Star-Lord: @Thanos, you dare to kill Gamora! I’ll kill you! What a bullshit Avengers, I don’t know you guys at all, don’t talk to me about what is not I ruined the future. Without Gamora, I don’t care about the future at all, and I’m not a hero! I’ve never been a hero! Not as great as you guys!

Thanos: Thank you, leader, I finally know where the Soul Gems are. @Gamora, my daughter, I will find you!

Star-Lord: No! You won’t find her!

Iron Man: @Star-Lord, that’s just a possibility in the future, if you want to protect your beloved woman, let’s work with us… 0

The situation gradually became worse, but Doctor Strange stood up anyway.

The doppelgängers flew in the air, and each doppelgänger inspired Cetorak’s crimson band, firmly binding Thanos’ extremely powerful body.

This terrifying combat power made everyone have the idea that perhaps only Doctor Strange alone could defeat Thanos.

Dumbledore: @Doctor Strange, the magic of your world is really beyond the imagination of all our wizards, if you have the opportunity in the future, I hope you can come to Hogwarts to take a public class on magic.

Doctor Strange: Hogwarts? A school that teaches magic?

Dumbledore: That’s right!

Doctor Strange: Well, I’ll consider going when I have a chance in the future.

Makarov: It’s all about magic, and the magic of this Mr. Doctor Strange is really enviable and powerful enough.

Natsu: Don’t worry, old man, the strongest magician in the future will definitely be me Natsu!


It turns out that if Doctor Strange’s power is enough to defeat Thanos with the Infinity Stones, there won’t be so many tragedies in the future.

The gems set on Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet gave him immense power, breaking free from the shackles of terror in an instant, and all of Doctor Strange’s efforts came to naught.

After Doctor Strange failed, Mr. Tony immediately joined the battle.

The powerful performance of the Mark 50 nanometer armor has moved countless friends, and all the attack modes of this armor are completely compatible together.


Mr. Tony’s small hand hammer hurt Thanos!


In addition to Thor’s Storm Tomahawk, this is the first time everyone has seen the mighty Thanos bleed, and the person who caused all this is just a superhero who has the opportunity to move forward relying on the power of science and technology, leaving the Mark 50 nanometer armor, and Mr. Tony is just an ordinary person.

“Only this bit of blood has been shed for a long time?”

Thanos raised his head and wiped the blood off his cheeks with some disappointment.

That’s a dangerous grin!

Mr. Tony was directly overturned by 0.4 to the ground.

Punch after punch… Thanos did not wear a fist of the Infinity Gauntlet, and the nano armor that he hit could not be repaired automatically, and finally broke the short sword formed by Tony’s teacher armor and stabbed him directly through the abdomen.

What puzzled Mr. Tony was that in order to choose to save him, Doctor Strange handed over the Time Gem, and the gem that would not be obtained as long as Doctor Strange did not hand it over was also obtained.

Iron Man: @Doctor Strange, you really shouldn’t give him the Time Gem to save me!

Doctor Strange: No. If I make such a decision in the future, then the only person who can stop everything is you, Tony Stark! Trust me and believe in yourself! Even without the Time Gems, Thanos, who got five Infinity Stones, has the ability to use endless slaughter to achieve his ambitions. You are the only possibility!

Iron Man: … I….

Mr. Tony’s heart is a little heavy, he still can’t face it, the little spider disappeared in his arms, even this kind of thing can’t be stopped, our future battle, really won? Or is the end or the failure after the effort?

The group owner doesn’t seem to have said that the future of the future must be success, right?

Chapter 112: Tony-sensei’s Single-mindedness, Kakashi: I’m going to Fishman Island to set up Ushinobi Village!

Rocket Raccoon: @Thor, bro, don’t blame Quill either. In fact, he is similar to you, his mother, his adoptive father, and his friends have basically died under the trick of fate. We, the Guardians of the Galaxy, are his companions on his journey. But if Quill has anything left, he is only one Gamora. Losing Gamora, for him, is the loss of the whole world.

Gamora: Quill, don’t be angry. Don’t forget, we are Guardians of the Galaxy, we have our own creed, and Thanos is also our enemy! His ideals are just his ideals, life is always equal, and Thanos did not ask for the will of others. And… If he really just gathered the Infinity Stones and made half of the life in the universe disappear, I would admire him. But his choice was, kill! Use so-called ideals to justify killing. But the infinity stones can guarantee the loss of life far more than the number he kills. Thanos is just a killer after all!

Iron Man: Thank you, Miss Gamora. We can understand everything Quayle has done, each of us, there are reasons to fight Thanos, he has brought so much misfortune and disaster to everyone, and without him, the world would not need so many superheroes. Alas.. o It’s okay, everyone is just a little emotional. This is just one of the future possibilities, Miss Gamora will not have 30 things, the dwarves will be fine, and the people of Asgard will not be fine! None of us are perfect heroes, but we are all trying to protect everything that is dear to us.

Tony-sensei, Rocket and Gamora’s words calmed everyone down a lot.

Put yourself in your shoes, if even the last spiritual sustenance is lost, everyone will be angry.

Thor: Forget it, this thing hasn’t happened anyway, you can’t do something to make me angry because of you in the future, I’ll be angry with you now.

Uchiha: It seems to make sense.

Senjukuma: Aban, in fact, everyone in the ninja world is the same, no one blames you, after all, you have not chosen the path of infinite monthly reading now, I believe you should not choose this path again.

Uchiha: It is indeed not necessary, if there are unknown enemies in our world, there are also unknown enemies in the universe, and a world read in an infinite month will only become a killing ground for visitors from the universe.

Sasuke Uchiha: @Uchiha, no one will forgive you for what you’ve done before! Without your intervention, the Uchiha clan would not have perished!

Uchiha: If you have the ability, just try, stupid junior. Itachi Uchiha challenged me pretty much the same.

BOOMER: Are you thinking too much? Do you really think that the technology to achieve spaceflight can be achieved so simply? The universe is so big, the planet where everyone is located, for the universe

, is as small as ants on the ground, there is no precise coordinates, and the chance of being discovered is not large.

Iron Man: Girl, I think there are some things that can’t be said in advance, do you think that in your world, there will be cosmic people in the future?

Boomer: How can

it be Iron Man: Little sister, don’t forget, the owner praised you, and you invented spaceships and time machines.

Conan: There is only one truth! The purpose of the spaceship is clear to everyone. It must be leaving the planet, and as for the time machine, it must be something to change to be created.

Boomer: … Will there be cosmic people in the future?

Heiji Hattori: Isn’t the technology of your world enough to create artificial people who can destroy planets? How to look at this artificial people are all on the side of the evil forces, otherwise the peaceful world does not need such a powerful existence, at least the leader of your planet does not need it. You build spaceships, and some of them may be used to escape, or to go out of space for help???

Boomer: Huh! I’m just a girl! Why this burden falls on me, I just want to find a boyfriend.

Iron Man: Because you’re a genius girl. For geniuses, all that needs to be done is to shoulder the burden! If you don’t want to build a spaceship, don’t you want to consider learning from me? See my Mark 50 nano armor? You will be the only superhero on your side in the future!

Boomer: Probably not, there are still strong people on our side, I have checked during this time, the grandfather of the turtle fairy is our world, save the world or something, or let the turtle fairy go, not suitable for a girl like me who needs a boyfriend.

Iron Man: !!!

Kameo Immortal: Hey, hey! So it’s the little sister of our world? Boomer, don’t be afraid, if you are afraid, I will give you an address, there is Teacher Wutian to protect you, no one dares to bully you!

Kay: It’s actually a little sister who is in the same world as Master, no wonder she can make steel suits!

Boomer: Bah! You think too much! I’m just going to study mechs, and I’m not going to look for you. In this group, you turtle immortals, Makarov, and apes flying to the sun are three examples of old disrespect! Jiraiya, Kakashi, Tony Stark, Duan Zhengchun, are accomplices!

Makarov: ??? I seem to have been wronged a little!

Duan Zhengchun: This king is an upright man!

Iron Man: I didn’t say anything! Actually, I am a single-minded man.

After half of the life in the universe disappeared, Mr. Tony, who was powerless, could only float in the universe with Nebula.


The earth is too far away, the oxygen content of their spacecraft is simply not enough to support them to return to Earth, and Mr. Tony is just an ordinary person after all.

Inside the spaceship, alone, he activated the steel mask that had survived the battle, ready to leave Pepper with his final words.

As Mr. Tony said in the group, after he became a hero, after he grew up as a hero, he also had completely different changes from the previous Tony Stark.

The prodigal son will not change the gold, and the current teacher Tony is indeed a single-minded man, until the last moment of his life, the only person he remembers in his heart is Pepper.

Iron Man: So… Did I die from running out of oxygen?

Poz: @Iron Man, let’s get married, Tony.

Iron Man: Potts, don’t say this in the group! Getting married is a matter for the two of us, and I’ll be responsible for the rest of your life, but I want to take out Thanos first!

Potts: You can fool people, but you can’t fool me. Do you really think that after I die, I only need to grieve for a few weeks before I can continue my life like a nobody? Tony Stark, be honest!

Zi Laiya: I found out that in addition to sending a wife, the group owner also likes to let everyone get married! Why don’t I have a wife and no one wants to marry me?

Uchiha: Ninja, what a marriage!

Ziraiya:… How did the Uchiha clan become the number one clan in Konoha!

Uchiha: It’s now the bottom one.

Sasuke Uchiha: Humph! You guys are not worthy of the name of Uchiha at all! I will re-develop the Uchiha family!

Sakura Haruno: Sasuke !!!

Almost, Sakura almost couldn’t help it, and wanted to say something in the group, Sasuke, let’s get married, let me grow the Uchiha clan!

Jiraiya: Come on! Toad Immortal is optimistic about you, don’t be like your teacher Kakashi, so old, still a single dog, of course, this may also be related to the Kiki clan’s psychic beast ninja family.

Qimu Shigeshuo: ???

Kakashi: Jiraiya-sama… We’re about the same.

Ziraiya: No! We’re different, I’m a best-selling author in the whole ninja world, I just don’t want to get married, you Kakashi can’t find someone to marry!

Kakashi: ….

Kakashi suddenly felt that the strong men of Konoha, one of them were one, and their brains were a little bad.

I can’t get married, it’s not because Konoha’s task remuneration is too small, as a shinobi, I don’t even have to get married, believe it or not I Kakashi went to Fishman Island to establish the Ushinobi Village!

Alas, father, I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t want to carry forward the Qimu family in Konoha, there is really no way, our Qimu family, or it is more appropriate to go to Fishman Island to take root and sprout!

Chapter 113 When Iron Man has a daughter, he is just a gentle father,

Mr. Tony, who doesn’t know what kind of miracle will happen to allow an ordinary person like him to survive from the vast universe.

Just when he was ready to accept everything quietly, that light appeared!

In the lives of heroes, there may be countless scenes of being tricked by fate, but their lives are also full of miracles.

There are miracles created by them saving others, and there are times when their destinies are saved by miracles.

Captain Marvel has appeared!

When she appeared outside the window of the spaceship, it was like the last light in the vast universe, instantly illuminating the light of Tony’s life.

In Tony’s bloodshot pupils, there was a rare hope.

Ziraiya: I: o It seems to be in love!

Uchiha: Humans can appear in the universe with their own power???

Makarov: It seems that another strong man has appeared beyond the old man’s comprehension?

Iron Man: I always feel like I’m being robbed of the limelight.

Captain Marvel: Is Earth dangerous enough to need me?

Ziye: @CaptainMarvel, selfie .jpg. Myoku Mountain Toad Immortal, I don’t know… If you can get to know each other, you can be friends first!

Captain Marvel: Forget it, sorry, I still have a bit of a requirement for looks, and I don’t really need a life partner, I have many other meaningful things to do.

Tsunade: Hahaha! Laugh me to death!

Kakashi: Selfie .jpg.

Captain Marvel: Covering half of my face all day, still a retro Kill Matt hairstyle, I’m a little unaccustomed, sorry!

Kakashi: @Captain Marvel, ahem, I’ll go wash my hair now, wait a minute! As for covering my face, it’s all because I just want my face to be seen by someone I like!

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei, the lecherous immortal is right, the reason why I didn’t become a strong person is because you are my teacher! Kakashi-sensei, you really look like the thick eyebrows that confessed to Sakura!!!

Xiao Li: Naruto, are you talking about me? Sure enough, did everyone see my sincerity towards Sakura?

Kakashi: ….

I thank you, Naruto, you are really my good apprentice, my teacher’s big son!

Sasuke: At this point, I very much agree with Naruto’s statement, Chidori is quite strong in Konoha, but in the entire ninja world, in the ten thousand worlds, it is not good at all. Moreover, Kakashi-sensei has a very serious weakness, and that is that it is not okay… Other ninjas can last a very long time in a battle, and Kakashi-sensei’s durability is generally very short, and when he is in the country of waves, it is very difficult to fight and not slash!

No more chopping: Although I agree with your statement, but what is called not chopping again and again is very difficult, is it that I am not strong enough to chop? How can I say that I am also the genius of Mist Yin, one of the seven ninja swords! Without shadow-level strength, it also belongs to the top existence in Shangnin!

Sasuke: Ninja Seven? Is there Nie Feng’s arrogant and cold six handsome? Is there a magic knife handsome of him?

No more chopping: You say so… A little shameless! Sure enough, it’s a kid from Konoha!

Nie Feng: Ahem, cough!!! Low profile! Low profile!

Kakashi: … Sasuke, did you misunderstand your teacher? I can’t? If I Kakashi can’t do it, none of Konoha’s male shinobi will do!

Asma: ….

Ebisu: ….

Ibihi: ….

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