Nero in the video, she passed through the beams released by the [Celestial Wheel Saint King] at the fastest speed…

In an instant, she had already arrived at the body of that huge golden wheel.

This golden wheel is still rotating slowly.

But from here… Nero is about to stop the wheel from turning.

Even if it was only for a second, she would buy that precious time for her royal lord!


Stood on the golden wheel.

“Bang!” of a sound.

The [Meteoric Iron Slash] in his hand pierced heavily into the golden light wheel.


Nero’s whole body began to “burn” with hot flames!


“Stop !!!”

With Nero’s angry scream, she began to exert all her strength, trying to make this golden wheel stop for herself.

But this [Celestial Wheel Saint King] would not let Nero’s plan succeed so easily.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Countless golden energy beams began to rush towards Nero at this time.

Although these golden energies rushed, they were blocked by Nero on the outside of his body.

But…… This also meant that she had to separate a part of her magic power to block the attack of the [Celestial Wheel Saint King].

Moreover, she also needs to be in such harsh conditions.

Continue to block the rotation of this light wheel.

There is no doubt that her task is extremely difficult and the conditions are extremely harsh!


Outside the light curtain, inside the Tosaka Mansion in the 4th battle timeline.

Magic workshop underground.

Watch the battle in the video.

At this time, Gilgamesh’s expression also became extremely rare and serious.

This is not very common for him.

After all, in the entire [Seat of Valians], not many people can become his opponents.

“The strength of that Ying Ling itself is already very average.

Now, she had to resist the attack of the [Celestial Wheel Saint King] to complete the task of making that wheel stop turning.

No doubt……. The difficulty of this is unimaginable!

And that treasure is a little special…….

That guy, he shouldn’t be going to answer anyone’s call.

But why is that item here? ”

It seems that Gilgamesh has also seen the truth of that treasure.

Even he knew who that treasure belonged to…

But it is precisely because it is clear that he finds it incredible.

In the understanding of the hero king, that “guy (enlightened one)”.

He will never participate in the destiny of mankind.

It will not respond to any human call.

So…… That treasure will definitely not appear in this world.

However, the [Heavenly Wheel Saint King] in the picture now is undoubtedly a treasure that belongs to that “guy”!

Gilgamesh, he doesn’t think Nero has the power to disrupt or interfere with the operation of the [Celestial Wheel Saint King]!


Leave from the evaluation of the hero king.

The gaze focuses again on the video.

“Drink……. Ahem…”

At this moment, Nero, she is still using all her strength to block the operation of the [Celestial Wheel Saint King].

At the same time….

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

The golden energy rushed and was still attacking her non-stop.

There is no doubt that her situation at this moment is extremely dangerous.

But she can’t give up yet… She would never be able to give up until she had a chance for her royal lord!


But alas, even if you are trying.

The absolute strength gap is still here after all….

“Bang!” momentarily.

The golden energy rushed, but it still broke through Nero’s defenses.

One after another, it bombarded Nero’s body.

“Drink ~ cough!”

Nero, she rightfully wailed in pain.

“This is indeed some…”

Although Nero, she knew from the beginning that this task was extremely difficult.

But when she really had to do it, she still felt particularly tricky again, the difficulty of this task!

However, while Nero was still marveling at the power of that [Celestial Wheel Saint King]…

A white beam of light also flew not far from his side, passing through the countless [Heavenly Wheel Saint King] golden energy obstacles, and was heading towards the [Moon-cell] center.

This made Nero realize that the plan had already begun….

She can’t continue to degenerate like this!

PS: The evaluation votes are still a little close, a little more than five hundred. Dear readers, can you support the little author, please!!!

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