Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 83: Jiraiya's Three Regrets, Love, Teacher, And Disciple!

The bond between Jiraiya and Orochimaru is actually not so hard in the eyes of everyone. After all, Orochimaru's character is too bad to arouse everyone's resonance.


For Jiraiya himself, Orochimaru is still his inseparable existence.

In addition to having regrets about saving friends,

Jiraiya has had less luck in other ways.

【Regret in love】

[When I was a child,

Jiraiya met Tsunade under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and fell in love at first sight.

He stretched out his hand carelessly, and said with a silly smile: "It's our first time meeting, I'm Jiraiya! If you want a love letter, you can give it to me later, hehehehe!"


The three of Jiraiya Tsunade Orochimaru started a bell grabbing contest, and whoever fails to grab the bell will face the risk of being eliminated.

"If I grab the bell, will you date me?"

Jiraiya took the initiative to find Tsunade and made a bet with her.

For this,

Tsunade showed a very annoying look, and said ruthlessly: "Okay, if you lose, don't pester me anymore."

"That `s a deal!"

Jiraiya started warming up confidently, ready to snatch the bell.


Jiraiya's level was too low, and she easily fell into the trap set by Sarutobi Hiruzen and was hung upside down on the tree trunk.

time's up,

Tsunade and Jiraiya snatched a bell respectively, but Jiraiya was tied to a stake because of failure, and was not allowed to eat as a punishment.

"Hahaha, Jiraiya, I won the bet this time, and you are indeed the one out!"

Tsunade said proudly with her arms akimbo.


Jiraiya went against Summoning and came to Mount Myōboku by accident, where she got the guidance of Great Toad Sage, and began to learn fairy arts from Toad Fukasaku.


This kind of life is so boring that Jiraiya can't hold on any longer.


He suddenly thought that if he mastered the magic technique and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, Tsunade's attitude towards him would be very different.

"I'm going to be the strongest ninja and make that guy Tsunade change his mind!"

During the Second Ninja War,

The three of Jiraiya Tsunade Orochimaru sat in front of the fire to keep warm.


Jiraiya became interested and suggested, "Why don't we talk about our dreams?"

Tsunade gave Jiraiya a high look and said, "I thought you only had women on your mind, but your proposal tonight is quite interesting!"

"Let's start with Tsunade!"

"Me? I want to see every corner of the world."

Jiraiya said in admiration: "Seeing the world, what a grand dream!"

"Hahaha, it's actually a casino that wins all over the world. What is your dream?"

Jiraiya thought about it carefully, and then said with a blushing face, "My dream... Let's accept the hand that travels around the world with protection!"


Tsunade directly looked disgusted at Kaidō: "I refuse!"

After a while, Jiraiya had another good idea and suggested: "Yes, it's good that I can record my travel experiences, and I can also travel around the world with Tsunade!"

Tsunade ruthlessly refused again: "Go and go by yourself!"

Jiraiya said with a sad face:

" lonely!"]

Seeing that Jiraiya lost the bet with Tsunade, the ninja audience was shocked again.

turn out to be,

Tsunade's law of losing every bet is in front of Jiraiya, but winning every bet.

It's really a bit of a twist.

If Jiraiya can understand this early, presumably in the future when he goes to Rain Shinobi Village to investigate intelligence, Tsunade will bet that he can't come back, so he can return to Konoha alive.


Seeing Jiraiya taking Tsunade as a goal and working hard to practice, it is a video of her wholeheartedly wanting to travel around the world with Tsunade.

Everyone just found out,

Although Jiraiya looks like a scumbag, he is also very persistent in his feelings.


He has been waiting for Tsunade from the first time he saw Tsunade, until the moment of his death.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Temari: It seems that I misunderstood Jiraiya, he is a man who is consistent and never forgets his original intention!】

【Black Soil: No, you're wrong, Jiraiya's first choice has always been Tsunade, but he still has countless spare tires!】

[Samui: But it is undeniable that the relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade is indeed worthy of sympathy, and Kato Dan was involved in the middle! 】

【Shizune: Master Tsunade's ideal is not to win the world, but to lose the world, so that everyone knows her title of "Big Fat Sheep"!】

【Tsunade: Damn it, I'm someone who has won several times!】

【Jiraiya: You win when you are about to encounter something bad. 】

【Tsunade: I won anyway!】

Everyone knows about the relationship between Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Until the moment I met Tsunade for the last time,

Jiraiya didn't even make up her mind to confess her love that dusk afternoon.


It will also be his biggest regret.

At this time,

A new video was exposed on the screen.

【The Regret Between Master and Disciple】

【Teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen Edition】

[Konoha sixty years, Konoha Honkai plan begins, Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen battle on the roof of the arena stands.

Konoha Village is attacked by Orochimaru's huge Summoning beast,

Morino Ibiki and others went to stop the two-headed snake, but they were obviously overwhelmed.

Emergency moment,

Jiraiya fell from the sky standing on the head of Toad Zhong, and directly overwhelmed a big snake.


Looking in the direction of the arena, Jiraiya secretly said: Old man, don't die so fast!

The screen turns,

The top of Konoha Village was covered by dark clouds, and the drizzle kept falling, as if God was crying.

at the same time,

Konoha Village held a memorial service to commemorate the ninja headed by Sarutobi who died in the line of duty.

Jiraiya did not attend the memorial service,

He just leaned on the stump that was tied up by Sarutobi Hiruzen because he failed to snatch the bell, recalling the past bit by bit, with indescribable sadness and sadness on his face.

"After all, I still couldn't save the old man."】

After watching this video, the audience was also shocked and speechless. They did not expect that Sarutobi Hiruzen died because of Orochimaru.

Doesn't this mean that Orochimaru also committed suicide?

Thinking of the future Sasuke killed Orochimaru,

The audience's direct call to history is always surprisingly similar.


This incident should be difficult for Jiraiya to accept.


His best friend killed the teacher he respected, and he obviously came to Konoha but failed to save him in time, which inevitably became a great pity in his life.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Onoki: What? If history develops, Sarutobi Hiruzen will be killed this year?】

【Fourth Raikage: To put it bluntly, this screen appeared a little early, it would be great if it came later!】

【Luo Sha: Don't be kidding, I'll follow you later!】

【Terumi Mei: Both of you are not good people. One betrayed the people in the village in exchange for peace, and the other assassinated his son repeatedly. Death will have a greater effect on the ninja world. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen:………】

【Jiraiya: Orochimaru, it’s fine if you defect to Konoha, it’s really too much to kill our teacher!】

【Tsunade: Although the smelly old man is sometimes annoying, you can't kill him!】

【Orochimaru: In order to make the windmill of the ninja world move, this sacrifice is acceptable!】

【Qing: As expected of a person who has been with Danzo, he will sacrifice others every now and then!】


A new video was exposed on the screen.

【Disciple - Yahiko Nagato Konan Chapter】

[The Country of Rain, in the first cave.

inside the cave,

Jiraiya chewed on the instant biscuit, recalled Hanzo's words, and said to himself: "It's just like what that guy said, and it ended with Konoha's victory?"

Tsunade asked curiously: "What do you do next? Do you want to start a new journey again? To find the son of prophecy you said?"

"It should be! Start the journey again, and then write a book by the way!"

Feeling a little confused, Tsunade asked, "Why don't you stay in the village?"

"There is always a hunch in my heart that I will meet the person of destiny."


Orochimaru glanced cautiously into the shadows, gave Jiraiya a look, and informed that there was someone nearby.

Jiraiya immediately used Chakra to investigate, Kaidō: "It seems to be a child."

"Don't take it lightly! In this kind of place, even a small mouse may sneak up on us!


Tsunade shouted into the dark with a loud voice: "Don't hide, come out!"

It was Yahiko who came,

He came out boldly by himself and said cheekily, "Give us some food, please!"

Jiraiya asked, "Where are your parents?"

"Die in this war."

After listening to Yahiko's explanation, Jiraiya gave him the dry bread with some guilt.

At this time,

Yahiko hurriedly greeted the other two, shouting: "Konan, Nagato, come out. They don't seem to be bad people!"

Then the little man and Nagato came out cautiously, and took away the rations of Jiraiya and Tsunade, which made Tsunade a little upset.

The screen turns,

Jiraiya and the three of them finished their rest and were ready to return to Konoha,

But they found that the three of Yahiko had been following them like a follower, and they couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

have no choice

Tsunade scolded angrily: "Have the food been given to you just now? Why are you still following us?"

At this time,

Konan walked in front of Tsunade with his hands behind his back, and Tsunade was so frightened that he immediately put on a guard.


Jiraiya stopped her and told him to be calm.

as expected,

Konan held a flower made of bread paper from behind and gave it to Tsunade, and said obediently: "Thank you, this is the return gift just now."

Tsunade was very pleasantly surprised and asked, "Do you want to give this to us?"



Yahiko boldly walked up to Jiraiya and begged, "Teach us ninjutsu! I know you are ninjas from Konoha Village, right?"

Orochimaru reminded: "Do you want to kill these children? I have seen many war orphans, and their end is very miserable. Just killing them here may be better for these children than (Nono good) ..."

Jiraiya immediately stopped them and protected Kaidō: "Stop talking, Orochimaru. You and Tsunade go back first, and I will personally take care of these little guys temporarily! Wait until they can stand on their own, this is a little redemption." 】

See the first meeting of Jiraiya and Yahiko Konan Nagato and the formation of the final karma,

Everyone can't help but feel worthless for Jiraiya.

Obviously he kindly took care of Yahiko and the three, but he died at their hands in the future, which is really distressing.


Seeing what Orochimaru said, everyone felt that if Jiraiya had listened directly to killing Yahiko and the others, Konoha might not have been destroyed later, and Jiraiya would not have died because of it.


No one can predict the future, Jiraiya is just acting according to his heart.


Even if Jiraiya knew that he would die because of them, he couldn't ignore Yahiko and the three of them.

Want to say why?

Because Jiraiya is a shop of kind people.

[A group of barrage groups]

[Nara Lujiu: The real version of the farmer and the snake!]

[Yamanaka Haiyi: You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. It is better to keep your eyes open for doing good deeds in the future! 】

【Kakashi: This can even bring out the noble character of Master Jiraiya!】

【Baki: In short, no matter what the reason is, Nagato's stain of killing his teacher cannot be washed away, even if he is also a suffering person. 】

【Black Soil: I discovered that Orochimaru is the real prophet!】

【Chitu: Then I killed him?】

【Darui: Knife!】.

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