Still outside the light curtain.

This time, it was in the fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Originally, when I saw the introductory words…

Shirou Emiya cares more about the power and setting of the heroine of the mystery, XAlter.

However, when it comes to actually seeing her debut.


Shirou Emiya, he uttered completely different lines.


That girl, how did she talk to Saber you… Looks so much alike!?

No, it’s not right!

It should be said that there are so many people who are so similar to you Saber! ”

Shirou Eimiya, he really couldn’t hold back this time.

He also didn’t know why those heroic spirits appeared.

There will always be a few, and the appearance is almost exactly the same as Saber.

Before Mordred, and Nero.

Shirou was already shocked.

But after all, how long is the history of mankind.

He didn’t think much about it, just a little surprised and surprised…

But now, even the heroic spirit from the universe with unparalleled power.

Her appearance is actually so similar to Saber!?

This, what the hell is going on here!?

And feel the gaze of Shirou Emiya, and his surprised lines.

At this time, Saber, she also showed a somewhat surprised expression.

I saw that she also shook her head, and then responded to the fact that Shirou Eimiya spoke.

“Although I’d love to answer your question too, Shirou.

But…… I myself was a little surprised by this question.

If it’s Mordred, I’m barely understandable.

However, Emperor Nero … And the current heroine of this mystery, XAlter.

Their appearance will be so similar to mine.

This point, I myself am a little difficult to understand 987 solution…….”

Yes, that’s right!

In fact, Saber herself was speechless about the mysterious heroine XAlter on the screen.

If it’s Mordred, this “replicant” created by Morgan.

Saber, she can also understand why the other person is so similar to herself.

Even Nero’s words, she can use the long history of mankind.

Occasionally, there is a person who looks similar to himself, and Saber can reluctantly accept and understand.


The heroine of this mystery in the video, XAlter.

Saber, she really couldn’t hold back.

Why……. Even in the “Follower Universe”, there are still people who are so similar to their own appearance?

What the hell is this principle!?

However, now he has left the extremely shocked and curious voices of many viewers in the Moon World again.

The field of view returns to the light curtain where the video is playing.

The story continues…

Listen to the lines of the enigmatic heroine XAlter just now.

Fujimaru Tachika nodded slightly.

He then shifted his gaze to the cup of hot chocolate coffee in the hands of the enigmatic heroine XAlter.

Because today’s day is very special, it’s Valentine’s Day…….

Everyone will give chocolates as a way to express their affection and affection for each other.

Not limited to couples… Even between good friends, that’s okay.

And feel the gaze of Fujimaru Rika.

At this time, the heroine of the mystery, XAlter, must also know the meaning of the other party.

So….. She let go of the cup of hot chocolate coffee in her hand.

Then, (ceei) she asked tentatively.

“Alas……. My chocolate?

Not…… So be it

Be……. Empty buck sweet warm drink. ”

While speaking, the heroine of the mystery, XAlter, handed the cup of hot chocolate coffee depicted with a “empty buck coffee” mark in her hand to Fujimaru Tachika.

After all, it’s Valentine’s Day…

Then, the heroine of the mystery, XAlter, must also give “chocolate” to her dearest master.

By the way, she had already given her “chocolate” to Fujimaru Rika.

Of course……. As the master of Fujimaru Tachika.

He didn’t say no!

However, the outside of the light curtain.

In the fifth Holy Grail War timeline, inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Listen to the lines of the enigmatic heroine XAlter in the video just now.

At this time, Rin Tosaka, she once again covered her head with both hands and made a complaining sound.


What’s the matter, will even the hero and the royal lord have [Valentine’s Day]?

No, it’s not right…

What the hell is that [Empty Buck]?

[Starbucks] from space?

That’s too weird, isn’t it!?

That mysterious heroine XAlter, where did she come from!!?? ”

In Rin Tosaka’s opinion, the enigmatic heroine XAlter in the video.

She is both from the character and the worldview of the world in which she lives.

Almost everywhere is spoofing this world, and at the same time spoofing a famous movie.

But…… The definition of the existence of Yingling itself should be very serious and serious.

A spoof follower like her is too difficult for Rin Tosaka to accept in a short period of time! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

(Star Wars follower, the setting is really fierce!) )

Listen to your own master’s complaints.

Hong A, who was standing next to him, shrugged his shoulders, made a helpless look, and then sighed again.

The lord of his own house……. I really like to complain.

Though…… It’s the same for myself.

Look up and continue to look at the picture in the light curtain.

Red A continued to speak.

“But… It seems that there are a lot of heroic spirits gathered in that place.

The heroine of the mystery, XAlter, King Arthur, and Merlin (female) before her.

That seems to be a… Nice place! ”

As a “working boy” with inhibition.

Red A He seemed to be very interested in the Chaldeans.

Of course…… For most of the heroes.

[Chaldea] is indeed a nice place.

There is no need for the so-called [Holy Grail War], and it can also be present.

You can even directly rely on magic power to offer enchantment.

In addition to having to “work overtime”, it is indeed a good place to go.

(List of overtime maniacs: Merlin, Kong Ming, CBA, RBA, C-stay, Oberon, Fox Killer.) )

But there is, in the Chaldean base.

Looking at this story, it comes from the future.

Leonardo da Vinci, she was the first to speak.

“Hey, Valentine’s Day chocolate?

It’s really interesting…

In this way, is it okay that our tasks should be completed in the future?

After all, everyone has time to spend Valentine’s Day~~”

Leonardo da Vinci, she is full of hope for the future.

Meantime……. Listen to Leonardo da Vinci’s words.

At this time, Fujimaru Rika and Dr. Roman, the two of them also nodded in approval and affirmed each other’s statements.

However, Matthew, who stood next to Fujimaru Rika.

But at this time, she … There was a vague displeasure.

Even the mouth is slightly bulging.

She is not deeply involved in the world, and she does not know that her current mood is called “jealous”.

But now, it has left the discussion of many viewers in the world of type moon.

Refocus on the light curtain.

The story continues at this time…….

After receiving coffee from the heroine of mystery, XAlter.

The heroine of the mystery, XAlter, also immediately told the other party how to “drink” this cup of coffee in English.


The speed of speech was so fast that even Fujimaru Ritaka didn’t seem to understand it.

What did the heroine of mystery XAlter say just now.

However, he vaguely heard some key words.

For example, what… “black matter syrup” and the like.

No, is this kind of thing really drinkable?

Tachika Fujimaru, who is worried that she may have misheard.

He immediately resent the question to the heroine of the mystery, XAlter.

“Sorry, can I say it again?”

Listen to Fujimaru Tachika’s question.

The heroine of the mystery, XAlter, nodded very gently.



Actually, I’ve already drunk it, doesn’t it matter?

I only took one sip.

It’s still hot, be careful…”

In fact, whether you drink it or not is just a trivial matter.

The point is, this cup of coffee is made with “dark matter syrup”!?

Enigma heroine XAlter, is it really okay for her to drink something like this?

Sure enough, the heroic spirit from the “slave universe”.

Their strength is not ordinarily strong!

Outside the light curtain, inside the Weigong family mansion in the timeline of the fifth Holy Grail War.

After listening to the explanation of the enigmatic heroine XAlter in the video.

Shirou Eimiya, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“I feel… It would be better not to drink that cup of coffee.

After all, the heroine of mystery, XAlter, is not an ordinary person.

As a normal human Fujimaru Tachika, he may not be able to withstand the coffee cooked with black matter syrup.

But……. This video seems to be coming to an end?

So, whose video will be playing next? ”

Shirou Emiya, he made an expectant voice.

But he didn’t seem to think about it….. The next video may be about yourself….

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