Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 104: Immortal Xiaoqiang Uchiha Obito: Lin, I Will Definitely Come Back To You Again!

The video of Obito saving Kakashi and then being buried in the cave earned a lot of tears, and this should have been the best ending for Obito.

Although Obito still has many regrets that have not been realized.

Failed to play a more exciting cooperation with Kakashi, and shined in the third Ninja World War.

He failed to confess his love to Lin generously, telling him that he has always liked her.

Failed to become Hokage, became the savior to save the ninja world.


This is the end of Obito's life, and the audience will show the greatest pity and respect to this poor crane.


Why would Obito do a series of things in the later stage and create various tragedies, making people hate him to the bone.

Is there a possibility,

The current Obito is not the real Obito, but someone has occupied his personality?

after all

After being injured to such a degree that the boulder crushed the body, it is impossible to live at all!

In the best good faith guess of Obito,

The audience began to nervously wait for the day when the truth will be revealed.


[In the dark cave, Obito was wrapped in layers of bandages like a mummy, lying on the bed and slowly opening his eyes.

"Am I dead?"


Obito found a gray-haired old man in front of him, staring at him.

"here it is?"

Uchiha Madara calmly explained: "The gap between the underworld and the world."

Obito noticed that the old man in front of him also had a Sharingan, and couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, are you also from Uchiha?"

"you guess!"

Obito wondered if this old man saved himself?


Now he first wants to know where he is, and who is this old man!

"It's too dark here, so I can't see where it is! Also, grandpa, aren't you a Shinigami?"

I haven't finished talking yet,

When he saw the old man holding a shiny sickle in his hand, he was so frightened that his soul almost flew out, and he cried loudly: "No! I don't want to die yet, help me!!"

"You are definitely the Shinigami who is in charge of our Uchiha family!"


In order to persuade the old man not to take him away, Obito began to speak out about the good people and good deeds he had done.

"I have been helping the elderly in difficulty as my life principle since I was a child. Although I have done some bad things and violated many regulations, it still doesn't make up for all the good things I do!"

"Please don't take me to hell!"


Obito felt severe pain coming from his body.

Uchiha reminded: "Feeling pain means you are still alive, but it is a miracle that you survived! You were not stoned to death, and your body seemed to penetrate the stone! However, your body was almost completely smashed, Let me bandage it up for you!"

Obito grateful Kaidō:

"Grandpa, did you save me? Thank you!"

Uchiha Madara sneered: "It's too early to thank you, I will let you repay this kindness! Didn't you say that helping the elderly in difficulty is your life principle?"

Obito replied: "Yes, what should I do then? Be a servant to take care of you?"


"I'm sorry, I can't stay here forever, I have to go back to Konoha! The third Ninja World War is still breaking out, I finally opened Sharingan, I can finally protect Kakashi and Lin better gone."

"With your current body, you can't continue to be a ninja!"

hear the words


Obito panicked, and quickly said: "This is not good, I finally got the Sharingan. I believe that I will be able to play a more beautiful match with Kakashi now! Now I will not let Kakashi hurt my eyes to protect me!"


But Madara broke through the cold water and said: "Look at the reality, there are unsatisfactory things everywhere in this world. What permeates the reality is only depression, pain and loneliness!"

For this,

Obito was speechless, and didn't want to listen to his nagging at all.

"Listen, everything is the same in this world. Where there is light, there must be darkness. As long as there are winners, there must be losers. Protecting peace leads to war. Protecting love breeds hatred. This is a causal relationship. Inseparable!"

"You should cut off the cause and effect of this world together with me, and create a world where there are only victors, only peace, and only love!"

Obito suddenly became frowning, and quickly changed the topic, saying: "I don't want to hear your nonsense, I can't stay here for too long!"

"You can leave anytime you want, as long as you can move!"


Obito directly struggled (bceh) to get out of bed, and said firmly: "I want to go back!"


Madara reminded: "You can die if you want, but I will also take your Sharingan later!"

Obito asked: "Why do you want my eyes, don't you have a Sharingan?"

Madara opened her right eye, which was covered by her hair, and it was empty.

"No, I gave the original eye to someone else. It's just a superfluous eye transplanted later. It's not a bad thing to have more stocks!"

"Sharingan can only exert its true power if it has both left and right sides!"

hear this,

Obito is determined to go back again: "That is to say, can Kakashi and I be together to exert the greatest power of Sharingan? This time we can protect Lin better! Then I can't stay any longer!"

I saw Obito crawling forward with his chin on the ground, thinking to himself:

"Wait for me, Kakashi, Rin!"

"I'm alive!"】

After watching Obito was rescued by Uchiha Madara, the audience was dumbfounded.


Obito is still alive after being injured like that, what a strong Immune to Death.


Everyone also understands that Obito may have awakened Sharingan's pupil technique unintentionally, allowing his body to penetrate objects, so he can survive after a stone hits his body.


Was being saved by Madara a blessing or a misfortune for Obito?

after all,

Uchiha Madara is not in the business of losing money, he definitely wants to use Obito to achieve his goals.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Chōji: Brother Tuzi is a funny comparison!】

【Ino: Brother Tuzi is too cute, the way he begged for mercy from the Shinigami Madara is too cute!】

【Shikamaru: Is this the cheating grandfather that the protagonist in the novel accidentally found in a cave after falling off a cliff? It’s a pity that this old man, Uchiha Madara, is not a good person!】

【Inuzuka Kiba: Who would have imagined that Uchiha Madara in the Megatron Ninja World would actually rely on the old to sell the old, and wanted to bring something to serve him!】

【Shina: Help the old man destroy the world?】

【Kankuro: This guy, Madara, actually started brainwashing Obito, what a villain!】

【Killer Bee: It seems that Nagato's Rinnegan is really Uchiha Madara!】

【Darui: It is certain that Uchiha Madara is behind Obito's deterioration!】

【Xi: Spread the word, there are bad people in the cave!】

【Temari: Obito is really touching, even though his body is disabled like this, he still wants to join Kakashi Lin and protect his companions!】

[Changjuro: Come on, go back to Kakashi and Lin as soon as possible, don't really be brainwashed by Madara. 】

【Two group of barrage group】

【Senju Hashirama: Madara, I didn't expect you to have survived for so many years, and also used my cells to grow a dummy, using the phantom to continuously provide you with Chakra. 】

【Uchiha Madara: Hmph, the battle in the Valley of the End did not end with your victory in the eyes of the world!】

【Senju Hashirama: Impossible, I personally noticed that your breath is gone, could it be that...】

【Uchiha Fugaku: I'm afraid Izanagi was used in advance!】

【Senju Tobirama: Damn it, it turned out that I was also put on a fire, and I knew I would set him on fire!】

【Senju Hashirama: Tobirama! Are you doing some research behind my back again?】

【Senju Tobirama: Brother, there is no way, his body is too fragrant, and it is full of secrets!】

The audience was both surprised and delighted that Obito didn't die.

As long as you live with someone like Madara,

With Obito's naive character, he will be brainwashed sooner or later.

after all

Madara is very good at handling people's hearts.

At this time,

The follow-up video of Obito continued to be exposed on the screen.

【In the cave, Obito knows that he can't escape from this place, and he can only recover his body as soon as possible.


He obediently exercised with the two artificial humans of Whirlpool and Spike.

Although he knew that these two androids were just sent by Uchiha Madara to monitor him, so what?

As long as you regain your strength,

Naturally, he can leave here and join Kakashi and Lin.

"I must get out of this place!"

"But before that again I have to get this body moving again!"


Relying on the memory of Kakashi, Lin and Class 7, Obito insisted on leaning against the wall to exercise his physical strength and adapt to his half artificial body.

Even though sweating profusely,

Even if you fall to the ground,

He still didn't give up and kept going.


Obito has been able to control his half of the artificial body to walk normally, even though the whole body is covered with sweat.

I don't know how long it has passed,

Obito has been able to flexibly use the artificial body, and the balance force is almost the same as the original body.

And at this moment,

He has changed from short hair to long hair, and has obviously been in this cave for several months.

He clenched his fist vigorously and said:


"Soon... see you all soon! Lin, Kakashi.

But before he could relax for a moment,

White Zetsu suddenly got out from the wall, and said anxiously: "I just went outside to find out the news, the situation of Lin and the idiot Kakashi you mentioned is not good!"

Obito immediately panicked and asked quickly:

"What happened?"

White Zetsu added emphatically, "The two of them are surrounded by Kirigakure's ninjas!"

this moment,

Obito jumped out of bed in a hurry, and punched the boulder at the entrance of the cave.


A small piece of the thick boulder was not shattered, but Obito's artificial right arm was directly broken.

Helix White Zetsu came to him and reminded: "You can't break the stone gate with your current body!"

Regardless of the pain of the broken arm, Obito gritted his teeth and said, "I have to save Lin and Kakashi!

Seeing him so determined,

Helix White Zetsu suggested: "Or you put on my body!"



Spiral White Zetsu and Obito become one, as if wearing clothes.

as expected,

Under the power of the spiral White Zetsu, Obito used the power of the golem to directly blast the broken stone door, preparing to leave.

Madara opened her eyes and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"I'm grateful you saved me, but I have to go!"

Madara: "You

Thanks now I'm in such a hurry!"

"I don't think I'll be coming back. Goodbye!"

Madara sneered: "You...will definitely come back, then I am accepting your real thanks!"

Obito didn't want to argue with him, so he put on a black robe and ran towards Kakashi and Lin under the guidance of Spiral Rijue. 】

Seeing Obito's silent effort to get back to Kakashi and Rin's side,

The audience was also heartbroken.

A normal person who was originally a good person has become a disabled person today.

want to come,

This kind of thing is a heavy blow to any ninja, right? (PS: Qing said that I understand the pain of becoming disabled)


Obito is not discouraged, as long as he thinks that he can return to Lin and Kakashi after recovery, he will have endless strength in his heart.

This spirit of continuous hard work for our partners,

Really admirable!

This made many viewers fantasize about:

Brother Tuzi,

How nice would it be if you were always this kind?

[A group of barrage groups]

【Onoki: This incident is too strange. Obito just recovered, and Lin and Kakashi were attacked!】

【 Fourth Raikage: I think it's Madara's attitude even more. He seems to be letting Obito leave the cave, and he is even sure that Obito will come back! As if he knows Obito's future,

But he has no ability to predict the future!]

【 Terumi Mei: Either Uchiha Madara has already seen through human nature, or Uchiha Madara planned all this!】

【Luo Sha: I always feel that there is a huge conspiracy covering Obito!】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: I'm afraid, this is all Madara's plan!】


When Obito looked back at this past, he also found many things that were wrong.

for example,

Madara is indulging White Zetsu to help him escape from the cave,

Madara was too sure that she would go back to the cave again,

The timing of Kakashi and Lin's accident is too coincidental. Although Madara can't act, she can arrange White Zetsu to help him and create an alibi.

In general,

Madara seemed to be determined by herself, and successfully made herself believe in his theory and do things for him.


Obito has no definite evidence yet, so he can only temporarily attribute all this to coincidence.

at the same time,

In fact, he also despaired of this ninja world. He traveled all over the ninja world and saw too many tragedies, which made him a little disappointed in this ninja world.

He also felt that the system of ninjas needs to be broken. It is better to use Madara to create a perfect ninja world.

As for whether he was used by Uchiha Madara,

Not sure yet!

just in case,

Is he using Madara?.

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