Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter 91: Classic! Minato Flirts With Her Sister Under The Moon, Kushina Is In Full Bloom!

After seeing Kushina's treatment in Konoha Village, the ninja audience couldn't help but began to criticize the low quality of Konoha Village residents.

People left their hometowns and came to Konoha,

It's fine if you don't take care of it, and you even add insult to injury, mocking him as a foreigner.


Those who say these words are all children, but if adults don't teach them, children probably won't think so much, right?

As the saying goes,

Parents are children's first teachers.

If parents can establish a correct three views for their children, then children will not become people who like to bully their classmates and girls.

For example,

Shikamaru's father hoped that Shikamaru could follow his heart and not look down on Naruto or dislike Naruto because of other people's opinions.

At this time,

Videos of the Minatos continue to surface.


Kushina came home and yelled, "I'm back, is there anyone?"

She looked around, but found that the house was empty and there was no one.


Three evil figures crawled out of the window, they are the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi Village!

Realizing that something was wrong, Kushina ran away. She shouted desperately: "Is there anyone? Help!"


How could she, a child, run past the group of Cloud Shinobi Jōnin, and was easily caught up and tied up.

turn out to be,

Because Kushina has a special Chakra, which Cloud Shinobi Village covets, they go straight to Konoha and kidnap her.

Covered by the moonlight,

The Cloud Shinobi ninja bound Kushina and walked towards the border.

en route,

In order to leave traces, Kushina would constantly tear off her red hair and throw it on the road, carefully preventing the enemy from finding out.


Because she was an outsider, she didn't expect anyone to rescue her.


Having come to the border, Kushina is desperate.


The bright moon in the sky was blocked by clouds, and the whole forest became pitch black, bottomless.

At this time,

A small figure quietly followed up, taking advantage of Cloud Shinobi Jōnin's scornful kung fu to launch a surprise attack, knocking them down with three blows.


Even after one of the Cloud Shinobi Jōnin reacted, he was killed straight away.

For this,

Kushina didn't notice, she just walked forward aimlessly.

"Are you all right?"

Kushina looked up, and suddenly saw that the person in front of her was actually a classmate, Namikaze Minato.

Minato smiled and said, "I'm here to save you!"

Kushina immediately beamed with joy, but her body collapsed due to collapse.


Minato immediately hugged her and said with a smile, "It's all right."


Minato hugged Kushina directly in a princess hug, and stood on the treetop over the moon.

Seeing the red hair in Minato's hand, Kushina's eyes widened.

Minato Kaidō: "Very beautiful hair, so it's easy to spot."

Kushina's arrogant Kaidō: "Obviously you never reached out to help every time before!"

Minato's Kaidō from the heart: "Because I know very well that you are very powerful, whether it is strength or spirit! But this time, it is a dispute between villages, which is different from the previous small fights, so... I I do not want to lose you!"

Wen Yan,

Kushina asked blankly: "Even if I am a foreigner?"

"Why do you say that? You live in Konoha, you are Konoha's companion!"

that moment,

Kushina felt that Minato looked like a very good ninja, so she believed that Minato could realize her dream and become the Hokage of Konoha Village!

at the same time,

Because of Minato's praise, he felt that the red hair he hated so much became the red thread of his destiny, the person who brought her destiny.


She fell in love with her red hair, and she fell in love with Minato. 】

After this video, the audience said that this wave of dog food was almost stuffed to death.

See the classic scene of Minato holding Kushina across the moon,

Everyone couldn't help admiring it.

As expected of Yongdaimei, the kung fu of teasing girls is not inferior to Kato Dan.

Facing Kushina's doubts,

Minato tells everyone with actions that when dealing with girls, sincerity is the ultimate skill!


After savoring this video carefully, Yinjia set his sights on Cloud Shinobi Village again.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Onoki: Raikage boy, you Cloud Shinobi Village can be punished! Before you kidnapped Kushina, and later you kidnapped Hinata, you really caught the Minato family!】

【Luo Sha: That is, if the Fourth Hokage hadn't been so powerful and killed the three Jōnin in your village as a Genin, Kushina might have been captured by you!】

【 Terumi Mei: But this time, thanks to the kidnapping of their Cloud Shinobi Village, Minato can create an excellent scene where the hero saves the beauty! My heart is pounding when I see it! Who can save me once ah?】

【Fourth Raikage: What do you know, we just see that Kushina is having an unsatisfactory life in Konoha, and we just invite her to live a good life in our Cloud Shinobi Village!】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: You have a thick skin!】

【Little Sakura: Fourth Hokage-sama is strong, handsome, and has a high EQ. He is a girl's dream girl! But why does Naruto look so stupid, he doesn't understand the girl's mind at all. ...]

【Naruto: Don't say that, little Sakura!】

【Ino: In fact, Naruto is also very handsome when he grows up, but his EQ needs to be improved!】

【Tiantian: I really envy Kushina Aunt! Just the moon, just hugged by the princess, anyone would be moved!】

【Two group of barrage group】

【Kushina: Oh, how embarrassing, I was seen by everyone!】

【Namikaze Minato: Hahaha, it's okay!】

【Senju Tobirama: Pick up the hottest girl, give birth to the most ferocious cub, and get the fastest boxed lunch. It's you who will always bring the girl Hokage!】

【Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, I am also very pleased to see that Mito's clan has found such a good man to marry!】

[Vortex Mito: Kushina and Minato are a match made in heaven, but it's a pity that they sacrificed too early. 】

At this time,

A new video was exposed on the screen again.

[Kushina was chosen as the second Nine Tails Jinchūriki when she was a child, that is, to make her a Jinchūriki, he was brought from the country of vortex to Konoha.

Although Kushina is a foreigner,

But she seems to be born with a powerful Chakra that can seal the Nine Tails.

And at that time,

When Mito, the first Nine Tails Jinchūriki, came to the end of his life, Kushina became the second Jinchūriki.


When she was brought to Konoha, Kushina didn't know about it, and she was really shocked when she learned the truth.

at the same time,

This matter was also treated as a secret, and only a few high-level officials including Third Hokage knew about it, and even Konoha Sannin didn't know about it.

The stress and loneliness of being a Jinchūriki nearly overwhelmed Kushina.


The vortex Mito comforted her, "You and I came here to become the container of Nine Tails, you were shocked when you knew it? Sad and painful, right?"

"Listen, we are indeed containers of Nine Tails, but even if we live as Jinchūriki, there is a way to achieve happiness. First of all, we must fill the container with love, and even Jinchūriki can achieve happiness.

after that,

The relationship between Kushina and Minato is getting better and better, and they get love and happiness at the same time. 】

After watching this scene,

Everyone really feels sorry for Kushina.

as a foreigner,

After coming to Konoha, he became a tool man, which is really chilling.


Here she meets someone worth entrusting her whole life to, who can live happily, even as a Jinchūriki.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

Relatively speaking,

Konoha owes swirling Kushina too much.

As a Jinchūriki of Nine Tails, she was not given a good learning environment, nor a safe living environment.

If it weren't for Kushina's strength and strength,

I'm afraid he was defeated by loneliness long ago, and became the sacrificial offering of Nine Tails.

About Kushina's childhood is almost exposed, and the next is the video of Minato and his wife when they were young.

【Adult articles】

【In the hospital, after the examination, Kushina got the news that her due date will be October 10th.


Kushina immediately cheered up.

back home,

Kushina told Minato the news, and Minato, who was still cooking, asked in shock: "Is there a baby?"

"Yeah! I'm going to be a mother!"

"I'm going to be a dad?"

The two immediately hugged each other happily, happily passing through the months of waiting for delivery...

approaching the production date,

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Lake Biwa came to Minato's house and reminded: "Kushina, the time for childbirth is coming soon, and there are some things that must be explained to you. It is easy to cause Nine Tails to riot during childbirth, so I can only wrong you to go to a place a little farther from the village. Give birth in the barrier."

Minato then comforted: "Because there is still a seal, so I will be by your side when you give birth!"

Hiruzen said again: "Minato, these will be done secretly, and I will also let Anbu be in charge of guarding.

Minato was afraid that Kushina would be afraid, so he held Kushina's hand and said gently: "Don't worry, I will go there in advance to prepare."


Sarutobi Lake Biwa: "I'll take you there."

in the afternoon,

Kushina, with her big belly, followed behind Lake Biwa towards the secret production base.


Kushina found Uchiha Mikoto who was holding Sasuke, walked over happily, looked at little Sasuke and asked, "Is this a girl?"

Mikoto laughed, "It's a boy."

"It's so cute! What's his name?"

Mikoto doting on Kaidō: "Sasuke."

Biwako said with great surprise: "Oh, what about Third Hokage's father Shi Ming!"

Mikoto nodded,

"Yeah, we want him to be a great and powerful ninja like Sarutobi Sasuke-sama!"

Then Mikoto looked at Kushina again and asked, "Are you about to give birth too? It's better to choose a name first!"

"I've already taken it, and it's called Naruto. I'll be a classmate with Sasuke in the future, so we need to get along well.


Lake Biwa dragged Kushina away and reminded: "Your childbirth is a secret, even if you meet acquaintances, try to avoid it!"

"Okay, sorry!"

Lake Biwa continued to chatter: "Although the location is far away from the village, but because it is confidential, so even if there is labor pain, try to keep your voice as low as possible."



Kushina came to a secret stronghold outside the village, with more than a dozen Anbu guards outside, and the defense measures were extremely safe. 】

Seeing Kushina and Minato love the baby so much, one can imagine how much they would love Naruto if they were still alive.

but now,

Naruto's living conditions are not to say very bad, but they are not much better. The place where he lives is still a broken apartment.

Just unexpectedly,

Kushina and Mikoto have such a good relationship, and they have agreed to let each other's children get along well since they were young.


Judging from the incompatible attitude of Naruto and Sasuke,

Apparently Kushina and Mikoto's expectations fell through.

[Bullet chat group 4.7 group]

【 Baki: I really don't understand, how did Obito get Nine Tails with Fourth Hokage on the sidelines!】

【Heitu: Don't worry about it, he's just a bastard! Fourth Generation is his teacher, so he can't sneak attack on his master and wife!】

【Chitu: That's right!】

【Darui: Now I am a bit puzzled that the news of Kushina's childbirth was so tightly sealed back then, how did Obito know? Could there be a spy?】

【Greek: Could it be that Uchiha Mikoto tipped off the news?】

[Changjuro: This is unlikely! The relationship between Mikoto and Kushina is obviously a girlfriend! 】

[Qing: Actually, I can see why the Uchiha clan was rejected by Konoha's senior management. Because Fugaku actually named his son Sasuke, this is not intentional

Is Daime a head?]

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: Don't talk nonsense, I never thought about it!】

【Sasuke: My name still has this kind of origin?】

【Naruto: Hmph, you stinky bitch, you don't deserve the name Sasuke at all!】


【Two group of barrage group】

【Really Red in the Past: I really don’t want to recall that night!】

【Namikaze Minato: If I had known that the masked man was Obito, maybe the ending would have been different!】

【Uchiha Fugaku: In fact, I also regret that I should not have followed the arrangement of the Third Generation in order to avoid danger. If you used Sharingan to control Nine Tails, it would be relatively easy for you to seal Nine Tails

A lot!】

【Uchiha Madara: A small Nine Tails can turn Konoha upside down, it's really ridiculous! Is such a Konoha worthy of dancing?】.

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