Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter Sixty-Two: Twelfth, The Death Of Hyuga Neji.

After learning that Temari might marry Nara Shikamaru of Konoha Village in the future, many young people in Sunagakure knelt down and cried bitterly.


They also have a lot of Sunagakure outstanding talent.


When they counted with their fingers, they found that there are really no truly outstanding talents.

Kankuro: "Temari, don't marry Konoha far away, my mother has just been resurrected, why don't you pay her the quilt?"

Temari: "Shut up you, I will definitely not go to Konoha."

Gaara: "I thought that Konoha also had a lot of people worth dating."

Jiasuluo even echoed with a smile: "We parents only want our children to be happy. Excessive interference will only make you lose your freedom.

Luo Sha also nodded in agreement,

"Indeed, when I heard that Temari would go to Konoha to live in the future, I was really upset. But I feel that there are still many high-quality young people in Konoha. Especially Uzumaki Naruto, he even saved Gaara, yes Benefactor of our family."

I heard my parents say that,

Temari blushed directly, and complained softly: "I'm ignoring you."

finished speaking,

Temari fled away.

At this time,

A new list of tragic characters appeared on the screen.

【Top20 Miserable Ninjas】

【No.12: Hyuga Neji】

[Reason for listing: When the bird in the cage flies, when Hyuga's genius falls. 】

Seeing that Neji is so high on the list, the ninja audience is very puzzled.

Neji's status as an orphan is indeed miserable,

But not enough to make him miserable beyond Gaara, right?

after a while,

After the audience interpreted Neji's reasons for being on the list, they realized that Neji's future seems to be an abnormal death!


The personal profile of Neji was exposed again on the screen.

【Name: Hyuga Neji】

【Aged: 18】

【Level: Jōnin】

【Title: Genius of the Hyuga Clan】

[Record: D-level 26, C-level 19, B-level 4, A-level 11, S-level 2]

[Cause of death: Stabbed by Ten Tails cutting Technique12 in the Fourth Ninja World War. 】

After reading Neji's profile, the audience felt instant sympathy for him.

As a genius of the Hyuga clan,

Hyuga Neji should have a bright future.


It is regrettable that he died at the age of eighteen forever.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Tian Tian: Neji is miserable enough now, why doesn't fate let him go!】

【Xiao Li: Impossible, Neji is a genius, how could he die so easily! And the goal is to surpass him!】

【Guy: Don't worry, I know what Neji is capable of!】

【Hyuga Hiashi: If Neji dies like this, how can I have the face to explain to Hizashi!】

【Hinata: Neji big brother finally had the determination to change his destiny, how could he leave so easily. 】

【Naruto: If a genius like him dies, then a crane tail like me won't survive a day in the Ninja World War. 】

【Neji: Some people's death is as light as a feather, and some people's death is as heavy as Mount Tai. I am not afraid of death, I only hope that death is worthwhile, like my father!]

At this time,

A video about Neji began to appear on the screen.

【Stage 1: lamenting the injustice of fate】


When Neji met Hinata for the first time, he didn't understand the boundary between the main family and the branch house, and there was no hatred for the main family.


He thinks Hinata is a cute little sister.

Until his father sacrificed himself in order to save the family and Konoha, Neji always felt that the clan forced his father to death.


Neji still hates the Zongjia, and has always hated his fate of writing the Guardian Zongjia.

To Konoha Chūnin Exam.

on the test bench,

Neji said coldly: "Before the battle, I want to give Miss Hinata a piece of advice. You abstain, you are not suitable to be a ninja."

Hinata stammered back: "No, I really want to change myself!"

"It is impossible for a person to make changes. The tail of a crane is the tail of a crane. His character and ability will not change. Just like I am a member of the branch house and you are a member of the clan house, they cannot be changed!"

"No, that's not right..."

Seeing that Hinata didn't listen to the advice, Neji directly rolled his eyes and fought with Hinata.


Neji's insight was far superior to Hinata's, and soon caused damage to Hinata's meridian system, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Is the clan's strength really only at this level?"

Hinata refused to admit defeat and launched a counterattack again.


Neji directly blocked Hinata's attack with a backhand, then sealed off Hinata's Chakra acupuncture point, and then sent Hinata flying with his palm.

"Miss Hinata, this is the gap that cannot be changed, and it is also the gap between the elite and the bottom of the crane.



Hinata insisted on getting up, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and said: "I will not go against what I said, because this is my way of tolerance.

See Hinata still not admitting defeat,

Neji had no choice but to continue to fight her, taking down Hinata after a few rounds.


Hinata stood up again with Naruto's encouragement.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hinata has reached the limit, and even if she stands up, there is no possibility of victory.

Neji frowned and asked, "Why stand up? If you try harder, you will really die.

"It's not over yet!"

Neji rolled his eyes again, and said in a deep voice: "I can see that you are reluctant just to stand, right? You have been carrying the fate of the Hyuga clan since birth, and you constantly blame yourself for being incompetent, but people cannot change , this is fate!"

"No, Neji big brother. Because I can also see that you have suffered more than me all the time. In the fate of the main family and branch house, you are the one who is confused and suffering." Hinata Kaidō.

As soon as this remark came out,

Neji rushed towards Hinata angrily, with a terrifying murderous look in his eyes.


Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai Yuhi [Moonlight Hayate's personal instant end subdued him.

"Neji, enough is enough!"]

After watching this video, the audience has a deeper understanding of Neji.

because of his father's death,

So he began to hate the Zong family, and believed that fate could not be changed.

so that,

When fighting with Hinata's sister, whom he once thought was cute, he also wanted to kill him because of anger.


This is also a way he wants to rebel against fate.

And in this battle,

He proves himself a genius of the Hyuga clan, not even the heir to the Wan family is his match.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Naruto: This guy Neji, if he still thinks that the tail of the crane is the tail of the crane, I will definitely beat him up!】

【Little Sakura: Hinata impressed me, she is really brave. 】

【 Ino: I think Neji is not as good as Hinata, because Hinata dares to defy fate. Even if you know you can't beat Neji, you still stand up and fight!】

【Tian Tian: No, actually Neji is the most confused and painful person! Although he thinks that fate cannot be changed, he still works hard to become stronger. 】

【Hinata: I will not be angry with Neji big brother, it is because of me that Neji big brother lost his father. I just want Neji big brother to cheer up and take his fate into his own hands. 】

【Neji: Don't worry, Miss Hinata. I have learned everything from Master Hiashi and the screen, I believe that fate can be changed, and I believe that you will become a qualified ninja!】

【Xiao Li: Neji, I still want to prove to you that the tail of the crane can surpass geniuses. 】

【Guy: Burn, youth!】

in pure land,

Hyuga Hizashi blamed himself when he saw Neji attack Hinata angrily.

because he knows,

So it became so twisted because of his death.


Now Neji has been developing in a good direction.

At this time,

Videos of Neji continue to surface.

【Stage 2: Understand that fate can be freely controlled】

[On the Konoha Arena,

Naruto clenched his fist and said, "I will definitely win!"

Neji said triumphantly: "I really want to see your panicked eyes when you face reality."


Game start.

Naruto was the first to throw a kunai to attract Neji's attention, and then punched directly from the front.


Neji knocked Naruto out with one move.


Naruto got up and launched another fierce attack, but all of them were blocked by Neji, and then he was knocked down with a palm.

"Understood, you have no chance of winning at all."

Naruto pretended to be calm and said: "The real competition has just begun!"

finished speaking,

Naruto immediately used multiple Shadow Clone Techniques, summoned four clones, and attacked Neji back and forth.


Neji easily scattered the clones in all directions, and said lightly: "Does your dream become Hokage? It's impossible. A person's talent is determined from birth!"

Naruto clenched his fists and demanded, "Why do you keep jumping to conclusions, you bastard.

Neji asked rhetorically: "Then do you think anyone can become a Hokage as long as they work hard? There are very few people who can become a Hokage, let's see the reality. People who can become a Hokage have such a destiny in the sky. It can be done."

"Everyone must live in an irresistible fate. There is only one fate that everyone is equal to, and that is death.

Hear Neji's words,

Naruto clenched his fists and shouted in disbelief: "So what? I won't give up easily!"


Naruto summoned dozens of Shadow Clone and fought with Neji again.

Facing Naruto's siege,

Blue Chakra burst out from Neji's whole body, and then the body turned rapidly.

"Revolving Heaven!"

for a moment,

Naruto was knocked to the ground again.


Neji took the opportunity to fight back and shouted: "Gentle Fist Law Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!"

bang bang bang!

Neji's fingers fell on Naruto's body like raindrops, directly sealing his Chakra veins, so that he couldn't continue to release Chakra.

"I have tapped sixty-four acupuncture points on you, and you can no longer stand up."

Naruto gritted his teeth and stood up, chuckling lightly: "I told you, I don't like to give up."

"I will not forgive you, a bastard who always treats people as the tail of a crane! A guy like you who always talks about fate and always evades reality, I will never lose to you."

Hearing this, Neji said angrily: "Guy who doesn't understand anything, don't teach me with a domineering appearance. How painful it is for a person to bear a fate that cannot be erased in his life from the very beginning.

How can someone like you understand?"

Naruto Kaidō: "I can understand, but so what? Don't think that you are the only one in the world

Besides, doesn’t Hinata want to change herself to be recognized by others?”

"It's the same with you, taking the opportunity to injure Hina 860 Tian during the competition, isn't it also a desperate rebellion against fate?"

Neji sneered: "In the final analysis, your current fate is still the same as Miss Hinata's. It's a failure."

"It's so annoying, don't always judge others like you see everything!"

Neji rolled his eyes again, and said, "Then please let me see if what you said is true."

"Okay, I'll definitely beat you to prove it!"

Naruto Kaidō without hesitation. 】

After watching this video, the audience was shocked by the operation of these two Genins.

Naruto a Genin,

Dozens of Shadow Clone can be summoned, are you sure this is the tail of the crane?

In contrast to Neji,

The members of the branch house use the Revolving Heaven secret technique that even the heirs of the Hyuga clan may not know,

This ability to learn without a teacher is simply terrifying.


What makes everyone more concerned is that Naruto and Neji represent different beliefs.

Neji insists that fate cannot be changed,

Naruto believes that my fate is my destiny.

To change Neji's opinion,

Naruto must defeat Neji and prove himself right.


How difficult it is to defeat a genius!

[A group of barrage groups]

【Hyuga Hiashi: It's unexpected that a branch house child can inherit Revolving Heaven so well. Hizashi, as expected, the Hyuga family should let you come...]

【Hyuga Hanabi: Wow! Brother Neji can actually play the Revolving Heaven secret technique, and he can also play Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, which is much better than me. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: As expected of a genius of the Hyuga clan. It's just that this idea needs to be changed! The position of Hokage should be taken by those who are capable, and it has never been doomed from the beginning. 】

【Asuma: Naruto does have the ability to change others, but the Chakra vein is sealed. How can he defeat Neji?】

【Kakashi: Faith!】

【 Might Guy: I think Naruto is right, if people don’t work hard, what’s the difference with salted fish?】

[Xiao Li: Nothing is impossible, Gaara can become Kazekage in the future, which proves that destiny can be changed. 】

【Tian Tian: Looking forward to the day when Neji changes from the bottom of his heart. 】

Konoha Village,

Neji looked at the screen expectantly,

Although he understood that his father was fighting against fate and died as a free man.

But it's still a little hard to recognize.


At that time his father had no choice but to change the cause of death.

And now,

He hopes that Naruto can defeat that paranoid self, so that he can further convince him that fate can be changed.

"Beat me, Naruto!"

"Prove to me what you say is my destiny.

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