Inventory Of The Top Ten Gold Fingers, The Protagonist Of Wanjie Is Crazy

Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Abused Tang San! (Ask For Flower Evaluation Votes!)

And at the same time...

Inside the dungeon of the Martial Soul Palace...

"Papa papa!"

"Boy, I think your bones are quite hard, what's the matter? Now, you still don't say a word?" In the gloomy dungeon, there were bursts of crackling sound of whips, and even Ghost Douluo's unique jerk. laughter.

And at this time...

Just see, in one of the dungeons.

That Tang San had already had his soul power sealed, locked on the soul guide, and was hanged abruptly!

And his body, at this moment, is already torn apart, with hideous wounds everywhere, and festering flesh everywhere, how can it be a miserable word?

The one who executed the death penalty on him was naturally Ghost Douluo.

And Chrysanthemum Douluo is watching from the sidelines!

Tang San woke up early.

When the first whip fell, he woke up...

He quickly figured out the purpose of these guys.

He actually asked for the Xuantian Kung Fu!


Tang San smiled, even though he was very weak at the moment, his eyes were full of killing intent.

He looked at Ghost Douluo, and said coldly: "Ghost Douluo, even if I gave you Xuantian Kungfu, do you dare to practice?"

In the case of an enmity, even if he is coerced and lured, is it possible that the Xuantian Kung given by Tang San is true?

As soon as this word came out...

Ghost Douluo paused for a moment, then sneered, "Boy, I advise you to be more honest, for the sake of being honest, you can also suffer less suffering!"

Regarding this, Tang San still sneered: " really think you can kill me? I'm the son of fortune..."

"Crack!" But it was Ghost Douluo's unceremonious whip that greeted Tang San!

The whip hit his face, leaving a bloodstain!

Tang San's eyes turned cold, he spit bloody saliva, and the eyes he looked at Ghost Douluo became colder and colder.

As if he was looking at a dead person, he said softly, "When the Dao Gold List reward comes, I will ask you not to live, not to die!"

"You bastard, daddy will make you unable to live or die right now!"

Ghost Douluo's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the side with his hand, his soul power exploded...


In that prison cell, a rusty long knife in the corner fell into his hand.

That dagger is so blunt that it can no longer be blunt, and it is so rusty that it can no longer be rusted!

With this knife, it's either tetanus or festering pus!

However, Tang San just looked at Ghost Douluo coldly from beginning to end.

In his eyes, there is not even a little fear!

"Hehe, boy, I think you are not afraid at all! Even if you will be rewarded with the Dao Jinbang? Even if you become a titled Douluo in the future, become the number one person in the Douluo plane, even if you become a god Yes, you will remember today, remember today’s humiliation! Today, will become your psychological shadow, follow you for a lifetime, follow you for endless years! Whenever you think of me, Ghost Douluo, even if I am dead, I will still be your The Hearts Demon!"

Ghost Douluo smiled cruelly, holding the rusty blunt knife, gesticulating, and walked in front of Tang San.

At first, Tang San didn't take it seriously.

But then, when he saw where Ghost Douluo was aiming at, his eyes suddenly widened, and an indescribable fear and horror surged in his heart!

"By the way, what is this? Remember it should be called castration, right?" Ghost Douluo smiled evilly.

"you wanna die!"

Tang San was furious!

That's about a man's dignity!

If he was really executed by Ghost Douluo, he wouldn't even have the face to live!

A man is not complete, what kind of man is he?

No matter how high his achievements are in the future, even if he is rewarded by the Great Dao Gold List and can repair himself, he will still remember all of this, and remember the death penalty imposed by Ghost Douluo!

Even if Ghost Douluo died, he still couldn't vent the hatred in his heart!

Even if he did the same thing to Ghost Douluo, the shadow in his heart will still accompany him for countless years!

At this moment, Tang San struggled desperately.

But how could Tang San be able to break free from the chains made of special materials?

"Jie Jie Jie, boy, are you sure you don't want to say it?" Ghost Douluo had already squatted down, looking at Tang San with a sly smile...

"Ah..." On the side, Ju Douluo didn't even have the eyes to look.

This Tang San was indeed too miserable.

However, it doesn't matter.

Just let Ghost Douluo play.

It's not a big deal anyway...

"Ha, it's too boring here, I have to go out to enjoy the flowers!" Chrysanthemum Douluo huffed, turned and left.

Ghost Douluo didn't care, just looked at Tang San, waiting for Tang San's reply with a wicked smile!

But at this moment, Tang San stared at Ghost Douluo, the murderous aura in his eyes was already overflowing his pupils.

If eyes could kill, Ghost Douluo would have died countless times.

Unfortunately, there is no if...

Tang San clenched his fists...

He was really unwilling to hand over the Xuantian Kung Fu.

However, in the current situation, if he doesn't hand it over, he will really lose some precious things!

He knew very well that a lunatic like Ghost Douluo would definitely be able to do it!


Tang San struggled, his face changed again and again...

He is going through convincing himself...

Anyway, Ghost Douluo will be a dead person in the future.

Before the Grand Dao Gold List rewards came, he was indeed no match for these guys...

But after the reward of the Dao Gold List came, let alone this Ghost Douluo, even that Bibi Dong, and even the entire Martial Soul Hall, he would pull it out, and completely wipe out the Martial Soul Hall!

Moreover, this Ghost Douluo...

He will pay back a hundredfold!

Torture to death!

It is true that this Xuantian Kungfu cannot be leaked, but what's the problem if it is handed over to a dead person?

At this thought, he seemed to have loosened the heavy shackles, let out a long breath, and his hoarse voice slowly resounded throughout the dungeon: "I can give you the Xuantian Kungfu!"

As soon as the words came out, Ghost Douluo paused his movements, and then smiled and said: "Boy, you know, if it's fake, or if there's something wrong with this cultivation route, you know the consequences!"

"Don't worry, be honest!" Tang San sneered.

Why should I have the same knowledge as a dead person?

So what if it's true for you?

If you have a life, do you have a life?

In his mind, the thought turned around, and immediately, Tang San didn't talk nonsense, and directly started reciting the general outline of Xuantian Kungfu, and even the running route of Cultivation Technique cultivation!

Ghost Douluo got more and more excited the more he listened, and the more he listened, the more confused he became!

What acupoints, Dantian, Meridians, etc., he couldn't understand them at all, and he couldn't figure out what they were.

After all, it is something from two worlds, and the cultural differences are very obvious.

However, this is not important, he just needs to tell Bibi Dong the original words of these things.

The point is, the Xuantian Kungfu is here!

"By the way, let's also mention your Ziji Demon Eyes, Xuanyu Hand, and Ghost Shadow Fan Zongbu!" Ghost Douluo smiled.


Tang San coldly looked at Ghost Douluo, but, with the threat of that blunt knife, and Ghost Douluo was already a dead person in his eyes, it was nothing more than a waste of tongue, he took it all as he was getting familiar with formulas and mental methods up!

Immediately, Tang San also recited the essentials of Ziji Demon Eyes, Xuan Yushou, and even Ghost Shadow Fan Zingbu's formulas.

"Very good, very good, hahaha!" Ghost Douluo grinned grinningly, laughing wildly and recklessly!

Tang San just looked coldly at Ghost Douluo!

"Unexpectedly, the son of fortune will fall into my hands one day... Come, let me see what achievements you have in the future, and what hidden treasures you have not revealed!" Until Ghost Douluo laughed That's enough, the expression is terrified again, and he looks up at the sky.

At this moment, he seemed to have passed through the blockade of a dungeon, and saw the golden list of the Great Dao hanging high in the Douluo plane...

And at this time, on the Dao Gold List, the scene happened to be when Tang San participated in the National Elite Soul Master Competition!

ps: Is there any problem asking for a wave of flower evaluation votes?

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