But the future Vegeta was actually surpassed by Goku and Gohan one after another. Even if he has been practicing hard for more than ten years, he still can’t compare with Gohan’s potential development this time! ! !
Originally, Vegeta felt that he had already surpassed Gohan. Although he failed to surpass Goku, it was understandable, and Gotenks was at least because of fusion, but what is Gohan you?
Obviously, you are useless in reading and reading, but now you actually backhanded a king bomb, making everyone’s brains buzzing!
I won’t take you to open it like this! .
Chapter 156: Majin Buu blew himself up, shaking all worlds!
“Come on, Gohan, you are the best, mom will always support you!!!” On the earth, Qiqi had a proud smile on her face, and her eyes were full of relief as she looked at Gohan.
Although the future Gohan did not become a great scholar according to her idea, the current Gohan is also quite good.
After all what is the use of being a great scholar if the world is destroyed? Study hard when you are peaceful, and when the enemy strikes, you can also attack brazenly to protect your homeland. This is the Gohan in Qiqi’s mind! ! !
Of course, the premise of all this is to be in the situation of your own safety.
“Okay… that’s amazing, is this really Gohan?!!” Goku swallowed his saliva on the northern king planet, and couldn’t believe his eyes.
The former Gohan, who only acted like a baby in his arms, has grown to the point where he needs to look up to him! ! !
If possible, he still wants to watch Gohan’s heroic figure in battle up close, but at this moment, he can only support Gohan through the screen! ! !
“When the incident with the Saiyans and Frieza is over, we must accompany Kiki and Gohan well!!!” Making up his mind, Goku continued his cultivation.
In the picture, looking at Majin Buu’s embarrassed appearance, Gohan’s mouth slightly raised, and his eyes said coldly:
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to beat me up?”
“I’m going to beat you up…I’m going to beat you up now…I’m going to beat you up!!!”
The body suddenly shook, and the depression in the abdomen was restored to its original shape. Majin Buu roared angrily, and then stepped on the ground suddenly, and the huge pothole was instantly reflected on the ground. The terrifying force caused the ground to collapse instantly, and the body was like an arrow that left the string. Like a arrow, he arrived in front of Gohan in an instant.
Bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! !
Without the slightest resemblance, Majin Buu’s double 397 punches swung out suddenly, the powerful force instantly cut through the void, tore the atmosphere, and kept falling towards Gohan with an unrivaled posture.
However, facing Majin Buu’s attack like a madman, Gohan’s face did not fluctuate at all, and he easily blocked the fist that surpassed the speed of light.
boom! ! ! boom! ! ! boom! ! !
No matter how fast Majin Buu’s punches are, every time Gohan is able to resist his attack when his fist falls, as if walking in a garden, Gohan resists and evades Majin Buu’s offensive without the slightest pressure , just like adults playing with young children.
Seeing this scene, countless villains in the heavens and worlds who supported Majin Buu couldn’t help but feel deep despair.
It’s not Majin Buu’s fault, it’s because Gohan is too strong, this kind of overwhelming strength is simply worlds apart, there is no comparison! ! !
As the picture continued to change, Gohan punched Majin Buu down, and then continued to tease Majin Buu and said that Majin Buu was an idiot.
And Majin Buu, who was said to be an idiot, was so angry that his whole body turned red, but even in a state of rage, Majin Buu was still easily suppressed by Gohan.
“Actually, I knew it a long time ago, when I was fighting those brats!”
Standing up, Buu patted the ashes on his body, and then let out a sneer. Under the surprised eyes of Gohan and others, as well as countless people from the heavens and worlds, Buu then said: “I know that in a very far away There is a very powerful force in the place!”
“However… I will not allow a power stronger than me to exist!”
“Really? You tried it out for the sake of caution, but found that I am indeed above you…” Hearing this, Gohan showed a faint smile on his face, and then continued: “It’s really (baea) too regrettable Yes, Majin Buu!”
“Then…that guy, when he was fighting you, he noticed the existence of Gohan’s power!!!” In the distance, a drop of cold sweat slid down Piccolo’s forehead.
“This… so, how could he still fight Gotenks???” Trunks asked suspiciously.
“Brat, you heard me clearly!”
In Gohan’s sight, Majin Buu’s face was full of anger, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his face looked extremely ferocious, “I, Buu… will never let you go!!!”
“I can’t spare you!”
“I’m going to kill you!!!”
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! !
Following Majin Buu’s roar like a madman, a terrifying aura full of destructive aura surged out of his body in an instant, pink arrogance instantly exploded all over his body, layer after layer of incomparably powerful aura waveswept the earth.
In an instant, the sky dimmed at this moment, and countless red lightning flashed continuously from the body of Majin Buu, and the countless gravel dozens of kilometers around him were attracted by the powerful breath, and kept floating on the surface. In mid-air, a powerful storm swept through everything around.
boom! ! !
As the breath of Demon Buu continued to rise, the pink arrogance instantly rose into the sky, and countless red lightnings continued to roar. Countless powerhouses could not help shrinking their eyes at this moment, and their hearts were full of fear.
“You’re going to kill me?”
Gohan couldn’t help being a little surprised when he saw the powerful aura bursting out from Majin Buu, and then said with a sneer: “I think you should know very well, you can’t do it at all!”
Hearing this, Majin Buu shifted his gaze to Gohan’s body, his whole body was bursting with anger, his face was filled with a wild smile, and the pink arrogance continued to surround him, “Then just wait and see!! !”
As Majin Buu’s words fell, Gohan’s expression changed slightly.
I saw that the pink arrogance around Majin Buu began to change irregularly, like a burning flame, and the red thunderbolt danced violently, making Majin Buu’s expression look like a ghost in hell.
Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! !
Constantly roaring, Majin Buu’s body began to wriggle constantly, the originally violent thunderbolt danced like a madman, and even all the microorganisms in the air were destroyed by the terrifying high temperature at this moment, and the powerful arrogance even more. It was skyrocketing again, and an aura that was powerful enough to destroy everything instantly filled out, sweeping the heavens and the world! ! !
“Difficult… Could it be that Majin Buu is going to explode!!!” In the Dragon Ball world, Vegeta couldn’t help but exclaimed.
As Vegeta’s unbelievable voice fell, the expressions of countless powerhouses in the heavens and myriad worlds also changed greatly. They are all powerhouses in their respective worlds, and naturally they know what Majin Buu wants to do! ! !
In the picture, Gohan roared, rushed towards the Piccolo trio, and then took the three to quickly fly into the distance.
hum! ! !
With Gohan’s roar and Majin Buu’s hideous smile, the dazzling pink light instantly covered the sun, the whole world was illuminated by pink light, and a powerful and destructive aura instantly centered on Majin Buu spread out.
Powerful air waves swept out, destroying everything in a radius of hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and then swept toward the entire planet like a tsunami, destroying countless buildings on the planet.
Looking from a distance, a mushroom cloud with a height of hundreds of thousands of meters is reflected in the eyes of countless people in the heavens and the world. The devastating scene like the end of the world has caused some humans with weak mental ability to even faint on the spot.
As the smoke of gunpowder slowly dissipated, Gohan held Piccolo and the others suspended in the air tens of thousands of meters high. A huge pothole with a length of hundreds of kilometers on the ground was reflected in everyone’s eyes. The huge hole was deep. Bottomless, like a black hole connected to hell in mythology, it is daunting.
Looking at the terrifying scene in the picture, countless strong men in the heavens and the world couldn’t help swallowing, trembling involuntarily, and a sense of fear from the soul continued to invade the whole body.
In the world of Ghost Extermination, the pillar-level powerhouses all took a breath, only to feel that their scalps were numb, and the emotions of fear continued to emerge throughout their bodies, and they only felt that a breath of death was constantly surrounding their bodies.
“Too…too terrifying, and my physique, I am afraid that even the aftermath will be enough to obliterate me!!!” In the world of pirates, Kaido collapsed on the ground, and the three disasters on the side were pale and almost collapsed. .
“Art, this is art!!!” In the Naruto world, Deidara couldn’t help but dance.
“Demon… Majin Buu should be dead!!!” In Konoha Village, Naruto swallowed, his face a little frightened.
“No! You underestimate Majin Buu. With this level of self-destruction, Majin Buu didn’t plan to expose himself at all. He must have some conspiracy!” On the side, Shikamaru frowned and thought for a moment. opened his mouth.
“It’s a terrifying power, I didn’t expect that we have been completely thrown away today!!!” Yao Lao sighed in the Douba World.
“This guy, Majin Buu, should be dead?!!” In the world of Dragon Ball, Krillin swallowed, trembling all over.
“No, it shouldn’t be that simple. You must know that Majin Buu’s vitality is very tenacious. It is impossible for him to die at this level of self-destruction!!!” On the side, Turtle Immortal shook his head, his face full of solemnity .
“Abominable Demon Buu, what conspiracy does he have?!” In the world of the King of Gods, the God of Kings frowned.
Suddenly, a terrible thought exploded in his mind.
Is it…
Oops, Gohan and the others are in danger! ! !
In the picture, Gohan and others are a little confused. After all, if they really want to explode, with the powerful strength of Majin Buu, it is impossible to create such a weak explosion, let alone the entire earth, I am afraid even the entire The solar system and even the Milky Way will be destroyed in an instant in an instant.
Afterwards, Gohan and the others, who could not feel the breath of Majin Buu, chose to go to find Dandy, and met Satan on the way, and the group came together.
While everyone was chatting, the breath of Majin Buu came again, and it continued to fly towards the position of Gohan and the others at a speed exceeding the speed of light.
“Difficult… Could it be that that guy… still wants to fight?”
With a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, Piccolo’sThe expression was extremely horrified, “In this short hour, what has changed?”
You know, there is an overwhelming gap between Majin Buu’s strength and Gohan’s, and now Majin Buu actually comes to his door on his own initiative, has there been any new changes in this guy? ? ?
Seeing Majin Buu flying towards him continuously, Gohan’s eyes were full of murderous intent: “This time, I must kill him!!!”
Chapter 157: Goten Kosbuu, who makes life’s restricted area look sideways!
“Hey! You two brats, come out! I want to fight with you two!!!”
In the picture, the corner of Majin Buu’s mouth is raised slightly, looking at Trunks and Goten in the distance and speaking.
“What? Stop talking nonsense Buu! Now I’ll deal with you!” Frowning, Gohan raised his thumb and shouted at himself.
“Hahahaha, I want to fight those two brats first, and then I will fight with you!!!” With a sneer, Majin Buu pointed to Trunks in the distance and said.
However, Gohan said he didn’t understand, why waste time like this?
In this regard, Majin Buu didn’t pay attention to Gohan, but mocked the two of Trunks, and even asked whether the other party was afraid! ! !
And as the camera turned, Majin Buu’s back began to squirm continuously, and then in the blind spot of Gohan and others’ perspective, two pink meatballs separated from Majin Buu’s back, and then kept avoiding From the perspective of several people, he drilled into the dark.
“Oops…Oops, Majin Buu must have some kind of trick!!!” In the world of Dragon Ball, Piccolo’s expression changed drastically when he watched Majin Buu’s movements.
And countless people in the heavens and worlds also changed their faces instantly at this moment, and the people who supported the Saiyans began to shout continuously, and even reminded Gohan constantly on the bullet screen, but this is impossible after all. See ~ can see.
But the villains who supported this Majin Buu couldn’t help showing ferocious smiles.
Sure enough, Majin Buu must have some kind of scheme, otherwise it would be impossible to appear in front of Gohan and the others so boldly! ! !
“Oops, it really is this move, hurry up and find out!!!” In the King of Realm Star, the King of Realm, who was watching the scene, couldn’t help but clenched his fists tightly, his face full of anxiety.
Back then, Majin Buu used this trick to devour the Southern Realm King God, and then swallowed the Great Realm King God. Now it seems obvious that Majin Buu is going to use this trick.
In the picture, following the ridicule of Majin Buu, the two bear children did not show any weakness, and in order to put a hand in front of Gohan, the two said that they must kill Majin Buu this time.
Synopsis: I have absolutely a problem with my daily life
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