After Mi Lin's action of repaying evil with kindness, the audience's thoughts became not much different from Qi Heng San.

Although they were not Qi Heng San's party, they did not immediately feel Mi Lin's broad mind.

However, just from the transformation of Qi Heng San, who swore to destroy Kui Ba, to become Kui Ba's friend, it can be seen that Kui Ba...To be more precise, it should be Mi Lin. He is absolutely different from the evil Kuiba that everyone knows!

Moreover, the audiences with better brains gradually realized that Kuiba was not as bad as everyone thought.

Many natural disasters and man-made disasters were caused by someone deliberately throwing dirty water on him in order to discredit Kuiba and cause all the people in the world to be hostile to him.

And behind the snipe and the clam, the only one who can benefit seems to be the god who is high in the sky and overlooking the world!!!

At this time, the video about Mi Lin was played again....

Mi Lin was idly skipping a ball on the river bank , but suddenly he saw a girl with long blue hair and three rubies on her chest, who looked like a god.

At that moment, his face turned red.

However, before he could go up to say hello, the girl left.

When he ran to the other side, there were only a few pink flowers left on the ground.

He picked up the petals and was lost in thought.

【Zhang Chulan: Damn! Is Mi Lin's luck with romance coming? Why can everyone find a girlfriend easily, but not me?】

【Wang Ye: Face the reality, you are an insulator against women!】

【Zhang Chulan: Damn, this life is unbearable! 】

At the same time,

Zhuayun and Qihengsan were having a good conversation in the wooden house.

"I heard that the quarantine area has escaped the plague crisis. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Qi Hengsan!"

Qi Hengsan explained:"The plague is man-made, and there must be a sinister intention behind it! And you are throwing dirty water on Kuiba, elder, I still think it's inappropriate! Mi Lin he..."

Claw Cloud said helplessly:"According to Mi Lin's personality, if he knew that he was the scourge of the world, what do you think he would do?"

"But he is not, so he should know the truth as soon as possible."

"The people behind the scenes just want to make Lingshan kill each other and force Kuiba to show up!"

"He will know sooner or later!"

"Of course, by then, he will be the leader of most of the world and have the ability to compete with the gods. Gathering troops for him, expanding the territory, and starting with unifying Lingshan, this is what I will do for him!"

"Alas, unifying Lingshan is necessary, not only for Mi Lin, but also for all the people of Lingshan who have been abandoned by the world! Only by gathering a strong force can we avoid being cannibalized by the alliance!"

"Well! We need a pretext, like the internal fighting among the mountain bandits, to prevent the real enemy from noticing our purpose!"

【Li Xingyun: Zhuayun is so good to Milin. He always thinks about Milin's future, just like my master!】

【Zhang Zifan: Fortunately, behind the silly Mi Lin there are smart people like Elder Clawyun and Qi Hengsan, otherwise no matter how powerful he is, he will be easily killed!】

【Shangguan Yunque: This is very similar to what the Marshal did! He has always been paving the way for Xingyun! Otherwise, Xingyun's lives would be over!】

【Wen Tao: Yuan Tiangang is indeed like Zhuayun, devoting himself to Brother Li.】

【Mirror Heart Demon: Stop talking, I miss Dashuai again! 】

Just when Claw Yun and Qi Heng San were troubled by the excuse, Mi Lin was holding flowers and sitting in front of the wooden house in a daze.

Claw Yun asked Qi Heng San curiously:"What is he doing?"

"Holding the small flower, in a daze."

Zhuayun laughed and said,"I see, the heartbeat is disturbing us, hahahaha!" Qihengsan

:"Tell me, who is he?" Milin smiled awkwardly and replied,"I...I have never seen such a beautiful girl, her eyebrows are...Eyes are..."

Zhuayun teased:"You didn't talk to her." Mi

Lin said disappointedly:"No, we looked at each other for a while, and before I knew how to talk to her, she disappeared."

Zhuayun:"Where is she now?"

Mi Lin:"It seems...Went downstream?"

Clawyun asked:"You want to know her and see her often, right?"

Milin nodded:"Yes, but will she be willing?" Qihengsan

:"Maybe she wants to know you too!" Clawyun

:"Let's go find her!"

Milin asked excitedly:"Really? But the village downstream belongs to someone else!"

After these words came out,

Clawyun and Qihengsan smiled at each other and made a decision in their hearts!......

After seeing this scene, the audience laughed so hard!

This is really like a pillow being delivered just when you are about to doze off.

Claw Yun and Qi Hengsan were just trying to find a reason to launch a battle to annex Lingshan. Now they can use the excuse of looking for someone to unify Lingshan.

In this way, even the alliance or the gods will not suspect anything.

【Man Xiaoman: No, that girl looks like a god. Could it be that Mi Lin has fallen in love with a god?】

【Sharon: Impossible. The gods and Kuiba are enemies. How could they fall in love with each other?】

【Ali: That’s not necessarily true. There is no distance, no identity, no age, and no time in love!】

【Wu Geng: Like my mother and father?】

【Zi Yu: That’s right!】......

In the year 1011 of Kuiba, the war of annexation of Lingshan strongholds broke out. This war was called the War of Love!

Elder Long and his allies conquered one stronghold after another and turned them into new allies.

Unknowingly, most of Lingshan had become allies of Elder Long and Mi Lin.


Mi Lin still could not find the whereabouts of the girl.

"I know that finding that girl is just an excuse. This unjust war should stop! I don't want anyone else to be hurt because of this.���, even sacrificed!"

Claw Cloud:"There is no such thing as a just war in the world! We are just protecting ourselves. Mi Lin, I hope you will become the leader of Lingshan!"

"I don't want to be a leader, I just want to protect you!"

【Tianming: Hahahaha! Battle of Love? This is too funny!】

【Shao Yu: Fighting for love, this is a perfect reason!】

【Shi Lan: Those defeated villages must be speechless that they were attacked for such a reason!】

【Gao Yue: That’s such a hasty excuse!】

【Obito: Sloppy? Not sloppy at all!!!】

【Black Dragon: For love, I can fight for another 100,000 years!】

【Wang Ling: Even if I destroy the world ten thousand times, I will still protect Sun Rong!】

【Saitama: You fight for love, then what am I fighting for?】

【Genos: Hair】


I'm Nico Robin

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