Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter Thirty-Three: Mage Gaara Vs Melee Kimimaro!

After seeing Kimimaro use the power of the seal to turn the tide of battle,

Jiraiya narrowed her eyes.

no doubt,

The way to suddenly increase one's strength is very similar to Xianshu.


This kind of power doesn't seem to be real fairy art, but a castrated version of fairy art.

Although it can improve various abilities of oneself,

But it has very serious sequelae, which will make people swallowed by the power of the curse seal, turning them into monsters who only know how to vent their power.

"Orochimaru, how many outrageous things have you done?"

At this time,

The follow-up video of Kimimaro continued to be exposed on the screen.

[In the screen,

Kimimaro looked at the boy carrying the gourd in front of him, and said, "Gaara, so it's you!"

Immediately afterwards,

Kimimaro shot ten bones from his own finger and shouted, "Ten finger piercer!"

With this level of attack,

Gaara didn't even move, the surrounding sand automatically formed a sand wall to block the front.


Gaara uses sand to continuously attack Kimimaro from a distance.

on the contrary,

Kimimaro also used Ten Finger Piercer to shoot Gaara from a corner while dodging.


Gaara's defense was exceptionally solid, blocking all of Kimimaro's attacks.

"Gravel rain!"


Gaara buried Kimimaro with sand.

"Sandstorm funeral!!"


Madara point Bloodline appeared outside the dunes, apparently from Kimimaro's injury.

"When I see this guy, I think of Uchiha Sasuke, they have the same eyes."

"The kind of eyes that want to confirm the value of your existence!"

at this time,

Kimimaro, covered in black stripes all over his body, emerged from the sand dunes. He couldn't help but praise: "It's such a strong pressure. If it didn't create a layer of bone membrane under the skin, it might be crushed in an instant."

This scene made Xiao Li look stupid.

He could clearly feel the power of Gaara's move, it was a ninjutsu capable of crushing bones.

Gaara: "This guy is a monster!"

Kimimaro: "I underestimated you, but I will never be trapped in sand again!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Gaara directly manipulated ninjutsu, and the surrounding grass directly set off tens of meters of wild sand, rushing towards Kimimaro like a huge wave.

"Quicksand waterfall!"

Facing such a large-scale ninjutsu,

No matter how flexible Kimimaro is and how strong his body is, he is still buried by quicksand.


Gaara shouted again: "Sandfall Burial!"


Kimimaro was hit hard again by the pressure of the sand.

despite this,

He still wasn't killed.

I saw that his body had undergone the second-stage change of the curse seal again, the skin of his whole body turned black, and a tail grew out behind him, just like a dinosaur.

Gaara frowned secretly, complaining:

"What a tough guy!"

"Sand bound coffin!"

I saw Kimimaro resisting the attack of the sand-bound coffin, crawling out of the sand abruptly, and rushing towards Gaara as if flying.

Upon seeing this,

Gaara immediately manipulated the sand to attack Kimimaro, but he didn't expect that the opponent dodged all of them, and rushed directly in front of Gaara with a headbutt and sent him flying.


Kimimaro pulled out his spine and shouted, "Dance of the Iron Flower, Vine!"

The spinal whip spun a few times and bound Gaara violently,

Then an electric drill-shaped bone knife hardened to the strongest degree condensed on Kimimaro's right hand.

"This time, even your sand defense will be penetrated by you!"

At this time,

Gaara also used his strongest defense:

The Shield of the Crane.

A duel between the strongest defense and the strongest attack is about to begin. 】

Seeing the battle between Gaara and Kimimaro, many ninjas were directly shocked.

they couldn't believe it,

Is this really a battle fought by ninjas under the age of fifteen?

Even Jōnin may not be as good as their fights!

[A group of barrage groups]

【Kankuro: It's hard to imagine that Gaara would actually protect others! He seemed to have grown human. 】

[ Temari: Seriously, I thought he just wanted to kill Kimimaro and Locke Lee! 】

[Xiao Li: Gaara is too strong, even if I use the strongest tricks, I'm afraid I can't match him! 】

[Tian Tian: What surprised me the most was Kimimaro. Most people couldn’t bear the force of being squeezed by hundreds of thousands of tons of sand, but he managed to hold on! 】

【Neji: Both of these are monsters! 】

[Du: Interesting, Kimimaro’s strongest bone spear and Gaara’s strongest sand defense, who is the final winner! 】

【Two group of barrage group】

[Third Raikage: I really convinced these juniors, and I always call my ninjutsu the strongest! I haven't spoken yet. 】

[Uchiha Madara: Hehe, I have heard that your Ichikanshou and Lightning Style armor are known as the strongest defense and strongest attack in the ninja world. But let me tell you, in front of Hashirama's Wood Style, your strongest is also a joke! 】

【Senju Hashirama: Madara, you flatter me again...】

【Uchiha Madara: I'm just telling the truth! In this ninja world, you are the only one who can make me the strongest! Whether it's your ninjutsu or your medical ninjutsu, none of these kids can compare! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Keep a low profile, there are so many strong ninjas, save some face for others! 】

【Uchiha Madara: Are they worthy? 】

【Namikaze Minato:...】

【Senju Tobirama:...】

【Ghost Lantern Magic Moon:...】


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PS: Please beg for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you! ! !

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