Under the gaze of countless spectators in the Moon World, they were extremely puzzled and extremely expectant.

The hot gold titles and introductory words on the screen are gradually fading.

At the same time, the brightness of the screen, which was originally still in a dark and dim state, slowly increased.

However, the increase is not very obvious, and even the overall tone still presents a gray appearance.

Because this time the story took place at nightfall.

The location is in the courtyard outside the Weigong house.

The characters who appear in the video are a Hassan-shaped “follower”, Sakura Makiri, and Shirou Emiya.

It’s just that what can be seen is Shirou Eimiya, who fell to the ground at this moment, and his physical condition is not very optimistic~.

As for the -servant who looks exactly like Hassan.

His appearance is particularly similar to Shinji Ma Tong.

It seems that this world is very special!

Outside the screen, in the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline.

Watch the story unfold in the video.

Ma Kiri Sakura, she immediately covered her mouth in surprise and shouted softly.

“Senior… And the brother . . .”

He never thought that the characters who appeared on the screen this time were actually himself, his brother, and his predecessors.

But it seems that the situation inside the video seems to be a little bad.

At least Ma Kiri Sakura can be sure that this is definitely not an optimistic story.

Leaving Sakura Ma Kiri’s worried gaze, he returned to the light curtain where the video was playing.

Looking at Shirou Eimiya who fell to the ground.

Twisting his body.

“You’ve been in the way just now!

After I kill Sakura, I’ll deal with you properly!”

Wait in line for me! ”

While speaking, Shinji Makiri (Hasan) came in the direction of Shirou Emiya!

His mental state does not seem to be very optimistic!


“Leave me alone, run!”

On the other side, Sakura Makiri and Shirou Emiya.

The situation of the two of them is also very gloomy.

Neither of them could compete with Shinji Makiri, who had completed the “fusion” with Yingling.

Especially Shirou Eimiya, his body was even seriously injured!

On Ma Tong Sakura’s side, she was a little unable to let go of Eimiya Shiro.

It’s just that…… This is not what Shirou Emiya wants to see.

“Doesn’t that mean giving up everything?

So leave me alone!

Even if you’re the only one left, run away!

Somewhere in the world ….. Live happily…”

While speaking, Shirou Emiya pushed away the Ma Tong Sakura beside him hard.

He hoped that… The other party can just leave himself behind like this, just care about his own life!

Listen to the hopes of the seniors for themselves, and protection.

Ma Tong Sakura, she was already moved to tears in the corners of her eyes.

But…… Holding back tears.

Ma Tong Sakura’s eyes became firm at this moment!

With a snap, she ripped the scarf around her neck.

Then, he showed the “dream card” in his hand.

“I’ll bring down my brother!”

Sakura Makiri made a declaration!

However, listen to Sakura Makiri’s declaration.

At this time, Shinji Tong, he just felt very ridiculous.

“You’ve finally grown up too, Sakura…

Not only dare to rebel against my brother, but also want to defeat me?

Was it incited by the one over there?

Really, what an excessively old sister!

Such a sister … You still have to kill it yourself! ”

In the lines just now, Shinji Ma Kirito’s tone changed several times in a row.

It can be clearly felt that his mental condition is indeed completely abnormal!

Moreover, after hearing Shinji Ma Kiri’s words.

On the ground, Shirou Emiya flashed the picture of Meiyu in his mind.


He made a voice to Ma Kiri Sakura in front of him.

“No, no, Sakura!

Brothers and sisters must not kill each other! ”

It’s not just Shirou Emiya’s friendship with Shinji Ma Kiri.

And there is… He couldn’t accept the essence of the “brother and sister killing”!

But, listen to the words of the seniors.

At this time, she had already made a decision.

She shook her head and said.

“It’s okay . . . Brother, he died a long time ago.

Besides, although the seniors did not choose me in the end.

But……. I still like you the most.

So I’m going to protect you. ”


Shirou Emiya’s expression was complicated.

And Ma Tong Sakura, she was once again overflowing with tears.

Although in the hearts of the seniors, the person they love the most is not Sakura Makiri.

However, Ma Kiri Sakura still wants to do everything to protect this……. Man who redeemed himself!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Watch the stories in the video and listen to everyone’s conversations.

Shirou Emiya, but he couldn’t accept that kind of “world”.

I saw him shouting with a panicked expression.

“No, what the hell is going on in that world!?

Although Shinji… His character is somewhat frivolous.

However, he is definitely not the kind of person who will be cruel to his sister!

And…… Sakura, what is she talking about!

This kind of thing, just leave me and run away!

Why…. Why stay to protect me.

Obviously, this is a battle without suspense! ”

Shirou Emiya, he was not willing to accept such a story.

He doesn’t want to……. Sakura gave her life to protect herself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, the Shinji Ma Kirito he knew was definitely not such a bad person!

Saber, who was sitting next to Shirou Emiya, had already sensed some clues.

The Shinji in the video…

He can no longer be regarded as a “human being” or a “heroic spirit”.

He is a “mixture” of the two.

Yes, it’s not even “fusion”, it’s just “mixed”.

Even……. It’s the same as what Ma Kiri Sakura searched.

He was already a dead thing in his own right.

“That thing……. In what way did he exist in this world?

It’s really a little… It’s so weird.

But compared to this…….

Shirou’s situation in the video is very dangerous! ”

As a follower of Shirou Eimiya.

Now Saber, she definitely wants to rush directly into the video to protect Shirou Emiya.

But alas… It’s just a screen.

Moreover, it is a story that takes place in a parallel world.

In this world, they can’t intervene in the story in the video!

Ask for flowers


Now, once again, away from the surprised and worried voices of the audience.

This story in the video continues to unfold!

I saw Ma Tong Ying at this time, she continued to speak extremely firmly.

“It’s okay!

Just use this card! ”

Saying that, Ma Tong Sakura held up the “Spirit Card” in her hand.

It was a card depicting the “Archer” job introduction, which was said to seal the power of the strongest heroic spirit “Gilgamesh”!

The golden light is shining!

“Summoning !!!”

Ma Kiri Sakura, she shouted.

But, at this very moment…

“Bang!” For a moment, the light receded.

The light of the card shattered, and also took away the hope of Ma Kiri Sakura.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and her expression was extremely desperate!


What’s wrong, Sakura?

Don’t tell me, you won’t summon. ”

Ma Tong Shen Er Ang Tian let out a maniacal laugh.

And Ma Tong Sakura, she looked at the card in her hand and couldn’t believe what had just happened.

“How so, why!?”

She didn’t understand why she had failed to “dream summoning”.

“We have long guessed that there is a good chance that you will betray.

How could Lord Julian give you Gilgamesh’s card!

It’s a veritable garbage card without any heroic spirits attached! ”

“Trash cards…”

At this moment, despair was like ice stinging Ma Kiri Sakura.

The last hope disappears……. Her world seems to have “ended”.

“There’s no way, let my brother teach you how to use the card!”

“Run away, Sakura!!!”

In the lines of Shinji Makiri and Shirou Emiya.

“Senior… I’m sorry…”

[Death Heart Sound! ] 】

In Sakura Makiri’s final apology.

Shinji Ma Kiri’s right hand penetrated Ma Kiri Sakura’s chest and took her life.

Even…… Directly let her annihilate from this world.

Only above the ground, a “garbage card” was left.

And looking at this girl, she lost her life in vain because she wanted to protect herself.

Shirou Emiya’s side……. His heart was also desperate to the extreme.

This world may no longer have any value for him.

But, despite this…….

He still took the card left by Ma Kiri Sakura.

But Shinji Ma Kiri, who has lost his mind and is completely insane.

Even if he killed his sister, there was still no fluctuation in his heart!

Waving his right arm, which is made entirely of pitch-black bandages…….

Shinji Ma Kirito launched a completely “ravaged” attack on Shirou Eimiya!

Blood kept falling, and countless wounds spread all over Shirou Eimiya’s body.

But even so…

Weigong Shirou, but he never let go of the spirit card in his hand for a moment.

He hopes that……. On the Valhalla to which this card is connected, someone can respond to his call and lend his power.

But alas, no one on Valhalla answered his call.

No, maybe someone will respond to Shirou Emiya’s response.

That is……. Himself!! Fourth!.

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