Seeing that Saitama could form a human wall and knock down Sonic just by jumping sideways, many viewers in the world of Naruto felt their scalps go numb.

After all, they don't think that they will be stronger than Sonic.

You know,

Sonic's nickname is the Speed of Sonic, although it is not known whether there is any water in it, but the speed he showed in the battle with Genos is already shocking.

At least, ordinary ninjas are not as fast as him.


Sonic does not know other ninjutsu, which is a flaw.

The ninja world is a place that pays attention to blood.

However, no matter how strong the blood is, it still cannot pass Saitama's level.

At this time, the subsequent video continued to be played....

After seeing Saitama defeat Sonic, Fubuki couldn't help but sigh:"Too strong! No one can compare to him!"


Fubuki followed Saitama to the rental house and explained why she formed a faction.

She just wanted to prove that she could lead the B-class people to surpass her sister who was used to being a lone ranger.

Genos asked:"Why not become the first in A-class?"

Fubuki replied:"No, there are monsters like Sweet Mask in this world who cannot be explained by common sense."


Fubuki looked at Saitama again, and said very unhappily:"Although you are also a complete monster, you are not good enough to be compared with the handsome masked guy and my sister."

"In addition to them, there is the King who claims to be the strongest man, and monsters among monsters like Blast who stand at the pinnacle of heroes."

"It is very difficult to climb up by one's own strength. What's wrong with joining forces?"

Saitama replied speechlessly:"I didn't say you were wrong, but I don't intend to be your subordinate."

Fubuki said proudly:"You don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is with just a little ability. Humph, you will never climb up in this life! I'm so kind to pull you into my faction."

【Sweet Mask: Wait! Hell Blowing Snow, don't bring me into your bragging! In front of Saitama, I am nothing.】

【Tornado: Don’t take me with you!】

【KING: I believe you said that other people may not be able to reach the top through their own efforts! But for Saitama, isn't it a matter of minutes?】

【Blast: Just based on his record of killing Boros, I should give up my first place in S-class to him.】

【Fubuki: Sorry, I am short-sighted and narrow-minded. 】

Seeing these heroes trying to clear Fubuki of all responsibility, the audiences in other worlds laughed until tears came out.

Perhaps, in the eyes of ordinary people like Fubuki, Sweet Mask and others are monsters that cannot be surpassed.

However, in front of Saitama, they are not even ants.

Even the elusive Blast is just a little brother in front of Saitama.......

In the scene, after hearing about Garou, Saitama is quite interested in this heroic hunter, and also wants to participate in the martial arts tournament to win some prize money.

That night,

Garou met a high-ranking member of the Hero Association on the street and punched him into a pig's head.


"I just hunted two A-levels and was feeling pretty good, but now I feel like I stepped on dog shit."

Just as he was passing by a wig stall, he suddenly heard someone talking behind him.

"Ah, finally found it々~ "

"It's so hard for me to find him!"

Hearing this,

Garou glanced at the bald Saitama and became cautious:"Pursuers? Is this guy a hero too? A stranger! He's probably a nobody, probably wanting to catch me and become famous!"

"You will never be able to return!"

The next second,

Garou chopped Saitama's shoulder with a knife, and the terrifying force instantly shattered the floor under Saitama's feet.

Seeing this,

Saitama asked unhappily:"What are you doing? Who are you? Do you want to rob me?"

Seeing that Saitama was unharmed, Garou was sweating profusely and his eyes almost popped out.


Saitama gave Garou a knife with his backhand, and the terrifying force made Garou's legs go soft and he fainted.

"Don't stop me from shopping!"

【Silver Fang: Hungry Wolf, you actually started hunting heroes? Sure enough, the darkness in your heart is about to be released!】

【Garou: What's wrong with being a monster? It's much better than you hypocritical heroes! Just like the previous Fubuki, forming gangs, do they see being a hero as a sacred profession? And the two brothers in vests, who were crazy about talking nonsense to Saitama who saved Z City, are they right?】

【Silver Fang:....】

【Genos: Teacher, why are you so unlucky? Wherever you go, there are cats and dogs looking for trouble with you! Before it was Sony Egg, and now there is Hungry Wolf!】

【Saitama: Who knows? I’m also annoyed by this kind of thing!】

【Vest Sage: Being able to hunt two A-ranks at the same time shows that Garou is really capable! But how did he have the guts to target Saitama?】

【Metal Bat: Fortunately, he is not a real weirdo, otherwise the knife attack from Saitama would not just make him faint! 】

The scene changes,

Saitama is invited by KING to play games at his home.

However, at this moment,

Garou, who failed in the battle with the Dogman, suddenly meets KING and Saitama.

"That is...I can't be wrong, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"My body is still able to move and I don’t feel too much pain. On the contrary, my spirits are at an all-time high!"

"KING, I'm here to hunt you!"

Then, he rushed towards the defenseless KING and Saitama.

"Predict KIN's next move!"

"I know!"

Just as Garou's fist was about to land on KING, Saitama kicked Garou away.


Garou smashed into the wall and fell into a state of amnesia and coma.

"Do you know the guy who just attacked you?" Saitama asked KING

"I don’t know him, I have no impression of him at all." KING shook his head and replied

"It's too much. It's not enough to deal with the monsters, but you have to deal with these little hooligans. It's exhausting, isn't it?" Saitama complained

【Zhang Chulan: This Garou only cares about eating and not fighting, right? He was beaten unconscious by Saitama before, but now he still dares to cause trouble for Saitama?】

【Wang Ye: I guess that previous knife attack was too terrifying and caused Garou to lose his memory, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed towards Saitama again!】

【Tiger Stick: Little rascal? Hahahaha!】

【Megumi Fushiguro: This Garou is so miserable, he was killed instantly by a simple kick!】

【Wild Rose: Scores twice!】

【Bang: Garou, it's time to turn back! With Saitama-kun around, if you become a monster, you'll have to suffer the consequences!】

【Bangpu: Brother, if Hungry Wolf still refuses to change his bad habits, you'd better clean up the mess as soon as possible.】

【Saitama: Garou, please be a human being. I really don’t have that much time to deal with you!】

【Genos: How come Garou has lost his memory again? It seems like he will cause trouble for Teacher Saitama again!

After kicking Garou away, Saitama chatted:"By the way, do you know what's happening now?"

"I do not know"

"I don't know the details, but I heard that there were monster riots in various places, and there was a guy who called himself"Hero Hunter" causing trouble. Anyway, there were a lot of things going on."

"So that's it"

"I am quite interested in the"Hero Hunter". He is the only human who calls himself a weirdo. It was the same when I secretly called myself a hero and moved around."


"So I am really looking forward to it, maybe he will be better than me!"

"I see, I hope you meet him soon."......

After watching this video, the audience was completely laughing.

It turns out that the Garou that Saitama wanted to meet so much had actually been beaten away by him twice.

【Bang: Saitama-kun, don't wait any longer! There is no one stronger than you in this world!】

【Garou: Are you sure you're not humiliating me on purpose?】

【Genos: Teacher, it seems that this hero hunter has disappointed you again】

【Saitama: So sad! I thought a weirdo who knows martial arts must be very powerful, but it turns out he is just so-so! 】

The scene changes, and

Saitama is eating in a restaurant, but when he finishes eating, he is surprised to find that he forgot to bring money

"¨¨ Did I forget it in the supermarket when I bought the cabbage just now?"

""Oh no!"

Just then, he heard a report from the restaurant:"This month's lunch is fried mountain fish. I believe everyone is worried about the security issue, but our restaurant has taken a thorough precaution against the crime of freeloading!"

Hearing this news, Saitama was completely numb.

He is a hero.

If he is regarded as a freeloader because he can't pay the bill, he will be embarrassed.

"It’s a headache!"

"This is the biggest crisis in a year, and this may be the end of me!"


Saitama heard the sound of blowing snow, which made his eyes light up again.

Then, he shouted to the waiter:"I want an extra large fries!"

【Tanjiro: Who would believe that the biggest crisis for Saitama is having no money to eat!】

【Murata: If other weirdos saw this, they would probably cry to death. They might as well feel more threatened by a meal!】

【Usopp: Isn't Saitama broke? Why is he still pretending to be rich?】

【Nami: I already guessed what he's going to do!】

【Luffy: Why?】

【Robin: He should drag Fubuki into the water! As long as Fubuki eats the food he ordered, he can ask Fubuki to help pay for it! In this way, he will at most be labeled as a stingy person, but he will not be regarded as a criminal who eats and drinks for free!】

【Genos: Teacher, if you encounter such a situation, you can always call me���I'll send you money!】

【Many heroes: Actually...Even if you eat for free, everyone will give you face, you are a hero!

Just when Saitama was about to trick Fubuki, someone in the store suddenly shouted:"Someone is eating and drinking for free!"

Saitama was very nervous to begin with, and when he heard this, his face turned pale with fear, thinking to himself:"I'm not ready to run away yet."

However, he found that the person who was shouting was not him, but Garou.

"Who can help catch that man just now!"

Seeing this,

Saitama rushed out without saying a word, saying:"He actually ate and drank for free, it's too bad, I'll go after him!"

Then, he added worriedly:"You just ate French fries, then trouble you to pay the bill."

Hearing this, the blowing snow was directly messed up in the wind.

Outside, after Garou helped Snotlout solve the problem, Saitama chased after him and shouted:"Hey, you who ate and ate for free, the time you ran away just now was too coincidental, I will forgive you this time, it can be regarded as a warning!"

After speaking,

Saitama planned to leave.

Of course, the main reason was that Saitama was guilty, after all, he also wanted to be a person who ate and ate for free.


Garou replied relentlessly:"Hey, what are you doing! Didn't you come to eradicate me? Are you scared? What is your hero code name?"

Saitama stopped and said:"Bald Cape Man!"

Golgo was speechless and said with disdain:"Although you are not a hero, you are also a hero. I can't let you go!"

The next second,

Gargoyle rushed to Saitama and pressed Saitama's shoulder.


Saitama had no intention of dealing with Gargoyle at all. He just waved his hand and Gargoyle was directly knocked out. After spinning a few times in the air,

Gargoyle fell heavily to the ground and fell into a coma again.

: Bạch kim lệ quỷ

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