“Our children will be handed over to you in the future.”

“Sorry, Rick.”

The subordinate named Ewan smiled at this almost unreasonable request, but said his last words with a smile.

Subsequently, there was no dragging mud and water, without any hesitation.

He threw away his equipment and ran straight out of his hideout.

“Your food is here!”

Ivan does not have any fancy operations.

In the face of dozens of times his absolute strength, any small action looks extremely ridiculous.

Ewan can only use the most primitive way to use his own body to lure away the demon species that hunt them.

With Iwan’s voice, the buildings inside the remains of the crypt began to collapse violently.

A monster so large that it was impossible to resist headed in the direction of Ivan.

The monster ignored Rick and the two who were still hiding in the corner.

As Ewan led the monster away, to a critical point somewhere, a violent explosion came from the end where Ewan was.

Rick and the two took the opportunity to leave here.

Iwang, on the other hand, sleeps forever on this land.

[Usopp: “Empty past life like this? He easily turned his back on his companions! Can’t you just try it? Those are companions who are willing to give their lives for him! “】

[Naruto Uzumaki: “That is, how can I abandon my companions, if I want to abandon Sasuke, I will never be able to do it.] It’s hard for me to agree with Rick’s decision. “】

[Chika Fujiwara: “Iwang is really too courageous, he almost didn’t hesitate when he received the order, he was too pitiful.”]

Yukinoshita Yukino: “There is no doubt that this is the best decision that can be made in front of humans who are only higher in status than ants.” “】

[Bick: “You are all mothers-in-law, and before that kind of life and death, it is better to die one than to die three together.”] “】

[Kakashi: “Yes, in this case, abandoning your teammates is also a helpless move. “】


In the face of Rick’s behavior of selling teammates, some viewers could not accept it because of the problem of belief.

This seems to be the case, Rick only needs to fight for it a little longer, maybe the demon race will not find them.

09But there is no doubt that the decision Rick made is undoubtedly the most rational and correct.

It is precisely this kind of rationality that allows the two to safely leave this dangerous ruins cave.

It’s just a matter of whether the price is acceptable or not.

[This world has gods and the fourteen races they created]

[Human beings are beings outside the fourteen races]

[Each of the fourteen races can easily wipe out humans]

[In order not to be noticed, human beings survive for a long time]

[Resistance is not allowed by default, and once it is confirmed that there is a threat, the superior race can exterminate the human race at will]

The video’s narration subtitles reappeared, again explaining the questions that the audience was confused about.

So Barrage also understood why Rick gave up his companion so easily.

It’s not that you don’t want to resist, it’s that you can’t.

Once the voice is heard, attracting the attention of the superior race, it is a disaster.

Pirate World.

Great Routes.

Luffy and the crew watch the video on deck.

In the face of these helplessness, Luffy was also rarely silent.

If it was him in the past, he would definitely shout, “Just beat those superior races away!” “。

But this time he didn’t.

Because Rick is different from him, the other party is just an ordinary person.

In such a cruel world, the only thing the other party can do is deal with the problem in the most rational way.

“Abominable! Think of Rick’s world and beat up those so-called superior races! ”

Luffy clenched his fists indignantly.

Bone King World.

Anzulgong had just finished contact with his companions.

The reward given by the system is to give him the ability to communicate with his companions.

And this reward automatically allows them to learn the corresponding magic.

So Ainziurgong can connect with his companions in his past life through magic in his mind.

As the last player in the game, Ainz is undoubtedly the last to retreat.

Since the companions all retreated before the game closed, communication was only possible from the realistic side.

Ainz cannot reveal his identity as the Bone King.

Most of the companions have retired to become current or social animals, and it was a great surprise to receive a call from Ainz.

“Ainz (game nickname), what are you doing during this time, do you want to play the latest holographic game, no worse than the game we had before.”

Some of the companions in the past life are still playing games, and Ainz is invited to continue playing new games.

They don’t know that Ainz has crossed into the game world.

Ainz was silent for a moment, and the skull laughed: “I’ve been busy with work recently, let’s talk about it next time, haha!” ”

Hanging up the communication, Ainz only then went back to look at the video picture, looking at Iwan, who sacrificed his life for his companion, Ainz sighed: “Companion?” ”

For him at this moment, he is used to the life of a skeleton.

The biggest wish contact companion has also been concluded, and there are no regrets.

Just watching the picture of Rick being forced to sacrifice his companion, he still fell silent.

“Presumably Rick must be in pain.”

【Video continues to play】

After Iwan’s death, Rick returned to the shelter.

The place where humans live is in a crypt.

In this cruel world, survival is extremely difficult, coupled with the threat of various superior races, the living space of human beings is pitiful.

In the shelter, many people saw Rick as the leader returning, their eyes brightened, and they all gathered around.

But after getting closer, after finding that the three people Rick had gone out had only returned for two, their eyes were dark.

But no one asked where Iwan, who had not returned, had gone, and everyone already knew the answer to this question.

“Rick, it’s great that you can come back safely!”

Sister Chronie gave Rick a hug.

“We . . . It is up to you to lead the survival of the race, and other things…….. Rick, don’t care. ”

Chronie looked at Rick and the two, she also found that there was one less person in the team, her eyes lost for a moment, but she still forced herself to comfort Rick.

Rick didn’t speak, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Because he is used to seeing too much, because of numbness, this is the only way he can escape.

Sacrifice can happen every moment of every day, and if he, as an executioner, cannot bear the pain in his heart, then who will lead the survival of the human race?

No one else could judge as calmly as he did, and during the period he led, the human casualties were only a few dozen.

This is a number that past leaders have struggled to achieve anyway.

“Rick! Rick! ”

At this time, a voice came from a distance.

Rick looked over and saw a little girl running from the distance of the shelter.

The little girl’s name is Nonna, who is Iwan’s daughter.

Nonna looked left and right, did not find her father’s figure, innocent age, she asked Rick:

“Rick, where’s Daddy?”

“Why didn’t Dad come back together?”

Nonna’s childish voice was originally innocent, but Rick only felt uncomfortable like a cold wind.

“Nonna, daddy won’t be coming back.”

“He’s dead.”

Rick’s pupils lost their brilliance and he spoke the truth without emotion.

When human beings encounter major blows and pressures that can break themselves, they will passively close their emotions, which is a protective mechanism made by the body to prevent the brain’s rational collapse.

And Rick mastered the way to actively open this protection mechanism.

The death of his companion and the condemnation of his conscience forced Rick to open this protective mechanism.

“Snap!” A crisp slap sound.

A clear palm print appeared on Rick’s face.

“You lied!”

Nonna’s little face couldn’t stop trembling, and she kept shaking her head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“You lied!”

“Obviously said that I would come back together!”

“It is clearly said that mankind will eventually triumph ……..”

Nonna slumped on the ground in pain, tears rolling down her eyes like beads.

She has always been well-behaved and obedient, but she couldn’t accept the truth for a while and became hysterical.

Rick felt the hot pain on his face, and in the face of Nonna’s rebuke and abuse, he did not return the favor, but just endured it silently.

This is the price of not bringing the companion back.

What is this compared to Ivan’s life?

The people of the sanctuary assumed that he was an emotionless leader.

But he cherished the lives of his companions more than anyone else.

But what can be done?

If you don’t make that decision, if you don’t make sacrifices, the worst result may be that all three of them will be buried in the belly of that demon species.

Instead of risking that attempt, one person’s sacrifice should be exchanged for the survival of two others.

“Ivan fought as hard as he could, for the ultimate victory.”

Rick said the high-sounding words, but after saying it, he was suddenly stunned.

I don’t know when he was able to tell such an insincere lie without any obstacles.

In the past, he used similar words to appease the family of the deceased, but now the object has been changed to a little girl, but he also said it without any obstacles.

Nonna’s eyes were not glorious.

Rick knew that it wasn’t that Nonna had collapsed because of her father’s death, but that she couldn’t see herself.

But Nonna was still looking straight ahead, and in the dark depths that could not be seen, there seemed to be the figure of her father, her only relative.

“Then change to Rick, change to Rick to die!”

Nonna’s heart was extremely broken, and finally said this sentence that made Rick break his defense.

Rick’s pupils shrank, and all kinds of guilt he deliberately buried rose to his heart.

[Kaneki Ken: “This almost desperate pain is really the same as mine. Moreover, the despair of Rick’s world is by no means something that ordinary people can easily bear. “】

[Jotaro Kujo: “It’s a desperate world, and just being alive is a luxury?”] “】

[Yukinoshita Yukino: “As a leader, in addition to bearing the despair of the world, Rick also has to bear the responsibility of the race, and the despair and pain in his heart can only be relieved by death. “】

[Empty: “My past life turned out to be like this?”] It really surprised me, it really deserved me! Huge pressures can also be withdrawn. “】

[Shiro: “A little looking forward to what Shiro’s previous life will look like~~”】

The world where the blank is.

Sora and Shiro have finished the game at this moment and are watching the video seriously.

After all, what TOP5 plays is their past life.

Anyone is interested in their past life, right?

Blank, both wanted to know what kind of person they would be in their past lives.

As the video played, the attitude of the two changed from having fun to serious.

Neither Void nor White expected that in their previous lives, they would live in such a cruel world.

Survival alone has become a problem.

Even living depends on the mercy and contempt of the superior being, depending on the mood of the other party.

Such a human race is simply living in dire straits.

It can be said that it is a miracle that it has not been exterminated so far.

Eleven-year-old Shiro looked at the content and even felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the subtitles at the beginning of the video explain that the reason why they are undefeated comes from this past life.


“And what is the miracle of 251 seconds?”

“Plus Bai also 013 did not appear.”

All kinds of mysteries add up, making the two look forward to the next content of the video even more.

【Video continues to play】

At some point, the confused Rick returned to his residence.

He woke up suddenly, and great pain engulfed his entire mind.

He began hysterically dropping things and pounding tables, frantically destroying everything he could see.

“I’m a trash, I’m an incompetent leader”

Rick flipped the chessboard on the table, shredded the books, and roared like crazy.

“Iwan, everyone, I let them die with their own mouths……..”

“Any victory, any declaration, is just a high-sounding excuse.”

“For other races, taking the Star Cup is a victory, but for the human race, surviving to the end is the biggest victory…”

“What qualifications does the human race have for victory among other races?”

“We face other races and don’t even dare to fight for the lives of our companions.”

Star Cup, legend has it that when the god with the strongest divine power is born, the Star Cup will appear beside him.

The Star Cup has the ability to set rules, and once obtained, it will undoubtedly rule all other races.

The other fourteen races are fighting for the Star Cup, mediating each other in this huge chessboard.

Except for humans.

Humans are not even qualified to board the chessboard and become pawns.

“If this continues, what will the future of mankind look like…”

After venting, Rick collapsed on the ground and muttered in pain.

“When will it end? When the 999th man died for the 1001st? ”

“Or will it have to wait until only one survives?”

After a while, when Rick came out of the room again, he no longer had that fragile look.

The fate of mankind will continue, and for the future of the race, he cannot hide in the house and be a coward.

Even for the slightest hope, he will lead humanity towards that hope.

“Gather the manpower, we are going to the abandoned capital of the Senjing seed.”

Rick returned to his usual cold appearance and gave orders in an orderly manner.

In order to lead more people to the sunrise of tomorrow, he must make every effort that may bring mankind closer to victory.

The abandoned capital city of Mori Sei, this is the destination that was originally planned.

Rick had a premonition that he would meet something here that could change the fate of mankind.

I just don’t know, this thing will be desperate like the demon species……..

Or say, hopefully! …..。

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