After the title surfaced this time.


The entire Moon World made a surprised and shocking sound at the same time.

In everyone’s eyes…

The last master of mankind shouldn’t be Tachika Fujimaru of [Chaldea], right?

Why is it that now, it has become [Gollum]!?

And, look at her prefix ….. Is she still one of the [human evils]?

Isn’t that humanity’s worst enemy?

So how did you become the last master of mankind!?

More importantly…….

She also beat [The Israeli Boxing King], what the hell is this?

Even the black mud of the Holy Grail is not as dark as her?

The polluted chalice contains [all the evils of this world]!

Could it be that this [Gollum] is an even more evil being than this?

That’s really, I’m afraid to the extreme!

Outside the light curtain, in the base of [Chaldea].

Also look at the title that appears now.


Fujimaru Tachika, he has a general feeling that he has been “stolen”.

I saw that he immediately made a very unexpected voice and spoke.


Shouldn’t the last master of mankind be me?

How come now, she has become this girl called [Gollum]?

And……. She looks,? ”

03 If Gollum is also the last master of mankind.

Fujimaru Tachika can also be understood as….. That’s another story of parallel universes.

But even what…

That is still unexplainable.

Why is Gollum evil human, it is the greatest enemy of mankind.

However, Gollum himself is also the last master of mankind!

Can “brave” and “devil” still be mixed together?

This is not something that is itself antagonistic and very contradictory!

Fujimaru Tachika, he said something incomprehensible!

And by Fujimaru Rika’s side.

Dr. Roman, who also made a rare absence of comment this time.


When he saw the title above, Gollum Tearing [The King of Israel].

Dr. Roman, he had a creepy feeling.

Although I don’t know why…….

However, his subconscious is telling him… This girl is called [Gollum”.

She is a very dangerous existence!

“Well, it looks like this girl called [Gollum].

There are a lot of secrets hidden in her.

I think…… This video should be highly cared for! ”

Looking at the puzzled look of everyone in [Chaldea].

Da Vinci also nodded and emphasized the importance of this video to everyone!

And under the expectation and shocked gaze of countless viewers in the Moon World.

The title on the light curtain also has an introductory word, which is gradually becoming transparent and then disappearing!

The increased brightness, as well as the rendered colors, are bringing a whole new video!

This time, where the story takes place….. It seems to be just in the calm [Chaldean] base.

Inside a certain base.

The girl sitting on the edge of the bed was talking to Leonardo da Vinci through a holographic projection.

This girl has a [Chaldean Master Initial Dress] similar to Fujimaru Rika, but the style has been replaced by a woman.

The face looks a little playful and cute.

Short orange hair with a short ponytail tied next to it.

There is no doubt that this girl is the protagonist of this video, Gollum!

Look at her such a pretty face.

If you don’t take into account the descriptor just now…….

It’s hard to imagine that she would actually be [Human Evil]!

For the time being, though, those ideas were left behind.

Concentrate on the story itself.

I saw that at this time, Da Vinci on the holographic projection, she spread her hands, and said helplessly to Gollum.

“There are more and more followers……. I have been complaining about what magic is not enough, and I want a separate room~

The scarcity of resources in Chaldea is already getting worse. ”

It seems that in this parallel world [Chaldeans].

The huge number of heroic spirits has already brought an extremely huge burden to this human rescue organization.

Listen to Leonardo da Vinci’s analysis of the problem.

Grunt by the bed, her right hand supported her chin, showing a thoughtful look.

Looks….. She also thinks this problem needs to be solved.

And just when Gollum was thinking about countermeasures.

“Weng ~~~”

The automatic door of the room opens, and the senior sister Matthew enters the room of Gollum.

Put the cup of coffee in your hand next to Gollum.

Matthew spoke.

“How can you terminate the contract on a large scale?”

It seems, in Matthew’s eyes ….. Breaking the contract with Yingling on a large scale seems to be a bad thing.

After all, this is equivalent to “selling” these heroic spirits.

In a sense, this is a very cruel thing.

Though…… And that’s exactly what happened. (Golden Square!) )

Outside the light curtain, in the fifth Holy Grail war timeline.

Inside the mansion of the Weigong family.

Watch the story in the video and listen to the conversation between Leonardo da Vinci and Gollum.

At this time, Eimiya Shirou, he also spoke in a speculative voice.

“em…… It seems that the [Chaldeans] they are talking about is an organization that relies on the help of heroic spirits to save [Renli]?

However, now because too many heroic spirits have been summoned, the resources of this base are very scarce?

This is indeed a very serious problem…”

While speaking, Shirou Emiya held his chin as if to help Gollum in the video think about countermeasures.

As for Saber, who was beside Shirou Eimiya, she also said with a serious expression.

“Indeed, I also think that the Galaha in the video just now… Matthew…

Her words are correct.

Although the huge number of heroic spirits has already brought a huge burden to [Chaldeans].

But anyway……. In their world, the heroic spirits should be the heroic spirits who save the world.

You shouldn’t break the contract with them on such a large scale…

Because in this way, it is equivalent to betraying them!

I’m sure the Gollum in the video won’t do that! ”

Saber’s expression was particularly firm.

And listen to Saber’s words.

Shirou also smiled wryly and nodded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Indeed… Even Matthew in the video said that.

Then, Gollum should not break the contract with those heroic spirits.

However, the resource problem of Chaldea does need to be considered…”

It seems that now Shirou Emiya is with Saber.

The two of them seem to have overestimated the bottom line of [Human Evil]!

Left the speculative voices of Shirou Emiya and Saber.

Once again, the focus returned to the light curtain where the video was playing.

After listening to the lines of his most loyal follower, Matthew.

Gollum also nodded, and the large-scale cancellation of the contract did not seem to be right.

“Yes, even if they are idle…”

Listening to Gollum, he evaluated those heroic spirits as “idle”.


Matthew, she also showed a speechless and distressed expression and said.

It’s excessive, but it seems to be true!

And looking at Gollum and Matthew’s reluctant looks.

Da Vinci in the projection, she expressed helplessness and spread her right hand.

“Or will their maintenance pay be deducted from your salary?”

Somewhat unexpectedly…

As the last master of [Chaldea], it turns out that Gollum is also paid?

However, there were originally these “idle” heroic spirits who were reluctant to grunt.

When she heard Leonardo da Vinci, she was going to deduct her own salary…

In an instant!

Click, her whole person froze.

It seems that she cares more about her salary than the so-called feelings!


Gollum, she is a sudden change in her painting style, turning into a very reluctant expression, but she has to make a choice to give up

“Yes, we have to make a tough decision…”


“Matthew, you have to understand that this kind of thing always requires someone to play blackface.

Specifically… It’s starting from the low fetters…”

“Don’t say such scumbag words in this touching atmosphere!!!”

Matthew, she retorted loudly.

After all, these heroic spirits are now “idle”.

But in any case, they all served for [Chaldeans] and shed their blood.

It is indeed too cruel to turn them all into [Golden Cubes] like this.

But, listen to Matthew’s rebuke.

Gollum doesn’t seem to have any “repentance.”

Just continued to ask with a very simple and reluctant expression.

“Can’t you come according to the level of bondage?

Then come in a fair order of intensity! ”

Saying that, Gollum’s expression became excited.

So it seems… It doesn’t seem unreasonable that she is called “human evil”…

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