At the entrance of the Frost Forest dungeon, just after Ye Xiu introduced Tang Rou and Baozi to Ye Du Han Tan, the last Gunner player Feng Shuo Yanmu walked over with a smile.


""I'm here."

Soon, the five of them began their first round of running-in. With Ye Xiu's excellent command, even though Han Yanrou and Baozi Invasion were just new players who had just played for a few days, their cooperation was excellent.

Two days later, after Ye Xiu and the other five had finished their running-in, they directly refreshed the clearance record.

「Congratulations to Tyrannical Ambition players: AiJoinTheFun, JunMoXiao, FengShuoYanMu, HanYanRou, BaoZiInvasion for breaking the Frost Forest dungeon record」

【Liu Hao: Su Mucheng, that Feng Shuo Yan Mu must be you, right? You are from Excellent Era, but you are helping Tyrannical Ambition to clear dungeons. Which side are you from?】

【Su Mucheng: Whose side do you care about? You are the only one allowed to bully Ye Xiu, but I am not allowed to help him? Besides, I am on break, I can do whatever I want, why do you care so much?】

【Liu Hao: You!】

【Sun Xiang: Shut up, Liu Hao! Instead of helping Jia Dynasty to clear dungeons, you should spend more time studying operations and coordination!】

【Liu Hao: I...】

【Chen Guo: Ahhh! I didn't expect that the gunner position was reserved for my favorite idol! Ye Xiu, you have such a good relationship with Su Mucheng, why don't you ask her to give me an autograph?】

【Su Mucheng: That’s easy.】

In the scene,

Liu Hao disguised himself as Lihenjian and wanted to secretly learn the new dungeon fighting method developed by Ye Xiu, but Ye Xiu easily saw through him and used the trick to make him level up with him.

That night, a sneaky person appeared outside the Xingxin Internet Cafe.

He was wrapped up very tightly, like a thief.

Ye Xiu asked:"Are you alone?"

"Nonsense, should I bring the whole team over here?"

Ye Xiu teased,"Look at you, sneaking around like a thief!"

"This is an Internet cafe. I am not like you. I have a lot of fans. If I hadn’t run fast just now, I would have been recognized."

Ye Xiu:"Come on!"

"I said, is it safe here? Is it safe?"

Ye Xiu was speechless:"Don't worry!"

"I'm telling you in advance, if I'm exposed, I will definitely expose you immediately without any hesitation. So, are you really a network administrator here? I think your level of skill is not enough to make you end up like this, right?"

"Why did you retire suddenly?"

"I said..."

Seeing Huang Shaotian asking questions all the time, Ye Xiu had to interrupt him and said,"Help me clear the record first."

Huang Shaotian complained again,"Oh my god, I make hundreds of thousands per match, and I have to help others clear the Bone Burial Grounds dungeon record. If you tell anyone, I'll kill you!"

"It would be fine if I could just help you brush your records, but you even have to get the account card yourself!"

"Level 27 Little Swordsman, shame, so shameful"

"You want me to help you clear just a Bone Burial Ground? How amazing is the record of this Bone Burial Ground?"

However, when Huang Shaotian saw the record of the dungeon, he couldn't help but scream in shock.

"This Jia Dynasty has unleashed the power of the wild, right? It’s so high?"

Ye Xiu:"New way of playing!" Huang Shaotian

:"A broken burial ground also has a new way of playing, which idiot is so boring! Hahaha, it can't be you, right? You are corrupted, completely corrupted! Hahaha!"

Ye Xiu said lightly:"Start at twelve o'clock!"

【Yue Zhongmian: Holy crap! Ye Qiu is indeed a great master. He can even find the Sword Master to break the dungeon record. This honor is really unbeatable!】

【Tian Qi: Ahhhh! Is this the network of contacts that Master Ye Qiu has? It’s really too wide! I’m so envious! I really want to team up with the Sword Master!】

【Mu Yunshen: Master Ye Qiu said he knew the Sword Saint, it turns out he knew him as a friend in real life, so jealous!】

【Tang Rou: Is this the Sword Saint? He talks a lot!】

【Chen Guo: Wow! I didn’t expect that the Sword Master has played games in our Internet cafe. If we spread the word, the Internet cafe will definitely be packed, right?】

【Huang Shaotian: This is bad! How could I agree to do such a thing with Ye Xiu! If the captain knew about this, he would definitely not let me off!】

【Yu Wenzhou: I already know! You should think about the problem you are reviewing! 】

In the burial ground,

Huang Shaotian complained:"Hey, what kind of broken sword did you give me? A level 25 orange weapon, rubbish."

Su Mucheng looked at the swordsman Liumu and asked curiously:"Who is this?"

Ye Xiu:"He is Shao..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Shaotian shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Hey, don’t reveal my identity!"


Ye Xiu used his charming moves to accurately hit the monster in the bone burial ground into a canyon crack.

Seeing this,

Huang Shaotian asked,"What are you doing?"

""Stuck the monster!"

Upon hearing this,

Huang Shaotian also displayed his extremely superb swordsmanship and directly stuck the three monsters inside.

"Wow, you really can't get out, this can at least save ten seconds, right?"

As expected, with the help of Huang Shaotian,

Ye Xiu directly led his men to improve the ambush site to a level that could not be surpassed at all.

Before leaving,

Huang Shaotian complained after learning that Ye Xiu planned to come back in a year and a half:"A year and a half? By then, your hand speed will be almost disabled like an old man, right?"

Ye Xiu:"I will still abuse you!"

Huang Shaotian was anxious:"What? Don't be so arrogant!"

Ye Xiu:"What is the current record of our one-on-one duels?"

Hearing this,

Huang Shaotian stuttered and laughed dryly:"Actually, the weather is really good tonight!"



Huang Shaotian turned around and said before leaving the Internet cafe:"You, must come back!"

Ye Xiu:"Of course!"

Huang Shaotian:"Just tell me if you have any difficulties."

After saying this,

Ye Xiu slowly walked towards Huang Shaotian and stretched out his right hand.

Just when Huang Shaotian was about to stretch out his right hand to shake hands with him, Ye Xiu suddenly said:

"Two hours of Internet access fee, ten yuan!"..

After watching this video, the audience was stunned.

What the hell, the famous swordsman helps you refresh the dungeon record for free, but you still charge an Internet fee.

My God,

Ye Xiu is such a rip-off, isn't he?

However, after seeing that Ye Xiu was able to research a new way to play a simple dungeon like the Boneyard, everyone still looked at him with respect.

You know, the simpler the dungeon, the more it has been studied thoroughly!

It is very difficult to innovate on this basis.


Ye Xiu can find a new way to fight, and this creativity is what makes people admire it the most.

Of course, what shocked the audience even more was that Ye Xiu could win more and lose less in a duel with an extreme opportunist like Huang Shaotian, which was unreasonable.

You know, swordsmen are originally suitable for singles!.

Added by: Nico Robin

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