In the video, Shirou Eimiya at this moment.

He was rushing towards Shinji Ma Kirito in front of him at the fastest speed.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

But……. No matter how good Shinji is this person.

He is also still a man who has fused the power of heroic spirits.

He couldn’t have be……. It was so simple to be defeated by Shirou Emiya!

Pull your left foot by winding a silk thread around it.


Shinji Ma Tong, he is the “Dry General Mo Evil” who blocked the hands of Shirou Eimiya.

“Even if my tentacles are broken, I can still move!”

Shinji Ma Kiri, he let out a cheer as if it were victory.

But alas… He overlooked one thing….

That is, Shirou Emiya is not the heroic spirit of Saber.

And he didn’t have to use a sword to fight!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Looking at the blockaded Shirou Emiya.

At this time, Rin Tosaka, she was rightly worried.


Then, he spoke in a complaining voice.

“So, I never said I was a saber . . .

I didn’t even say I was an archer.

Since ancient times, archers do not use bows.

There is no doubt about it…….

Shinji Ma Kirito in the video, he was misled by Shirou Emiya’s weapon!

Above the light curtain, just after Shinji Kirito thought that he had successfully blocked Shirou Emiya’s attack method.


Shirou Weigong directly released the “Dry General Mo Evil” in his right hand.

And then…… The right hand with maximum force …

“Boom!” A loud bang.

The powerful boxing not only made Shinji Ma Kiri’s entire face become distorted.

He even shattered most of his iconic Hassan mask!

His whole body was blasted out of the courtyard outside.

The power of this blow by Shirou Emiya just now has already surpassed his panel value.

Struggling to get up from the ground, struggling to get up.

Shinji Ma Kirito made an incredulous sound.

“I’ve never heard of this…”

At the same time, Shirou Eimiya also walked into this courtyard.

Pick up the scarf that Kirito left behind just now.

“Hey, what’s your attitude?

It won’t be just a few moves… You think you’re better than me, right? ”

Although the current this Ma Kirito Shinji.

He just uses dolls to imitate the existence of Shinji Ma Kiri.

But that kind of pride, obsession with being stronger than others, but restored the essence!

However, in the face of Shinji Makiri’s twisted and angry lines.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou, he seemed to be on purpose.

He said to the other party with a very contemptuous expression.

“I said… You’re not fit for assassins! ”

“Since even you look down on me!!!

Hah!!! ”


Shinji Makiri, who felt that he was being looked down upon, let out a furious roar.

At the same time, his body began to twist even more exaggeratedly.

Countless tentacles wrapped him, wrapped him, and turned him into a huge sarcoma monster that was even more “disgusting”!

From that twisted right arm, countless tentacles spread out and attacked Shirou on the ground!

Facing Shinji Ma Kiri’s attack.

The Eimiya Shirou on the ground, but he still seemed so calm.


Under that familiar declaration.

The black and white male and female swords were once again held in his hands.

At the fastest speed, he rushed to Shinji Makiri, who had changed into a “sarcoma” in front of him.

“Rip and pull!”

“Rip and pull!”

The short sword in his hand kept swinging, cutting off the opponent’s tentacles again and again!

Even……. To the back…

Shirou Emiya directly and continuously projected the short sword, and threw it at Shinji Ma Kiri.

Unfortunately, however, these attacks do not seem to have a decisive effect on Shinji Makiri.

“What’s that!?

Give me itching?

Drink hahahaha ~~~

I am the strongest!

I am unbeatable! ”

In his maniacal laughter of frenzy and renewed confidence.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

Controlling his huge body, punch after punch kept bombarding the ground, causing the ground to shake violently!

It seems that Shirou Emiya really has no way to take this huge “sarcoma”?

Outside the light curtain, in the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the castle of Einz Belen.

Look at the way the huge “sarcoma” fights in the video.

Wei Gong Kiri, he said with a sigh.

“I kind of know now……. Why would that kid say that guy is very unsuitable for the assassin job.

Such a flamboyant and violent way of fighting is indeed not suitable for assassins at all.

And……. The short sword thrown by the child was not useless.

[Projection magic] in his hands, are extended to a lot of new uses.

It’s really a… A genius very suitable for fighting…”

Emiya Kiriji was a little curious.

In another parallel world, how did the other self educate Shirou Emiya.

It was actually to train him to become a warrior who was so suitable for fighting!

But at the same time, in the Fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside Sakura Kiri’s room.

Ma Tong Ying, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly became tense again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


In the video, facing Shinji Makiri, who has turned into a monster.

At this moment, Shirou Eimiya seemed a little weak.

This couldn’t help but make Ma Tong Sakura make a worried sound.

But for now, it is still away from the voice of the audience.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain where the video was playing.

The battle of Shirou Eimiya is still going on!

“Boom !!!”

When Shinji Kirito’s furious boxing was finally over.

Instead, he discovered… The attack he had just now actually didn’t hit Shirou Emiya at all.


Shinji Tong’s tone was a little puzzled.

Next second!

Above the position next to it, the familiar figure of Shirou Eimiya appeared again.

“To this extent… How can it be the strongest…”

The strength of Eimiya Shirou’s mockery is still full!

“Go and die!!!”

In the midst of that extremely violent roar.

Shinji Makiri, he once again delivered a powerful blow towards Shirou Emiya.

But unfortunately, under the flexible body of Shirou Eimiya.

And there is…….

Shirou Eimiya, he had already jumped to the back of the other party.

The blue magic pattern began to shine.

“Blast it……. 300”

Shirou Emiya made a magic declaration.

Next second!

Those countless short swords that he had just thrown at Shinji Ma Kiri…

“Bang!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

One after another, these short swords exploded violently!

It directly exploded the huge “sarcoma” into something that did not become human-shaped.

Blood gushing…….

There is no doubt that the current Shinji of Ma Kirito is already the end of the strong crossbow!

And Shirou Emiya, he had already retreated to the roof of a building.

But……. Looking at Shinji Ma Kiri, who was still breathing.

He made a somewhat unexpected sound.

“You’re still alive……..”

The other party’s vitality was a little more tenacious than he thought.

However, it doesn’t matter.

The opponent’s combat effectiveness of this level, as well as the combat IQ, is nothing in his own eyes.

The left hand passes through the “projection magic”.

Shirou Emiya successfully took out an ordinary black longbow.

And then…….

“In that case, I will completely eliminate you!”

While speaking, Shirou Emiya mobilized his magic power again.

In his right hand, a weapon called Caladbolg was projected.

Although it’s just a projection forgery.

But……. In the hands of Shirou Emiya, such a treasure has other functions.

“Fantasy Collapse!”

The concept of the sword itself is hypothesized as a stunt for a throwaway bomb.

If you use the “spiral sword” as “ammunition”, the power will be further improved!

It is precisely because of such a move …

“Shirou Eimiya” will have the title of “Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal”!!!。

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