In the video, listen to the words of Shirou Emiya just now.

At this time, Angelie Karnzworth, she just felt particularly bored.

This human being, perhaps because of these boring persistences, can continue to stand in front of him.

But that’s why … His persistence is even more boring!

“Personal feelings, like sentimentality and the like….

In short, no matter which …….

It’s the most boring thing in the world! ”

Saying that, Angelie Karnzworth recovered the treasure that was released by the [King’s Treasure] just now.

And then… Dozens of golden magic ripples resurfaced.

Countless treasures reappeared, as if they were ready to launch an attack on Shirou Eimiya.

However, this time, Shirou Eimiya is no longer a sandbag to be ravaged!


In that familiar line.

Angelie Carnzworth unleashed countless sword-like treasures.

But…… At the moment when these weapons were about to be disarmed by Shirou Eimiya.

“Bang!” “Bang!”

A continuous crisp sound was emitted, and countless sparks burst out.

The two male and female swords named “Gan” 033 “General Mo Evil” were projected.

Shirou Eimiya, he easily defused all of Angelie Carnzworth’s attacks.

Theoretically, humans really can’t defy the power of Angelique Carndsworth.

But only if ……. That really has to be a human being!

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Looking at Shirou Emiya in the video, he was actually able to use [projection magic] so skillfully.

And……. The “quality” of the projected treasure is actually so high.

At the same time, the combat experience and skills are also extremely skillful.

Physical fitness is a height that is difficult for humans to reach!

Rin Tosaka, she made a surprised voice again.

“Wait, what’s going on!?

Eimiya-san……. Hasn’t he already lost the power of [Dream Summoning]?

But why, he was still able to… Use that powerful force? ”

In Rin Tosaka’s opinion, the power that Shirou Emiya erupted in the video is undoubtedly a slave-level power.

It is a realm that human beings will never reach.

But……. Why is Shirou Eimiya in the video, but he can surpass the “impossible” again and again!?

Looking at Rin Tosaka’s shocked look.

This time the red A he has nothing to complain about.

Because…….. He was also shocked by the “other self” in the video.

I saw Hong A with a smile on his face, and also said with a little surprise.

“That kid….. Because the synchronization frequency is too high.

And, too, because of that high-intensity battle.

Already . . Have you fully controlled the power that should belong to the future?

It’s really okay…”

Although Red A, he has always disliked himself in “FSN”.

However, if it is the self in the world of “Magical Girl Illya”, it is another matter.

Because of that Eimiya Shirou, he can choose to give up saving the world for the sake of his sister!

Left the evaluation of Rin Tosaka and Red A.

Once again, the focus returned to the light curtain where the video was playing.

Looking at the other party just now, he completed the [Projection Magic] in an instant, and bounced all his attacks away.

Even Angelie Karnzworth had to be a little surprised.

“That way of fighting is…”

There is no doubt that that is definitely not Emiya Shirou’s own way of fighting.

It’s the future, the way the Palace of the Spirit Guard fights!

And look at the other party’s surprised look.

Shirou Eimiya, he told the other party why he was able to have such great power.

“The future where you may arrive . . .

Let the embodiment of the ideal be attached to this…”

While speaking, Shirou Emiya stood up again, and through the projection magic, he kept projecting swords around him.

“……. And fought to this day.

Skills and magic circuits that have been learned in advance.

Even [Origin] accepted it.


More correctly, this body has been replaced by the Spirit Emiya in countless battles! ”

Because the power of that heroic spirit was originally only a possibility for the future Emiya Shirou.

It is precisely for that reason……. His synchronization rate will be ridiculously high.

What’s more, because of the high degree of synchronization, there are long periods of high-intensity combat.

His body has already been replaced with the “self” above the Valhallic Throne.

Right now……. Standing on this battlefield is Emiya himself!

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Listen to the video, another line of his own.

At this time, Shirou Eimiya himself, he showed a very surprised look.

Although he expected… In the end, the one who will stand in front of another person will definitely be an invincible enemy.

But he missed one thing…

That’s because of the long-term battle and the super high synchronization rate, the other world’s own already has the power of the heroic spirit!

“Such a thing can actually happen…….

In this way, the future me above Valhalla.

He is also very willing to lend his power to me in another world.

If you have that heroic power……. Perhaps, there is still the possibility of victory!


No need to win, just achieve the goal! ”

Shirou Emiya, who was originally a little negative and worried, began to look forward to the self in the video.

However, the follower who sits in the palace Shirou.

At this time, Saber, she expressed some concerns about the Weigong in the video.

Saber’s brows furrowed slightly, and although she didn’t speak, she was able to guess her thoughts.

Mankind….. Completed the replacement with the heroic spirit on the Valiant seat.

That’s like sending you to death.

It’s obvious… In the video, Shirou Emiya’s body is about to reach its limit.

However, it is estimated that the overdraft problem of the body is not 0:

Even if the current Eimiya Shirou has completed the replacement with his future self on the Valhallic Throne.

In front of that Angelie Carnzworth who had the power of Gilgamesh.

This battle……. Shirou Eimiya, he is still at an incomparably overwhelming disadvantage!

But the development of the story is often unexpected. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So the significance of making these judgments now may not be as great as it seems.

Keep your eyes on the light curtain where the video is playing, and the story continues!

Surrounded by countless swords.

Shirou Eimiya, he made a declaration of battle to Angelique Karnzworth in front of him!

“You just said I’m just human, right?

Your perception is too naïve, Hero King!

What you are facing is a veritable, heroic fake! ”

Saying that, the swords that were projected were already raised, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the Angelie Karndzworth in front of him.

There is no doubt that this time it is up to Shirou Weigong to attack!

But…… Listen to Shirou Emiya’s lines.

At this time, Angelie Karnzworth made a particularly annoyed voice.

“You faker!”

With the moment when Angelie Carnzworth’s words just fell.

Countless swords were already rushing towards the direction of Shirou the palace!

But the same…

Shirou Eimiya, he also rushed in the direction of Angelique Carnzworth with his own weapons!

“Bang!” “Bang!”

In the process of running, the swords kept colliding with each other, making a crisp sound, and sparks burst out.

Angelie Carnzworth’s [King’s Treasury] seems to be unable to form an overwhelming advantage over Shirou Eimiya!


It should be said that in the area of weapons.

Shirou Eimiya is already “evenly matched” with Angelique Carnzworth!

Of course……. If only to that extent.

After all, she hasn’t taken 3.0 out of the full power of “Gilgamesh”.

But on the side of Weigong Shilang, it is particularly difficult!

But the same……. The current [Projection Magic] is not all of Eimiya Shiro’s power!

That inherent enchantment that only belongs to him, only the world of “swords”, is the true power of Shirou Emiya!

Outside the light curtain, above the Star Inner Sea, the Tower at the End.

Also looking at the video, it is Shirou Eimiya, who has completed the fusion with the heroic Emiya.

At this time, Merlin, holding his chin with his right hand, continued to show an interesting expression and spoke.

“Has the human completed the replacement with the Heroic Spirit?

It’s something unheard of…

However, there is no concept of time on Valhalla.

He and his future self have completed the replacement, but it is not so difficult to understand.

It’s just that….. If it is only the power of the heroic spirit is displaced.

That’s not enough, fight that hero king.

Or…… The power of Yingling Emiya, he has not yet exerted it to the extreme~~”

After speaking, Merlin continued to raise the corners of his mouth slightly, with that slight smile.

He seemed to have guessed the subsequent development of the story…….

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