Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 77: Hinata's Confession, Naruto's Runaway!

Regarding the fact that Naruto was speechless when asked by Tiandao Payne, the audience did not have a good argument to help him refute.


The situation that Tiandao Payne said is basically true, and it is something that everyone in the ninja world is experiencing.


This is also the helplessness of a small country.

because of weakness,

So on the passive side.

Therefore, Tiandao Payne's revenge seems a bit excessive in everyone's eyes.


From the standpoint of Tiandao Payne, even if his revenge is too bloody and violent, it is actually reasonable.

As he said to Tsunade earlier,


People always kill it.

At this time, new videos continue to be exposed on the screen.

[Heavenly Payne heard that Naruto didn't know what to do, so he began to explain his method.

"In order to stop this chain of hatred, I established the road.

"I need the power of Nine Tails, use all the power of tail beasts to make powerful tail beast weapons, which can destroy a country in an instant!"

Wen Yan,

Naruto was immediately taken aback by this powerful force.

"Tail Beast Weapon?"

Tiandao Payne continued to explain: "Let the world experience real pain, and the fear of pain can prevent war and lead the world to peace.

Naruto retorted loudly: "But such peace is simply a lie!"

Tiandao Payne obviously knew that this was a lie. He smiled contemptuously and said, "Human beings are not such intelligent creatures. Otherwise, it is impossible to create real peace."

"Maybe decades later, the pain will heal, and people will provoke war again. This time, they will use the tailed beast weapons themselves, taste the pain again, and then usher in a short-lived peace.

"In this never-ending river of hatred, a brief peace bred out of pain, this is my wish."

After listening to Tendo Penn's wish, Naruto remembered what Jiraiya said, Kaidō: "Pervy Sage has always believed that a peaceful world where people understand each other will eventually come, which is different from yours."

For this,

Tiandao Payne asked with disdain: "What can you do who can only talk but can't give an answer? What you can do is to give me the power of Nine Tails."


Tendo Penn inserted six more Chakra black sticks towards Naruto's back and legs, immobilizing Naruto directly.

"Okay, it's time to take you away."

at this time,

Hinata rushed out suddenly, threw a punch to force Tiandao Payne back, stood in front of Naruto and said firmly: "You are not allowed to shoot Naruto again!"

With Kong En's strength, he shouted anxiously: "Why did you come out? Run away, you can't beat this guy!"

Hinata didn't back down, clenching his fist Kaidō:

"I came here out of my own will, and this time I want to help Naruto."

"I only know how to cry, I gave up from the beginning, I almost went astray many times, it was Naruto who brought me back to the right path.

"I always chase Naruto, I want to catch up with Naruto, I want to go forward with Naruto, I want to stay with Naruto."

Hinata kept recalling the scenes where Naruto helped her in the past, and boldly said: "Naruto changed me, and Naruto's smile saved me. So, if it is to protect Naruto, I will not even be afraid of death!" "

"Because I like Naruto the most!"】

After seeing Nagato's understanding of peace and how to achieve peace, the audience can only use two words to describe him,


He actually intends to use violence to control violence, let everyone taste the pain, and use people's fear of pain to achieve a short-term peace.

Doesn't this mean that a bag of rice will "resist several floors" once in all parts of the ninja world?


If the future really develops according to his plan, there may be a day of peace in the ninja world.


The price of this short-lived peace is simply too great to accept.

compare to,

Everyone is more willing to accept the kind of peace in the ninja world that people understand each other in Jiraiya's mouth.


In addition to the shock of Payne's idea, the appearance of Hinata is even more shocking.

who would have thought,

When the huge Konoha was injured by Naruto, only Hinata dared to help.


This is also because Naruto has said before not to let other people meddle.


Now that Naruto is in danger and unable to fight, is there still no one to help?

What about the little Sakura people?

She was the loudest when she called Naruto back to protect Konoha, but now she is invisible and invisible?

[A group of barrage groups]

【 Naruto: Hinata? She likes me? Impossible. 】

【Ino: Wow, Hinata is really brave, confessing to Naruto directly in front of so many people!】

【Little Sakura: How can a girl as nice as Hinata like Naruto? It’s not because I read it wrong. 】

【Tooth: This boy Naruto is really blessed, Hinata is such a gentle and kind girl, it’s hard to find with a lantern!】

【Shino: I won’t contradict you this time, Hinata really deserves Naruto!】

【Hanabi: My sis, that's great!】

【Neji: Naruto, are you going to use this method to help me change the fate of the Hyuga clan?】

【Hyuga Hiashi: Hey, the female college is not allowed to stay. 】

【Iruka: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that brat is like that!】

【Kakashi: Teacher Iruka, you have to hurry up too, you are still single now, right?】

【Asuma: Kakashi, you still have the nerve to talk about others, don’t you too?】

【Two group of barrage group】

【Namikaze Minato: It seems that my son is also very attractive!】

【Kushina: I really like Hinata's character. He is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. He speaks in a soft voice, unlike me. 】

【Hyuga Hizashi: I agreed to this marriage for my brother!】

【Hatake Sakumo: Although she is not Payne's opponent, her bravery has surpassed most people!】

【No: As expected of the Hyuga clan, you can see through the potential in Naruto!】

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: Are you allergic to romance, old man? People don’t care about Naruto’s future, but stand out because they like it. 】

【Senju Hashirama: I did this bowl of dog food. 】

【Senju Tobirama: Brother, you know how to join in the fun. 】

The appearance of Hinata is really eye-catching,

But everyone still clearly knows that Hinata is not Payne's opponent at all, and can't play any role at all.


I only hope that Hinata's bravery can inspire more people to save Naruto.

At this time,

The video is exposed again on the screen.

【Hinata knew the opponent's strength, so she didn't intend to attack Tiandao Payne at all, but kicked a Chakra black stick suddenly.


Tiandao Payne quickly used Shenluo Tianzheng to bounce her out heavily.


Even after being knocked into the air for dozens of meters, Hinata just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then stood up and rushed towards Naruto.


Tiandao Payne just waved again,

Hinata was sent flying and rolled on the ground more than a dozen times before stopping.

Realizing that he couldn't get close to Naruto, Hinata had no choice but to use the soft step double lion fist to attack Tiandao Payne non-stop.


Her physical skills were not even at the level of meeting Payne, and she was completely teased in her hands.


Nagato's body coughed violently, and Tiandao Payne stiffened, and Hinata immediately seized the opportunity to interrupt a Chakra black stick again.

next second,

The recovering Tiandao Payne directly hit Hinata into the air with one palm, causing him to fall to the ground from a height of more than ten meters.


Naruto yelled worriedly.

Hinata was in a coma for a while, and then woke up when Naruto called, she stood up with difficulty, and tremblingly walked towards Naruto.

"Stop, Hinata, don't come here again."

But Hinata thought of Naruto's words of encouragement all over her mind, even if she fell to the ground, she would crawl to Naruto's side.

This scene,

Naruto closed his eyes in distress, not daring to look directly.

Tiandao Payne stood aside and looked at Hinata's desperate appearance, and asked in puzzlement: "I don't understand why you still fight against me with your strength! Why do you still fight when you know you will die?"

Hinata firmly grasped the black stick inserted in Naruto's hand, Kaidō: "Do what you say, go forward bravely, this is my way of ninja."

next second,

Hinata was sucked into the air by the Universal Pull, and fell hard to the ground.


Tiandao Payne stretched out the black stick and stabbed it directly into Hinata's abdomen.

this moment,

Naruto was stunned, looking at Hinata in a daze, his heart was filled with great anger, which would erupt at any time.

Tiandao Payne said lightly: "That's exactly what happened. My parents were also killed by you Konoha Shinobi in front of my eyes."

"Because there is love, there will be sacrifice, hatred will be derived, and suffering will be known!"

817 suddenly

Naruto's eyes turned into red animal pupils in an instant, and a scarlet Chakra pierced through the air, setting off a huge Chakra airflow.

As for Naruto,

He is swallowed by this dark and bloody chakra bag, turning into a human Nine Tails monster. 】

Seeing that Hinata was not trying to defeat Payne, but took the opportunity to fly Chakra's black stick that trapped Naruto, the audience couldn't help but give her a high look.

this woman,

It's not big boobs and no brains.


Her intentions were too obvious, and after being discovered by Tian Dao Payne, there was no chance to take advantage of her.

Although Hinata has been desperate,

But in the face of absolute strength, there is no chance of winning at all.


Her bravery in battle has been affirmed by everyone.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Kankuro: A warrior who charges for love!】

【Changjuro: This is a Husband-guarding Demon!】

【Chitu: Seeing Naruto burst into Nine Tails Chakra at the end, I can only say that my wife worships the heavens with boundless mana!】

【Temari: Hinata at this moment is the most dazzling existence in the audience!】

【Samui: Heavenly Dao Payne is really ruthless! Beat Hinata like this, you are finished!】

【Sasuke: What a waste, he can't even protect his own woman!】

【Naruto: I...】

【Tooth: Naruto, don't care if Nagato is your senior brother, directly explode Nine Tails Chakra fuck him!】

【Two group of barrage group】

【Kushina: I approve of this daughter-in-law!】

【Namikaze Minato: Our kid owes Hinata too much!】

【Ye Cang: Love really makes people brave. I really envy Naruto for having a girl who likes him so much and fights desperately for him!】

【Senju Tobirama: Nine Tails Jinchūriki went berserk, which shows that Hinata's status in Naruto's mind is still very high. It's just that Nine Tails' runaway doesn't seem to be good news for Konoha. 1

【Senju Hashirama: Anyway, Konoha has been nuclear-leveled, so where can it be destroyed again?】

【Uchiha Madara: Hashi hot mom, let's make a bet! Guess who is better, Nine Tails Jinchūriki or Tiandao Payne!】.

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