Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter Thirty-Five: Indifferent Orochimaru!

After admiring Kimimaro's swan song on his deathbed,

Ninja audiences can't help but think that if Kimimaro is healthy, he will be a Kage-level ninja in the future!


even now,

His excellent expressiveness is also far beyond most Jōnin.


What people care about the most is not his strength and outstanding talent.

It's his fanatical adoration of Orochimaru, believing that Orochimaru is the only one who can understand himself.

But more so,

The more everyone can feel the emptiness and loneliness in his heart.


A person with a truly strong heart will only be self-centered, and will not be paranoid to be others-centered.

To be sure,

Kimimaro's future ending must be death, even if he doesn't fight Gaara, he will leave for physical reasons.


A person like him who regards Orochimaru as a god,

Can Orochimaru respond?

At this time,

A follow-up video appears on the screen.

【In the base】

【In the dim room, Orochimaru asked the bag beside him: "How long can Kimimaro last?"

Looking at the half candle in front of him, Kaidō said, "At the moment, I think there should be no problem. Although I have tried my best to treat him, there is too little information about his body."

"If there are medical records or treatment data of their family, maybe it will be different!"

Orochimaru said in a flat tone: "That kid has powers that even the fighters are afraid of. That's why he has been kept in prison. It's a pity to let him die."

"After all, no one doesn't want such a rare blood succession boundary."

"His strong and hard bones have the defense against all physical attacks. Once he starts to attack, the bones will turn into the strongest spear!"

It didn't take long for the candle to bottom out.

Orochimaru couldn't help but said, "It's so annoying!"

Dou: "When you wait for what you want, it feels like a long time."

Orochimaru said coldly: "Dou, don't talk to me like that to coax a child!"

Kaidō full of confidence: "I'm sorry, but Orochimaru should know best, no matter how hindered, no one can beat Kimimaro!"

I don't know how long it took, but the candle went out.

Dou said in shock: "Could it be, Kimimaro him?"

Orochimaru's indifferent Kaidō: "It doesn't matter what Kimimaro is now."

With only longing for Sasuke in his eyes, he said firmly:

"I've been waiting for Sasuke for a long time, even if there is only one person left, he will come!"]

After watching this video,

Ninja audiences really feel worthless for Kimimaro.

Why bother?

Dedicate yourself to a person who doesn't care about you at all, waste your life in vain, and become a tool.

It can be said,

Kimimaro is much worse than Bai!

At least,

The audience will bless Bai He again, because they have no regrets when they die, and they all die with each other in their hearts.


Kimimaro just died of his terminal illness, no one will remember him.

Although Xiao Li and Gaara may have a memory of him, it is just remembered by his strength.

There is no one who can really recall Kimimaro and bless him.

As time goes by,

Kimimaro will be forgotten in everyone's memory.


Kimimaro's death was a relief for him,

But it still can't make people believe that he will be free after death,

Because he died with sadness, helplessness, and unfulfilled wishes.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: Orochimaru is still as cold and ruthless as ever! 】

[Jiraiya: If there is a right person to guide Kimimaro, maybe he can live a little happier! 】

【Tsunade: Orochimaru, if you still have a conscience, stop deceiving this child and let him live his own life! Anyway, he didn't have many days left. 】

[Kimimaro: Master Orochimaru, don't you have a little bit of concern for me in your heart? 】

[Double: Kimimaro, don't be brainwashed by them! Master Orochimaru gave you ideals and goals, and once wanted to lead you to explore the truth of the world, have you forgotten? 】

[Jonggo: Kimimaro, no matter where you go, I will accompany you! Because, you are my shackles! 】

【 Terumi Mei: Kimimaro, keep your eyes bright! Orochimaru is just using you for his own ends! He is far worse than Zabu Zhan, he doesn't care about his companion's life or death at all. 】

[Qing: Go back to our Mist Shinobi, maybe we can find a way to save you! 】

【 Ino: This villain, Orochimaru, deceived Kimimaro, and wants to continue to deceive Sasuke, which is too much! 】

【Little Sakura: Sasuke, don't be fooled by him! As you can see, Kimimaro died in battle, Orochimaru just didn't care. 】

[ Naruto: That bastard Sasuke must not be so stupid as to take the initiative to go to Orochimaru to die! 】

【Kimimaro: I...what the hell should I do! 】

................................................... ...................................

PS: Please beg for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you! ! !

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