When seeing Genos being severely injured and about to be killed, the audience in the world of the universe thought that it was Saitama who came to save his lovely apprentice.

However, what the audience did not expect was that the first C-class Unlicensed Knight appeared.

To be honest, the strength of the Unlicensed Knight is probably not as good as the previous Fast Punch Man, let alone the last A-class Snake Bite Fist Snake. It is unclear whether his appearance can delay Deep Sea King for a minute.

However, everyone was still impressed by his brave spirit.

Although his strength is weak, if it were not for his delay, Genos would definitely have died.

The most important thing is that the Unlicensed Knight brings everyone not only encouragement in strength, but also spiritual support.

In reality, there are very few invincible people like Saitama, so what everyone needs most is a hero like the Unlicensed Knight!

【Jotaro: Although the Licenseless Knight was defeated, he is still a true hero in my eyes. Without them in our lives, the world will become cold and ruthless!】

【Yuji: A person's true strength lies in his belief! In this regard, I would like to call you and Teacher Saitama the strongest two people!】

【Wang Ye: Unlicensed Knight, you are the light! You are"Tiga""!】

【Wu Geng: In the future, even if I face a stronger enemy, I will be like the people of the Underworld and will never run away again!】

【Tanjiro: I think being a hero is a belief that makes people believe that miracles still exist! Although the unlicensed knight is not strong enough, he undoubtedly became the hope and light in everyone's eyes at that moment!】

【Naruto: I want to be someone like the Unlicensed Knight in the future, become the sun of the ninja world, and warm everyone!】

【Sasuke: Stupid! Weak people should stay away, they are in the way!】


The audience can also foresee that the Unlicensed Knight will be knocked away by the Deep Sea King. After all, his strength is too weak to begin with, and even if he gets everyone's verbal support, it will be useless.

At this time, he must rely on other S-class heroes or the lost Saitama to return.

At this time, the video plays......

In the picture, the unlicensed knight was punched away by the Deep Sea King and fell directly on Saitama.

""Well done 22, well done on that just now!"

Saitama praised from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing this,

Deep Sea King squatted down and looked at Saitama twice, and said disdainfully:"The garbage keeps coming one after another."

Saitama ignored Deep Sea King's complaints, turned around and saw Genos lying on the ground

"Hey, Genos, are you still alive?"

"old...division.."Genos responded.

Seeing Genos being beaten like this, Saitama couldn't help but get angry, and stood up and said,"Wait a minute, I'm going to beat that Zhenhai tribe away now!"

【Deep Sea King: Ahhhhh! Teacher Saitama, misunderstanding! This is definitely a misunderstanding! (Super scared)】

【Elder Centipede: Another Dragon-level is about to be lost!】

【Phoenix Man: Why are you looking for trouble with Saitama's apprentice for no reason?】

【Wandering Emperor: Run, Deep Sea King! Saitama is in need of fish!】

【Black Sperm: Haizi, run~]

Hearing that Saitama was going to knock him away, the evolved Deep Sea King flashed behind Saitama and punched Saitama's boiled egg heavily.

"I heard it!"

However, this punch with strange force only produced a little smoke when it hit Saitama's head, and did not make Saitama move at all.

"Eh? You didn't fall down after I hit you?"

"That’s really good!"

"It's obviously different from the previous garbage!"

Saitama replied with a look of disgust:"What? Your fist is too weak."

"I am the King of the Deep Sea, the King of the Ocean. The ocean is the source of all things and our mother. In other words, as the ruler of the ocean, I am also the person at the top of the pyramid of the entire world ecosystem."

""Okay, I got it. It's raining, come quickly!" Saitama said in a boring tone.

Upon hearing this,

Deep Sea King seemed to be insulted and directly swung his strongest attack at Saitama.

But the next second,

Saitama punched through Deep Sea King's chest and easily won the victory.

【Deep Sea King: Ah this... I am the existence at the bottom of the ecosystem, Teacher Saitama, please don't hit me anymore! I will stay away from you in the future. If you want to eat any seafood, just tell me and I will send someone to deliver it to you every day!】

【Sky King: Teacher Saitama, if you like to eat any flying beasts, I will get them for you right away!】

【Silver Fang: It's you, it has to be you, Saitama! This punch is much more powerful than my old man's!】

【Atomic Samurai: One punch, the storm ends, and there are no gods in the world! Mr. Saitama, I admire you!】

【Vest Sage: What a bullshit Sea King, it's nothing in front of Mr. Saitama! From now on, I am Saitama's biggest bootlicker! Oh, no, it's a fan!】

【Sexy Prisoner: +1! I'm a fan too!】

【Genos: Teacher, you saved me again】

【Unlicensed Knight: And saved me...】

【Usopp: This should allow me to upgrade directly to S-rank!】

【Wu Long: Conservative S-rank 10th!】

【Kiba Inuzuka: At least his ranking should be higher than Genos's!】

【Saitama: Hehe, if I get promoted to S-class, the association should also give out more benefits, and I can finally improve my life a little bit! 】

As Deep Sea King was killed in one blow, the onlookers were stunned.

It was hard to imagine that Deep Sea King could be killed in one blow by the second place in C-class.


"Who is he!"


"Wow! Just one punch, just one punch, just one punch!"

"Isn’t he only C-rank? Too strong!"

Just when everyone was cheering and celebrating for Saitama, a man with a watermelon head who looked like"Zhang Dada" said sarcastically:"Is it possible that the weirdo was not that strong originally?"

【Deep Sea King: Hmm? Say it again, damn it? Am I not awesome? I will beat the shit out of you, believe it or not!】

【Sky King: What the hell are your eyes on? Deep Sea King is not strong enough?

Hearing the ridicule of Watermelon Head, the others explained:"No way, so many heroes have been defeated."

Watermelon Head said again in a sarcastic tone:"That means the heroes who were defeated are weaker!"

【Sexy Prisoner: Bro, do you want to listen to what you are saying?】

【Genos: Am I weak? Then I leave?】

【Snake: I admit that my strength is not strong enough, but I am also an A-class hero after all!】

"really...Judging from the situation just now, Deep Sea King is weaker..."

Watermelon Head:"That C-rank hero killed him with one punch. How weak must the defeated hero be? Titles like A-rank and S-rank don't seem to have any practical meaning! Hahahaha!""

【Poison Bee: Watermelon Head, come on, let's have a fight! Aren't you a tough guy?】

【Lightning Max: Why are there keyboard warriors like this everywhere? If you think we, the defeated heroes, are weak, then come on and do it if you have the guts!】

【Sonic: Haha, Saitama, you protect people like this all the time? I'm speechless!

Hearing that Watermelon Head looked down on those heroes, someone criticized:"Hey, don't say that! He is also willing to sacrifice his life for us!"

Watermelon Head:"Everyone would sacrifice their lives for us! But only those who really beat the monsters can be called heroes! But in the end, we were saved, and that kind of hero who is no different from ordinary people would only cause us trouble even if he came to save us!"

"To be a hero, you must..."

【Big back hair: trouble...Haha, I understand!】

【Fast Punch Man: We will resign now. If we meet a weirdo in the future, whoever falls in love with him will take over! To put it bluntly, even if you run away, you can't run as fast as us! 】

Before he finished speaking, a man couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed him by the neck and said angrily:"Hey, have you said enough?"

Watermelon Head said in fear:"Why are you blaming me! The funds of the Hero Association come from everyone's donations! We paid, so of course they have to protect us well. In fact, this time the bald guy solved it alone, and the other heroes died in vain. Buying time is something that anyone can do with a little effort. None of the other heroes acted like a hero!"

"Stop talking! After all, we're saved, isn't that all?"

【Yuji: Anyone can buy time, so why weren't you the one who got knocked to the ground? You're talking nonsense here after seeing Deep Sea King being beaten to death. You're really a jerk!】

【Wu Geng: A hero cannot be questioned, and we cannot let the hero's heart down! If I knew that I was risking my life to protect this kind of person, I would have defected to the weirdo group long ago!】

【Li Xingyun: Is it great to donate money? If heroes go on strike, even if you have a lot of���It's just waste paper!】

【Kaido: This kid looks like a Celestial Dragon! He thinks he is superior to others and looks down on people. If he were in front of me, I would let him know what fear is!】

【Tanjiro: He's just a bug, I really want to give him a headbutt! 】

While Watermelon Head was arguing with the others,

Saitama couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then said to himself:"Ah! I'm so lucky! Thanks to the other heroes who drained the monster's energy. I was able to defeat him so easily!"

"Fortunately, I came late. I didn't do anything, but I can take all the credit!"

Then, he turned to look at the victims, clenched his fists and threatened loudly:"You must spread my news well, because I was the one who killed the monster in the end! If you dare to say that he was just late or something, I will beat you away!"

Seeing this, the victims said secretly:"So, the monster was already very weak at that time, right?"

Saitama said again:"You must take good care of the knocked down heroes. It will be troublesome if they die, and I can't use them."

Hearing this, everyone complained angrily:"He is indeed a cheating guy, so cunning, stealing the fruits of other people's victory!"

"In comparison, other heroes seem much greater!"

"If there were no other heroes who had exhausted the monsters beforehand, we would..."

"Sincere thanks to all the heroes!"


Genos knew the truth of the matter very well. He couldn't help but think to himself,"Teacher Saitama, is this really okay? If this is the path you are pursuing, then I won't say anything!"

"If Mr. Saitama is really forced into a desperate situation in the future, I will..."......

After watching this video, the audience was in tears again.

In order to maintain the dignity and honor of other heroes,

Saitama portrayed himself as a despicable guy who only knows how to cheat and steal credit!

In fact, the attacks on Deep Sea King by Genos, Sexy Prisoner and others were just tickling, and did not consume much of Deep Sea King's physical strength at all.

Saitama killed Deep Sea King, and he did it with his own ability. He deserves the praise from everyone. But...

Teacher Saitama is so gentle!

【Tornado: It turns out this bald guy is so warm-hearted!】

【Silver Fang: Pattern, this is the pattern of a hero!】

【Atomic Samurai: A lion never cares what a sheep says, and Saitama is the lion king!】

【Child Emperor: I am so unwilling! If I could travel back to that time, I would definitely tell everyone the truth, clear the name of Saitama and the other heroes!】

【Zombie Man: Teacher Saitama is so noble. He took it all on his own in the end! The last time was the meteorite incident, and this time is the Deep Sea King incident again!】

【KING: After the work is done, I will leave, hiding my achievements and fame...】

【Metal Bat: Who says that only those standing in the light are heroes! At this moment, Mr. Saitama standing in the rain and those who fell to the ground are all real heroes.���Hero!】

【Pig God: Being strong inside, this is the real reason why Teacher Saitama can possess such great power!】

【Super Alloy Black Light: Teacher Saitama, you are the No. 1 in our world! 】

In addition to the audience of One Punch Man World, the audience of other worlds were also deeply moved by Saitama.

Such a hero, such a teacher, a hero who bears the infamy, you are the real lone hero!......

In the picture,

Shibabawa predicted an extremely terrifying god-level disaster for 737, and the whole person was trembling with fear.

"A terrible disaster is about to happen, ahhhhh!"

"The end is coming!"

"Blue Star is in trouble!!!"

【Bang: What! A catastrophic disaster?】

【Tornado: Is this true? Could it be a god-level disaster?】

【Atomic Samurai: This is big trouble!】

【Child Emperor: What are you afraid of! We not only have KING, but also Saitama-kun, don't worry! 】

City A, the headquarters of the Hero Association.

Saitama came here with Genos and Bang to attend a meeting that only S-class heroes were invited to.

As soon as they entered the building,

Atomic Samurai greeted them,"Hey, Silver Fang!"

"Long time no see, Atomic Samurai"

"I knew you would come! Then Genos and...There's someone I don't know!" Atomic Samurai looked at Saitama and said curiously.

Bang took the initiative to introduce him:"He is B-class Saitama-kun, he is a talent and will be upgraded to S-class sooner or later." Saitama stretched out his hand and said with a smile:"Uncle, you are a hero too, right? Please give me your advice!"


Atomic Samurai directly pushed Saitama's hand away and said with disdain:"I won't shake hands with you. I only recognize the strong. When you climb to this position, I will greet you again.""

"Besides, I'm not an uncle yet, I'm only 37 years old!"

Qiyu was speechless:"37 is not an uncle? This is the first time I know"

【Genos: Isn't it just the fourth in S-rank? Why are you pretending in front of Mr. Saitama!】

【Iai'an: Huh? Teacher, what are you doing? You didn't even give Teacher Saitama any face!】

【Qiu Wutachi: Teacher, you are taking a narrow path this time!】

【Samurai Drill: Teacher, if you ignore Saitama-kun today, you won’t be able to reach Saitama-kun tomorrow!】

【Atomic Samurai: That...Teacher Saitama, I'm an uncle! I'm an uncle! Can we get to know each other again? More friends, more paths....】

【Child Emperor: This made me die of laughter! 】As soon as Atomic Samurai left,

Tornado came out again, looked at Saitama and asked arrogantly:"Hey, who is this? Why did you bring B-rank soldiers with you? Don't you think this is too rude to us?""

"I told you to come, so you came? Do you have any shame?"

"Anyway, you just want to get close to the S-class, and you came here with such superficial thoughts, right?"

"If you are unhappy, get out of here!"

Seeing Tornado chattering here, Bang and Genos wisely went ahead, and Saitama asked speechlessly:"What is this...Who is this arrogant brat? Lost?"

Genos:"That's Tornado, the second-ranked S-class, who can use super-natural attacks to defeat monsters! Teacher, let's go and sit down!"

Seeing this,

Tornado was confused:"Huh? Wait, are you ignoring me?"

【Fubuki: Sister, I said...How about we keep a low profile?】

【Child Emperor: It’s you who has to treat Saitama-kun as a mere soldier!】

【Pig God: This is what they mean when a bronze player criticizes a king, right?】

Tornado : Tsk, I was just teasing you! 】.: Bạch kim lệ quỷ

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