“The future Chaldeans, with such a powerful spirit .

I thought, if you want to save those peculiarities.

Shouldn’t that be a problem? ”

Outside the light curtain, in the base of the Chaldeans.

After learning the true essence of the origin of Astarte in the video.

Fujimaru Tachika, he said with a little excitement.

In his eyes… The Astarte origin in the video is indeed the most powerful heroic spirit he has ever seen!


Even in his own imagination, he couldn’t imagine what kind of heroic spirit could be above the Astarte Origin!

After all, the Astarte Origin itself represents a universe.

Indeed, I think Master is right

The origin of Astarte in the video, she is really a very powerful heroic spirit.

If she joins the Chaldeans, she will be able to defeat all enemies easily! ”

With Fujimaru Tachika’s voice just fell.

This time Matthew, she immediately echoed.

However, it is not quite right to say that it is agreed.

She herself thinks… The origin of Astarte in the video, she is the most powerful existence that she can imagine “617”!

As long as you have her power…

Then the so-called “peculiarities” are somewhat vulnerable.


However, just when Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew were shocked by the great power of Astarte Origin.

By the side of the two of them,.

Instead, she just put her right hand between her chin, presenting a thoughtful look.

“em……. Actually, I think…

Now the origin of Astarte in the video, she has not completely become the heroic spirit of Lixiang-chan.

The story of the future is still not easy to tell…”

Indeed, as Leonardo da Vinci said.

Now the origin of Astarte in the video, she is still fighting with her two doppelgangers.

Future……. Whether this multi-level heroic spirit will really join the [Chaldeans] is really a matter that needs to be weighed.

Also, listen to the discussions of these companions around you.

Dr. Roman, he, the crown magician, couldn’t help but have very complicated thoughts in his mind.

He was thinking…….

In the future [Chaldeans], how many demons and demons will be gathered.

What a “slave universe” …

The heroine of the monolithic universe level fan X (alter).

And the multiverse, the basic universe of Eastar…….

These are the existence that even Dr. Roman, the crown magician, marvels at.

But in the future, there seems to be no shortage of such strong people in [Chaldea].

This made Dr. Roman, his sense of existence as a crown magician, much lower.

But now, it is still left to the various ideas and complaints of the audience in the world of type moon.

The gaze refocused on the light curtain where the video was playing.

This is the story of “Cosmic Rin”, but it is just beginning.

After listening to Astarte just now, her analysis of her “origin”, the origin of Astarte.

S Istal, she was immediately followed by an exclamation.

“Wouldn’t you!!!

This is impossible to deal with!

Am I right, Tachika Fujimaru? ”

Listen to the questions that S Ishtar throws at himself.

At this time, Fujimaru Tachika, he also nodded in approval.

Although everyone is very eager to defeat the Astarte origin above the universe.

But……. The nature of the other party is equivalent to the [universe] itself.

If the attack hits her body, it will have no other effect at all.


Her magic is galactic level magic.

The endless bombardment of terrifying destructive magic kept blooming towards them.

No matter how you look at it……..

The situation of Fujimaru Tachika and others is extremely dangerous.

Moreover, it is difficult to find a way to break the game!

Listen to the shocked voice of S Istahl.

Astarte, she did not express any denial.

“…… It’s just that it looks like the nebulae are clustered together, but in fact there is no collection…….

At least at this stage. ”

Listen to Astarte’s analysis.

Next to the disaster star Jane, she also immediately jumped out and nodded and said.

“Well, if all the stars in the nebula are concentrated together, a super huge black hole will be formed.”

I didn’t expect that the heroic spirits of the “Follower Universe” had already fought to this point.

With Calamity Star Jane’s voice just fell.

Astarte immediately picked up the topic.

“So right now, the one in front of us is just [the shadow]. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The entity is more [huge and gapless] than what the naked eye sees.

If you want to take her down, you must get [bullets large enough to hit her].

Planets are needed… No, it’s the scale of the galaxy! ”

After a lot of analysis.


It was at this time that everyone found a way to defeat the Astarte Origin.

That is….. [Bullet] at the galactic scale level.

But does that kind of bullet really exist in this world?


It should be said that the [treasure tool] with that kind of power really exists in this world?

That’s a really good question!

Outside the light curtain, in the inner sea of stars, the tower at the end.

Listening to the video, Astarti summed up just now… That is the only and sufficient way to defeat the Astarte Origin.

At this time, Merlin also showed an interesting expression.

“Oh roar, so… Defeat the goddess of the galaxy.

The only way is a galaxy-scale treasure, right?

However, in this world, how to find such a treasure?

It shouldn’t exist…

Even if there were, it would only appear on the body of the Galactic Goddess herself, right? ”

In Merlin’s opinion, a powerful treasure on the scale of the galaxy…….

Something so exaggerated, it is unlikely that it will exist in this world0…

Even if there is, it must be Astarte’s own treasure.

And use your own treasures to beat yourself?

That also seems unlikely.

So…… In Merlin’s eyes, Fujimaru Tachika in the video seems to have come to an end?

On the other side, in the Fifth Holy Grail War timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Wei Palace.

Listen to the video, what Astarte just found……. A method that can defeat the origin of Astarte.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou, he scratched the back of his head and said in a somewhat embarrassed voice.

“A galaxy-scale treasure… That shouldn’t be likely to exist, right?

Even that hero king, the most powerful [sword] he possesses, is estimated to be able to destroy the earth (surface).

But…… The Milky Way is much bigger than Earth.

Even the size that cannot be described numerically.

Therefore, the treasure of the galaxy scale level should not exist, right? ”

In fact, when Shirou Emiya said these words.

He was a little afraid in his heart.

The power of the previous hero king [Obedient Sword] was already enough to tear the world apart.

But this is only the most powerful treasure on earth.

So…… What about expanding this range to the planetary level, the solar system level, the galactic level?

Then, the power of the treasure is probably a multiplier of trillions.


Even further!

Compared to the [Obedient Sword], there are so many treasures, how amazing the power is!

Even Saber, who was sitting next to him, frowned slightly.

His treasure [Sword of Oath Victory], which is based on people’s beliefs and crystallized inside the planet as one of the ultimate god-forged weapons of the “Last-Phantasm”.

It is the strongest treasure of the city that has been decided.

Even the [Obedient Sword], which has the power to tear the world, is only one level stronger than the [Sword of Oath Victory].

But this level has already opened a decisive gap.

Needless to say… The level is even more exaggerated, a galaxy-scale treasure!

Now, for the time being, he is still leaving the shocking discussion voice of countless viewers in the Moon World.

All eyes were focused on the light curtain.

After listening to Astarte’s words just now.

Calamity Star Jane, she said with a slight smile.

“So it is!

It is a planet that is actually tens of thousands of light-years away.

The conceptual spirit base of [Constellation] that seems to be connected together! ”

Although it is knowing the essence of the origin of Astarte.

But, again, that question…

In this case, where exactly can I find the one that can defeat the Astarte Origin……. What about galactic-scale treasures!?

This is the most important and central issue….

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