
Although this is a key trump card that can divide victory and defeat with one hit…

However, using treasure tools also means revealing one’s real name.

This is a very dangerous thing for a heroic spirit! ”

Outside the light curtain, inside the base of the Chaldeans.

Look at the picture in the video.

At this time, Dr. Roman commented on Cuchulain’s choice in the video.

Whether this choice is right or wrong, Dr. Roman cannot evaluate.


It should be said that in the midst of battle, discussing right and wrong is meaningless in itself.


However, stood by Dr. Roman’s side.

At this time, Fujimaru Tachika, he had a different opinion.

“Eh~~ In that world’s [Holy Grail War]….

Cuchulinsan, could he actually fight that King Arthur head-on?

When we were at the special point before, he kept stressing that he was not King Arthur’s opponent, and that he had to rely on Matthew’s shield! ”

Fujimaru Tachika, most of his impressions of King Arthur and Cuchulin are stuck in the story of the previous peculiar point.

But one thing to remind is….

Among the peculiarities of that “Winter Wood Fire”.

Neither Cuchulin nor King Arthur came in a conventional manner!

Cuchulin came as the magician of Lune, who was the least good at fighting. (although there is no problem in itself, but not the best state of Cuchulain)

King Arthur, on the other hand, appeared in a “blackened” posture.

In any case, it was not their usual posture.


As for the current words, he once again left from the discussion voice of the audience of the type moon.

Refocus on the light curtain where the video is playing.

When the magic of the spear in his hand condensed to a critical point.

Cuchulain, he sent a “reminder” to the saber in front of him.

“Your heart, I took !!!”

On the order of Cuchulain.

“Bang!” momentarily.

With a hard kick on both feet, he was like a scarlet streamer, running towards Saber in front of him at the fastest speed!


But what was even more surprising was that after the breakthrough was halfway through.

Cuchulin directly braked sharply….

“Gáe……. Bolg!!! ”

With the liberation of his real name, he threw the “Spear of Death Thorn” in his hand with maximum strength!



The red spear, the moment it broke away from Cuchulain’s right hand, it directly erupted into a violent sonic boom.

The initial velocity is simply exaggerated.

No one knows what kind of force Cuchulin threw the spear.


However, at the moment when the Cuchulin treasure was freed!

Saber, she also immediately noticed that the other party’s treasure was unusual.

At least…… That’s an attack that absolutely can’t be hard-wired!

The holy sword in his hand was placed horizontally, and Saber made a defensive move.

But she is still trying to avoid the other party’s attack!


Powerful “intuition” skills allow Saber to detect if he does not avoid the opponent’s treasures.

Then even if it is a strong defense, it will have no effect.

Because the ability to “pierce the spear of dead thorns” is a move that reverses the “cause and effect” of the order of things, the “effect” of “the opponent’s heart is penetrated” will be created first at the moment of release.

“Because the heart is penetrated, the gun is hit,” and this “cause” occurs from behind.

If you are not quite lucky, it can be said that a move is determined to be “if you release it, you will die”. Mana consumption is low, and with the strong effect of “destroying the enemy’s heart almost certainly”, this is a very efficient and deadly item that does not require much mana!


Thankfully, though…

In this battle, Saber serves as the heroic spirit.

Whether it is the value of “luck” or the skill of “intuition”, the level is quite unusual.

Red streamers passed by her body…

“Boom !!!” A loud bang.

Although she was hit hard and flew out.

However, at least no fatal injuries were caused.

Her heart, intact!


Watch the other party successfully avoid his treasure, and the fatal blow.

Cuchulin continued to scold with a fierce and bruised expression like a “fierce dog”.

“You’re out of the way, Saber!

My killer blow…”

This is to give praise to the other party, but also to regret that their own killing did not work.


On Saber’s side, though.

Although she did dodge the fatal blow just now.

But the harm was not completely avoided.

Her left shoulder was already visibly injured.

Blood spilled and red electric light kept flashing.

And Saber herself, she also said through gritted teeth.


No……. Just now is a causal reversal!

Piercing the Spear of Dead Thorns, is your real name Ireland’s Child of Light? ”

With just one blow, Saber saw through the identity of the other party.


All showed this guy, if not killed, it would be bad. ”

Cuchulin admits that the current situation is not a good situation for his current self.

The other party’s luck and intuition are beyond their expectations.

However, this time Cuchulain’s defeat ….

Part of it was due to luck on his panel, which was due to the fact that an “E” was written on it.

Now the words….

This battle, up to this point, is already almost the same.


The outside of the light curtain is in the timeline of the fifth special point.

Looking at his own disciple in the video, after his “failure”.

Skaha, she still said expressionlessly.

“It looks like he lost his gamble…”

However, the luck and intuition of that follower did not seem to be an ordinary rank.

At least….. To be able to avoid Cuchulain’s piercing spear at such a moment of crisis.

This is enough to prove that her ability is extraordinary.

This time Cuchulain’s gamble failed, and a large part of the reason was also because he underestimated the strength of the other party.

Speaking of which……. I’d like to know what happened to this battle.

Or rather, a follow-up to the pair. ”

It is extremely rare for Skaha to have expectations for something other than “death”…

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