“Oh oh~~ It’s the same as the anchor of Arashi that ties the stars, and the tower that ties the skin of the world.

Exactly the same as the holy gun that anchors the rules of physics… There are 13 restrictions.

When using the [Star Holy Sword], that King Arthur must meet enough conditions to unleash all his power!

However, even if it is not a fully liberated [Star Holy Sword]…

Just dealing with an incomplete [beast], a part of the liberation is already enough to divide the victory and defeat! ”

Outside the light curtain, the sea inside the stars, the tower at the end.

Looking at the old sword in the video, he was preparing to liberate the power of the [Star Holy Sword].

At this time, Merlin also showed such an expression.

After all…… In that case, King Arthur must have made that decision.

At the same time, he only has this option!

Of course…… Even if it is this King Arthur (old sword) in the video, he is not King Arthur (My King) on his side.

Merlin, he was still confident in that.

On the other side, in the Weigong family mansion in the timeline of the fifth Holy Grail War.

Looking at the video, the old sword finally wants to use the appearance of a treasure.


“Two Two Seven” Weigong Shirou, he also showed a very expectant look.

“Finally going to use it?

The legendary [Holy Sword] given by the lake fairy.

But……. What did the [Round Table] that sounded from that [Holy Sword] just now mean? ”

The “Holy Sword in the Lake” also appears in various stories, games, and artworks.

Even Shirou Emiya who originated as a “sword”, it was impossible for him not to be excited and curious about it!

However, just when Shirou Emiya was shocked.

Because he knows……. Even if it is another “self” in the video.

He was ready to liberate the Holy Sword.

Facing the [beast] that is not complete.

I’m afraid, the old sword can’t guarantee a hundred percent chance of victory!

I saw Saber, she bit her silver teeth lightly, and said with a slight frown.

“His holy sword……. It’s not as simple as [Sword in the Lake].

On that [Star Holy Sword], it also shoulders the power of [Salvation].

And that’s true……. This holy sword will be restrained.

If you liberate its power, it does have the power to destroy [beasts].

It’s just that the [Sword of Oath Victory] can’t be released with one hand.

That powerful force……. One hand cannot be fully manipulated! ”

The same as “King Arthur”.

Although the old sword is somewhat different from the [Sword of Oath Victory] in the hands of my king, the two of them.

But they all once said it in their own stories…….

If you want to control the liberated [Holy Sword], you must hold the sword in both hands!

And now, the old sword in the video seems to be unable to do a little!

With the shock of the audience of the Moon World, there are also infinite expectations.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain where the video was playing.

At this moment… On the body of the old sword, there was already an incomparably dazzling golden light.

The aura is constantly spilling out!

At this moment, he was preparing to liberate the power of the [Star Holy Sword] in his hand.

But……. Even if you are facing a [beast] that is about to complete its arrival.

The current holy sword still seems to be unable to release its full power.

The number of resolutions required for complete liberation is seven.

Even if the Knight King and the Twelve Knights are no longer on earth, the restraints will last forever.

When the contemporary Holy Sword Envoy demands liberation, the round-table resolution automatically begins.

I saw that at this time, from the [Star Holy Sword] in the hands of the old sword.

The voice that belonged to Merlin (female) spread, it was an ode to untie the restraints!

This is the battle against those who are stronger than himself—acknowledgement, Bedivel.

This is it, one-on-one battle – acknowledgement, Palomedes.

This non, the battle with the elves – Recognition, Lancelot.

This is the battle against evil – acknowledgement, Mordred.

This is a battle without selfish desires—acknowledgement, Galahad.

Finally, this is the battle to save the world—acknowledgement, Arthur.

It is not up to the owner of the sword to decide, but by his personal will!

Instead, it is the soul fragments of the heroes in the holy sword who rule everything.

In this battle, should you use the holy sword and use the divine armor that saves the world?

Press the weight of the holy sword on your right arm.

Hold Ayaka’s weight on her left arm.

These two sides have equal dignity.

At this moment, the justice and knighthood in the heart of the old sword were so convinced.

He slowly raised his holy sword.

Restraint is already almost liberating…….

Now, he will completely destroy this [beast] that has not yet completely come!

At the same time, feel the golden light shining from the [Star Holy Sword], as well as the monstrous magic power.

Even the twisted and crazy [beast] can also feel the strong, life-threatening crisis!

Right away!

Those countless tentacles struck from the sea of flesh and rushed towards the direction of the old sword!

But it’s a pity ……. It’s too late!

【Oath———— Excalibur!!! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

In the cry of the old sword, the Holy Sword Six restrained and liberated!

He swung the holy sword in his hand heavily with one hand, this was the first time he had… Use the holy sword with one hand!

However, this is not the disrespect of the [Star Saint Sword] among the old sword opponents.

Rather, this child he thought he was protecting… She is as important as the [Star Holy Sword]!


Moreover, at the moment when the old sword swung out the holy sword in his hand.


“Boom !!!”

That golden energy rushing was already rushing towards the [Beast] in front of him at an extremely exaggerated speed and an incomprehensible hot temperature!

That force… It is the highest specification [City Treasure] can do it!

Unfortunately, there was no more than half of the votes.

Not a complete real name liberation.

Even so, there was a gush of light.

This is still a slash against the city’s treasures and gold with great power.

Even in a state that was not completely liberated, the holy sword still penetrated the enemy with amazing power.

The moment the golden energy rushed into contact with that [beast]!

A large number of tentacles were evaporated …..

The dark flesh sea urchin was timid, trembling, crying and dancing wildly!

The wail of pain echoed in this great hollow where the Holy Grail was stored!

Once in the decisive battle of the shrine in Tokyo Bay.

The old sword also once liberated the holy sword in his hand.

And this incomplete liberation is already the second time.

The first time was carried out in complete condition.

But what about this time?

Even with the strong flesh of the heroic spirit, without holding the sword with both hands and stepping on the earth with both feet, it must be unbearable!

If it can’t withstand the reaction of the liberation treasure, the old sword will shatter and dissipate before releasing the slash.


Crisp voice, I don’t know where it came from.

But what can be seen is…

The blue and silver armor on the old sword was cracking, and his spiritual core also made a cracking sound.

Damn it…… Is that the end of it?

Feeling that his spiritual core was shattering, the old sword couldn’t help but have such thoughts in his heart.

The Knight of Fate failed to kill the Dark Beast and just gave in.

Killed by the power of his holy sword, ushered in the end?

No, no! How could it end like that!

In the moment when the idea of giving up came up.

With his right hand, he clenched the holy sword in his hand harder.

The old sword shouted loudly!

“Disappear, ugly beast!

Your birth must not be here, not at this time! ”

It is enough to use only the right hand.

“Boom !!!”

In the shouts of the old sword, the release of the holy sword became more stable, and the golden energy rush became thicker!

This force… All of them were instilled in the twisted body of the [Beast].

But what is even more amazing is that even if it is a one-handed release of the treasure tool.

Despite its terrifying power, the old sword still hadn’t had any observable adverse effects on the young son in his left arm.

Under the liberation of [Oath Victory 4.0 Sword], the blazing flame of golden majesty.

The body of the [Beast] is gradually collapsing!

The world will be saved.

Even if the left arm is unusable due to the presence of the young son.

The knights of destiny will also fulfill their oaths and wield their holy swords.

Kill all evil in this world,

Against all the desires of this world,

In order to open up all the future of this world.

– from the sword of gold.

——The dazzling starlight has now finally gushed out and filled the entire underground space.

A few seconds later.

The beast let out a thin, delicate cry.

It also sounds a little like a baby calling for its mother’s cry –

There is no doubt that this battle is a victory for the old sword.

Sand Strip Love Song left this world.

And that [beast] did not really come to this world.

Under the justice of the old sword, the world is saved.

And this video seems to have come to an end.

So……. Who will be the next character to appear?

Since there had already been the [Star Saint Sword Messenger], this heroic spirit who saved the planet.

So….. Is the next powerful follower from the universe?

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