Although everyone is unwilling to believe that all the heroes were killed by Garou, the facts are before their eyes.

In front of Garou's gamma rays, heroes without resistance can only die helplessly, even people with super powers like Tornado can't help.

As for Genos, although he can withstand the gamma rays, Garou wants to use his death to stimulate Saitama, so he can only die in regret.

At this moment, the audience realized that even if Saitama is invincible, there are many things that are difficult to make up for.

After all, he is just one person and cannot take care of everyone.

Now, the only thing he can do is to defeat Garou as soon as possible so that Garou will not cause so much damage to Blue Star!..

Facing the hungry wolf that killed everyone,

Saitama rarely took it seriously.

""Serious series: Serious beating!"

Seeing that Saitama and Garou were about to engage in a large-scale battle, Blast forcibly used the dimensional cannon to transfer the energy generated by the battle between the two.

However, his power was limited and he was unable to transfer it.

Fortunately, his companions appeared at the same time and directly helped him transfer Saitama and Garou to Jupiter.

"Where is this place? What happened?"


Saitama:"This has happened before! But, it doesn't matter if I can fight to my heart's content! I can fight a tough guy with all my strength!"

Garou was secretly shocked:"This guy can still look nonchalant, is he really human?"

At this moment,

Saitama thought:"I got what I wanted, but I can't be excited at all!"

As he said, he held Genos's core ball in his hand, muttering:"Hold it well in your hand..."

The hungry wolf shouted,"Hey, Baldy! I don't know why it turned out like this, but I have to think of a way to get back."...."

"Stop making so much noise! I'll think about that after I beat you up! Come on, one hand is enough to deal with a guy like you!" Saitama replied with a dark face.

""Huh? Is that so!"

The next second,

Garou cast a dimensional circle under Saitama's feet,"Bye!"


Saitama kicked him away with one foot, and then punched Garou out.

Seeing this,

Garou released the dimensional circle while flying backwards, and then appeared from behind Saitama.


Saitama seemed to have eyes on his back, and punched Garou out again.

"Don't play these little tricks, use your fists to speak! Is this the limit of countless extremes?"

"A little trick? I have my own style of boxing that combines all the fighting styles and boxing techniques of all schools!"

The next second,

Garou created countless sub-dimensional circles around Saitama, and then kept punching Saitama.

"Boom! The sky splits!"

"The flowing water and the broken rocks!"

"Exploding Heart Liberation!"

"Whirlwind Iron Palm!"

"Nuclear fission gravity punch!"

Countless fists hit Saitama, directly tearing all of Saitama's clothes into pieces.

However, he turned around and seriously flipped the table. The entire surface of Jupiter was directly flipped up several thousand meters high by his hand, and Jupiter collapsed instantly!

Garou said inwardly:"Damn it, I can't even tell the difference between up and down!"

On the other hand, Saitama stepped on the stone and stabbed to Garou, shouting:"A serious beating from all sides!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless fists fell directly on Garou's face, knocking him dizzy and unable to resist.

【Zhang Chulan: This has hit Jupiter? No way!】

【Wang Ye: Teacher Saitama has evolved again? This time he doesn't even need oxygen?】

【Zhuge Qing: They both started to explode, are they still human?】

【Otsutsuki Momoshiki: It's too scary! If I were hit by their fists, I would die on the spot!】

【Otsutsuki Urashiki: I thought our Otsutsuki clan was invincible, but in front of these two people, it seems that we are not good enough! Besides, they didn't eat any sacred tree fruit!】

【Otsutsuki Kinshiki: Lord Momoshiki, I think we'd better not go to the Ninja World to cause trouble. Who knows if there might be any masters of physical arts who have achieved sainthood there!】

【Tornado: Originally I could compete with Garou, but even Blast is not his match, so I have no chance at all!】

【Blast: These two are just monsters! Although Garou is not as perverted as Saitama, his growth rate is really shocking!】

【Bang: Garou has surpassed his master!】

【Atomic Samurai: Being able to withstand several serious beatings from Saitama, Garou has surpassed Boros in terms of resistance! I would like to call Garou the second best one-punch man in the world!】

【Zombie Man: Don’t forget, there is a god who lends power to Garou. That potential enemy will only become stronger!】

【Metal Bat: He doesn't even dare to show his head, so how powerful he is is uncertain! 】

On Jupiter,

Garou was beaten by Saitama without any resistance

"Too strong, extremely strong, in this case, I will copy it from beginning to end, I want to defeat this guy!! ' ¨!"


Saitama and Garou started to fight the priest, punching him and causing the ground to crack.

"This guy has been using the same tricks as me?" Hungry Wolf said in surprise

"What's wrong? Aren't you going to copy my true strength to surpass me? Come and give it a try, isn't that your goal? Saitama pressed Garou to the ground and rubbed him.

"Something is wrong. I used the same force to fight back, but the power of the next punch is getting stronger and stronger. I can’t keep up!!!" Garou thought in horror.

Bang, bang, bang!

After a few punches, Saitama’s growth rate directly surpassed Garou’s replication speed by a large margin, forcing Garou to passively take the beating.

"If you continue like this, I’m going to die somewhere!"

"Saitama is still growing, and no one has ever been able to match his strength.���, his growth curve, which no one could detect, was growing exponentially because of the unprecedented excitement!!!"

Garou realized that he had been completely left behind and it was useless to copy.

The next second.

Saitama just sneezed, and the terrifying wind pressure directly blew up half of Jupiter.

Garou widened his eyes when he saw this scene:"This guy is crazy, what kind of monster is this! This creature is no longer at the level that can be raised on the blue planet, right? But so am I!"


Garou saw the sun, and a plan came into his mind.

"As long as I can teleport within visible range, I still have a chance!"


The next second,

Garou teleported himself directly to the outer space of the Blue Planet and said excitedly:"Great, I did it! I'm back! I won!"

But the next second,

Saitama appeared behind him and exclaimed:"Wow, it's quite convenient! Your move.."

The hungry wolf was numb and said angrily:"You, you, you, I clearly beat you to the other side!"

Saitama replied:"Yes, I just caught a cold in my stomach. I had been enduring it, but suddenly my eyes lit up and I was scared....I farted and used the momentum to catch up with you!"

【Wu Geng: No, what is the limit of these two people? Have they already broken through the Blue Star?】

【Going against the will of heaven: It seems that Hei Longtian’s fighting power is not enough in front of the two of them!】

【Ichigo Kurosaki: One sneeze can blow up half a planet, how can we play this?】

【Aizen: Hollows, Shinigami, Quincy, they are all too insignificant in front of Saitama's terrifying power!】

【Scorpion: If Saitama's fart was aimed at our ninja world, I'm afraid everyone would die!】

【Deidara: How cruel!】

【Boros: Turn around and go home! Why are we going to Blue Planet? Isn't that a free gift?】

【Octopus Man: Master Boros, my legs are weak!

Not only the audiences in other worlds were shocked by Saitama's power, but everyone in the One Punch World was also shocked.

They secretly made up their minds that if anyone dared to be a keyboard warrior again, they would definitely find him out and beat him to death.

Otherwise, if Teacher Saitama turned evil, the entire Blue Planet would be destroyed by him!......

Facing Saitama's fist that was within reach, Garou asked,"What's wrong? Go ahead! Why don't you kill me!"

"Compared to you and KING who can quickly switch appearances, I really hate myself for not knowing how to do this, but I am a hero after all, and this is also for the last words of that child who asked me to stop you but not kill you!" Saitama replied

"Last words...?"Garou turned to look at the dead Snotlout lying on the ground, and staggered and screamed as he ran in the opposite direction.

Saitama asked,"Where are you going? The child is over there!"

Garou cried,"It's all my fault that I was near him! It's all my fault!"

Suddenly, he tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, crying,"Snotlout, so that's it, I am...I am the one���"What a happy future!"

Saitama asked,"You have been acting strangely since you fell from the sky. Did you run into something dirty?"

Garou:"Even if that's the case, it's because of my weak heart."

"How ridiculous! If I can't defeat you, I can't become absolute evil. And this hero who defeated me actually said that he was not fit to be a hero, and he was wielding crazy justice like a hero on horseback, confident that if he killed me, I could disappear as an evil party....."

"I wanted to change the world, and the first person I wanted to save was also because of me...."

Saitama asked:"Want to be saved? Isn't that to rely on?"

Garou:"¨¨ You said I depended on...Snotlout? What do you know?..."

Saitama held Genos's core and said,"Is it the same for you? A human with such a powerful force cannot maintain a normal mental state!"


Saitama:"What are you going to do in the future?"

Garou slumped on the ground and said,"I have an unwelcome request! If it were you, you should be able to copy my techniques and then take it to the next level!"

Saitama replied with a bitter face,"I'm not interested at all! Anyway, what's the use of learning it?"

Garou:"You'll know when you learn it!"


Garou posed and began to teach Saitama:"If it were you, you should be able to comprehend the power of God without the help of God's hand!"

At this moment, the god shouted,"Shut up, I'm going to confiscate it!"

The next second, the starry sky power on Garou's body began to disappear, and it was sprinkled out like salt.

"Come on, come and defeat me, Saitama! If it's you, you can do it. What you want to defeat is the ominous future!"

The next second,

Saitama directly began to reverse time and began to move backwards madly until he returned to the time when the S-class heroes were still alive.

""It turned out to be like this, Garou's martial arts are pretty good!"

Then, he punched Garou in the past according to the instructions of the future Garou, and successfully saved everyone.

However, after the punch, Saitama also forgot everything that happened before under the law of causality, but still held Genos's core ball in his hand.


Saitama thought it was Genos and screamed.

But the next second,

Genos bumped into Saitama's stomach and shouted excitedly:"Teacher!!!"

Saitama was knocked on his back and asked:"It's Genos, you scared me, you're still alive!"

After Genos turned on the backup connector of the core ball, suddenly a lot of memories flooded into Genos' mind. He understood that the core in Saitama's hand was his, and he also understood that Saitama traveled from the future to the present to save everyone.

"Teacher, you even traveled through time and space to save us and the world!"

""You really came to save us at the critical moment, you are a hero!"

On the other side, the future Garou smiled at Noseman and disappeared after seeing him stand up.

As for the current Garou, he was being beaten up.......

After watching this video, the audience was not only shocked by Saitama's power, but also moved by his deeds of traveling through time and space to save the world and S-class heroes! It was thought that Teacher Saitama could only rely on his strength to fight against small monsters, but he actually learned the ability to travel through time from Garou, which is incredible!

【Explosion: This...This is so powerful!】

【Bang: Saitama-kun, thank you so much for giving Garou a chance to atone for his sins and giving us a second life!】

【Atomic Samurai: From this perspective, it seems that Garou is not simply a bad kid!】

【Child Emperor: If it weren’t for Garou, we would have been doomed!】

【Zombie Man: To be precise, it was Snotlover who helped us! Garou was more out of guilt towards Snotlover, so he washed Saitama so that he could go back to the past and defeat him!】

【Snotlout: Eh? Me?】

【Garou: I didn't expect this to be the final outcome. I'm really upset! But, that's it. I don't want to be a weirdo anymore! After all, that bald guy is so strong that he doesn't make sense!】

【Genos: Teacher, you are so great! You saved the world again!】

【Saitama: Uh...Actually, what I want to say is that I really want to fight with Star Wolf, otherwise it would be really boring! 】.: Bạch kim lệ quỷ

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