The ending undoubtedly ends with Rick’s pawn being killed.

In front of the machine that is good at calculus, even the probability of one in ten thousand will be exhausted.

Maybe in 10,000 matches, there will really be a time when Rick can win one.

But that’s all a miracle.

And it will not happen at this moment.

[Roroya Solon: “Although I believe that miracles can happen as much as my stupid captain, it is obviously naïve to believe that Rick can win as a human race, and I am probably influenced by my stupid captain. “】

[Sakita Azusagawa: “Isn’t that something obvious?” It is difficult for human beings to even survive, and winning this kind of thing should be no less difficult than obtaining the Star Cup, right? It’s all less than a 1 in 10,000 probability. “】

[Oriki Byotaro: “Although the barrage is obviously a waste of energy-saving energy, I admit that I did think at the beginning that hope would happen to Rick. “】

[Hestia: “Woo-woo, I still hope that Rick can win, then at least there is hope, and the result is as slim as the probability that I can find a dependent~”]

[Conan: “If it is difficult to win even the winning game, I really can’t imagine how Rick will lead humanity to victory…. No, or yes or both, there is little hope. “】

The audience of the two-dimensional heavens expressed their views one after another.

This feeling of being able to watch other people’s experiences in their minds makes them feel quite novel, and sending barrages is much more frequent.

In the video frame.

As agreed, Rick took the girl back to the shelter.

Of course, the reality is that Rick is carried by a girl with extreme speed.


Arriving at the hidden door outside the shelter, the mechi girl placed Rick on the ground.


Rick gasped on the ground, and along the way, the girl was running at a speed that exceeded the limits of humans, and he felt that his internal organs had changed positions.

“Is it true that you didn’t use elves at this speed?”

[Elves are mana-like things]

“Sure: If you use elves, the time will be shortened by fifty-five thousand seven hundred and eighty-two seconds.”

“In addition, this machine is an analytical body, and it belongs to the body with lower combat power than the average among the machine kai.”


Rick instantly didn’t want to speak.

If she who runs at a speed that exceeds the limits of human beings by dozens of times is a weak combat power in the machine species, then what is a weak human being?

Oh yes, humans are not even maggots.

Giving up his intention to complain, Rick led the girl into a hidden aisle at the front of the shelter door. 800

“What shall I call you?”

Rick discovers that he doesn’t yet know the name of the girl of the machine breed.

“Answer: I don’t understand.”

“Name, I said your name, don’t you have a name?”

“Individual identification number, machine model: c207 machine Pr type 4f57t9 machine number……..”

“Can this be considered a name? Nope. ”

As Rick walked, he said to the girl next to him: “If you want to choose a name that conforms to human cognition, the production model of the machine Kai is definitely not good.” ”

Rick next wants to bring the girl into the settlement of the human tribe, and the model number as the name is no less than that of the three words “machine kai species” on the girl’s brain.

It is incalculable how much panic this will cause for humans, who have always feared the superior race.

No one wants a “human butcher” to exist where they live.

“The condition of victory that this machine can understand is to stay by Rick’s side until he can resolve the heart.”

“Is it necessary to hide the fact that you are a machine?”

The machine breed girl followed Rick closely like a clingy kitten, facing Rick’s question and asking her own questions in bewilderment.

“I said that the so-called heart comes from mutual understanding.”

Rick stopped and made his request to the girl very seriously and solemnly: “If you want to live with me, you can only dress up as a human together.” ”


[Eiri Li: “It’s hard for a girl of the machine to understand the meaning of this behavior, after all, she is a superior race. “】

[Ma Yin: “Wouldn’t Rick’s behavior be a little too risky, although it is said that it is a husband and wife, but so many requests will not cause the dissatisfaction of the machine Kai seed, right?” “】

Yubihama Yui: “But the girl would like to try to understand the meaning of Rick’s heart, and she will definitely accept it.] “】


“Question: Can the name be set freely?”

As expected, the girl agreed with Rick and decided to think of a name that met the conditions of human identity.

“As you like.”

“Then it’s called Huwarza.”

“It’s too long, and it doesn’t look like a name.”

Rick came up with his thought: “How about calling Huby?” ”

“I don’t understand, the free settings have been revised.”

The girl didn’t understand, one moment Rick said that it could be set freely, but the next moment he denied her proposal, is such a violation of the procedure human?

Huby’s eyes shimmered and he stared at Rick.

In the machine type of program, such a violation of the program leads to logical confusion, which is why Hughby’s previous logical confusion when understanding the meaning of the mind was later disconnected by the main conjunction.

The randomness of human beings cannot even be judged by machine species, and it is difficult to estimate the probability of certainty in the face of human behavior that can arbitrarily violate the program.

“You have to change your talking habits before you go in.”

Rick noticed that Hubby was still talking mechanically.

This may seem like nothing to him, but it can be easily seen by others in the shelter.

“Read, imitate personality L610.”

Huby understood Rick’s thoughts, and she closed her eyes, as if reading someone’s behavioral memory.


Hubby mimics a character who seems to be a sister, her body is forward, her right hand stands next to her ear, making a scissor shape, and her pleasant voice is matched with this sentence, like a naughty kitten seeking affirmation, which is simply cute.


In the face of the super cute Hubie, Rick was unmoved.

One day in the campus world.

Brother Cheng looked at Hubie in the picture, and his heart was about to become cute.

But seeing the stone-hearted Rick sternly refused, he almost dropped the cup in his hand.

He was drinking water.

“Is this Rick made of stone? Such a cute beauty took the initiative to send it to the door and didn’t accept it. ”

“Still treated so coldly.”

“It’s a loss of our gentlemanly demeanor.”

Brother Cheng angrily attacked Rick’s doomed behavior.

He doesn’t care about the so-called cruelty of the world.

With such a little beauty in her arms, why not accept it?

He had just recently had a girlfriend, but if something like this came across him, he didn’t think he would say no.

Of course, this is not two boats.

This is…….. Fraternity!

Light Sound World.

“Mio, Hughby is so cute!”

Tanaka held the instrument, and after watching Hubby’s treasure tricks, he felt that he was cute.

“Law, is it really good that you are still watching the video here, your homework is not finished yet.”

“Don’t mention the sad things, hey.”

Mio Akiyama’s reminder made Tanaka want to cry without tears.

It seems that the homework is almost over, and if you don’t do it quickly, it seems that it will really be bad.

But Tai Nakaru was reluctant to move.

Who makes the Heavens video really good, and she wants to see what the future story of Rick and Hubie will look like.

The eldest lady Qin Zhuo covered her mouth next to her and chuckled, “Ah Lu, don’t be discouraged, Xiao Wei doesn’t seem to have done it yet.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the three girls looked at Hirasawa Yui, who was in a daze, but was actually focusing on watching the video of the heavens in his mind.

“Ah, why are you looking at me?”

Hirasawa Yui sensed his gaze and asked slowly.

All three girls burst out laughing.

Jiabaili World.

In the dirty bedroom, Jia Baili watched videos while playing games.

When she saw Huby make a cute gesture, she didn’t react, in her opinion, this was an ordinary sister state. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She (BBBA) cares more about those upper races, almost the same as the multi-class she played the game! That’s cool!

Jia Baili wanted to see what those superior races were like.

That’s how she sees it.

But suddenly, she felt a pain in her thigh.

“Ah! Wei Nai, what are you doing! ”

Looking back, she found that a red mark had been pinched out of her white calf.

“Xiaojia, don’t you think Hugh is so cute? Ahhhhhh ”

“Then you have your own legs, bastard!”

“Sorry sorry, I’ll compensate you for cooking in the evening.”

“Hmph, that’s pretty much it.”

Jia Baili hummed in satisfaction.

Returning to the video, Rick rejects Hubby’s offer.

“Opposed, a very logical proposal has been made.”

“Actually, I have a sister or something, it’s too far-fetched to say it.”

Rick voiced his concerns.

The people in the shelter couldn’t be more familiar, and there was an extra sister out of thin air, and how many lies Rick had to pull to fool the past, and his head grew big when he thought about it.

“Requirements: Please provide settings that match the situation.”

His own offers were ruthlessly rejected by Rick, and Hubby made a request that Rick wanted to set.

“It’s also too hard to cover up your past.”

“It’s better to be timid and silent, and not to say anything extraneous.”

“Mechanical words at the beginning of the sentence are not allowed, how?”

Rick came up with his ideas, and these were the best ways he could think of to deal with them.

Hearing Rick’s suggestion, Huby closed his eyes.

“I see.”

“Is that okay?”

When he spoke again, Hubi’s originally mechanical tone that did not seem to be life-like became very lazy and quiet.

Like a very introverted and timid little girl.

Although the tone still lacks rich emotion, it already looks like the level of normal human speech.

At least it won’t be as cold as a robot.

“Is this acting……..”

Rick was stunned, and Huby’s tone suddenly changed too much like a human.

He couldn’t help but suspect that it was acted.


Hubie shook his head.

“It’s not.”

“This is the result of synchronizing and imitating the same tasks as the settings Rick prompted.”

Hubby’s words stunned Rick for two seconds.

It is really worthy of being a machine with superb computing ability, and the learning ability is so amazing.

Rick had no doubt that if she gave Hughby enough time, she could learn even human emotions.

“Okay, that’s it, don’t leave my sight.”

The two came to the porch of the shelter, and Rick pushed open the door of the shelter.

“Remember not to take off your clothes.”

After repeated confirmation, Rick did not forget to tell Hughby the key.

Before returning to the shelter, Rick found Huby a well-fitting outfit to cover the mechanical parts on Huby’s body.


Some parts cannot be concealed.

“That thing like a tail, can’t you find a way to deal with it?”

Rick looked at the two tails exposed under Huby’s clothes, which were parts that grew out of Huby’s tail and were a little conspicuous.

“This is Hubby’s power source, which can simulate the circuits of elves and dominate the connection neural network.”

“In this way, there is really no way, let’s say it’s decoration.”

Rick roughly understood that this was probably the same part as the human “heart”, and it was too difficult to get rid of it than forcibly.

He had to say it was decoration when he saw people later.

“Before I go in, I repeat.”

Rick said solemnly, “Never let anyone else see your mechanical body.” ”

Still that worry, how much panic it would cause when the body of the machine was seen by the humans in the gathering place, he could hardly predict.

“Well, just for Rick.”

…….. That’s not what it means, hey.

Rick looked at the dumbfounded Hubi, as if he would not refuse anything Huby did at the moment.

How is it always so misunderstood!

The two entered the human settlement.

“It’s so cute, why is this kid so cute!”

Entering the gathering place, both the people who were working and the people who were doing the work looked at it together.

Sister Chronie let out an exaggerated exclamation, shocked by Hubby’s cuteness.

It’s no wonder that Chloe fussed, the petite Hughby is like a cute porcelain doll, no matter who sees it, it will be cute for the first time.

And only a guy like Rick would be indifferent.

“It was found in the other tribes of destruction when I came back, so I brought it back.”

Rick quietly watched Chloe kiss and hug Hughby, and lied lightly.

“Could it be that …….. Is it a bride? ”

Sister Chloe teased with a bad smile.


Dumbly Hughby looked at his hands.

Are you talking about me?

“Really, don’t be shy~”

Chloe poked Rick with her arm, and the boy had to take the initiative.

“In this era, the first important thing is to have children, the second is food, and three, four, five are to have children.”

Chloe meant to be bad.

“Little cutie, what’s your name.”

Chloe asked Huby kindly.


“Good name.”

Chloe walked up to Huby, half-squatted and hugged Hubie, gently stroked Hubby’s long hair, and asked curiously: “How did you and Rick meet?” ”

How did you meet……..

Huby thought about it and recounted the facts flatly.

“Hubie . . . Kissing Rick…….. Then the reproductive act was forced. ”

Chloeney: “……..”

Onlookers: “……..”

Rick: “……..”

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