Seeing that Jiugong Liangzi did not steal the Ruyi Jingu Bang from Sun Rong's house, the audience began to wonder.

Who on earth could have quietly taken away a stick weighing 13,500 kilograms under Wang Ling's nose?


Wang Ling and Sun Rong did wrongly accuse Jiugong Liangzi.

No wonder she refused to admit that she had stolen the Sun family's magic stick!...

In the scene, as the barrier was broken by the Ruyi Jingu Bang, countless monsters flew out like a volcanic eruption.

At the top of the volcano,

Erha held the Ruyi Jingu Bang in his mouth, looking down at all the monsters that escaped.

【Zhang Chulan: Damn it! Erha, are you itching for trouble? I didn't expect that the culprit was actually you?】

【Zhuge Qing: If you don't fight for three days, you'll tear off the tiles on the roof!】

【Lu Linglong: Erha must have had his reasons, right? Otherwise, why would it take the initiative to cause trouble for Wang Ling?】

【Feng Baobao: To deal with this disobedient puppy, my suggestion is to bury it alive!】

【Two clams:....】

One rainy night,

Erha saved the life of the one-eyed dragon monster under Zhuo Yi's hands.

Just as Erha was about to leave, the one-eyed dragon monster knelt on the ground and cried:

"Wait, although the appearance and species have changed, the demon power cannot be wrong, you are the demon king, right?"


"Please come out again and lead our demon race to survive!"

Erha pretended not to hear:"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Because in its opinion, it had long cut off its connection with the demon race and integrated into the human world. It only had sporadic memories of the demon race in the past, and it no longer wanted to be involved in the disputes between humans and demons.

However, as its own birthday was ignored, it realized that it was neither a demon nor a human!

When it was lost walking in the alley, it met the one-eyed dragon monster again. The other party kindly gave it a bite of food and took it to the place where the monsters gathered.

Erha saw that the monsters here had become numb, drinking without restraint, and drunk like zombies.

Seeing this,

Erha walked to the platform angrily and gave a loud speech:

"No one cares!"

"No one cares about the survival of our demon race. Are you just going to spend your failed life in the sewer like this?"

"Have you ever wondered why we live like dogs now?"

"It's not because humans treat us like dogs, but because we think we are dogs!"


Erha opened the door, and the sunlight shone on him, making his image even more majestic.

"It’s the human race!"

"Evil human race!"

"The human race destroyed our homeland and took our lives. Do we have to live under the shadow of the human race forever?"

Then, under a series of plans,

Erha transformed into Lin Xiaoyu's appearance, secretly followed Jiugong Liangzi to the armory, and then knocked Jiugong Liangzi unconscious and stole the Ruyi Jingu Bang!

【Tiger Stick: Is this Wang Ling and Sun Rong's fault? Erha was so looking forward to that birthday, but Wang Ling failed to live up to its expectations!】

【Megumi Fushiguro: To be honest, seeing Loopy Toad so miserable, almost fainting from hunger in the alley, I felt really sorry for it!】

【Wild Rose: Neither human nor monster, Loopy Toad is so miserable!】

【Panda: If Erha doesn’t turn evil at all, I will look down on him as the demon king!】

【Going against the will of heaven: Erha’s speech is quite contagious!】

【Wu Geng: This time I stand on Erha’s side!】

【Bai Cai: Erha is finally brave enough!】

【Dancing with the Wind: The demon race will never be enslaved. Erha's will is the same as our Hades race's will!】

【Hai Kuo Tian Kong: I give full marks to this episode of"Beer Hall Speech"!】

【Extremely Evil: Come on, Erha, let's strike Sun Island! 】

The scene changes,

Erha stands on the top of the volcano with the golden hoop in his mouth, shouting:"I am the demon king!"

""Erha!" Wang Ling shouted.

Hearing this,

Erha was so frightened that he broke out in a sweat, and the domineering aura that had flashed across his face just now disappeared.

"Why are you here?"

"What's that in your mouth?"

"So you took it?"

Wang Ling said in a deep voice.


Erha showed an awkward but polite smile.

Suddenly, all the monsters that had escaped ran behind Erha and shouted excitedly:

"Lord Demon King, let's charge down together and crush all the humans!"

"How come there is a human here? Let's eat him first."

Erha shouted:"Shut up! All of you retreat! This human is very dangerous!"

Hearing this, the monsters all retreated and ran to the steps.

Wang Ling sighed, pulled out Jingke and asked:"I think I understand. Do you want a one-on-one fight or do you want to fight together?" Erha was so scared that his hair stood on end. He stammered:"Wait, after all, we have been friends for so many years, and I also know that fighting you is seeking death! Can we solve the problem in a more peaceful way?"


At the same time, the monster hiding behind asked curiously:"What are you doing, my king? Why don't you eat that human?"

"What do you know! This is called negotiation! The king is not like us who only think about eating!"

【Genos: Tsk! I thought Loopy Toad had stood up, but he just gave up in an instant!】

【Bang: It seems that Loopy Toad has a fear of Wang Ling etched into its DNA!】

【Atomic Samurai: This wave, this wave is called bloodline suppression!】

【Mr.3: Why do I seem to see Buggy in Loopy?】

【Buggy: Are you kidding me? I've always been super brave! Even if I faced Shanks, I could still grab his collar and strangle him!】

【Unknown Pirate: Wow! As expected of Captain Buggy!!!】

【Zoro: This Erha is quite smart. He knows that he is no match for Wang Ling in a head-on fight, so he chooses to fight with words!】

【Nami: The problem is, Wang Ling’s IQ is not low either.��?】

Wang Ling:"Writing duel?"

Erha:"Yes, I'll give you three questions. If you can answer them all, I'll lead the entire demon race to surrender!"

Wang Ling:"What if you can't answer them?"

Erha:"Then go back to Huaxiu Country and don't get involved! Anyway, this is Sun Island, I won't let the demon race harass Huaxiu Country."

【Lu Jin: Actually, I think Erha’s conditions are pretty good. What do you think?】

【Lu Ci: I agree one hundred percent!】

【Tang Miaoxing: That's really the best thing! I support it wholeheartedly! 】

In response to Erha's conditions, Wang Ling replied directly:


Erha asked in surprise:"Why did you agree so quickly!"

Wang Ling asked back:"Do you think I will lose?"

"Well, please listen to the question!"

Erha directly produced a PLC flow chart and said proudly:"What is the result?"

"I've observed you in the 60th class. You were always distracted during the math class, and you used a pencil to write your homework when you got home. How could you possibly answer it?"

But the next second, Wang Ling directly replied:"X=1, Y=1, K=0! S=1-1=0T=1+1=2!....The final output result is (-4.0)!"

Hearing this,

Erha was stunned and asked in horror:"How is it possible? You only get 60 points in every math class. How can you answer it!"

Wang Ling explained calmly:"Do you think it's easy to get 60 points every time?"

Erha thought to himself:"Is he always controlling his score accurately? Is he passing the test on purpose?"

【Chen Chao: No? Brother Wang is actually a top student?】

【Guo Hao: Brother Wang, in order not to embarrass us, did you deliberately get a barely passing score to comfort our hurt hearts?】

【Wang Ling: No, you think too much! I've just gotten used to it over the years!】

【Sun Rong: Brother Wang, if I had known you were such a good student, I would have asked you to pass me the cheat sheets!】

【Pan Shengcong: I'm sorry, student Wang Ling! Please forgive me for my previous contempt for you!】

【Coach Wang: This is the real way of playing the pig and eating the tiger! 】 PS: I have been busy with things like sending gifts recently, so the update time is a bit late, and the number of words is not enough, sorry. I will update more words in two days to make up for it.

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