Inventory Of The Top Ten Gold Fingers, The Protagonist Of Wanjie Is Crazy

Chapter 67: Shocking Famous Scene: Obedience To The Ordinary, Rebellion To The Immortal! I'm A

"Dead? The son of fortune died just like that? Boy, is this the first time I've seen the son of fortune die?"

"No way, no way? The son of fortune died just like that? Is this Teng Huayuan the son of fortune, or is Wang Lin the son of fortune?"

"Although I don't know how the follow-up will develop, but from this point on, I feel that I am interested! It seems that the son of fortune can't die!"

"Hey, if Wang Lin is really dead, then there's no need to rank for the Grand Dao Gold List, it's over. It's not over yet. Obviously, there are more things happening!"

"It's just that I never thought that Wang Lin would be killed by a supporting role?"

"Nonsense, that Teng Huayuan is a Nascent Soul stage cultivator, and Han Li is just a Foundation Establishment. How can he fight against a Nascent Soul stage cultivator? This is not an existence of the same level at all! It's normal for a group to be beheaded! "

"Indeed, he is in the Nascent Soul stage. Have you ever seen Han Li in the Nascent Soul stage in the Foundation Establishment stage?"

"Impossible, no matter how strong Han Li is, no matter how heaven-defying, no matter how lucky he is, he can only fight against Nascent Soul after the Golden Core stage, and it is very reluctant!"

"Tch, what kind of son of fortune is this? Nascent Soul period? Hehe, even if the Divine Transformation period comes, as long as it is a son of fortune, even if I am only in the Qi Refining period, I will kill that Nascent Soul monster!"

"Laughing to death, then your fate will be the same as Wang Lin's. Your body will die and your body will perish!"

"As a son of fortune, you can't even fight across borders, what is this called a son of fortune?"

"Yes, look at Xiao Yan, what the hell, Dou Shi fights Da Dou Shi, Dou Zun fights Dou Sheng!"

"No, it's completely different, okay? Whether it's Han Li or Wang Lin, they seem to pay attention to a rationality! If something is too unreasonable, repairing the Body Refining system is equivalent to collapse!"

"Indeed, don't say that Qi Refining beat Nascent Soul, even the Foundation Establishment period can beat Nascent Soul period, that is incredible, it is definitely a collapse, Wang Lin died in the hands of Nascent Soul monster, this is normal!"

At this moment, because of Wang Lin's death, all the heavens and myriad realms fell into deep discussions.

Snow World........

"Hiss, this Teng Hua Yuan is so ruthless... Nascent Soul boss is so terrifying!" Xu Fengnian looked at the picture on the Dao Jin List with some emotion!

"Nascent Soul period? Slaughtering people everywhere!" Bai Hu narrowed his eyes and subconsciously clenched the two knives in his hands.

"What a cruel heart!" Lao Huang also gritted his teeth!

"Ruthless? Heh 11, not as ruthless as your Xu family!" At this moment, the one-armed old man spoke quietly, looking at Xu Fengnian.

The Xu family is the real killer without blinking an eye!

Xu Xiaorentu's name is still resounding all over the world!

Do you still have the face to speak of others?

But at this time, as his words fell, Bai Hu's face and Lao Huang also looked at Xu Fengnian...

"Tsk, can this be the same? Wars between countries, and wars between people, can this be the same?"

Xu Fengnian curled his lips: "At least, I have made enemies with others, and I won't destroy others all over my family!"

"Heh, when did the Young Master of the Xu family become good?" Bai Hu sneered.

Xu Fengnian sneered, but didn't speak...

He naturally knows the truth of cutting the grass but not the root.

It's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

At this time, the mortal world...

"Hiss, this Nascent Soul old monster is really scheming and courageous!" Han Li looked at Teng Huayuan, and was a little speechless for a while.

They say it's worse than family members.

But this Tenghua Yuan, actually destroyed Wang Linman's family.

You know, those who were wiped out by Fuji Huayuan are all mortals!

How dare this Fujikamoto?

How is it different from evil cultivators to attack mortals?

Now, he has stepped into Cultivation World for a long time, and he also knows the rules of Cultivation World...

It is always an iron law not to do anything to mortals.

But this fairy reverses the world...

Han Li frowned.

He is also very clear about the so-called cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots.

However, this is all for cultivators, when did it ever target mortals?

What Teng Huayuan has done is too good. In the future, there will definitely be no good end.

In the end, he was not beheaded by Wang Lin, but by someone else

At this moment, countless people in all the heavens and worlds are discussing this rattan transformation element...

This rattan Huayuan, what he did was really a bit too much.

At the same time, in the Immortal Reverse World, in the Fuji Family Castle...

"I was robbed of my foundation by that Wang Lin?" Teng Li looked at the picture on the Dao Jinbang in disbelief, seeing himself dying tragically and being robbed of his foundation. ....

At that time, I was already at the Foundation Establishment late stage, right?

To be counter-killed by Wang Lin, a Qi Condensation period guy?

The point is, this Wang Lin also took away his Spiritual Roots, took away his foundation, took away everything from him, and then became a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period?

"Damn, damn, damn! Where is Wang Lin, I want to kill him!" Li instantly became popular.

As a genius, he was actually killed by a trash?

Why was the foundation taken away?

Who can bear this?

"Wang Lin..."

Just at this moment, behind him, a sinister voice suddenly came.

Teng Li turned his head to look.....

Mmm, Fujikamoto!

His great-grandfather!

"Grandpa, you have to decide for your grandson!" Teng Li shouted immediately.

Fuji Huayuan's eyes were gloomy and cold, looking at the golden list of the Great Dao, his eyes were full of violent killing intent.

"Hengyue faction? Good, good! Wang Lin, you wait..." Teng Huayuan said coldly.

Although in the Dao Jinbang, the future self seems to have beheaded Wang Lin to avenge his grandson, but...

In the case of Wang Lin's son of fortune, how could he die?

So, why not take advantage of the present and kill Wang Lin?

Although he doesn't know how Wang Lin is now, his strength will definitely not exceed the Foundation Establishment period.

Even if it surpasses the Foundation Establishment period, it is useless in front of him, the Nascent Soul old monster, and it can be destroyed however you want!

Since I can kill you in the future, I can also kill you now!

As for saying, that's just something that will happen in the future, it hasn't happened yet...

Heh, he has so many rattans?

Does he need a reason to kill someone?

Besides, Wang Lin has a treasure in his hand, this alone is enough for him to start killing people to seize the treasure.

Why is the son of fortune able to kill people and seize treasures, but he can't?

Killing people to win treasures is the iron rule of Cultivation World.

However, just as he was preparing to act, he suddenly looked at the Dao Jinbang again, narrowing his eyes slightly...

That Wang Lin is the son of fortune after all.

Definitely not that easy to kill.

Let's see what Wang Lin's future holds.

If Wang Lin has Power to help, then Power must also be paying attention to Wang Lin.

No way, as soon as he leaves, he will be noticed by that Power, and at that time, he will regret it if he dies without a place to bury him!

If not, then he can go and kill them.

If so, he might as well just stay there...

The so-called enemies should be resolved rather than knotted.


Mainly because Wang Lin is the son of fortune.

At this time, Hengyue faction was inside.

"I actually..."

Wang Lin stared blankly at everything that happened in the Dao Jinbang, seeing himself being killed by that Fuji Huayuan, seeing that Fujihuayuan wiped out his entire clan, his eyes instantly turned red!

Although that was just a picture, something that happened in the future, but he was still angry!

The anger in my heart is hard to calm, I wish I could kill Hua Yuan immediately.

However, he knew very well that he couldn't beat Nascent Soul's Teng Huayuan at all.


When he thinks of own father, own mother, own family, his heart feels cramped!

Don't talk about him.

Even Wang Zhuo, Wang Hao, seeing the scene where Teng Huayuan exterminated the whole Wang family, his eyes froze instantly!

For a moment, there was a trace of resentment towards Wang Lin in their hearts...

But the resentment comes quickly, and goes quickly...

They immediately smiled wryly.

Can Wang Lin be blamed for this?

That Tengli had the idea of ​​killing and seizing the treasure, and wanted to kill Wang Lin, what could Tian Lin do? Could it be possible to stand there and kill Wang Lin?

Obviously this is impossible.

Therefore, Wang Lin destroyed the rattan calendar!

However, after destroying Fujili, Fujihuayuan came out...

This is the so-called saying that if you hit the young ones, you will come to the old ones.

As long as you are still in Cultivation World, you will never be able to avoid these...

It can only be said that Fuji Huayuan is too vicious, too vicious!

The whole family, everyone will be killed if no one is left...

What a cruel heart!


At this moment, Wang Zhuo and Wang Hao subconsciously clenched their fists.

As for Wang Lin, his eyes were also cold, looking at the picture on the Great Dao Gold List...

Killed his whole family!

And killed him!

Even though that happened in the future, he still couldn't calm down!

"Teng Huayuan, follow the family!" Wang Lin gritted his teeth.

One day, he will definitely be wiped out!



Only hate!

Only killing!

But at this moment, Wang Lin looked at the Great Dao Gold List again...

Now, he desperately wants to know what will happen to him afterwards...

Did he really die like this?

He felt that things were not that simple after all, and he would definitely be saved...

As for what the specific remedy is, it is not very clear!

At this time, get, among the golden list of the Great Dao...

Along with Wang Lin's death, someone finally appeared, rescued Wang Lin, and stored Wang Lin's Divine Sense in the stone bead.

And this person is Situ Nan!

And Situ Nan is the one who was once in the Tiannizhu

Situ Nan was not only Wang Lin's enlightenment teacher, but also rescued Wang Lin several times.

Including this time, it was the same, Situ Nan was the one who rescued Wang Lin.

Immediately, it can be seen that the screen turns...

Here, it is an extraterritorial battlefield!

Wang Lin, the only remaining Divine Sense, evolved into Soul Swallowing with the help of the Heavenly Reverse Orb, and took Ma Liang's body, and returned to the Fire Fen Kingdom with the three God of War palaces!

Later, he used the sky defying pearl to devour the fire spirit beast king, causing the fire spirit beast group to attack the human world.

Caused great changes in the burning country.

Numerous Nascent Soul stage cultivators in the burning country did not hesitate to stop the loss of the Cultivation Base, and opened the national lock-up formation to cover the people from fleeing to Xuanwu country for refuge.

However, Wang Lin exchanged for the map of Huo Fen Kingdom by killing 150 cultivators from Xuanwu Kingdom.

And, in the process of fleeing, Wang Lin met a man...

A person who will never be forgotten in this life!

At this time, it can be seen that the picture rotates.

And in that picture, there is a man and a woman...

The man, of course, is Wang Lin.

And that woman is the girl rescued by Wang Lin, Li Muwan!

Over the years, scene after scene, face to face...

That was the process of Wang Lin and Li Muwan getting acquainted...

Back then, she was hunted down by a cultivator of the Golden Core stage in Xuanwu Kingdom, and then she was rescued by Wang Lin.

The two fled all the way, and finally attracted the fire beast, rushed out of the fire beast's encirclement, entered the sea of ​​repairing demons, and built a stone mansion!

Li Muwan is pill refining every day, while Wang Lin is practicing with all his heart...  

Until three years ago, she went out to get a pill furnace for her, and when she came back, she was chased by a cultivator in the Golden Core stage. Wang Lin, a Golden Core cultivator, led her to kill all the way, opening a road to a sea of ​​blood.

Especially during Wang Lin's Golden Core, how could Li Muwan, a weak woman, have a chance of surviving in the face of those ten Golden Core Devil Cultivators?

But just when she was about to cut off her heart, Wang Lin suddenly appeared!

But the other party ran away in shock!

"Don't move, I'll take you to kill someone."

This sentence has been echoing in Li Muwan's ears, thinking of this sentence.

Whether it's Li Muwan or countless people from the heavens and myriad realms, when they heard this sentence, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment!

However, looking at the picture, following Wang Lin's beheading all the way, these words are like Yu Jin, not only falling into the hearts of everyone in the heavens and myriad worlds, but also falling into Li Muwan's heart.

"Don't move, I'll take you to kill..."

Others take their girls to see the wind, flowers, snow, moon, morning glow and sunset, but Wang Lin takes his girls to kill people......

This is Wang Lin!

Kill 670 Wang Lin who pierced through the Demon Sea all the way!

Terrible, simply terrible!

At this time, countless people from all over the world are amazed

"Hey, it's changed, it's finally changed!"

"It's different, it's completely different. Hey, this Wang Lin's behavior style is a bit different from Han Li's!"

"Actually, it's different. Han Li gives me the feeling that strategy is at the forefront, while Wang Lin gives me the feeling of passion!"

"Don't move, I'll take you to kill people! Tsk tsk, how dare this Wang Lin say such things?"

"What a Li Muwan, what a Wang Lin! I'm envious, really envious!"

"Is this the love story of son of fortune? I'm really envious!"

"Don't move, I'll take you to kill people... Tsk tsk, I feel that these words may spread throughout the heavens and all worlds like the thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi!"

"This Wang Lin really knows how to tease girls, I'll try it too!"

"Try and die!"

"Tsk, she's not flirting with girls! She's being hunted down, she's desperate, and she's fighting back in a desperate situation. In that situation, it's the most touching thing to say. If you run to A certain girl said, don't move, I'll take you to kill, I'm afraid you will be regarded as a fool by others!"

"Hahaha, I'm back, I succeeded! The girl agreed to follow me!"

"Fuck, are you a Devil Cultivator?"

"Are you a vampire?"

At this moment, countless people from all over the world looked at everything in the picture, and suddenly felt that Wang Lin's story didn't seem so unbearable?

However, at this moment, it can be seen that the picture changed...

After all, Li Muwan couldn't accompany Wang Lin to complete the journey.

Because, she failed to conceive a baby several times, and in the end, she died.

There was no other way, Wang Lin could only bring Li Muwan's remnant soul with him, and kept looking for a way to revive Li Muwan.

And in the same way, with Wang Lin Xiuwei's continuous improvement, from Golden Core to Nascent Soul, from Nascent Soul to Divine Transformation.....

He finally knew the truth of the world!

The star field they are in "Actually, Song is blocked by a large formation!

The cultivator outside the realm has always been trying to attack the big formation and encroach on the realm.

Wang Lin's Seven Colored Realm obtained part of the inheritance of Zhan Xingye's skeleton, and saw the situation of the battle inside and outside the realm that year.

"Old man Zhan Xingye, knowing the future of the master, wants to make the old man submit, but Zhan, as a Luo Tian cultivator, would rather disappear than collude with people outside the world. Those who win my orthodoxy, feel the fighting spirit, and achieve something in the future , killing people outside the world to sacrifice to the spirit of the old man..."

That was a monstrous fighting spirit.

That was a painting that lingered in Wang Lin's mind!

That's when Wang Lin saw pictures of the battle between Xingye and heaven and earth.

Zhan Xingye used the word Zhan to its fullest.

Even the heavens and the worlds, at this moment, can feel the terrifying, torrential and terrifying fighting intent.

Zhan Xingye does not succumb to the outside world, and does not retreat in the face of the master!

A roar resounded throughout Rong!

"Born as a hero, died as a ghost, my cultivator, why not fight!".

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