The audience didn't pay much attention to seeing Luo Sha travel to the future and communicate with Gaara without the first time.


This may be intentional for the screen.

after all,

Seeing Gaara's growth with my own eyes is more real than through video.

At this time,

Videos about Luo Sha and Gaara in the future continue to be exposed.

[In the screen,

Luo Sha stood in the distance and looked at the chaotic square team, thinking how to resolve the grievances if it was him?


no matter what he thinks,

There is no other good way I can think of except to use my majesty as a shadow to scold everyone.


He saw the wrestling ninjas in the phalanx were scattered by balls of sand, and it was Gaara standing on the high platform who shot.

"For the benefit of each village in each country, ninjas hurt each other and hated each other during the first to third long wars."

"This hatred thirsts for power, and that's why I was born!"

"I used to be hatred, power, and Jinchūriki! At the same time, I also hated this world and human beings, and tried to destroy everything, just like what Akatsuki is doing now."

After hearing this,

Luo Sha couldn't help introspecting, it was precisely because Sunagakure was in urgent need of power that Gaara was born.


Gaara is willing to expose her scars in front of so many people.

He has really grown up.


Gaara suddenly said loudly: "I used to hate the whole world, but a ninja from Konoha stopped me!"

love to the depths,

Gaara stretched out his hands and said: "The man cried for me as an enemy. He regarded me who hurt himself as a friend. He saved me. We were enemies once, but he was also a Jinchūriki. He was suffering from the same pain and understood each other. There is no grievance between the two."

"There are no enemies here and now! Because everyone bears the wounds left by the Akatsuki organization, Sunagakure, Iwagakure, Konoha Village, Kirigakure, Cloud Shinobi Village. None of these exist, some are just ninjas!"

As soon as this remark came out,

All the ninja coalition became excited, infected by Gaara's words.

Gaara continued to encourage: "If you still can't forgive Sand Shinobi even so, then cut off my head after the war is over!"

this moment,

Everyone's expressions changed, their expressions were extremely serious, and they no longer meant to underestimate Gaara.

Gaara clenched his fists and sincerely begged: "Now, the enemy is trying to take away the friend who saved me. Once the enemy gets him, the whole ninja world will be over."

"I want to protect my friends and protect the world, but I'm too young and shallow to do such a thing!"


Gaara lowered her head and begged, "So, please help me!"

all of a sudden,

All the ninjas raised their fists high and shouted loudly: "Serve yourself, Lord Gaara!"

Among the phalanx,

The ninjas who had caused conflicts are also apologizing to each other. They held hands and made peace with each other like friends before, and planned to join hands to smash the conspiracy of Xiao organization.

at last,

Gaara opened her arms and shouted loudly: "Anyone who agrees with me will follow me!"



that's all,

Gaara's swearing-in meeting has been successfully concluded, and she is ready to face the attack of the Akatsuki organization at any time.

far away,

Luo Sha saw that Gaara won everyone's approval through his impassioned and sympathetic acting skills, and made everyone abandon hatred and join forces to fight against the enemy.

he admits,

He, the father, has been surpassed by the son.

and he,

It's finally time to have a normal conversation with Gaara. 】

Seeing that I love Luo successfully resolved the conflict and united everyone's beliefs to fight the Xiao organization together, the ninja audience directly aroused a layer of goosebumps.

In a trance,

They felt that they had traveled to the future and personally experienced the powerful speech scene at that time.

Gaara uses his own experience to influence ninjas who are still in conflict,

Impressed everyone with his sincerity.

He didn't give advice from above, and he didn't order him arrogantly as a superior.

He just kept his head down,

As a junior, I begged everyone to help him.


He became the captain of the company not by relying on Fengying's identity, but by relying on his own true ability,


[A group of barrage groups]

[Onoki: The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome! ! ! 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: This child came out of the darkness and became the sunshine to shine on others, he simply inherited the will of fire in our village! ! ! The old man admires it very much! (PS: Out of the mud but not stained, clean and clear but not demonic, straight in the middle and straight in the outside, not vines or branches... Excuse me. 】

[ Fourth Raikage: This kid's speech is really too hot! In terms of uniting everyone and uniting, it is much better than a reckless man like me! Especially the sentence about cutting off his head after the battle, it directly set me on fire, too! 】

[Terumi Mei: On how to improve morale, this is a perfect answer, I suggest memorizing the full text! 】

[Kakashi: I knew it was right to push this job to Gaara, but I couldn't mobilize so many people's emotions. 】

【Asuma: Gaara is the number one speaker in the ninja world! (PS: Now they don't know that Naruto and Hashirama's mouth is stronger.)]

【Kankuro: I never expected that Gaara, who is not good at words, will become so eloquent in the future, and it makes sense! Is this still my taciturn brother? 】

【 Temari: The one who saved Gaara, could it be Jinchūriki from Konoha Village! 】

【Shikamaru: Naruto saved Gaara? 】

【Little Sakura: Is Naruto so powerful? 】

【Hinata: Mr. Naruto...】

[Black Soil: In front of 80,000 people, you have to express your love for Konoha's friend, Gaara! 】

[Chitu: Classic, a Konoha friend of mine! 】

Inside Sunagakure,

Gaara's wonderful speech in the future directly refreshed the three views of the villagers.

This made them understand that Gaara is not unchangeable, as long as everyone gives him more love, more trust, and more understanding.

Gaara will definitely be the one everyone can trust and follow!


Gaara stared blankly at the high-spirited self on the screen, pointing the country, and encouraging the words.

He couldn't believe why he wanted to protect other people!

Isn't the purpose of his existence to kill everyone?

all of these,

Is it all thanks to that Jinchūriki from Konoha Village?

There was an impulse in his heart,

Want to know what is the living environment of the "Konoha friend" who is also Jinchūriki, and what is his attitude towards life?

Do you hate everyone as much as he does?


Several villagers noticed Gaara, leaned over timidly, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, the few of us said some bad things to you before, and I won't do it next time!"

Gaara couldn't help frowning, and after a while, Kaidō whispered: "Oh."

After a while,

There are also many ninjas, and the children have the courage to confess to Gaara the wrong things they have done in the past, such as secretly scolding Gaara monsters, and hiding every time they see Gaara.

Apologies for these,

Gaara became irritable in his heart, which was completely opposite to his current philosophy of life.


He also noticed that his heart had loosened a bit, and his eyes had become gentler, instead of casting sharp eyes on those close to him as before.

................................................... ................................................

PS: Please beg for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you! ! !

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