“Does this story actually end in this way?

It’s really boring within boredom.

For that boring wish to the extreme, rise up again….

A very simple thing, but she made it so complicated, as if it was very glorious, very grand.

This so-called rebellious knight, she is just that. ”

The outside of the screen is inside the 4th Holy Grail War timeline, the Tosaka family’s mansion.

Underground magic workshop.

Watching Mordred win the battle in the video, the hero king instead made a disdainful sound.

However, it is not to mock the other party for winning this battle, but to mock the other party’s small wishes.

In the view of the hero king……. Those who dream of becoming kings, those who dream of kings, are actually right.

But that Mordred only wanted to save his father, so he longed to become king.

I hope to free my father from the fate of that time.

Even for such a wish, became that rebellious knight!

Such a wish is really ridiculous in the eyes of the hero king.

Of course, this is only in the eyes of the hero king himself.


On the other side, it is still in the timeline of the fourth Holy Grail battle.

Inside the castle of the Einz Belen family.

The original Eimiya Kiriji, he was actually not optimistic about Mordred.

But there is no doubt that the results exceeded his expectations.


It should be said……. He ignored the word partner.

Pull out a cigarette from your pocket and light it.

Eimiya Kiriji spat out a smoke ring before speaking.

“The result of this battle was beyond my expectations, and the knight actually won.

However, this also confirms the meaning of this title.

This battle is actually a victory for her and her master.

In that last moment, his master was able to take such a huge risk, endure such pressure, and give her enough help.

This gave her resistance to toxins.

The two of them are quite compatible in terms of tacit understanding and action.

It is precisely for this reason that in the face of that Semiramis who is already fully prepared, both of them are still able to win the battle.

But it’s a pity ……. The fight was a little too costly for her master. ”

While speaking, the eyes of Eimiya Kiriji returned to the empty state.

It seems that he already knows what will happen after this battle is over.


Leaving the viewer’s discussion, his gaze refocused and returned to the screen where the video was playing.

Although this battle is over.

But the progress bar of the video is still a little bit incomplete, and it seems that there is a little story behind it.

In the video, from the billowing smoke and ruins, Mordred disarmed his armor, changed into his civilian clothes, and walked out again.

Looking at her breezy appearance, it seemed that she was very satisfied with the victory of this battle.


And her master, Lion Robbery, was just sitting at the bottom of the stairs of the palace, snuggled up next to him, smoking a cigarette.

It’s just that looking at his appearance doesn’t seem quite right.

But Mordred, who is servant, is not aware of this.


Looking at the master, who was waiting for his return, Mordred shouted.


And listening to his own shouts from behind him from the left, the lion robbery world left a slightly sideways face.

“Oh, how’s the assassin doing…”

The lion robbed the realm, and he sent out a result that he could guess.

Listening to his master’s question, Mordred also answered proudly.

“Hmm…….. Smashed all her spiritual cores.

That guy is going to die right away…”

Mordred, she has determined that she is perfect to win this battle.

Although this is not the case, for her, this answer is indeed correct.


“Is it… It’s just a step away…”

The lion robbery seems to have some regrets.

But what he regrets is not the defeat of Semiramis.

And Mordred also sensed that something was wrong with her master, and saw that she took two steps forward and made a puzzled sound.

“Huh? Master, what are you talking about? ”

But the moment she uttered the question, she already knew the answer.

Because she could clearly see that several holes appeared in her master’s body, and blood was constantly flowing on it.

Just now, in order to be able to successfully inject that serum into his body, he helped himself obtain an anti-poison ability that was enough to fight Semiramis.

Her master is taking great risks to help herself.

But he was seriously injured, and that was a matter of course.

The meaning of what he said just now was only one step away.


“Can’t do it?”

Mordred asked the question very seriously.

“Sort of…”

But as the master of the lion robbery, he responded to his servant with a very calm tone.

“But you still have hope, Yugdomirenya……. And the words of the sisters to renew the contract.

Well? ”

When the Lion Robbery Realm was halfway through speaking, Mordred was already sitting beside him.

His time is indeed running out, but his followers are not.

If Mordred renew her contract with the siblings of Yugdomirenha, she does have hope of winning until the end.

But Mordred had already told him that she didn’t need to do it.


“I…….. It doesn’t matter if this is the end. ”

Obviously as a rebellious knight.

But at this time, Mordred thought that if not with his own master, he would win to the end.

Then even if you win the Holy Grail War, it will not make any sense.

Moreover, she did not really need to rely on the Holy Grail to entrust her.

“What a disadvantageous character…”

As the master’s lion robbery realm, he complained a little about his servant.

“That’s still not as good as you, who even gave up your life.

What do you think? I’m a good servant. ”

In the face of his master’s complaints, Mordred also fought back well and smiled.


“Well, I got to this point because Servant is you.”

Faced with Mordred’s question, the Lion Robbery Realm made a praise voice from the heart.

There was no praise from his father, King Arthur, in mythology.

Mordred, she got it here.

“I’ve been lying to myself… What is not sought is not an heir.

What I seek……. It was only that child. ”

When his life was in danger, the lion robbery also revealed his heart.

He didn’t really want a child to inherit his magic engraving.

He really just wanted a child of his own, the daughter of his time.


And listening to the lines of the lion robbery, Mordred also made his own heart.

“Is it? Me too……

I never looked at myself.

But I finally understood……

Father Emperor did not want to get a glorious gemstone as a reward.

He became king in order to be able to love the stones on the side of the road.

So I don’t dream of any selection swords anymore.

It is no longer necessary. ”

“Is it? Obviously, you can become a good king…”

After the two confided in each other, Mordred borrowed a cigarette from his master.

After being choked a few times, the picture froze in the two colliding cigarettes as the end.

This partnership story about mutual redemption finally came to an end at this time.

Just don’t know…….. Whose story will the next paragraph be about?

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