“Oh roar, oh roar~~ This is quite amazing.

The man……. He was actually able to complete the projection of the [Divine Creation Uniform] in an instant.

Even, the quality is enough to compete with the original.

This is a violation of the rules of the world itself…

It’s incredible, how the hell did he manage to do something like this? ”

Outside the light curtain, above the Star Inner Sea, the Tower at the End.

Looking at the video, Shirou Emiya actually completed the projection of the god-made military suit [Ig-Alima] in an instant.

Even Merlin, the Great Magician (Sword Saint), had to utter extremely amazed lines.

In his opinion, the power of human beings is ~ no matter how strong it is.

It is absolutely impossible for God to create military uniforms through human hands.

After all, it can be called “God made troops – clothing”.

That’s because these “fantasy weapons” are themselves God-defined or God-rival weapons.

And Shirou Emiya, he undoubtedly does not have such conditions.

But that’s why ……. It will show how beyond common sense his actions just now!

On the other side, in the Fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside Rin Tosaka’s room.

Also looking at Shirou Eimiya in the video, he actually completed such a high-quality [God Creation Uniform] projection in an instant.

Rin Tosaka, she once again covered her head and kept shaking, and made an unbelievable sound.

“What’s going on, what the hell is going on!?

[Projection Magic] that can project treasures.

With the future self above the Valhallic seat, the replacement was completed.

And then . . . It is with his own strength alone to complete the release of such a great magic trick as [Inherent Enchantment].

Moreover, it was done in an instant!!! ”

At this moment, Rin Tosaka felt that his lifelong study of magic seemed to be in vain.

Because……. Those common senses were almost all subverted by the Weigong Shirou in the video.


Even, even by Rin Tosaka’s side.

Hong A, who himself existed as a heroic spirit, also showed a surprised expression.

“That guy . . . In this instant, the projection of the [God Creation Uniform] was completed!!?? ”

You know, even the red A that is the spirit itself …….

It’s hard for him to do anything like this.

Even, if you forcibly project a [God Creation Uniform] with too high a level, it is nothing more than self-destruction for Red A!

But inside the video… It was only a “human” Eimiya Shirou, but he was able to accomplish such a feat, which was simply a big deal from the world!

But in the realization of it, the ugliest face is still in the Fourth Holy Grail War timeline, Gilgamesh in the Tosaka Mansion.

Looking at your own collection, not only was it copied by that fake.

Even…… Also ruined by that “fake”.

Gilgamesh, he was so angry that his face looked extraordinarily livid.

With a vigorous wave of his right hand, he said angrily.

“It’s just… Arrogant to the extreme!

The collection of this king, how can that miscellaneous cultivator be copied!

That miscellaneous cultivator actually used his fake to destroy my collection.

It’s simply… Outrageous!

This kind of garbage should be bombarded to the slag!!! ”

If he could, Gilgamesh wanted to rush directly into the video.

Directly took out his [Obedient Sword], and used all his strength to completely annihilate the existence of Shirou Emiya in this world.

But actually…

When Gilgamesh also needs to take out the [Obedient Sword] to deal with Shirou Emiya.

It also equals… He indirectly admitted that Shirou Emiya was a very difficult enemy to deal with!

You have to use all your strength to be completely defeated!

Now, once again, from the shocked gazes of countless Moon viewers.

Go back to the light curtain that is still playing the video.

The battle that belonged to Shirou Eimiya was still going on.

Though…… Just now, he exceeded the limit, completed the projection of the divine creation armor in an instant, and successfully knocked down one of them.

But in front of Shirou Eimiya, there was still a second divine armor standing in the sky.

If you don’t knock it down as well, then Eimiya Shirou will definitely survive!

In that mid-air…….

His feet stood on the huge sword that was falling, the Ig-Alima that opened up a thousand mountains.

Shirou Eimiya ran as fast as he could.

While running, he mobilizes his magic and is preparing the projection…….


Once again, in that heart-rending roar.

He swung it heavily out of his hand, which was already a weapon that had completed the projection.


“Boom !!!”

Above the sky, two huge and incomparably hot lava swords once again collided violently together, making a deafening sound.

The [Su1-sagana Horizon] projected by Shiro Emiya successfully canceled out the [Su1-sagana] released by Angelique Carnzworth.

In one breath!

This man, he was done projecting the two God-made armors.

Even able to ….. A direct counterweight to the powerful projection of the original.

It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of power is beyond the mortal realm and reaching the pinnacle!

Wei Palace Giant, he surpasses all common sense in this world!


“Boom !!!”

Four huge Excaliburs fell from the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Shirou Eimiya also fell.

The ground shook violently and set off a sea of fire.

This [Infinite Sword System] world should have been a snowy environment.

But…… Under the influence of these two great swords.

Above the snowfield, a raging fire actually began to burn.

Under that fiery snowfield.

Shirou Eimiya, he struggled to get up.

But…… Looking at his breathless appearance, it was already obvious to judge.

His current state is very limity.

Although, he really broke the impossible just now.

With a human body!

In that short instant, the projection of the [God Creation Uniform] was completed!

But being able to do something like this would also mean… His mana consumption is extremely intense!

However, just when Eimiya Shirou was panting.

Behind him…….

Above the fire, Angelie Carnzworth’s voice came into the mind of Shirou Eimiya.

“There are flaws in your existence…

For the last myths of the old humanity that we portray.

You are a stain!

That hateful ability, the magical right that I don’t know how.

And that ridiculous belief like a dead man! ”

That’s right!

As Angelie Karnzworth said.

For Ying Ling, the treasure is like his “great achievement”.

But…… Shirou Emiya was able to copy and project it at will.

In a sense, he is indeed “insulting” those heroes and insulting those myths.

For all the heroes… Shirou Eimiya is a stain!

It is an existence that must be cleaned up!

And now Angelie Carnzworth, she also intends to do so.

Just now…… After seeing that Shirou Eimiya could complete the reproduction of the God’s Creation Uniform in an instant.

Angelie Carnzworth, she is finally deeply aware …….

The man in front of him, who was underestimated by himself, did indeed have the combat ability of a superior heroic spirit.

In order to be able to completely erase this “stain”……..

Angelie Carnzworth, she had to bring out all of her strength!

In that golden ripple.

The familiar sword with a golden handle and pattern, black and red three-section cylindrical sword body, finally appeared in front of Angelie Carnzworth.

“Bang!” With a sound, he held this Excalibur that was enough to tear the world apart.

Angelie Carnzworth, she made another declaration to Shirou Emiya.

“…… I’ll cut it all off!!! ”


Angelie Karnzworth, she was already holding this Excalibur in her hand.

The three black-red cylinders began to rotate at an indescribable speed.

The twisted wind pressure began to form a black-red storm that surrounded the sword body.

That’s enough power to open the world……. Even Shirou Eimiya had to be stunned when he saw it.

With all his might, he was able to reluctantly project the divine armor.

But…… Face this artifact that the Supreme God once used to create the world.

Shirou Eimiya, he really has nothing to do.

But is it really necessary to sit still?


Shirou Emiya, it is absolutely impossible for him to make this choice!

Since it is impossible to compete with projection…

Then gamble on your own to stop the “hero king” in front of you!! Thousand!.

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