After that figure appeared.

The originally silent worlds came alive.

Naruto lived up to expectations and appeared in front of everyone.

He looks much more mature and stable.

The eyes are also getting more and more determined.

It can unconsciously bring people a sense of security.

You know it at a glance.

He must have been through a lot after the fight with Payne.

But what people care about the most.

Or a plug-in on him.

What a development has become.


Some people hastily discussed :

“Look at the Nine Tails behind him.”

“How does it look that it’s not so scary anymore?”

“yes, I found out too.”

“It’s weird.”

“Could it be that they have already…”

Especially when I saw Naruto and the Nine Tails together, with hippie smiling faces.

Konoha couldn’t hold back directly.

One by one, their mouths are demented.

Is this still the terrifying fox demon who had red eyes and destroyed half of Konoha?

You can’t see the slightest bit of angry feelings!

No more glaring, no more angry.

Instead, behind the door, he was chatting with Naruto!



Iruka rubbed his eyes repeatedly.

I want to know if I’m dreaming.

“Ka, Kakashi, pinch me.”

Iruka was in pain and suddenly came to his senses.

This is not a dream.

“Naruto, this kid, really succeeded?”

Did he really defuse the hatred of the Nine Tails? Became friends with him?

All doubts will be answered.

At this time.

Naruto actually took the initiative to stretch out his fist.

Collide with the fist of the Nine Lamas.

“From now on.”

“You’re no longer that fox demon just for revenge.”

“It’s Konoha’s, my partner, the Nine Lamas!”

Confirmed looks.

Naruto immediately unlocked the gate that held the Nine Lamas.

See this scenario.

Tuan Zang stood up directly and roared:

“Are you crazy!”

“Aren’t you afraid that the fox demon will run out and invade your body and destroy Konoha!”

“It’s over, it’s all over, Konoha will be destroyed in your hands!”


No matter how much Tuan Zang called.

Naruto in the video did not stop the movement in his hand.

Finally, the door opened.

But the fox demon did not take revenge on Naruto.

“We’re on, Nine Lamas!”



Flashes of light!

A large number of golden chakras gushed out like a monstrous wave.

With the blessing of all the Chakra of the Nine Tails, Naruto actually gave birth to a set of golden coats directly!

The strongest plug-in, arrived!


Most people were shocked.

Knotweed: “What a terrifying energy fluctuation this is!” ”

Knotweed: “I can actually feel it faintly!” ”

Lyueon: “Damn, if only I had the Nine Tails to help me…”

Nara Shikamaru: “I didn’t expect that after completely fusing with the Nine Tails, the resulting Chakra would be so powerful!” ”

Shigeo Kageyama: “Good, so good! ”

Kazuma: “Only I think it’s too cool!” ”

Bone King: “Until now, it’s finally a little colorful.” ”

Levi: “Is the real plugin coming?” ”


Right at this moment.

The screen suddenly switches to another battlefield.

Kakashi, the figure of Matkai appeared on the large screen.

And their opponents.

There are actually five tailed beasts!

Two-tailed, three-tailed, five-tailed, six-tailed…

And all of them are tailed beasts themselves, with distinct shapes!

Each one looks like it has an aura of immense power!

This sudden enemy.

I almost didn’t freak out most of the world.

The guy as terrifying as the Nine Tails is strong enough.

And now five more?

Are they all plug-in beings like Naruto?

What is the world really like?



Konoha Village.

Kakashi himself was stunned on the spot.

Even young people like Metkay were stunned.

What is this contingency?

He and Kai have to face five tailed beasts?

Just kidding, right?

Kakashi broke out in a cold sweat, chilling from the bottom of his heart.

What exactly happened on the scene?


The five tailed beasts opened their mouths in unison.

Wanjun energy comes together.

This is the strongest move to move mountains and reclaim the sea with one shot.

Tailed beast jade!

If you are hit by an attack.

Kakashi and Matkai will most likely not even have ashes left.


The storm shifts, and the sense of oppression is stretched to the limit.

Kakashi wanted to use Kamui to transfer all of the tailed beast jade.

Matkai wants to directly open the eight-door Dun Jia to flatten, and he will die in time.

But the tailed beasts didn’t give Kakashi the slightest chance.

Rows of tailed beast jade shells fired!

Most people even cover their eyes and dare not face it.


Even if the immortals come.

Those two ninjas definitely can’t run away.

However, the unexpected happened!

A strange golden light “Oh” struck!

Directly shot away those five powerful tailed beast jade!

See here.

Haruno Sakura and Sasuke widened their eyes.

They subconsciously thought:

Kakashi-sensei is saved!

Who the hell is it? Who has such power?

One blow scattered five tailed beast jade!

This unexpected unfolding is so familiar.


The golden light turned into a figure.

After they see it clearly.

Everyone fell straight into madness! Screamed:

“It’s actually him!”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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