Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 86: Explosion, Immortal Jiraiya Vs Payne!

In everyone's opinion, Jiraiya's questioning who Nagato Payne really is is useless.


Nagato has changed the day Yahiko died, unless Nagato can be persuaded like Naruto at this time.

but apparently,

Jiraiya's eloquence is not as good as Naruto's.

The next fight is inevitable, and the only thing to be curious about is how Jiraiya will fight Payne.

At this time,

The video was exposed again.

【After seeing the Rinnegan in the eyes of the beast Dao Payne, Jiraiya secretly thought: Although it looks big on the outside, those Rinnegans are not deceiving!

"Nagato, are you Payne? Looks like you're not heading in the right direction! What happened to you guys after that?"

Regarding Jiraiya's concern, the animal said to Payne indifferently to Kaidō: "Outsiders like you don't need to know."

"You have changed, Nagato"


The beast Dao Payne directly used the Summoning Technique to summon a huge crab without saying a word, and spit out countless bubbles to wash Jiraiya's toad oil.

"As expected of my student, you know my weakness!"

The beast said to Payne indifferently: "Konan, you step back!


Nagato once again controlled the crab to attack Jiraiya with its huge pincers, but Jiraiya was not a vegetarian, so he manipulated his hair with his backhand and directly strangled the crab to death.


Jiraiya controlled her hair to turn into a long white snake and bit the beast Dopayne's body fiercely.

"Nagato, I want to ask you a few things, how is Yahiko doing now?"

Kaidō, the brute, said Payne in a nonchalant tone:

"There was such a guy."

"However, he's already dead."

Seeing that Payne didn't care about Yahiko so much, he was also a little angry when he came to "200", and said angrily: "Nagato, said before that you only wanted to protect the two of them! You used to..."

The beast said Payne was indifferent, "It's nothing, it's just that I have experienced war! Many people died here, and that kind of pain made me grow up."

Jiraiya continued to ask: "What's going on?"

"Hmph, an ignorant and stupid child will become an adult after knowing the pain, both in thinking and in speaking."

Jiraiya asked unwillingly: "So you gave up missing your friends? Is this what you understand as growth?"

The animal said Payne looked at Jiraiya proudly, and explained dismissively: "Teacher, after all, you are just a mortal. But now I have surpassed mortals and become a god!"

"I didn't expect you to be so paranoid! What on earth are you trying to do?"

Beast Dao Payne: "Bring a break to this war-torn world! Use the sealed tail beast to create a new Forbidden Technique, which can destroy a big country in just a moment!"

"How can that kind of thing put an end to the war? It will only make the war worse?"

The Lord said Payne: "Teacher Ziya, as long as they feel the pain of death, they will be afraid, and that fear will restrain the war, and the world is developing in a stable direction."

"Pain will make the world grow, just like me in the past..."

"And it takes God's help, because the world is a child.

Jiraiya angry Kaidō: "Is that your mission to teach the world to hurt in order to make it grow?"

"Yes, because I am a god of pacifism!"

Jiraiya said in a deep voice, "You've become a joker, Nagato!"

"Are you kidding? In my opinion, you are just a tiny existence that will never grow up!"

Wen Yan,

Jiraiya laughed a few times, unexpectedly he was ridiculed by his disciples.


He said no more and started to fight Nagato. 】

After watching this video, the one word that everyone felt from the words of the beast Dao Payne is: crazy!

Not to mention disrespectful eyes,

The whole person revealed a superior attitude.

Such a beast, Dao Payne, is really disgusting.

compare to,

The posture shown by Tiandao Payne is not even as arrogant as him.

【Two group of barrage group】

【Senju Tobirama: This bastard Dao Payne is indeed a bastard. I saw an unknown fire in my heart. What is he pretending to be?】

【Uchiha Madara: To be fair, this bastard is really a bit drifting like Payne. Crazier than our Uchiha clan!]

【Senju Hashirama: I can only say that he has not yet experienced the beatings in society!】

【Namikaze Minato: This is a battle between immortals and gods, Mr. Jiraiya, come on!】

【Third Kazekage: This Nagato is really a terminal patient of Zhong Er's disease! A proper neuropathy!】

【Third Raikage: Self-righteous, laughing to death!】

【Uchiha Fugaku: People don't understand, but still want to be a god?】

[Ghost Lantern Huanyue: Please, you two just start the fight, this conversation directly put me out of the sky!]

【No: If a friend can become a god after death, then the ninja world will be full of gods!】

For the gesture of the beast Dao Payne, the audience showed disgust, feeling that this man had something in his head to some extent.

It's not as good as the beast Dao Payne in the later period,

It looks more pleasing.

At this time,

New videos continued to be exposed on the screen.

【 Jiraiya rushes to Nagato, casts Summoning Technique on the way to summon Ken Toad, laughs and says: "I didn't expect to be ridiculed by a kid! But, speaking of it, I'm not a human anymore. It's Mount Myōboku Toad Sage, Master Jiraiya is me!"

at the same time,

The animal Dao Payne hid directly in the chameleon's mouth, hiding his figure.

Jiraiya folded his hands together and said to Gama Ken: "I want to summon those two immortals, so please help me buy time before then."

Toad Ken said honestly to Kaidō: "I know, although I'm useless, I will try my best!"


Jiraiya shook her hair to perform a sensory ninjutsu enchantment, and began to detect the beast Dopayne who was hiding.


A three-headed hellhound was directly brought out by Summoning and bit Jiraiya at a very fast speed.

"Have you seen the enchantment, grabbed it and used tactics with stronger attack power?"

"Toad Jian!!!"

Gama Jian's forehead was dripping with sweat, and Kaidō was very unconfident: "Although I am very useless, let me do my best!"

I saw Ha Toa Jian holding a steel fork in his hand to meet the three-headed dog and killing the three-headed dog, and directly locked the head of the **** dog with the fork, so that it could not move.

Jiraiya praised: "It's quite capable!"

"Nothing, I'm pretty useless."

Gama Ken embarrassed Kaidō.

At this time,

The locked Cerberus suddenly began to split, divided into three and began to pinch Hama Jian back and forth, and soon blood was seen on Hama Jian's body.


Although Toad Jian said that he was useless, he was very good at his skills. Even in the face of six hell dogs, he still showed good combat effectiveness and killed several hell dogs along the way.

"Are you okay, Toad Ken? If possible, please make it more beautiful!"

Toad Ken helpless Kaidō: "Because I'm very useless!"

"These guys are fighting more and more, first lure them to a narrow place and defeat them one by one!"

Wen Yan,

Toad Jian immediately jumped into a blocked passage to rest temporarily, but those hell dogs have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, even if they changed a few places, it would not help.

no way,

Facing the siege of Cerberus, Jiraiya rushed up and dropped several of them in seconds.


Toad Jian was bitten by five hellhounds, lying on the ground with scars, unable to resist.

"Sure enough, I'm very useless."


Jiraiya summoned them directly into the intestines of the giant toad and killed all the hellhounds at the same time.


The animal Dao Payne couldn't detect the breath of Jiraiya and the Summoning dog, and thought to himself: Did you escape first?

In the next second,

Jiraiya and Toad Ken reappeared, and directly attacked Shadow Clone, who crushed the chameleon to death.


The brute Dao Payne summoned another eight-foot bird that charged at Jiraiya with its indestructible beak.

"Oops, can I just give up?"

Just as Jiraiya was about to separate his palms, Toad Ken rushed forward with the shield on his head.


Faced with this impact, Ha Toa Jian was sent flying tens of meters, fell to the ground and fell on his back.

no way,

Jiraiya had no choice but to quickly run towards the inner passage. 】

After watching this battle between the Summoning beasts, everyone immediately had a great impression of Toad Jian.

This guy,

Honest and honest, strong.

Although I don't have much self-confidence and always say that I am useless, but I am not timid when fighting, and a bang bang is a violent output.

As if there were a toad alive,

You can trust it with your back.


It also seems to explain why Jiraiya did not Summon Gama Bunta, who has a stronger comprehensive strength, or Gama Hiroshi, who has first-class sword skills, but chose Gama Ken, who is inferior and honest.


To the surprise of the audience,

Where did this beast ask Payne to come up with so many weird Summoning beasts, and each of them has good strength and outstanding abilities.

A hellhound that can continuously regenerate and split, a chameleon that helps the master become invisible, and an eight-foot bird that soars through the sky

Is Nagato the director of the zoo?

[A group of barrage groups]

【Ibiki Morino: Is this the battle of the strong? The summoned Summoning beast is no longer something ordinary ninjas like us can touch!】

【Kakashi: Hey, when will my Summoning dog become so powerful!】

【 Might Guy: That's enough, Kakashi! At least your Summoning dog can help you track down enemies, while my turtle can only eat

【Darui: This Hama Ken is really loyal, and he is using his life to delay Jiraiya's time!】

【Changjuro: That is to say, Jiraiya's ninjutsu is changeable and full of tricks, otherwise the Summoning Cerberus alone is enough to drink a pot of people!】

【Orochimaru: Ten Thousand Snakes like to eat birds and lizards, right?】

【Jiraiya: In this case, next time you will only defend against the beasts!】


The video on the screen continues to be exposed...

[in the channel,

Jiraiya ran away desperately, while the Bachibird behind him chased after him, and dropped countless bird egg bombs, bombing wildly all the way.

Being so chased by the eight-foot bird,

Jiraiya could only hide in a narrower passage, so that the huge body of Hachidori could not get in.


This eight-foot bird is also extremely smart, flying to the front of the passage at a faster speed, waiting for Jiraiya to throw himself into the net.


Just when it thought it had caught Jiraiya, it turned out that it was just a Shadow Clone.

The real Jiraiya has already run behind Hachidori, and one move of Fire Style instantly turned it into a baked "just because"!

"It's done!"

Jiraiya said confidently.

In the next second,

A Summoning rhino suddenly appeared behind Jiraiya and knocked him flying.

Facing the second attack of the Summoning rhino,

Toad Jian rushed over suddenly, stunned the rhinoceros with a stick, and then lay tired on the ground gasping for breath.

"Thank you, Toad Jian!"

And at this time,

A Summoning bull was summoned again, and Jiraiya comforted him: "Head Jian, enough is enough, leave it to me later, you go back!"

"Understood, sorry!"


An acceleration of the Summoning bull sent Jiraiya heavily into the pipe.


Not only did Jiraiya not suffer any injuries, but a backhand burst out with a powerful Chakra, which directly sent the bull's huge body flying.

The animal said that Payne was startled and couldn't believe it.


Three eyes with white light appeared inside the pipe, like a monster with three heads and six arms.

After the figure can walk in,

This is Jiraiya in Sage Mode with the two Great Toad Sages on his shoulders.

"Going up!"


Jiraiya jumped into the air, and then made a gorgeous landing action, and the ground collapsed into a big pit in an instant, and the terrifying atmosphere was completely different from before!

The beast said that Payne hid in the dark and analyzed:

"The teacher's body form has changed in 3.5. It seems that whether it is Orochimaru or Jiraiya, Sannin can use unique power!"】

Seeing that Jiraiya turned on Sage Mode, black question marks appeared on the faces of the audience.

what's the situation?

Why is Jiraiya's Sage Mode different from Naruto's Sage Mode?

insist on saying something different,

Jiraiya became more like a toad after using Sage Mode, while Naruto completely maintained his own form.


Compared to Naruto's Sage Mode,

After Jiraiya turned on Sage Mode, the feeling of oppression is even stronger, probably because there are two idlers on him.

No wonder Jiraiya's strength is Sannin's strongest.

With the added power of Sage Mode plus the powerful support of two Great Toad Sages, it must be a level stronger than Orochimaru or Tsunade!


One hit two is not a problem.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Asuma: Sure enough, the longer the swing before casting the spell, the stronger the bonus to your own strength! Master Jiraiya's aura is really strong!】

【 Baki: Is this the reason why Jiraiya dared to go to the meeting alone and venture into Rain Shinobi Village? 】

[Heitu: Although he doesn't look as handsome as Xianming, the bonus in strength may be more! 】

【Darui: Logically speaking, Jiraiya + Sage Mode + two Great Toad Sages, how can this comprehensive strength be much stronger than Xianming? Hitting a beast like Payne shouldn’t kill him! 】

【Qing: If you deal with one, you won’t die. The problem is that as long as Tiandao Payne plays, Jiraiya won’t have any chance of winning!】

【Kakashi: Actually, the most important thing in the battle is intelligence! If it is the current situation where Payne’s Six Paths ability is known, even if Master Jiraiya can’t defeat Nagato, he will definitely be able to retreat!】.

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