The demon master was so frightened when he saw his body dissipated after being beaten by Wang Ling just because of a home visit that he started to tremble.

In fact, after learning about Wang Ling's ability, he had a glimmer of hope, thinking that maybe it was because Erha was too weak that Wang Ling tortured him like this.

But now he understands that in front of Wang Ling, his so-called immortal existence with the same lifespan as the universe is bullshit.

The reason why he lived so long is entirely because he didn't meet Wang Ling.

Now, the best choice is to stay in the demon world obediently and don't think about attacking the human world, otherwise the consequences can be imagined....

In the scene,

Guo Hao, Chen Chao, Sun Rong and others decided to gather materials to make a sword for Lin Xiaoyu so that she could have her own spiritual sword.

Guo Hao took out a beast bone and put it on the detector.

The computer showed:

Level 3 spiritual beast bone, 2 taels, A-level spiritual material.

Guo Hao smiled proudly and said,"Hehe, this is the fang of the Level 3 spiritual beast Night Demon Tiger. I slid and dug it....."

【Tang Erdan: I slid and tackled! Hey, guess what? The tiger was full!】

【Liang Fei: I think it slid directly into the tiger’s belly?】

【Liang Zheng: With Guo Hao's body size, it is possible that he could stuff a tiger to death!】

【Guo Hao: What do you know? People have different physiques!

Chen Chao took out a statue of Guan Erye from the sack and placed it on the detector, saying,"Okay, okay, stop bragging!"

The next second, the computer displayed:

Tianji Star Meteorite Ore, 9 jin, S-level spiritual material.

Guo Hao asked in shock,"Wow! Where did you get such a good ore?"

Chen Chao smiled complacently and did not reply.

【Chen Chao's father: Ah!!! My Wu Quxing!!! You prodigal son, I am going to skin you alive today!】

【Dad Sun: No matter how careful you are, you can’t guard against a thief in your own home!】

【Wang Dad: This Chen Chao is really a"Father's Worry"》】

【Mother Wang: The"big boy" next door must be Chen Chao!】

""Junior Sister Sun, what materials did you bring?" Chen Chao asked curiously.

Sun Rong took out a bottle that was glowing green and placed it on the detector.

The screen showed:

Heaven and Earth Hair Growth Liquid, S+ grade natural treasure.

Guo Hao and Chen Chao were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths and asked,"Junior Sister Sun, where did you get this little green bottle?"

"This is the girl's secret!"

At this moment,

Wang Ling took the ring dropped by the demon master from the sack and threw it onto the detector.

"What is this?" Guo Hao asked

"I picked it up at my doorstep." Wang Ling said casually.

At this time, the identification machine started to count, from D, C, B, A, A+,S...

After a while, the identification machine broke down and was completely scrapped.


Wang Ling didn't bother to care what the ring was made of. He just broke it in half and threw it into the furnace to start refining the spirit sword.

【Erha: Ahhh! My Master...】

【Demon Master: Erha, Master won’t cry! Master will always be by your side. When you see Lin Xiaoyu’s spirit sword, you will see Master!】

【Wang Zukang: You...This is a waste of natural resources! The things on the demon master are really precious! How can they be melted so easily!】

【Pan Shengcong: Legendary materials are being wasted? Can we not waste them like this?】

【Zhuo Yi: Are you refining swords? I think you are refining a divine weapon! 】

In the picture,

Zhuo Yi communicates with a powerful immortal cultivator through a holographic projection system.

"We have detected many instances of demon spies sneaking into the human world through space cracks."

The old man with a mustache replied,"That's easy. Just build a wall to reinforce it. I will definitely revive my spiritual power and make the human world great again."¨々 "

The uncle in the hat retorted:"Isn't the intention of the demon world obvious? They have been eyeing the human world for a long time, and the war is about to begin!"

The man with a mustache:"That's all fake news, no one knows the demon world better than me!"

The man in the hat:"You idiot, the human race can't sit there and wait for death, we must take the initiative to march into the demon world."

Zhuo Yi comforted:"Dear seniors, we haven't mastered the specific coordinates of the demon world yet. If we enter the space crack and sail away now, we will only get lost in the space storm."

At this time, the person codenamed One replied:"It doesn't matter, isn't it enough to catch the tongue of a demon and ask him?"

The masters said respectfully:"If you are willing to take action, most demons will not dare to act rashly. Since you, the senior, have spoken, the juniors will not say much."

As everyone quit chatting,

Wang Ling also took off the headphones on his head.

【Old man with mustache: Huh? Could it be that the elusive Senior Number One is actually Wang Ling!!!】

【Hat Man: No wonder! No wonder Senior One is so powerful!】

【Loopy Toad: Holy shit! Could it be that the demon clan’s tongue is talking about me?】

【Demon Master: Lord Wang Ling, please do not come to our demon world. We will send people to patch up all the space cracks and will not let any monsters dare to cause trouble in your human world!】

【Monster King: Who said we were eyeing the human world? This is all unjust! It's slander! Erha, Erha, say something!】

【Erha: Uh...Right, right, right! I came to the human world just to promote friendly exchanges between the two worlds! In fact, I am just a trainee, and I will go back after staying for 2.5 demon years!】

【Wang Ling: The problem is, you have been here for 3 years! 】

In the computer room,

Chen Chao was deeply trapped in the trap of the beautiful woman's live broadcast. He was almost hollowed out, and his own strength was declining again and again, and he didn't even reach the foundation-building stage.

In response,

Guo Hao used the Trojan Beast to invade the opponent's live broadcast room, but was easily defeated.

In desperation,

Sun Rong had to use the Little Mengchang Technique to seduce Chen Chao, hoping to get him out of the temptation of the vixen.


Chen Chao was fooled by the vixen's"tea art".

At the same time, the vixen looked at the demon master lying on the hospital bed and thought secretly:"Beautiful, a few more waves will be enough to gather the spiritual power! Master, I must restore your body for you!"

Under the temptation of the vixen,

Chen Chao directly used his soul to leave his body to enter the online world, and ran along the network cable to where the fox sister was.

"Sister Fox Fairy, here I come!"

However, at this moment, Sister Fox Fairy took off her disguise, and an extremely ugly giant body emerged from the body of the Fox Fairy, which was so bloated that it looked like a maggot.

"Hehehe, I have collected a million spiritual energies and can finally remove the disguise."

【Child Emperor: Loopy Toad, is this your fellow apprentice? How come he looks uglier than you?】

【Tornado: Haha, this is the end of an online romance!】

【Fubuki: This is clearly the current situation of online live streaming! Fox fairy sister online, fox fairy grandmother offline!】

【Zombie Man: Damn, I almost vomited when I saw the true face of this fox fairy! Even more disgusting than the Pig God...】

【The Vest Venerable: I'm afraid that Chen Chao, the top brother on the list, will want to run away on the train overnight! 】

Suddenly, the monster saw Chen Chao's soul actually came out of the computer.

"No, where is this? This is not the live broadcast room of Sister Fox Fairy!"

At this time, the monster stood behind Chen Chao and replied grimly:"This is the live broadcast room of Sister Fox Fairy, don't you recognize it?"

Chen Chao looked at the horrible monster in front of him and was so scared that his legs went weak.

"no no!!!"

【Guo Hao: Hahahaha! A huge failed dating scene!】

【Chen Chao: It’s not easy for me to fall in love with you.】

【Dad Chen: Oh, poor Chao'er, he is just like me back then, a romantic man!】

【Erha: That’s true....Excellent dog-licking genes! 】

Facing the monster's attack,

Chen Chao found that his body could penetrate the monster's body, and he immediately became proud:"I am in the state of Yuan Shen now, you can't attack me!"

"Oh? Really?"

The monster took out a soul vacuum cleaner and started to suck at Chen Chao.

""Ah! Don't come over here!"

Monster:"Hahaha! Come into the jar quickly!"

Just as Chen Chao was about to be sucked in, Wang Ling punched through the computer screen and instantly knocked the monster out.

At the same time, he pulled Chen Chao's clothes to pull his soul back. He successfully rescued Chen Chao.

【Zhang Chulan: Holy shit! Is Wang Ling really hitting someone along the Internet cable?】

【Zhuge Qing: It seems that I can no longer complain about others online at will!】

【Luffy: No, how can Wang Ling's arms be so long? Did he also eat the rubber fruit?】

【Sanji: Damn, if it were me, I would have kicked this monster to death! How dare they deceive a man's feelings like this! 】

In the academy,

Chen Chao knelt down at Wang Ling's feet, crying and shouting,"Wang Ling, you are still good to me! I will never fall in love online again!"

Guo Hao rolled his eyes at him,"You are not as handsome as me, and people must like your spiritual power! When you can be as handsome as me, then consider dating!"

Erha lay on the ground and prayed silently for his fellow apprentice who was beaten away.......

In the scene,

Sun Rong's Huaguoshan Group went bankrupt, and Tang Erdan's Tang Group wanted to swallow it up.

Wang Ling came to the spring and suddenly felt that something was wrong below. Suddenly, he caught a star worm monster.

"¨¨ This is a terrifying ancient monster that lurks underground and absorbs the earth's veins. The reason why the Huaguo Mountain's spiritual veins are exhausted is probably because of this!"

At the same time, another senior brother of Erha, with a mustache, was lurking in the dark and said with disdain on his face,"Oh, we've been discovered! But it's too late. The Huaguo Mountain's spiritual veins have been sucked dry by the Starworm Monster, and the spiritual resources have long been transferred to me...."

"Wait, why is the spiritual energy flowing backwards?"

Wang Ling, Chen Chao, Guo Haolin and Xiao Yu grabbed the star worm monster's tail and dragged it out of the water.

""Give Sun Rong's family's spiritual vein back!!!"

Wang Ling exerted force suddenly, and the terrifying force dragged the huge body of the star insect monster into the air, and then a large amount of spiritual power was poured back into the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

The next second, the Sun family's stock rebounded from the bottom and soared across the board, while Tang Erdan's family's stocks were directly circuit-breakered!

【Demon Master: Disciples, I have seen all the efforts you have made for me! But, please don't go to the human world to cause trouble, and don't cause trouble for Loopy Toad! As an exchange trainee, Loopy Toad should live there alone!】

【Monster King: That’s right! If we continue like this, Wang Ling might really launch a counterattack!】

【Erha: Master, tell these useless disciples to go away. I, a Toad, can handle both sides!】

【Sun Rong: Brother Wang Ling, I didn’t expect that you would save our Sun family again in the future!】

【Dad Sun: Hehehe, I approve of this son-in-law! You two should have a baby together soon!】

【Grandma: I want to be a grandmother too!】

【Father Wang: There is no time to lose, let’s quickly discuss a date?】

【Wang Ma: Why not today?】

【Wang Ling: Dad, Mom, are you selling me out now?]

In the scene,

Erha's senior brother (Zhao Hao) with a mustache held a dance party and secretly saved up 1 billion spiritual energy for casting spells. He stopped pretending and showed his hand.

"Magic: Great Manipulation!"

Instantly, extremely powerful spiritual energy penetrated into all electronic devices, instantly controlling all humans.

"Haha, this is a world-class manipulation technique that I have spent a billion spiritual powers to trigger. Now all the people in the world are puppets controlled by me."

"But it's a pity that you guys can't hear my genius plan!"

But the next second,

Sun Rong asked,"Who are you?"

The man with the mustache asked in shock,"Why aren't you controlled by me?"

Wang Ling walked out from the dark and explained calmly,"Because your magic circle is ineffective."

"How, how is it possible? How could you destroy such a large formation?"

"I just moved the center of the formation forward two meters."

As expected, the word"Sun" appeared above the heads of all human beings.

The man with a mustache said angrily:"Damn it, I can only use violence!"

But the next second, the man with a mustache was hit by the runaway TV and flew into the universe.

【Nagato: Hmm? It's so simple that Moustache can achieve the moon���Eye plan?】

【Tendo Pain: I seem to hear my own BGM!】

【Obito: My Infinite Moon Reading....】

【Kakashi: You actually let all of humanity become Sun Rong’s captives. Wang Ling, just pamper her!】

【Might Guy: This two-meter micromanagement is too extreme!】

【Jotaro: No, a host on a small TV is so powerful? Double A in strength and speed? Star Platinum faceplate?】

【Qiao: I'm afraid that Moustache will lose his mind like Kaz】

Erha : Senior Brother!!!】.

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