“[Sixth Beast]?

What is that thing!?

But…… That sand bar love song is really crazy.

It was actually for the sake of his own followers, and he did this.

Even… To the point that even their own followers can’t stand it. ”

Outside the light curtain, in the Fifth Grail War timeline.

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Look at the text displayed in the video.

At this time, Rin Tosaka, she showed a puzzled look, but did not have a panicked expression.

Looks……. Just as a modern magician, she still doesn’t know what the so-called [beast] means.

However, Red A, who stood beside her

As a “working boy” with inhibition.

He seemed to have learned a little about [Beast] and [Crowned Spirit].

So…… When Red A arrived at such a descriptor, he immediately showed a worried and troubled expression.

But he didn’t say much either.

After all, [Beast] and [Crowned Heroic Spirit] are opposites.

If [the beast] really comes.

Then correspondingly, the [Crown Heroic Spirit] should also come!

On the other side, in the sea of stars, above.

Also looking at the narration text on the light curtain.

At this time, Merlin’s eyebrows were slightly raised.

Then, he said something unexpected.

“King Arthur of that world, he is still in justice and dreams in the end.

Give up the British kingdom that recreates herself, and also organize the girl to continue on the wrong path.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being my studious 393 students. (Not in my world, though.) )

But…… Although it was expected… Things can get extra bad.

But what I didn’t expect was that that girl would actually evolve into the [Sixth Beast].

Symbolizes the fallen beast of 666.

Sure enough, when humans came into contact with [Roots]…….

That powerful force that should not be possessed will lead to drastic changes in the human community, or the destruction of the human community. ”

Just now, Merlin has always had an attitude of watching a play and having fun.

But looking at the state of affairs in that world, it began to gradually become crisis.

Even Merlin had to be vigilant.

His eyes began to become sharp and serious.

I saw that he continued to add and said.

“However, the holy sword in that [Holy Sword Messenger’s] hand is not a decoration either.

Although restrained in power …..

But if the enemy is a beast.

Then there will be no problem!

[Star Holy Sword]… Isn’t it used to save the world? ”

Although it is the story in the video, I feel particularly worried.

But Merlin, he also has a kind of self-confidence.

That is the old sword in the video, he must be able to defeat that [Sixth Beast] with his holy sword!

Now, the worried and impatient voices of countless viewers in the Moon World have left.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain where the video was playing.

Left the subtitles of the previous narration.

Now, a new picture emerges in front of the audience’s vision.

Where this story takes place… Switched to a gloomy underground.

Over here….. It’s the hollow that stores the Great Grail!

However, there is some frightening thing.

What appears in the picture is the [Sixth Head] whose shape is distorted to the extreme.


It should be said……. This is the [Sixth Beast] that is still in the process of birth!

Roaring darkness, showing sharp teeth towards the world.

A sea of boiling meat.

Crazy appetite.

Proliferating chaos.

Hundreds of meters below the cliff of despair, there are huge bodies that are about to be born with the Great Grail as their shell and with an arguably abnormal desire for human beings.

The moment she lost the girl who was once defined as her mother, the hundreds of “lips” that immediately formed emitted an alien scream, and the cry turned into a wave of magic that eroded space, shattering the Great Grail.

It is equivalent to declaring that there will be no more sleep, no more shaking, no more waiting, ferocious action.

It’s telling, raw.

Predation. Predation. Birth. Evolve. Evolve. Predation. Evolve. Evolve. Predator, predation, predation, predation

Great desire and gluttony appear, and Ru is called a beast.

Be amazed. Know the majesty of the beast that should be bestowed on the throne and authority by the great dragon.

What once existed and is no longer there, but it is something that will eventually climb up from the bottomless depths.

From the windless waves approaching the city, he was born as the king of the world who sat on the power of all things, and the phenomenon of pretense and decadence.

To make the woman, who is the source of all evil, ride on her back, and recruit all those who are still angry in the world who will always be blamed, degraded, and insulted, and embrace each other in the center of the golden vortex, gluttonous, and is defined as the sixth beast that kills human power.

Of the countless “lips” that have been added, seven have begun to enlarge and transform into “jaws” with teeth.

The head has not yet formed, but it will not take long for these “jaws” to become “heads”.

At that time, Domina, the Crown of Domina, will appear on earth.

If Babylon were still alive as a mother, not only the crown, but also the golden chalice, which was not the Holy Grail, would appear with it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the flesh pierced by the holy sword had already fallen into the body of the beast and the sea of dark flesh.

Even a girl who was born with the most powerful and powerful must have been decomposed by the spirit son.

Busted in fetal movement.

Still screaming continuously, making fools in order to start aggression on the ground.

Even the vast underground space with a radius of hundreds of meters seems narrow, and it is this sense of oppression that approaches from the ground to the area around the cliff.

The maidens who sacrificed the living sacrifices were sometimes killed, sometimes half dead and half alive, and the evil that grew up drinking the sorrow of the soul and growing up in despair, the beast of calamity, is about to embark on a journey.

CDDB is even a little different from the earlier plan, and it will also leap into the far east city and kill 10 million residents of Tokyo.

The maiden who manipulated things with all his power has died, and it is impossible to relieve ancient Britain, and the possibility of destroying the foundation of human law is extremely low-

How should this be viewed?

The world has been saved – should it be so rejoicing?

Tokyo will not be saved – should it be so sighed?

Laugh, laugh, foolish cardinal.

The high-ranking existence you expect will never come to the Far East City!

Look at it. Waking up underworld is the terrifying Apocalypse Beast [Beast], absorbing the great horror that the Great Grail is about to materialize.

It is not relief that is coming.

But it can be counted as the fulfillment of prophecy.

As recorded in the Holy Scriptures, the coming of the crimson beast. When the people of the church learned about this, Tokyo must have disappeared.

But. To complete this project, first of all, it is necessary to grow into a complete body.

First the head, eyes, mouth, tongue, carcass, limbs, tail.

It must be reconstructed into a life that can reign on earth.

Is the heart beating?

What about the lungs, the development of pulse, blood flow, nerves equivalent to magic circuits, are they normal?

You have to break the shell and be born into this world.

Want to be born, want to be born, want to be born, want to be born, want to be born

Lots and tasty

I want to eat and I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat

Want to be born, want to be born

Seven “lips” that have turned into “jaws” can speak human language.

The seven brain piths of this taboo are indeed woven based on the spiritual core.

At this moment, the beast of 666, symbolizing the fall, is about to complete the true incarnation from its mother.

Even……. His body is already close to complete!

But if the real [beast] comes.

So……. This world can only usher in a complete apocalypse!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Looking at the video, the [Sixth Beast] that is twisted to the extreme and exudes an aura of fear that humans absolutely cannot resist.


At this time, Weigong Shirou showed an extremely tricky and also a little frightened.

Even at this moment, Shirou Eimiya felt extremely difficult to breathe!

“Well… Good twisted shape.

That terrifying aura, even across the screen almost made me breathless?

This is the [Sixth Beast]!?

Too, so scary…

In the face of such an enemy, how can humanity win? ”

Inherited the spirit of Eimiya Kiriji.

Shirou Emiya is a “righteous partner” who is full of a sense of justice and will never give up easily.

But……. After seeing the real [beast] coming.

His spirit and will, that is still a big impact!

Moreover, it was not just Shirou Eimiya who was shocked and frightened.

Even Saber beside him, she also frowned at this time, feeling extremely troubled and worried in her heart.

Saber, her lips trembled slightly.

“Well, what a terrifying aura and strength…….

Even, that’s just the process of birth.

This is not the complete body of the [beast].

However, if you wait for that [beast] to become complete.

Humanity will no longer have the possibility of victory!

That [beast] must be completely destroyed before it becomes a complete body! ”

Saber was more or less able to see it…

In the video, the twisted monster is not the complete body of [Beast].

If you can completely destroy it before it becomes complete.

Then this world, perhaps, there is still the possibility of being saved.

But……. If that [beast] could truly come in full form.

Well, the fate of mankind will be…

Needless to say!

(To add, Ai Ge is indeed also a beast, symbolizing the fallen 666 beast, which first appeared in the fragments of silver, but it was repelled by the old sword before it was fully born, and by the latest chapter of FGO’s arcade, it finally made a comeback, although she claimed to be the demon Draco, but just by looking at her appearance and voice, she was actually the beast Nero.) But so is love songs. Because the age difference is too far away, maybe the model moon himself eats books. )。

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