Inventory Of The Top Ten Gold Fingers, The Protagonist Of Wanjie Is Crazy

Chapter 206: Huang Ji: I'm Just A Common Person, Except... I Can See Information!

At this time, countless people from all over the world stared at what happened on the screen!

"Good guy, it's reversed, the Gold Finger has arrived?"

"Wori, the one who knows all the information? Knows all the information? Is this Huang Ji?"

"Good guy, I really thought that Huang Ji was stupid, co-authored, all because of too much information?"

"Tsk tsk, there is too much information, is it okay to be impacted into a dull aptitude?"

"From the first time Huang Ji started lying, I knew that he was definitely not as simple as imagined!"

"Omniscient of information, this is much more than a sea of ​​tongues!"

"Hahaha, I knew that this Double Pupils must not be that simple!"

"Tsk, Huang Ji, Huang Ji, this is Huang Ji!"

"From now on, Huang Ji will be heaven-defying!"

"By the way, this information is omniscient, is it Talent, or what?"


"Isn't it a Talent? This is his own ability, right? This is equivalent to IQ!"

"I know all the information, isn't this Supernatural Power?"

"Supernatural Power is a hammer, is this supernatural power?"

"Don't think about it, this Gold Finger is IQ, as long as the IQ is in place, what's the point!"

"By the way, what is this information omniscience? I don't understand it?"

"What's going on with Huang Ji? I don't even understand it!"

At this moment, countless people were discussing, looking at what happened in the picture, everyone was amazed, and at the same time, even greater doubts appeared!

Immediately, it can be seen that a new picture appeared in the Great Dao Gold List!

As the screen progressed, countless people from all over the world finally had a deeper understanding of the situation of the so-called omniscient!

This ability is extremely possessed from birth.

He can't understand some information, it's chaotic, and he can't understand the concept at all!

But there are some things "377", with his cognition, he knows more and more!

for example!

Once, when Huang Ji didn't know the concept of age, all the concepts related to age were chaotic.

However, when he understands the concept of age, what year, month and day are, and when he knows that a tree should also have an age, when he looks at a tree, he will perceive the age of the tree!

For example, there is a tree with an age of: seven years, three months, twenty days, nine hours, forty-four minutes, and one second...

There are zeros and wholes.......

Even a femtosecond, a nanosecond, also appeared before his eyes.

Of course, the information is not so simple!

A tree has a lot of information, such as species, family, mass, volume, molecules, and even how much water it absorbs, how many fruits it bears, when it is planted, when it first sprouts, when it bears fruit every time... ...

Everything, everything, he can perceive!

This is omniscience!

True omniscience!

Well, as long as he understands, he is omniscient.

Logically speaking, this kind of omniscience should not be a fool for six years...

But the fact is that how much specific information he can perceive depends on his cognitive range.

When I was born, I didn't understand anything. To this world, I was completely unknown and chaotic. What I saw before my eyes was all unknown and incomprehensible information.

The perception is too strong, and it is extremely cruel to the baby.

It is precisely because of this situation that he will become extremely dull, his thinking will be dull, his memory will be extremely poor, and his eyesight will also be extremely poor...

Nonsense, when all you see is information, chaotic and complicated, full of indescribable, if you can still see things clearly, there will be ghosts!

At that time, when his parents took him to check his intelligence, he was even more confused about his reaction ability. He didn't know what the doctor wanted him to do. In the eyes of the doctor, this naturally became an intellectual defect.

In fact, actually, Huang Ji is very smart!

He can understand the concept of "parents" at the age of four or five.

Yes, it is a concept, not a simple one, as simple as a baby yelling daddy and mommy.

At the age of four or five, he can understand that he should learn to speak and understand the difference between himself and others.

Among so many complicated information, it is already a miracle that he can take the initiative to understand and understand these things by himself!

For other ordinary children, teach him what is father, what is mother, what is milk, what is white, and what is yellow...Maybe he was a little overwhelmed the first few times, but repeatedly, teach him more patiently A few times will do!

However, for Huang Ji, this is difficult, father? mother?

One clump of chaotic information, pointing to another clump of chaotic information, saying that this is mom, and then pointing to another clump of information, saying it is grandpa...


This is so understandable that there is a ghost!

It's like teaching a blind man what is Purple and what is Red...

Simply inexplicable!

Fortunately, as Huang Ji continues to grow up, and with Huang Ji's brain development, his ability to control his own ability is getting stronger and stronger!

At the age of four, he knew how to gather and expand information, and blocked those things that he couldn't understand by default!

Although it can only block a small part, but at least you can see the world in the eyes of others!

And as he grows up, his brain develops more and more mature, and he can shield more and more.

In addition to unknown information, with Huang Ji's wider knowledge, he can even block the information he has understood.

This is why when he went to see a doctor at the age of four and a half, he was able to measure his intelligence at 50!

But if the old man didn't listen to the fortune teller and went to see a doctor when he was one year old, then the result of the test would not be 50 IQ...

What a fool!

Vision is not 0.2, but a proper blind man!

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the wider his cognition, the stronger his ability to control.

As the information continued to gather, his brain became more and more relaxed.

When he was in junior high school, his IQ had already returned to 60, and his recovery began to accelerate.

The reason for the poor grades is entirely due to forced thinking, excessive use of the brain, and then unable to study, and even coma.

In fact, he loves learning very much, because the more knowledge he learns, the faster his symptoms can be relieved!

Of course, not to go to school!

After giving up going to school, he can only learn more directions.

He sat on the field in a daze, contemplating, completely observing and understanding the world.

Listening to the conversations of others is also understanding more things.

The same goes for watching TV!

Therefore, this half year at home is precisely the most important half year for him to return to normal!

Up to now, he has been able to do it. He can block the information of everything he wants, block it if he wants to, and let it go if he wants to. Whatever he wants to know, as long as he understands it, he can directly search it.

Like, his mind is an encyclopedia...

Well, he understands the encyclopedia!

The mountains and rivers in the village, people, dogs, etc., he understood!

It can be said that for him now, everything in his field of vision is similar to that of a normal person.


starry sky!

"Alas..." Huang Ji looked up at the sky, his forehead throbbing.

What he can block now is only the earth and all kinds of information in human society. Once he looks up at the starry sky, he will feel the impact of huge information on his mind!

The information in the starry sky is too vast, and it is simply not comparable to those societies on earth!

That's why he gets a splitting headache every time he looks up at the sky.

Any star in the sky contains a huge amount of information...

He can shield the stars of Common, just like the sun!

The sun is just a simple sky ladder, Huang Ji was able to shield him when he was six years old.

However, until he is now sixteen, he cannot shield a planet with civilization!

That's right, Ming!

Others don't know, countless people on the earth may not be aware that there are other civilizations in the starry sky, but Huang Ji knows.

He has all the information!

Among the stars, there is really a great emperor civilization.

Universe is not as silent as imagined, but full of noise!

At least, this is the case in Huang Ji's perception.

Whether it is visible light waves or invisible quantum light waves, he can feel countless complicated information from them.

The information is many times vaster than the sun.

Even if he knows what a civilization is, what an alien is, and what a star is, he can only block most of it, and he really has no way to block the rest!

To put it bluntly, the brain is not fully developed, and a stronger body and a more developed brain are needed!

At this time, although he has recovered his normal intelligence level, he will still be suppressed by the starry sky.

The current him is not the most relaxed one yet!

The more you know, the less happy you are.

Even if IQ is suppressed, Huang Ji doesn't think it's a big deal. Anyway, as long as he strengthens his body and brain, he can block it.

As long as there is a way to solve it, it is not a problem.

However, the real trouble comes from a planet in the sky...


Yes, the moon!

The reason why I say fear is because there is a human race on the moon!

There were very few people. When I saw it last week, there were only two people. Now there are two more people, and there are four people!

They are watching the earth!

There is a message on the moon, according to Huang Ji’s personal understanding: the total duration of monitoring the earth is 12831 years, 4 months and 19 days. …

The race on the moon, he didn't know, didn't see himself.

This moon is not a natural satellite at all, but a weapon of war, and the maker is another race!

The inside of the moon contains all kinds of powerful machinery.

The most important thing is that among the equipment, there is some kind of powerful cannon. According to Huang Ji's understanding, it is probably nuclear fusion weapons and cannons!

It's not the same as it is on Earth.

People's cannon can fire 300,000 tons of shells, which are made of high-purity tungsten, and when they hit the earth, "that's definitely no less than ten small stars colliding at high speed!

This is just a weapon, in fact the moon itself is a weapon, the most natural weapon!

The Moon revolves around the Earth and controls Earth's tides..

If the moon suddenly leaves, the part of the sea that is tidally locked will fall directly, causing the global sea level to rise and flooding cities!

The speed of the earth's self-propagation will also accelerate, which will definitely cause the instability of the earth's structure, trigger large-scale earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and even tsunamis and other disasters!

Perhaps, others have never known it all their lives, but the moon hanging above their heads is actually a weapon, a monitor!

Human beings have been monitored for more than 10,000 years without knowing it. Instead, they still look up at the starry sky and ask curiously where are the aliens?

Where else?

Right on top of your head!

Moreover, according to Huang Ji's information perception...

He also knows that the aliens on the moon are extremely unfriendly to humans...

Because, he saw a message...

[The advantage of human beings in the evaluation of the monitor race is: delicious! 】

Yes, it is delicious!

To these aliens, humans are just delicious!

Huang Ji's scalp was numb.

Every time I look at the moon, I feel frightened, like the sword of Damocles hanging above my head!

He is helpless, he is afraid, and in the end, he can only face it!

Because, he knew that he was the only one who could resolve the despair hanging over his head!

It's not ego, it's because there is no choice.

A sixteen-year-old boy without any power, without any power, can rely on information perception, how many things can he do?


The things he can do are... infinite!

"Forget it, go save Doctor Liang first while Grandpa is asleep!" Huang Ji was thinking...

Dr. Liang was kind to him, she was kidnapped, there was something strange about this matter, and she was saved no matter what.

He has information perception. Others don't know where Dr. Liang has been kidnapped, but he can see where Dr. Liang has been kidnapped by looking at the information on the rut.

Not to mention that twelve hours have passed, even if twelve years have passed, one hundred and twenty years have passed, and you can still see it!

Therefore, he only needs to follow the information to find Dr. Liang!

just do it.......

While going out, he summed up his own experience!

His information perception is the perception of basic information. Looking at the ruts, he can know who the driver is, because the ruts are caused by the driver.

Looking at the footprints, he can know who the owner of the footprints is.

Of course, he can feel information not only by seeing with eyes, but also by smelling and hearing!

Therefore, if you want to get richer information, it is best to have direct interaction, so that the information you get is the most abundant!

Before, Huang Ji followed the ruts and found the whereabouts of the kidnappers. After returning, he wrote another blackmail letter to the police!

Yes, the letter Wang Meng saw was written by Huang Ji.

At this time, Huang Ji had already arrived at a small hillside, he just stared at the village head's house, and saw everything that happened at the village head's house...

At this time, Wang Meng and several police officers were still interrogating Li Fan and drawing a portrait.

Even, he met that Zongmin"!

The reason why Lu Zongmin kidnapped Liang Yuan was for money!

Others don't know about 1.7, but Huang Ji knows it very well.

Liang Yuan was a top student, and she went to the countryside to avoid disaster.

Because, she used to be a member of a gang of stealing and selling cultural relics. Of course, she was dragged into the water by her parents, to be precise, her adoptive parents!

Once, her adoptive parents decided to make a big deal, stole more than 4 million yuan from the team and a golden Buddha from the Tang Dynasty and ran away.

Liang Yuan also participated in this plan, anesthetized other people with anesthesia, and even reported to the police!

But obviously, the arrests are not over, and there are still three who have not been arrested, namely Wang Zhen, Hu Feng, and Lu Zongmin!

It's the guy who kidnapped Liang Yuan!

At this time, Huang Ji turned his head to look at some dilapidated bungalows again!

The bungalow has long been unoccupied.

But, now, the guys who kidnapped Liang Yuan are right there!

Huang Ji was one step ahead of the police, relying on all-knowing information to destroy all the traps.

The reminder device was also broken.

Finally, when he was twenty meters away from the old house, he vaguely saw a figure inside!

Wang Zhen, Hu Feng, Lu Zongmin!

The moment he saw these three people, Huang Ji grasped all their information, including... memories!

"Oh? It's not for the money, but the golden Buddha? Wang Zhen and Hu Feng are still wanted," Huang Ji murmured.

For the golden Buddha, Lu Zongmin and others have tortured Liang Yuan for an hour!

Liang Yuan's face was almost scratched, and her hands and feet were scorched black by the fire. She used waterboarding and whipping, and even lost a finger!

It's really cruel!

However, Liang Yuan really didn't know where the Golden Buddha was!

At this moment, Huang Ji frowned, he wanted to step forward, but he looked at his small body, it was okay to deal with Lu Zongmin, but what Wang Zhen and Hu Feng said...

He sighed to himself.

He's just a Common guy....

Besides, being able to see the info!.

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