The news of Su Muqiu's resurrection was great news for Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng.

After all,

Su Muqiu's death was the biggest regret for both of them.

No, it should be the regret of many people in the first generation of Excellent Era team.

Because everyone knows that if Su Muqiu had not left in an accident, then their Excellent Era team would not have had such a hard time in the finals.

At the Happy Internet Cafe,

Su Muqiu was resurrected at the door of the Internet Cafe, and his body and appearance were almost the same as when he died.

Afterwards, a large number of memories about the period of his death were implanted in his mind, as if he had lived for ten more years out of thin air.

At the same time, he also understood what Ye Xiu had experienced after his death, what Excellent Era had experienced, and what the Glory League has become now.

Thinking of Ye Xiu being forced to leave Excellent Era by Tao Xuan, he felt extremely guilty.

If he had not had an accident, Ye Xiu would never have experienced the current situation."July 27"

Tao Xuan would not have become so ruthless and abandoned his former friends and brothers.

Of course, the most important thing is that his sister may not have to contact Glory so early and fight in the professional arena instead of him.

At this moment, a fighting spirit rose in his mind:"Ye Xiu, I must help you get back what you lost!" Just as he made up his mind, a familiar figure walked out of the Internet cafe.

Ye Xiu smiled at him and said softly:"Long time no see!"

For Su Muqiu, the time he and Ye Xiu had been apart might have been less than an hour, but for Ye Xiu, it had been a full ten years.

"Long time no see, Ye Qiu."

Then, the two of them hugged each other tightly, and the longing and joy were transmitted to their hearts....

The first Glory League Professional League.

Under the leadership of Ye Xiu, Excellent Era defeated four teams in a row and became the most anticipated dark horse in the first season.

The first duel between Excellent Era and Royal Wind.

In the individual competition,

Royal Wind led Excellent Era 2-1.

In the ring competition,

Excellent Era led Royal Wind 2-0.

In the team competition, only Ye Xiu and An Wu Tian Ri were left in Excellent Era, while only Sao Di Fen Xiang and Fen Zhou were left in Royal Wind.

However, at this most critical moment, the cooperation between An Wu Tian Ri and Ye Xiu was still a little lacking, and they eventually lost to the precise cooperation of Sao Di Fen Xiang and Fen Zhou, and finally lost the team competition.

Lu Liang:"You overestimated An Wu Tian Ri. You and I have the same plan. Unfortunately, Fen Zhou and I have a better understanding!"

Fen Zhou:"An Wu Tian Ri, you haven't realized yet, my goal has always been Yi Ye Zhi Qiu!"

Ye Xiu:"So, all this is in your plan!"

An Wu Tian Ri:"Damn it.....!"

The narrator lamented:

"Wow! In this match between Royal Wind and Excellent Era, both teams fought to the point of running out of ammunition and food!"

"Yes, the players played very domineeringly and aggressively in this game!"

"If this wave of darkness had not been so offensive, the game might not have ended!"

"Yeah, it was a wonderful game!"

【Su Muqiu: Damn it, it's all my fault! If I was there at the time, with the cooperation of Ye Xiu, I would definitely not let Saodi Fenxiang and Fenzhou taunt everyone like that!】

【Ye Xiu: It doesn’t matter, I just lost one game, not everything!】

【Darkness: I wanted to show off and prove myself too much at that time. Otherwise, I would have been able to play a more exciting match with the captain!】

【Furious: Su Muqiu, you're late! If you had come back a few years earlier, I would have accompanied you to win the championship again!】

【The law is merciless: It's a pity that I'm over 30 years old, there's really nothing I can do! Su Muqiu, you better hurry up and accompany Captain Ye to fight on the battlefield again! We must beat up those people from Excellent Era! I really can't stand them bullying Captain Ye like this!】

【Cang Tian: Yes, Captain Ye is the soul of Excellent Era!】

【Su Muqiu: Don’t worry, the only purpose of my resurrection this time is to help Ye Xiu win the championship again!】

【Han Wenqing: Glory is getting more and more interesting! 】

In the finals,

Darkness did not participate in the competition due to internal conflicts, so only the five players of Excellent Era could compete against the six players of Royal Wind.

In the first round of the individual competition, Excellent Era started with Yiye Zhiqiu.


In the second round of the ring competition,

Lu Liang directly led the team to defeat Excellent Era 4 to 1.


"You see, Jia Shi’s sixth man has not returned to the team yet, which to a certain extent has put a great psychological burden on Jia Shi’s teammates!"

"Well, under the sharp attack of Royal Wind Captain Lu Liang, the Excellent Era players could not resist at all."

"Lü Liang is in great shape today!"

During the halftime break,

Ye Xiu comforted,"Everyone keep your breathing steady, and relax your body and index finger. Have you been frightened by Huang Feng?"

Qi Chongyunshui said with emotion,"Lü Liang is really amazing. He is in very good shape today!" Fa Burongqing asked,

"Hey, captain, didn't you say today that you have a secret weapon for victory?"

Tao Xuan also asked,"Yes, the secret weapon you mentioned before?"

Ye Xiu encouraged,"The secret weapon is each of you. It is the strength of us together! An Wutianri is impatient and wants to prove himself, but he never admits defeat. His competitive spirit is the strongest among us!"

"Zhiying, although you always say discouraging words, I know you can be relied on at the critical moment!"

"The law is not merciful. Although you are really rude, you are actually worried about our team!"

"God, I have always wanted to say thank you for Mu Cheng’s matter!"

"Wu Xuefeng, we all feel at ease with you as the deputy captain!"

"Brother Tao, you put your entire fortune on the line for us..... As for me, I really want to thank everyone, thank you for trusting me. Everyone is here today, let's win this game together!"

Zhiying teased:"Captain, it's a foul for you to encourage others like this!"

Ye Xiu replied awkwardly:"Ah? Really? In hot-blooded animations, don't captains always talk like this?"

Cangtian laughed and said:"Captain Ye, you are not suitable to say such things, it doesn't match your image!"

Wu Xuefeng:"From the first time we formed a team to today, we rely on mutual trust and believe that our family will definitely come!"

At the same time, the dark in the toilet and Su Mucheng in the dormitory all headed towards the competition venue.

"The break is almost over, let’s go!"

"We can win the championship!"

"come on!"

【Chen Guo: Tears welled up in my eyes! We only saw the result of Ye Xiu and his team winning, but we didn’t see how much effort they put in to achieve this result!】

【Tang Rou: Is this the consciousness of a professional player? I seem to understand a little more!】

【Qiao Yifan: It's so touching! Obviously, Excellent Era was in turmoil at that time, but it gave people the feeling of being as solid as a rock!】

【Xiaoshoubingliang: It is a blessing for the team members to have someone like Ye Xiu as their captain!】

【Wei Chen: Glory is never a one-man game! Ye Xiu really followed through on this statement! No wonder that guy was able to suppress our Tiny Herb in the first three seasons!】

【Han Wenqing: He is worthy of being Ye Xiu as he has the courage to fight back under Royal Wind's rampage!】

【Sun Xiang: It turns out that Ye Xiu really values teamwork. No wonder he...He has always looked down on me!】

【Tao Xuan: Maybe I really did something wrong!】

【Su Muqiu: Brother Tao, Ye Xiu hasn't changed, it's you who has changed! This time, I will be with Ye Xiu and prove to you what true glory is like!】

【Su Mucheng: Brother, Ye Xiu, we have to fight side by side this time!】

【Ye Xiu: Good!!! Keep it up! PS: Happy New Year to everyone! I've been busy these past two days visiting relatives and friends and visiting my mother-in-law's house. Sorry!.

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