“Gee! The strength of that poisonous woman is much stronger than I thought.

In her field, the extent to which her magic power can also dominate is too exaggerated.

Compared to the Queen Mother… It also has to be bigger.

Although she is not as strong as the Queen Mother in the use of magic.

But in that field, her magical power is too large and can do all kinds of incredible attacks.

However, there is no way to defeat me with this level of attack!!! ”

The outside of the screen is inside the parallel world of fate-apocryph.

Looking at the future self in the video, he fell into a disadvantage in this battle.

Mordred, she rightly felt unhappy.

A strong knight like her can’t allow himself to fall behind in battle.

But she also had to admit that in that field, the strength of Semiramis should not be underestimated.


But compared to the very confident Mordred.

As her master, his expression did not seem very optimistic.

It’s not that you don’t have enough confidence in your followers.

It’s that he never underestimated his opponents.

The priest before was already quite tricky.

Needless to say, he and his followers were ready for this battle from the beginning.

Face an enemy who is ready for everything from the start.

Preparing for the worst with everything on the battlefield is a matter of course as a battlefield warrior.

“Not optimistic……. This battle is even if we can win.

That’s going to come at a price. ”

This is the view of the lion robbery of the world.


Now leave the surprised talk of the audience.

Look back into the screen where the video is playing.

The chains were still firmly bound to Mordred.

And let her be like a small flying insect thrown around the sky, flung into the pool of blood suspended above the sky.

But there is no doubt that the toxicity in that blood pool is even more violent.

A little contact is estimated to be able to make people disappear.

Although Mordred has a strong power over magic, as well as the blessing of treasures…

But under the continuous erosion of this toxicity, the time she can hold out is even shorter.


However, this does not mean that the current Mordred has no chance to resist at all.

Forcibly break free of the chains that bound him and return the red sword to his hand.

Relying on the friction of the sword against the wall, she landed heavily on the ground.

“You bastard!!!”

The other party actually let himself fly around like a small flying insect just now, and threw it into his face.

This made Mordred feel an unusual anger.


But listening to how the other party roared at himself, Semiramis on the throne still never looked at the other party squarely.

“This murderous aura is like a breeze!”

The words were full of mockery and disdain for Mordred.

But this time her taunt had no effect on Mordred.

Mordred was still able to calmly judge the fight.

After a few rounds of fighting, she realized that she had to finish faster so that the fight could be done.

Because in this spatial field, she could no longer support too much time, and even the armor on her body began to become tattered.

And if you want to divide the victory and defeat in the shortest time, you must use more magic power.

“Master, I’m going to use light magic!!!”

As Mordred’s avatar just fell, it burst out from her again, terrifying red lightning.

As she just said, she was going to use light magic.

The magic radiation skill was released unrestrained, resulting in an extremely “cool” phenomenon.



As fast as he could, Mordred once again broke through all obstacles and rushed towards the poisonous woman above the throne.

Using the chains that the other party had arranged in this space, Mordred jumped high into the air.

“Got it!!!”

She seemed to have made a declaration of victory one step ahead of her, and then swooped down with the fastest and most powerful impact, intending to deliver the strongest and deadliest blow to the poisonous deputy on the throne.


Outside the screen, in the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the castle of the Einz Belen family.

Watching Mordred’s actions in the video, and listening to her lines just now.

Eimiya Kiriji, he made critical lines with a blank face.

“What a stupid thing……. Don’t you even see that this is a trap?

The woman was still expressionless in the face of such an attack.

Her calm appearance represented that level of attack, and it was certainly impossible to cause her harm.

Or the assassin, she didn’t put Mordred’s strength in her eyes at all.

That level of attack is not yet a threat to her. ”

If in terms of combat ability and combat experience, as a modern assassin.

Eimiya Kiriji is indeed inferior to the legendary Knight of the Round Table.

But he is good at psychological warfare, but he can judge it quite easily.

In the video, Mordred’s attack will definitely not work.


Leaving Emiya Kiriji’s comment, he returned to the screen where the video was playing.


With a roar, Mordred swooped down like a cannonball towards Semiramis above the throne.

The highly enhanced attack that was released with magic power seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Mordred would have confidence in this attack, and for granted.

But unfortunately, after all, she still underestimated Semiramis as a follower.

Mordred was just one step away from Semiramis and was about to win the battle.


A violent sound echoed inside this palace. The incredible magic chain actually bound Mordred in mid-air.

Just a little bit, the great sword in her hand was able to attack Semiramis.

But alas, she failed in the end.

Even the blow she threw in almost all of her magic power was easily blocked by the other party.

The battle looks really overwhelming!


Look at the knight who is already tightly bound by his own chains.

Above the throne, Semiramis made a mocking voice again.

“What a pity, rebellious knight.

Let’s be honest and go back to the audience. ”

Half a moment as soon as Semiramis’ voice fell, those strong chains once again flew Mordred out.

At the same time, a huge amount of seawater poured out, almost flooding the entire palace.

The horizontal plane has already come to Mordred’s knee position.

Inside this palace, Semiramis did almost everything he wanted.

However, the release of this sea water is not so superficial to drown Mordred.

It should be said… These waters are just summoning the “side gifts” that come with the monsters in the mythical story.

In addition to the “Heavenly Courtyard of Vanity”, Semiramis holds another treasure.

“The Wine of the King of Arrogance”, which is also one of the treasures held by Semiramis.

This treasure, in addition to giving space or magic the environmental characteristic of “poison”, can also temporarily summon poisonous monsters.

And the beast that Semiramis chose to summon this time was a large viper named “Bachum”.

One of the 11 monsters created by Tiamat, the monster of Babylonian mythology.

Although it is the apex of the fantasy species – one of the divine beasts!

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