In the scene,

Sun Rong found Wang Ling and asked shyly:

"Brother Wang, have you prepared your costumes for Tai Sheng Festival tomorrow?".


At the entrance of the Monkey King Paradise,

Wang Ling walked up to Guo Hao in a formal suit and asked,"Where are your travel companions?"

"There's a traffic jam! Brother Wang, why did you come alone? Did you have a fight with Junior Sister Sun?-?"

But the next second, a voice came out on the radio:"A missing person notice, Fellow Daoist Wang Ling! Fellow Daoist Wang Ling! Please go to the VIP channel, your family is waiting for you there."

【Tiger Stick: Family? Sun Rong is so direct?】

【Megumi Fushiguro: It should be a beautiful woman, right?】

【Wild Rose: Okay, okay, you’re the son-in-law of Huaguo Mountain, right? 】

Inside the park,

Sun Rong took Wang Ling for a stroll, and asked as they walked,"Senior Brother Wang, do you remember the last time we came here?"

"Yes. You said that the park was built for you by your grandfather."

"Yes, Grandpa asked me to bring the person I value most! It's just that last time we cleared the place for you, so it wasn't as lively as it is now."

Wang Ling smiled and thought to himself,"It was last semester, but it feels like a few years have passed."

Soon, the two of them arrived at the door of a villa. Sun Rong blushed and said,"By the way, Senior Brother Wang. My parents are away on a business trip tonight. Can you come to our house for dinner?""


Wang Ling agreed without hesitation.

"But, are there any instant noodles?"

"Of course!"

Wang Ling immediately gave a thumbs up.

Seeing this,

Lotus Sun happily jumped into the air and shouted,"Great!"

【Zhang Chulan:"My Parents Are Not Home"? Damn! Why can't I get such a good thing?】

【Zhuge Qing: This wave of"Playing Hard to Get" is played well! Even if I am a veteran, I am afraid I can't resist the temptation!】

【Chen Chao: Brother Wang, please be gentle, Junior Sister Sun is afraid of pain!】

【Guo Hao: Chen Chao, push faster, Brother Wang has no strength left!】


Sun Rong happily opened the door and suddenly found that her grandfather was at home.

""Rongrong, you're back?"

Sun Rong asked in shock,"Grandpa! Why are you at home?"..."

Afterwards, the three of them sat at the long table awkwardly and started eating.

Grandpa Sun was the first to ask,"My dear, what is your relationship with our Sun Rong?"

Sun Rong hurriedly explained,"Grandpa, he is my senior in the elite class!"

Upon hearing this,

Grandpa Sun glared at Sun Rong, and then asked again,"My dear, I wonder where your father is doing?"

Wang Ling ate instant noodles and replied,"He is writing online articles at home and has not graduated from the physical training period."

Hearing this,

Grandpa Sun was a little angry and crushed the king crab in his hand.

Sun Rong argued,"The Internet is so developed now, being an online writer must be able to earn a lot of royalties, right?"

Grandpa Sun asked again,"Sun Rong, how is your training this semester?"

"The foundation-building stage is complete, and I am preparing to impact the golden elixir stage!"

Grandpa Sun nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Wang Ling:"My friend, what is your realm?"

"Initial stage of foundation building, spiritual power 5!"

Upon hearing this,

Grandpa Sun's veins popped up, he crushed the red wine glass in his hand, stood up and shouted:

"The current head of the Sun family bankrupted the Sun family while I was in seclusion. Now you are here again. Do you want to bankrupt the Sun family?"

Sun Rong quickly stood up and explained,"Grandpa, our Sun family is actually Senior Brother Wang...."

"Shut up! You are still protecting this useless person with a spiritual power of 5, both of you get out of here!"

At this time, the bodyguard hurriedly advised:"Grandpa, calm down! Have you forgotten the rules of our family?"

Sun Rong said awkwardly:"Yes, you can disobey me, but you can't go against the decision of our ancestors!"

Grandpa Sun calmed down and said:"Well, if you want to step into our house, according to the tradition of our Sun family, you must pass three tests!"

【Baozi: Holy shit? Are you trying to do the same thing as the crooked-mouthed dragon king?】

【Wei Chen: This Grandpa Sun is really looking down on others. After seeing Wang Ling’s true ability, he will regret it sooner or later!】

【Chen Guo: This Grandpa Sun is so rude. He comes up and asks about other people's family affairs, and he acts so superior! What's so great about him!】

【Tang Rou: I can already imagine how Grandpa Sun would look when he was shocked!!】

【Lan He: Hahaha, I’m looking forward to the moment when Wang Ling slaps Grandpa Sun in the face!】

【Huang Shaotian: Wang Ling, it’s time for you to twist your mouth! Come on! Hit me hard in the face!]

In the park,

Grandpa Sun took Wang Ling and Sun Rong to a sledgehammer game machine and said:

"This is the first test!"

Lotus Sun:"Grandpa, isn't this an amusement ride?"

Grandpa Sun said nothing, picked up a wooden mallet and played with it for a few times, then activated the"Chaos Cloak" hammering and instantly hit a grand slam!


After seeing the numbers on the scoreboard, the surrounding bodyguards shouted in unison:

"The master is so awesome!"

"Old but still strong!"

Grandpa Sun said modestly:"I am still old. I should have scored higher when I was younger!"

Then, he threw the hammer to Wang Ling.

"It's your turn!"

Sun Rong reminded:"Brother Wang, be careful."

Wang Ling replied:"Don't worry, I won't embarrass your grandfather."


Wang Ling picked up the mallet and gently hit the machine. Seeing this, the bodyguards around laughed.

But the next second, the ground began to shake, indicating that the ball was launched directly like a rocket, breaking through the top railing and flying out.


"There's something wrong with this machine!"

Grandpa Sun's eyes almost popped out after seeing this scene.

【Genos: It seems like I saw the scene when Teacher Saitama took the test!】

【Vest Reverend: No way, a soldering iron! You told him to be more careful?】

【Superalloy Black Light: Just a light touch can produce such a force. If you use all your strength to smash it, I'm afraid the whole world will explode!】

【Earth: Take it easy, I'm scared! 】

After the first test,

Grandpa Sun was a little dissatisfied and took Wang Ling to the archery area.

"Grandpa, are you going to shoot balloons?"

Grandpa Sun pulled the bow and said,"Look at the top of the mountain behind!"

It turned out that there were two security guards holding red lanterns on the top of the mountain thousands of meters away.

"so far?"

"How could it be possible to hit the target from such a long distance?"

The next second,

Grandpa Sun shot an arrow that hit the lantern directly like a meteor.

He proudly threw the arrow to Wang Ling.

"Come on!"

Wang Ling was not ambiguous either. He picked up a bow and arrow and began to aim.

"Junior, if you miss, get out...."

Before he finished speaking, the arrow in Wang Ling's hand flew out like a fire meteor, so fast that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it flew past the lanterns on the top of the mountain and flew into the distance.

Grandpa Sun teased:

"The shot was quite far, but it went astray to my grandma's house."

"Come on, show him off!"

At this time,

Wang Ling shouted,"Wait, let the spirit arrow fly for a while!"

The spirit sword passed through the atmosphere, circled the earth, and then flew over Grandpa Sun's head again. The terrifying power instantly blew up the entire mountain!

【Usopp: Damn!!! If I had this kind of automatic tracking and aiming ability, I would be the king of the entire ocean!!!】

【Sanji: This guy is not a human being! Going around the earth, is this to prove that the earth is round?】

【Zoro: To be honest, I thought Wang Ling was going to shoot down the moon in the sky....】

·· ··Request flowers··· ········

【Nami: Don’t bully the moon! Teacher Saitama almost kicked the moon to pieces. If Wang Ling shoots another arrow at it, the moon will be in trouble!】

【Enelu: If you want to kill me, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush!】

【Otsutsuki Toneri: Did I say anything?】

【Technical Instructor: Your Name!

Seeing that the first two projects had failed, Grandpa Sun gave up the third project he had prepared and brought Wang Ling and Sun Rong to the armory.

"Grandpa, how did you bring us here?"

Grandpa Sun took out a nunchaku and replied,"This is the last level!"

"Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Grandpa Sun confidently performed a set of nunchaku gold soul jade"Tiger Roar Dragon Roar" moves. (ps: Is there any big guy who plays Eternal Tribulation, please help me, a little trash of Eclipse Moon)

"The last level of the Sun Family Trial is me!"

The security guard reminded:"Master, isn't it a bit too unethical for you to fight a Foundation Establishment Stage warrior at your level?"

Sun Rong agreed:"Yes, what if Senior Brother Wang hurts you?"

Grandpa Sun shouted:"Stop talking nonsense! Rongrong, sixty years ago, your grandmother passed the three trials here! She went through so much hardship in order to marry me, and I swore at that time that I would create a world for her where she would never get hurt again!"

........... 0

"So I built���Qitian Paradise..."

【Uchiha Obito: Wait, don't steal my lines! This is putting me in a passive position!】

【Kakashi: It is indeed a bit unethical for Wang Ling, a 16-year-old boy, to beat an 80-year-old old man!】

【Naruto: This grandpa Sun is so narcissistic! Who would pass three trials just to marry you? He thinks too highly of himself!】

【Xiaoying: That's right! I feel like he's just bragging! 】

After saying that,

Grandpa Sun looked at Wang Ling and said loudly:"Boy, if you're sincere, just get past me!"

Wang Ling and Sun Rong looked at each other, awkwardly walked to the place where the weapons were placed and looked at them for a few seconds.

Suddenly, he saw a stick behind Grandpa Sun that was quite handy, so he picked it up and said:


"Come on!"

However, when Grandpa Sun saw Wang Ling pick up the golden hoop so easily, he was stunned.

"you...How can you lift it?"

"How is this possible?"

Wang Ling looked at Sun Rong awkwardly, not knowing what surprising thing he had done.

"this...This is the Sun family's divine stick, which has been passed down from generation to generation in our Sun family. It weighs 13,500 kilograms!"

Sun Rong said in shock.

"No! Impossible! In the history of the Sun family, only the original ancestor could move it. Over the past few thousand years, even I have been unable to do so...."

Hearing this,

Wang Ling quickly put the Ruyi Jingu Bang back to its original place, fearing that it would be bumped or dented.

Grandpa Sun was completely convinced, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy,"I was blind just now and didn't recognize the true face of the immortal. Please accept my respect!"......

After watching this video, the audience in the world of the universe burst into laughter.

This is really the right scene! It's a classic scene of the return of the son-in-law!

【Huang Shaotian: Hahaha! Before, this Grandpa Sun kept calling me"old man" and"boy" all the time! Now he just calls himself"old man" and Wang Ling"immortal"! It's really refreshing to see this!】

【Chen Guo: Is this the pleasure of watching the Dragon King skit? I understand!】

【Baozi: I would like to call this video"The Return of the Immortal King: The Son-in-law of the Sun Family"》!】

【Wei Chen: What a pity! It would be even better if Wang Ling twisted his mouth!】

【Ye Xiu: Do you think everyone is like you, playing the pig and eating the tiger game?】

【Wei Chen: Damn it! How dare you say that to me? Who was the first to act like a pig in the new area?】

【Ye Xiu: Okay, just ignore what I said. 】Xiao.

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