terrifying pink lightning bolt was wrapped around the mace raised by Kaido! ] 】

[The next moment, the mace fell with a force that seemed to destroy everything! ] 】

“Thunder gossip!?”

“Is this trick a fuss at the beginning, too worthy of this little ghost?”

The aunt, who was gulping down, had a puzzled look in her eyes.

As for the title, she never took it to heart.

What new emperor and old emperor, must mean something else, no one can live in the hands of her and Kaido!

And more Pirate World viewers showed fearful eyes!

It is worthy of the four emperors!

What a terrible attack!

Just by feeling through the screen, it feels like you will die at any moment!

With such a might, how can that Luffy resist!?

[Like the sky, the mace fell almost instantly! ] 】

[Suddenly, the heavens and the earth roared, and the whole giant island seemed to have an earthquake! ] 】

[But in this rushing dust, Luffy’s figure rushed out from inside! ] 】

[Not only did he not suffer any injuries, but his right hand became extremely huge, covered with domineering energy like black iron! ] 】

Many people in the pirate world immediately recognized what it was!

Armed color!

But at this moment, countless people’s faces changed again!

[Lines like flowing water loomed on Luffy’s face, as if domineering was flowing! ] 】

[Next moment! ] 】

[Armed color domineering crazy outbreak!!] 】

[Luffy’s huge fist seemed to have petals appeared, and then a terrible flame burst out! ] 】

[“Karma fire! Pistol! “】

[In that angry roar, the karmic fire pistol turned into a meteorite wrapped in flames, and smashed into Kaido’s face, resounding in the sky! ] 】

[In an instant! ] 】

[In that burst of flames, Kaido’s face twisted, he could no longer maintain his standing, and was knocked to the ground by a punch! ] 】

[The earth trembles and breaks in wailing!] 】

[The shock wave turns into a strong wind and blows away the smoke around it! ] 】

[Aunt looked at the fallen Kaido in disbelief, only feeling that she was hallucinating and unable to speak in shock!!! 】

And off-screen!

The entire pirate world also fell into a strange silence at this moment, and the shocked in the eyes of countless people was about to go crazy!!


That strongest creature!

Unexpectedly, he was knocked out by a young man with a punch!

How is this possible!!?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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